Trump's Nickname for Nancy Pelosi? | Joe Rogan & Nick Di Paolo


6 years ago



Nick Di Paolo

4 appearances

Nick Di Paolo is a writer and stand up comedian. Check out "The Nick Di Paolo Show" at and on YouTube -


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My my Trump kept calling Jeb Bush low energy. Yeah, I was laying on the couch going that's fucking me. He's talking about I'm laying on the couch and I hear about somebody dying in an avalanche You know I watch shit on tea and I laugh because I would never fucking be dropped off in a helicopter at the top of a mountain You go snowboarding. Yeah, and then they die. I'm laughing my balls off. I'm eating a bag of chips Well, the one person he's never called anybody anything is Nancy Pelosi and people like why hasn't he come up with a nickname for her yet? Yeah, you know Because you can't say content that's gonna cost him the election that'll cost him in 2020 Simmons had a joke about that. He's like it's countdown until Trump That thick-ankled dog face, that's what I call Hillary I don't even color What what kind of a nickname if you were gonna help him like if he hired you like Nick Pelosi I need a solid Republican comic to help me with my one-liners. What do you think? Well, I call her on my show I for her to the The leathery nippled Mmm, that's too too wordy. I think she was pretty good looking each was a catch in our day like a lion Ted Okay. Yeah Fucking naughty Nancy. What did he call Hillary? Crooked Hillary Crooked Hillary Lion Ted how about energy jab? How about I? yeast infection and heels How about lying liberal Mmm Fuck stick. Do you know that she's worth a hundred million dollars? Yes, I do. She represents the little people Joe She represents the working class, you know, she has fucking walls around her mansion Meanwhile people laying their own feces in San Francisco Well that Laura Loomer chick the chick that handcuffed herself to Twitter She hopped Nancy's fence and who started setting up a like a migrant camp Nancy's law. Did you see that happened? What was the result illegal? She's doing something illegal. She's trespassing I would say to Nancy I'd be outside. I was going this fence is immoral. Hmm, right build that wall or don't I always think the wall stupid when we have machine guns and tanks and flame throwers like I took You don't have to kill I'm serious about this you're gonna laugh okay and I cuz You don't have to but seriously, I love how we rule out Lethal force as far as protecting our border. That's not even on the plate So I okay, it's too medieval to pick somebody off as they're climbing the fence But okay use something less lethal a super soaker filled with cat piss