4 years ago
1 appearance
Aron Snyder is the President at Kifaru international, and also the host of the KifaruCast podcast available on Spotify.
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
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But I do everything in moderation and where I used to lift super heavy for power like crazy heavy now. Well, you used to be a big motherfucker, right? I'm 70 pounds bigger than I am now. Yeah, that's big. Well, I got to, I benched, my goal was to bench over 500. Now, I, if we're gonna get any dickheads emailing me, I cheated, right? I used steroids and I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. So, but I tell you what, when your wiener breaks from taking that, that'll make you stop doing anything. That's what happened. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. But I got to where I could lift pretty much anything I wanted. I couldn't walk from me to Jamie and back without getting winded. And so, to be like, I mean, I'll just get into the list of what I took. It doesn't matter. So, I was taking 250 milligrams or one millimeter of enanthate every three days. So, basically, I was taking three shots a week of enanthate. I don't know what that is. Is that hardcore stuff? No, it's just testosterone, 250 milligrams. So, I take one shot of that a week now for being on... Testosterone replacement. Yeah, testosterone replacement. But I was also taking Echopoise... That's for horses. Yes, it is. I was taking Echopoise. I was taking... That makes you super purple. Decca, I took Trinibolan for a while, but I could not handle Trin, dude. I, fuck, I hung a guy out of a building. Like, Trin is not good. It's superhuman strength, aggressive sex drive, but superhuman dickhead, too. Like, it's just not for me. So, I only took that for a little bit. And I didn't take it for that long. The one thing I found out is, one, there's a reason that you're not supposed to be on that shit. And I'm not a religious guy, so I'm not gonna say God didn't mean you to be that way. But somebody didn't mean me to fucking be that way. Well, you're monkeying with your structure, you know? You have a chemical and biological and hormonal structure of your body, and you're monkeying with that. You're adding massive amounts of muscle to your body. You're adding superhuman levels of hormones to your body. Well, and I, you know, I'm an... Like, the first time I took Echopoise, it's a horse decongestant. Is that what it is? Decongestant? Yeah, it's a cleans out the airways, it opens up to bronchial dilator, some hackin' shit up. I'm like, what am I getting sick of? Well, it's because, you know, there's horses and pigs on a fucking container, right? Idiot, right? People ask me about it, I'm like, don't do it. Eat healthier, you know, work out hard. I lost everything anyway, but the problem was, is in the middle of that, they have deca, and they call it deca dick, right? It makes you like no sex drive. And I wasn't taking anything to... Because I watched Hidalgo, right? And the horse fell in the pit with my daughter, and I started crying. Is this Hidalgo? It is a movie, right? Anyway, the horse falls in the pit, and the horse gets like a spear in its leg, and I'm crying. I'm like, what in the fuck is wrong with me? Well... Oh, you're emotional. Jesus, my estrogen levels were like through the roof. So I looked, and like an idiot, I was taking... I had 200 milligram per milliliter deca, and then I had another bottle that was like 400 or something, and I got them mixed up, so I was doubling up on deca. Get some of the dumber shit. How long did you do this for? Maybe a year and a half. Did you get yourself checked out after it was over? Oh, yeah. You didn't show everything? It was okay. Well, when I first got off, I wish I had a photo. I don't know if we could pull one up, how big I get... I look like that rock on Fantastic Four. It's fucking weird looking. Dude, I had Ronnie Coleman in here. Oh, my God. A couple weeks ago. First of all, what a great guy. So nice. Yeah. Look so friendly and so happy, even though he's basically broken. Yeah. He's had... How many back surgeries did he say he had? Something crazy. Yeah, like more than 10 back surgeries. I read an article that said 13, but I don't know. And that was probably it. His entire back is basically fused. Yeah. But when you look at him, when he was Mr. Olympia, you know, when he was winning... Yeah. Jesus. Yeah. Jesus. I mean, that a human being can get that big. Oh, it's insane. And I mean, I only scratched... Like I didn't put the... You know, he's done it his whole life, right? Those guys are freaks. Phil Heath lives by us in Denver. You'll see him every now and there you used to. And he's a new kind of a... One guy like Ronnie. The thing is though, it's like you go into a gym and grab two 200-pound dumbbells and you start doing incline binge with no spotter. That stare, you know, grabbing some looks. But I genetically was not built to lift that heavy, right? There's some help involved in that. But I got to a point where I was super emotional and not like a... I don't believe really in the roid rage thing because I never got that. What are you talking about? You're just telling me you're hanging a guy off the side of a building. That's roid rage. Yeah. Let me finish. Good point. But I think if you just take an increased amount of like testosterone and anabolic in general, if you're a happy guy, you're happy. If you're a sad guy, you're sad. And if you're a dickhead, you're more of a dickhead. The thing was... Well, trend, that's why I got off it. That was one thing for me that definitely I just... I was changing psychologically. When I got off, it was the problem. Like emotionally, I was a wreck. Like that's the closest... I'm not like a suicidal guy. That's the closest where my brain just didn't function right. And then I got off cold turkey and whatever. Well, that is a big issue with kids, young kids. Their endocrine system crashes. And just like we were talking about with soldiers that have been blown up a bunch or football players or fighters, your body's not producing testosterone correctly. After you get off that shit, you get really, really depressed for some people. Bigger X-y is what they were telling me because I was afraid to go to the gym because I was shrinking. Oh, right.