Joe Rogan on Antifa Not Knowing How to Fight


6 years ago



Nick Di Paolo

4 appearances

Nick Di Paolo is a writer and stand up comedian. Check out "The Nick Di Paolo Show" at and on YouTube -


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Comics have a lot of punk in us, you know, but I didn't start this. The fucking brawl breaks out. I'm watching it. Two tables, girls and guys involved. There's a girl in the middle with her fists up like she took three fucking... Tybo classes. Tybo classes. And she takes a swing and hits one of the bounces. I watch this other bounce and come across the room and drop her like a fucking used rubber. I mean, hit her like she was a guy. Really? Oh my god. I don't know how this guy didn't do jail time. But these broads, this is what this feminist movement has taken them. Now they jump in. Every time you see a fight at a football game, the stands is women involved in shit. They really fucking think, I'm sorry, but legislation, you can't fucking legislate the DNA out of us. And they're always in the middle of it. You notice that? A lot of fucking broads think they can duke it out now? Well, there are a bunch. Right? They have a delusional idea. Not all, but yeah. Yeah, they seem too many Wonder Woman movies. Exactly. They've been brainwashed. Well, there's a lot of people in general that think they could go around punching people. How about all these Antifa dorks that are starting fights? Yeah, at least show your face. Well, they're not like that. They're starting fights with people and they have zero idea how to fight. They're swinging at people. Did you see the one guy? A guy swings at this guy with a bat or with a baton. The guy catches the baton and punches him in the face and chaos him. And his head snaps back and his head bounces off the concrete when he falls down. It's awful to watch. What the fuck made you think you could just hit a man with a stick because you guys disagree with each other? Yeah. And you're right. When they interview them after, a lot of times they, not even after a fight, but they interview some of these Antifa, they sound almost swishy, some of them. Swishy. Like homosexual? That's what you're saying? No, I wouldn't go that far. Weak. Of feminine. Well, they want to become a... Look, Antifa is just like any other group of people. They give you a community, whether it's a gang or whether it's a criminal organization or whatever it is. People fall in line with the sensibilities of that organization and then you do what you can to support that organization, to show that you're a valued member and then you start wearing their fucking ski masks and hitting people with sticks and everybody's practicing karate in the park because they think they're going to be able to defend themselves. The whole thing is ridiculous. But... Because their life has no value outside of that. Well, isn't it weird to you that, look, my parents were hippies. And when I grew up, I always thought that people on the left were peace loving. That was what the knock was. They were peace loving, well educated. But you're seeing now people on the left, like these certain factions of them, not all of them, but people that are calling for violence. They have violent pacifists, ironically. Yes. Well, they don't want to do it themselves, but they're calling for other people to do it. Right. Yeah. They're calling for people to get punched. Like that kid with the MAGA hat, like Reza Azlan-Rone. Have you ever seen a more punchable face? Yeah. What the fuck are you saying? Yeah. It's like this extreme lack of empathy for young people too. Like young people that don't fall in line with their ideas, they don't give a fuck. They're like, fuck that kid, punch him, throw him in jail, lock him up. It's just like, there's a lack of empathy and a lack of thought behind it. And social media is only throwing gas on that. Yes.