What is the Deal with Bohemian Grove?


4 years ago



Duncan Trussell

62 appearances

Duncan Trussell is a stand-up comic, host of the "Duncan Trussell Family Hour" podcast, and voice of "Hippocampus" on the television series "Krapopolis." www.duncantrussell.com


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And I say this many times, and I'll say it some more. Give me that later. You got it, Fred. Alex Jones, he's made some mistakes and some big ones, but he's also actually exposed some real shit. And he owns up to the mistakes he's made. They're not good. He doesn't think they're good. There's a thing about finding conspiracies everywhere that's not good for your brain. I really believe this. I think that if you go looking for those things and that's all you look for, and you look for them all the time, you can get real paranoid and real crazy. And then there's also a bunch of people that are trying to stop you from doing that because you do expose some crazy shit. He was talking about Epstein a long time ago. I know. A long time ago. He was saying there was a fucking island, and they take all these rich politicians and some celebrities, and they bang these kids. And I was like, come on. He was telling me this a long time ago. So he's also the one who told me about Bohemian Grove. Well, I actually watched it. I think this tape was actually made before I met him. So he went and snuck in to this place where former presidents go. There's a photograph of Ronald Reagan with Herbert Walker Bush and a couple other people all standing around. And it's like these are the people that used to hang out at this place, and they would put on robes, and they would worship an owl god, and they would burn an effigy. And Alex snuck in and made video footage of this shit. And no one's denying that it's real. This really did happen. So they're in with these bankers and former presidents, and they're dressed like druids. And some guy brings over something that's an effigy that's supposed to be a body, a wrapped up effigy. It's a bunch of sticks in a blanket, but it's shaped like a body. And they drop it on the fire, and they're all worshiping an owl god. Why is that bad? Imagine if you saw those, if that's what your business is, just finding those things. How crazy do you think you get? First of all, wait. Then you add in vodka and head wounds. Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. I'm gonna add in the vodka and head wounds part. What do you mean? It's Ralph Jones. Okay, I got you. A lot of vodka, and he had a bad head injury. God damn it, man. When I was in liberal arts school, man, there was this great teacher who changed my life, Sam Scoville. And one of the things he taught was so beautiful. He still teaches there. One of the things he taught was figure out a way to take in all information and then filter out the shit that's not real and keep the real stuff. And Alex Jones is like, let's... Yeah. Some of the stuff is real. Take what's real and throw out the rest. There's a good chunk of it that's real. Like I remember he was telling me that there's governments using chemicals that are turning frogs gay. I was like, what? What are you talking about? He was, yes, he was pesticides that are turning frogs gay. And I'm like, that can't be real. No, there really is. Is that true? Yes, there's pesticides that change frogs' genders. What? Yes. Yes. But some pesticide fucks with frogs' genders. That sucks. Maybe it doesn't. I mean, depends on the frog. Maybe it's awesome for the frog. Maybe frogs don't give a fuck because they've never been taught homophobia. Why would they care? They don't care who they fuck. But there's a real thing that... See if you can find that. It's a pesticide that has some sort of an effect, an unintended effect on frogs' genders. Dude, that's another thing that people don't talk about. Pesticides that have been used in golf courses and there's people who live around those. That's a chemical dump. Yeah, golf courses are fucked up. Pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into females. Cool. So this is a fucking pesticide that changes the gender or should I say the sex? Is it the same thing? What? Sex and gender. Hey, I'm not getting sucked into that fucking black hole, Rogan. You can keep that shit to yourself. But hey, I'll get sucked into another black hole. Isn't that crazy though? Well, yeah. Okay, what else? Before we get into that stuff, I want to say this real quick. Is that camera on me? Friends at the Bohemian Grove. Future friends, I should say. I just want you to know. I don't know much about you. I know Alex Jones, you know, probably on vodka drinks. I don't think he was then. I think he was sober. He started drinking after all this. Please don't fuck this up. Sorry, sorry. He had an infiltrator. Look, I went to a summer camp. We had bonfires. We wore robes. I mean, not like maybe what you do. I just want to say, hey, come on. Invite me. Please. I won't tell anybody anything. I've heard you guys are pretty awesome. Actually, what I've heard is the idea was to get a bunch of hardcore Neocons together and then mix some artists in in the hopes that like having like brushing shoulders with artists would in some way, shape or form loosen some people up a little bit. And