5 years ago
5 appearances
Luis J. Gomez is a stand-up comic, writer, and producer. He's a host of multiple podcasts, including "Legion of Skanks" with Big Jay Oakerson and Dave Smith, and "Real Ass Podcast" with Zac Amico. www.luisofskanks.com
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
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This is the big one is immigration to me because immigration to me when people take a hard line one way or the other I'm always like man. This is a weird one immigration is a weird one You don't want to diminish the quality of life for everyone in the country But you don't want to not let people in because that's what the country is based on and you see these fenced in people And where is it is it El Paso? There was something that they had on the news They showed all these people fenced in and what looks like a dog kennel and these these People that snuck across the border and they captured them so they put them in this fucking Outdoor fenced in cage like dude. We don't even do that to violent murderers. Yeah, you have a violent murderer There's due process. Yeah, but not just due process you put him in a prison man, right? Like they don't have the facilities to do what they're doing, right? And then people like well, they shouldn't be coming across the border what I guess so but wouldn't you I'm also like Wouldn't you who cares like I understand. Yes, there is sort of a But anybody who is up in arms about immigrants coming into this country? Most of the time they're also on one side of the political spectrum on every other issue. It's not like it's an independent thought It's like they and everybody that's on both sides, you know, and you know, I just sort of I'm gonna I have my own personal life philosophy where I'm not gonna solve the immigration issue and to be honest as we're talking about I'm going like I have no idea what the answer is here people are obsessed with being right people always want to have an answer I don't fucking know but I do know that I have things in my life that you know, I can fix I know there are you know, the things about my personality and things about me and my own, you know My own issues that I need to fix so I'll sort of start there, you know, and I think more people need to kind of You know before they start espousing opinions look at themselves and figure out why they're coming up with these opinions Are we saying? Yeah, just sort of I Just once like it pulls on your humanity You see a bunch of people caged in with their children and in some fenced in area that literally looks like a dog kennel Yeah, this is crazy. Well, I'm gonna say I don't care about that. I just I I don't care about People coming in the country and going in these imaginary lines. I you know, it's just sort of like yeah, I think it's I Think as a human being it's hard to see that and I look away from shit like that a lot You know, I don't look I I don't like looking at videos like that. I don't like watching sad things I don't watch any gore shit. I didn't watch the the video of the dude that mowed down those people in New Zealand You know, yeah, it is a sad thing and I really don't know the solution look at the shit It says they treated us like we were animals holding pen for migrant families and El Paso shut down shut down overnight I guess okay because people found out about it. It's crazy. Look at that. That's that's a dog kennel Yeah, means people just sitting around waiting for what I mean that if that was murderers, they wouldn't do So let's say you're the guy in charge though. What do you do? What would you I mean me? I was a good question. I'll go let him in but I don't know if that's the right answer I don't know if it's the answer to either but I guarantee you all of our your relatives came from another country My relatives all came from another country They I'm third generation. They they knew that Europe sucked They knew that Italy sucked and so they're like look, I mean no disrespect Italy They decided I gotta get the fuck out of here and they got on a boat all of them Grandparents on both sides. They both came over here when they were kids. Does it only suck seems awesome. Everything I've seen about it Great for well, the food is fantastic when I talked to a guy there though I was trying to get an understanding because he wanted his kids to go to college in America and what he was basically saying was there was just not enough opportunity in Italy and That he wanted his son to have more opportunity. And so he's driving a cab actually They all speak two languages. They all speak perfect English like a good percentage of her. Yeah, there You know, it's a smart place a lot of in the art is insane when you're were when you're going through Rome and you go Through the Vatican you see there billions of dollars literally billions of dollars in artwork. You're like, holy shit This is what a crazy culture. Yeah this culture all they wanted to do was create beautiful Architecture create beautiful art make wine make great food have sex fuck like crazy and kind of take over the world I mean they took over the world for a long ass time