Theo Von Tried Ketamine Therapy


3 years ago



Theo Von

7 appearances

Theo Von is a stand-up comic and podcaster. He is the host of "This Past Weekend with Theo Von."


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Yeah, that's what I realized that something was going on. I didn't know what it was a lot of it was anger man I'm angry at what I don't know nothing no specific reason. I tried everything I tried like I've just done a ton of yoga. I did yeah, yeah, and that amazing I don't know leaving anger. Oh, you're so peaceful after you get out of there yoga Meditation I try the ketamine I always do the nasal spray. No, I did the shoot them. Oh, did you really you do the IV? Yeah, you went to a doctor successions. Yeah with a therapist in the room. Did you trip balls? Bro I thought it was a tonsil. There was a time. I thought I was a tonsil a tonsil. Maybe you are huge Totally I wouldn't be sure we're all cells in a tonsil Cuz you know how like an atom if you think of an atom most of it is like empty space Right. Yeah, just like a solar system, right? Maybe that's like the whole universe is like an atom Oh, I wouldn't be shocked by and you really are an atom in a tonsil But that the reveal on that wouldn't be I need something dark I need something more than that. I want you thought you were tonsil. Tell me what the experience was like Okay, so they put you in the thing you're sitting there in the chair and then suddenly like You have your eyes closed and you're talking with a therapist the whole time during this place. Is he talking too much? No, like me No, I don't think I'm glad you talk cuz I don't it's hard for me The most I've ever talked to my life is a couple times a few Okay, so I'm sitting there in the chair and the man named John Serp the Sherpa kind of you're in there with a Sherpa. It's a lot. I thought it was a like a counselor or something I mean, he had a whistle around his neck But but it was sanctioned it's in a beautiful facility. It's a nice facility. So go in they put it in you I'm sitting in the chair and a whistle. I Think it would like it might have been a safety PC ad from being a child or something about he could have been I Don't know lifeguard. I have no idea what the past was like But he was a nice guy, but he's a therapist So I'm sitting there and I start dreaming, you know, like a regular dream, you know, I start dreaming a little bit I'm still talking to him And then I start talking about being a kid, you know I love thinking about being a kid and stuff and so I start talking about being a child and then I start talking about my dad and now I like the darkness is starting to have like kind of shapes in it and Things are starting to feel that I'm talking about are starting to feel real like this feels real I'm sitting in here with you and there's this table here and this so I can feel this feels real Jamie's right there So things like that I'm talking about start to feel it has a feeling not just a vision So I started to feel I was talking about my dad and next thing you know, I'm spending time with my dad like I'm With my dad. Whoa, and I and you know and I ain't gotten to spend time with my dad in 20 years so like I'm And I remember I got to let my dad know that I loved him I didn't know if he ever knew you know and it was this crazy thing dude I'm sitting there and I'm ball and crying and like I didn't plan on that when I went in there But it felt like I was really with my like it felt as real as sitting here with you Which for for somebody being deceased and gone it was so powerful I would think that that would be a hard thing to share with someone you don't know. I Guess that maybe that's where the Academy really comes in and I didn't It didn't bother you that you didn't know and I'm okay with shit. I shared a lot of emo I share a lot of it like yeah, I share a lot of emotional stuff So I think I'm probably more prone to it maybe than some people But I would just imagine that like if you don't know this man and you're sitting down and it's like an intensely personal part of your life Well, he became the therapist became Just somebody I would check in I would say John is everything okay? Am I okay because I started to feel then I started to slide down the edge of the universe for a minute What's that like? It was it was it was hard. It was hard because you don't have any ropes or anything. I mean you're out there this You're like You know hope solar your solo hope or whatever that guy who's who climbed that guy you see you had him on free solo Alex You're like that too, but there's no but there's no mouth No ropes no amount, but you have it. I do you do have a bag of chalk on your belt I didn't notice that but I felt like a cryptocurrency. I felt myself like going through these channels And then I came back to another moment. I got to spend time with oh, I got to see my mom when she was a kid Which I thought was kind of interesting Wow and just see that she was like a Happy child or something you know or just I don't know so there was moments like that for me that were extremely intense and real And otherwise it was a lot of moments where I was just out of my I was out of the chair I remember some points thinking how am I ever gonna get back into that chair? They'll never get me back in there. I was just so far out in my head. How long did it last? It felt like it lasted for about maybe Maybe Maybe 13 minutes, but it was an hour Neil Brennan told me about it first he was the first guy to tell him about it I'll never forget we're in the hallway of the comedy store. You know Neil's an intense guy. He looks at me and he goes He's like I was tripping He goes I didn't know what it was gonna be because I was fucking Tripping and it was for him. It was to deal with depression Yeah, we said it was very effective Wow to help them a lot I Took away from it if you had like us some severe tragedy or something like that Then it would really help for me. It didn't feel like a long-term solution. It didn't help me with my anger really So what do you think your anger is coming from? I don't know man I don't recognize you as an angry guy like you and I have only had laughs Yeah, you and I have been hanging out. It's always been just like this fun Yeah, I think I think some of its maybe responsibility Responsibility makes you angry Yeah, I think sometimes I think maybe I Think I thought that whenever my life got a like whenever I got more success in my job or something that I would feel Some Satisfaction something like you feel like you made it. I thought I would feel like yes different And I'm feel appreciative. I feel happy and I'm not saying I'm amazing in my job But I'm once I started to have some success in my job That I would feel different. I see what you're saying and I just didn't I Don't know you're still the same everything still kind of this you still have all the same things You know you ever have imposter syndrome I've heard about it. You don't have that I don't know if I do the idea is that you can't believe that you're successful and you feel like Eventually the world's gonna wake up and go why the fuck am I this guy out here talking crazy shit? About his cousin getting bit by a gay guy Well it happened on Halloween You know What happened Los Angeles do kills me if I can happen in Los Angeles the guy was dressed up like a baby deer And my cousin loved a deer hunt that was a crazy part So the dude comes out and he you know his first instinct is to feed him or whatever you know Sprinkle that piss out there whatever And the fucking dude bit him man That's you know That's Newsom a guy biting you is it Newsom's fault I'm willing to go with you and blame Newsom watch the entire episode for free only on Spotify