I've also heard you have a tram that connects campsites there to other campsites, meaning you just get in the tram and suddenly you're hanging out with Dick Cheney. Listen, I won't tell anybody. I got a podcast. I want you to tell Joe. Let me in. I worship Moloch. I won't worship Moloch if it means hurting people, but I don't understand why people are upset about fucking. By the way, there are that's that you have fucking video. Why is what's wrong with worshiping? Nothing. This is the thing. So excited. This is the thing that I get confused about. OK, it's like in our country, we've got people who are Christian. Yes. And that's a beautiful thing. And I do love Jesus. I was reading the book of Mark today regarding the parable of the sower. But that being said, I don't think it's fair necessarily to tell people they can't worship an owl or burn an effigy in front of an owl and some kind of symbolic magical ritual that represents the disintegration of your negative energy or whatever it may be. I really don't know. But that'd be you know, to me, that's the other problem that's happening right now is like superstition is running rampant. I'm friends with lots of witches. I know a few Satanists. I know a few people are under the occult. And I don't know a single one of them that would tolerate child abuse. I don't know a single one that wouldn't kill somebody. Some of them would kill people if they thought they were hurting kids, not in and make it so that nobody found the body. Some of the Satanists I know they would kill some they would kill someone probably. I don't know for sure. I'm not trying to throw any Satanists under the bus. But I'm just saying like this idea that we can't have alternate alternate pagan religions in our country without immediately being associated with human sacrifice or child abuse. I think that goes against the American spirit. It's like, look, because people don't want to subscribe to your particular, like very popular global religion doesn't necessarily implicate them in like something that is truly a horror, which is human trafficking. So to me, this is the problem is like, man, we got to be a little bit more nuanced in our apprehend or not in our conceptualization of these people. Again, I don't know what's going on at the fucking Bohemian Grove. But from what I've heard, it's basically a summer camp for billionaires, where they try to get artists in there to like loosen them up a little bit. That's what I've heard. I could be wrong. Who told you this? This I honestly can't fucking say. Hmm. Hmm. Interesting. Look, man, I don't know. And I know I've seen the video. Bohemian Grove. Have you seen it? The ritual in front of the apple guy. You've seen it? Yeah. Dude, go come with me to Burning Man. And you will see that. Oh, I'm sure every 50 feet. Look, I don't think it's that big of a deal. I really don't. If it involves hurting kids, it's a big deal. And if these motherfuckers are doing anything that involves human sacrifice, hurting human beings in any application of that, of course, then it's the worst thing on earth. And I'm so sorry that I said anything about it. But I don't think that's what this is. I mean, obviously, what we're seeing is not that we don't know what else happens. But what you're seeing is them burning sticks in front of this owl god. And it's like this crazy, crazy speech they're given while it's going on. It's really weird. Hey, can we hear some of it? The speech. I don't know where the speeches in the video. I found another video where they like stabilized the footage. Oh, it's like, but I mean, before, before this, nobody really believed that. And now they're lighting the effigy on fire and everybody's cheering. It looks fine. Emily Kubrick had this quote once to Nicole Kidman, I think it was they're working on Eyes Wide Shut. See if you can find what she said about the elites that he had said say, I know I saved it, I can find it if I have a chance to look at my laptop. But it was something about him, you know, talking about the powers that run the world and that they all have something on each other. And that's how they all can stay together. They all compromise each other. That's what Skull and Bones is about. That's what all that stuff is about. So he had a much more concise quote on that. But when you see something like that, you go, well, maybe it's like fun that they do it that nobody knows they do it. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Like, maybe it's like one of those rituals where you get together, your dad thinks it's hilarious and you both put your hoods on, you go out there and you burn the owl or you burn the sticks in front of the owl. And what's fun is that you're not supposed to be doing it and it's a secret, but nothing really is happening. That's also on the table. Yeah, it's possible. But it is fucking weird, man. That was weird. Episodes of the Joe Rogan Experience are now free on Spotify. That's right. They're free from September 1st to December 1st. They're going to be available everywhere. But after December 1st, they will only be available on Spotify, but they will be free. That includes the video. The video will also be there. It'll also be free. That's all we're asking. Just go download Spotify. Much love. Bye bye.