Searching for the Tasmanian Tiger | Joe Rogan & Forrest Galante


6 years ago



Forrest Galante

3 appearances

Forrest Galante is an international wildlife adventurer, conservationist, author of "Still Alive: A Wild Life of Rediscovery" and host on Discovery Channel.


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Did you have something to do with looking for the Tasmanian tiger? Yeah. Yeah, I did know. What do you think I? Think of all the extinct animals that have gone extinct at the hand of man Given the the range I don't know if you know this but the Tasmanian tiger at one point range from Papua New Guinea all the way down to Tasmania, so not just the island of Tasmania, but Thousands tens of thousands of miles I think given the range the frequency of sightings The amount of untouched habitat in Australia and Tasmania and Papua New Guinea where they just found a new dog species by the way They did yeah the Highland dog in New Guinea maybe a year ago now incredible looking animal like Absolutely could there be a very small remnant population of phyllis in Tasmanian tiger hiding out in a isolated pocket of habitat I totally think it's possible and these sightings are they coming from credible sources? So I did I did one expedition I've done two expeditions looking for the I'll seen and one of them I was literally talking to the man who is the head Park ranger for like the entire North Queensland So he's a scientist by trade a biologist by degree and he says I saw four of them Whoa, you know so this isn't like some crackpot drunk who's like yeah, they're here You know this is a guy who is like myself a scientist a biologist and spends his life in the bush He knows every animal in that area and he goes I saw four of them Wow, so like how do you not like I get goosebumps talking about it because how do you not like take that as credible? No, that's about as credible as it gets well look at that cool-looking dog there It is what a freaky looking though the world's rarest and most ancient dogs been rediscovered in the wild So this New Guinea Highland dog was thought to be extinct is that the right? Yeah Wow, so this thylacine this area is where they are has there been a concerted effort to find these things sort of I mean It's it's one of those things where like I would say the thylacine is like the icon of animals coming back from extinction for Australia Right. It's kind of like everybody knows about in Australia. They all care about it But where these efforts are is like outside of Sydney or you know what I mean? It's it's close to home So there hasn't been a lot of expeditions really deep in to look for them and that's what I did so there's so much belief that the animal is still out there that the Shoot it's the university in cans. I'm blanking on the name of it right now The university itself put money towards funding to find it So when you have a credible institution like a university going here's money go and find this thing You've got to think and I'm not a big conspiracy theorist But you've got to think they have some Intel that says look we're not wasting our money to look for something. That's not there We've heard something we've seen something we caught something on a trail camera Let's prove it and so I actually teamed up with they caught something on a trail camera hard to say But what they did do is fund this expedition so myself and the university who's still ongoing with the research When it looked in this area in North Queensland where I went and how far deep did you go in? 1200 miles 1200 miles yep took 14 hours driving and then hiking from there Whoa, yeah 14 hours on dirt road because this is the area where they've been cited the most numerous This is where that sighting that I was talking about came from from the biologists as well as I think four other sightings The community up there is a place called Portland roads. You could look it up. I think it's 12 people and Wow live totally not like the Amazon off the grid, but off the grid, you know It's all like solar energy and build it yourself. There's no power lines blah blah So it's just this small group of kind of like people in the middle of nowhere and almost everybody in that community has seen them So that's that's where we based it out of and then went deep from there almost everyone in the community Mm-hmm, and no one's took in a photograph. They have cameras Everybody's you know, everybody's got a cell phone kind of thing But it's like it's all it's always the same story where it's like, yeah, it was there It was late at night by the time I reached in my pocket it it had gone off Except for the biologist I was telling you about who said it ran around with his dogs Yeah, he's out camping and he's like, oh there's this red eye shine and my dog goes nuts and runs over there And then there's four thylacine jumping around with my dog Like for like 15 minutes and he's like I'm trying to get a picture and you know, that's it's like 300 yards away It's in the dark and without the flashlight and the phone and like fuck. Yeah, so it's basically a hundred percent of those things alive I mean as a scientist, you can never put that number but to me. Yes, that's why I've done two expeditions and I plan on doing More I feel it's out there