5 years ago
4 appearances
Tom Green is a comedian, actor, musician, filmmaker, and podcaster. Catch him on "The Tom Green Podcast" or live on tour in 2024. www.tomgreen.com
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
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I just watched the movie about the free climbing movie that's playing on the plane. The guy that climbed the... Alex Honnold. Yeah. He's been on here, I'm sure. Yes, he has. Wow. I know. It's like to focus on something that... How many people live... He's the only person that had done that, is he? Or the fastest who had done it? I think he's the only person who did it without ropes. Yeah. Yeah. To see somebody that decides, like I said earlier, we're going to make tents. I want to make tents. I want to climb that. Yeah. You get to meet so many people like that. Yeah. That must be fun. Well, it's very important for me as a person who's trying to figure people out, is to be able to see this insane spectrum of exceptional people. Right? To see someone like Alex Honnold, who's a really fascinating guy. Yeah. Very fascinating guy, because he's really smart, and he's really tuned in, and he's really mellow. He's got hands like sausages, right? Yeah. And this motherfucker's... They look like they've changed. ...shoving him in cracks. His hands have evolved or something. Climbing up these fucking... The surfaces of these insane rocks. Yeah. Dude, he was telling us a story in the podcast of one time. He was halfway up the side of the fucking mountain, and he realized he didn't bring his chalk with him. So he found some other climbers that were on their way up that were on ropes, and he said, hey, do you think I can borrow some chalk? And this guy goes, yeah, I have an extra bag. Here, take it. So he's fucking 1,000 feet up, just hanging on, finding other people who are connected to the ropes, and they give him a bag of chalk. This story's over. And then he leaves it at the top of the mountain, because he passes that. Yeah. And he's not using any ropes. Yeah. Man. Did you see this video where Jared Leto was climbing with Alex recently? It's like about March. Oh, I heard about this. Did he fall down or something? He came very close. I'll show you. This is the... Don't show me. I'll freak out. The rope got down to that 600 feet above the ground. Wow. Oh my God, that's terrible. That's not good. Yeah. Who? Holy shit, dude. Fuck all that. Look, I know it's fun, guys. I jumped out of an airplane with Jared Leto once. Did you really? Yeah, with Jared Leto. Why? Well, it was... We went to Paris, California together with a group of people, and I had always said, I am never going to jump out of an airplane. That was always my thing that I said my whole life. Never going to jump out of an airplane. Never going to go parachuting. Have you ever done parachuting? No. Exactly. I feel the same way, but I still ended up doing it, because we drove out there together, group of people, and I realized on the drive that I was the only person that wasn't jumping out of the airplane. Oh, Jesus. And for whatever reason, my competitive spirit got the best of me. I said, there's no way I'm going to be the one that didn't jump out of the airplane on the way back. So we suited up, and I had just done that movie, Charlie's Angels. And there was a lot of parachuting in it, and the stunt coordinators from that movie were taking the cast out to jump out if they wanted to. So I went, and Jared Laita was there, and my friends were there. And I did it. I did it. And I didn't regret it, but I'll never do it again. It was amazing. It was exciting. It was tandem. You have a guy, you're strapped onto a guy. Guys on your back, right? Guys on your back. Oh, you on his back? He's on your back. He's on your back? I don't like that. You go, and the crazy thing is you go, and you flip, you flip, and then immediately you see the plane. The plane is filling your peripheral vision, and then immediately the plane goes from, get small. Oh my gosh. And you realize, wow, that perfectly good airplane, as they say, that perfectly good airplane is getting a lot further away. And now, the weirdest part about it was, this was 20 years ago now, or 18 or whatever, but now you're doing this, right? And you kind of realize, hey, we've got some sort of control because there's another guy over there. He's kind of far away. And all of a sudden, you lean into it, and you fly up to him like Superman. And now you're this far away. This far away, he's got a video camera on his head. I don't know where the tape is. And you're looking at each other. And it's amazing and exciting. And then the thing that was weird about it is then you pull the shoot, or the guy on your back pulls the shoot. And now you're hanging from ropes. Your shoot's open. And you'd think that would be the time where you can relax. But to me, the one time I've done it, talking about parachuting like I know about it, the one time I've done it 18 years ago, that's the scariest moment. Because now, you're sort of realizing that the only thing preventing you, and you're looking at your feet, now you're looking at your feet hanging below you, and you're feeling these ropes. And so I'm holding the ropes and going, these ropes give like nothing between me. And it was an amazing experience. Huge adrenaline rush. Will never do it again. Because now at least I can say, I've done it. Even though I didn't ever want to have to be able to say that. Now that I have said it, there's no reason to do it again. But who knows, maybe I will end up doing it. You should jump out of an airplane. You should jump out of an airplane. I can't believe you haven't actually. I'm surprised you haven't. I think you got a contact, high sun. There's no reason for that. Yeah, I think you should do it. I think you would dig it. If I lived, yeah. Yeah, you would live. Seems fun. You go with one of those. I'm not into thrills like that. You get your adrenaline from all the other stuff. Well, it just seems like a strange way to get a thrill. I'm not trying to knock anybody who doesn't, but it's a strange way to get a thrill. Let's pretend we're dying. Oh, psyched. We're not dying, but now we're hanging. Yeah. On our way down. Oh, yeah. Isn't it pretty? Yeah. I get it. I get it, but I don't think I need that in my life. No, you don't. That's what I always said too. It's not necessary. I ended up being ... Whenever you're going to get in a situation where you end up going out to a parachuting thing with a bunch of people unless you're in a relationship and the person you're with is going and you go with them because they're going and then all of a sudden you're there and you're going like, I'm not going to be the chicken shit. Yeah. You're going to do what you got to do. Safe face. Yeah. Almost die. Yeah. Safe face. People do die. You know what's fucked up about it is that's one of those things that you do it and you think like, oh, I'm going to be okay. And then one time maybe you're not. And that's all it takes. I think it was ... Was it Red Band's dad? His friend worked with a lady. Was it a lady that was really in the sky diving? She was always trying to get him to do it. And then one day he showed up at work and she wasn't at her desk. And so what happened? I was just dying. Yeah, it was sky diving. Yeah. Died sky diving. Fuck all that. Fuck all that, dude. I just want to get a thrill when I'm not dying. It's kind of a predictable outcome, right? Yeah. It's like ... Could have anticipated that. Yeah. It's enough. Enough. Enough. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.