Mike Tyson Talks About Tigers


2 years ago



Mike Tyson

3 appearances

Mike Tyson is the former undisputed heavyweight boxing champion of the world and host of the “Hotboxin’ with Mike Tyson” podcast. http://www.miketyson.com/ http://www.hotboxinpodcast.com/


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This area in the Sundar bands, these guys have to do a survey of how many tigers there are, just so you can keep track. And they go with rifles and they have these helmets on. And the helmets have a face on the back of the head. Really? You had to do that? I had a mask, yeah. Wow. You had to do that or he would jump on you? Well, they think I'm running and shit. Oh my God. They play. And if they accidentally, because they chew on my arm and stuff, and if they accidentally bite my head, they can hurt me. But they don't mean it. Right, right, right. When they on my shoulder, I let them bite me and my legs and stuff. And you're just playing? Yeah, but they can pierce my skull. Jesus. How big did they get? 600, 500. That's when they're eating good, man. That's when they're eating good. But you never felt nervous around them or you never felt like they might kill one of your friends accidentally? Definitely one of my friends that's behind them. You know, the relationship with tigers and stuff are different than with lions and stuff. Lions are like dogs and stuff. They like hanging out with family, but tiger only hangs out with you. Oh, really? Yeah, only with you. And you better hope he doesn't like one of your children. Oh, Jesus Christ. Because then you can't play with your children. He might kill you. Oh my God. It's crazy. That's what the tigers are crazy. They get attached to one person. Oh my God. They're not no family people. One person. Whoa. They don't fuck around with a whole bunch of people. They're not like, I ain't lying. I ain't hanging out there on the front table or your table hanging out with the family and stuff. Really? Yeah, tigers don't do that. You notice in the wild, they don't even want anything to see them they're going to kill. Yeah. They don't even want to be seen. The only time they're with a female is when it's mating season. That's the mating season. If they see you, they're going to kill you. I wonder why they have that coloration, that beautiful pattern on their body. I wonder if that's just because it's so... When you see a tiger that looks that stunning, like all the... I bet it makes you freeze more. Because it's so stunning. Like they look so... They look beautiful. When there was a gentleman in the house that had a tiger, we were talking about... And I saw this cat. It's called a tabby. They're different than the stripe. They have like patches of orange. They're not stripes. They're patches on like cream color. And I was going to hug the cat. He said, Mike, don't hug the cat. You have to go down a little. Because I used to feel so pretty. I was like, oh my God. They said, no, Mike. Don't touch it. And I forget it wasn't my cat. If it's not your cat, don't touch the cat. If it's not your cat, don't touch it. Some cats will fuck you up. Without knowing. They hit you, they punch you, they're like, bam! Knock you cold. Knock you cold. But having a big cat for a pet... I just swim in the pool with them. Really? And they love swimming. So what did you do when you weren't around? Like if you had to leave, you had to go to camp, if you had to do anything, like what did you do with the cats? They came with me. Really? They traveled with you. I had 18 wheels that have big trucks. With them and Kade that had big... They live big, baby. I'm not having a way to camp for the world. They live big. When I go somewhere, they go with me. Wow. Even if it takes days in the thing. I would have them expedite on the plane. Wow. I just... I didn't care. So when you got to a place, like say if you were training, like for a fight, and you brought them with you, what would you do, have a cage set up for them? I would have the trucks. I would always have the encasement, or he built at the house. But first thing, more than all, I would have my receipt for my... You have to have... Every time they move, you have to have a license for them. Like if they move to Vegas, or we have to have the Vegas license. They move to New York, we need a New York license. Right, right, right. And New York is so hard to get life for live animals, endangered species, so hard. There was a dude, they found an alligator in his apartment. Alligator, listen, an alligator. No, no, that's not what happened. This is what they had. In New York, right? Yes, in New York. Mm-mm. He had an alligator in the bathtub, and he had a tiger. Right, and a tiger. Yeah, and they started... Oh, this stupid... Listen. Listen to this. Listen to this. No, you have to... You gonna listen to this? Yes, please. He thought he was somebody's fault parent. The tiger in the lion started to fight. The tiger and the alligator started to fight, and he tried to break it up. Could you imagine you had an alligator and a tiger in your apartment? No, of course you know what happened. Since you brought it up, of course. You know, listen, how do you do that in New York City? The tiger... Crazy. The tiger's 400 pounds, man. That's so crazy. Ain't no more tigers. And now a little tiger. Remember the guy in the subway had a 500-pound tiger. Yeah. He was the guy that lived in New York in the subway. He had a 500-pound tiger in the subway. That is so crazy. Look at the size of that thing. Look at this stuff. Look at the police. Look, I told you right here. This is in his house, man. That is so crazy. No, no, no. That is so... Look how big that thing is, man. No, no, no. Joe, Joe. Look how big that is. Joe, Joe. My captain, Joe. Look, that's my cat, that big. But, Joe, look. We're living with these cats, and they're not trained. Oh, my God. My cat lives in me, sleeps in my bed. You know, this cat... This cat is not... This is a wild cat, man. Oh, my God. Look at the face on that thing. The wild cat. He can't hang out with this cat, man. They're so beautiful, though. Look at his face. That's the... Look at that face of that cat in the window with the cop. Listen, that's the 42 fakeout, man. I'm just standing. He's hanging, by the way. He's floating in the air. He's looking at this cat. Oh, he's dropping down from the ceiling. From the roof, from the roof. And he's seeing the cat. Oh, my God. I know. Ain't this some bullshit? Look at that cat's face, though. Look how pretty they are. Oh, no. That's the fakeout, man. They're pretty. That's how they get you to fucking stand still. I think that's what I'm saying. I think they're so beautiful. I think that might be it. Because they're colorations in the... I mean, it's not sneaky, right? No, but this is the thing, right? This is the thing. I never understood about tigers, right? They got some old... They don't want you to look at them. No, cats don't want you to look at them. That's like a show of dominance. That's like all cats are like that. Yeah, the tigers don't want you to look at them. What's your fucking problem, man? You know, we're gonna play with dogs. Dogs have a problem with that, too, sometimes. They don't make that faith-to-faith stuff. Well, they think you're challenging them. That's what it is? Yeah, they don't understand. That's why they're so much more crazy. I'm not gonna put my love on them. I'm just like, love. I think you love me. Pooh-ee-ee. They don't know that. They don't know that. When they love each other, it's like sideways action. They love on each other, but they don't like stare eye to eye. Eye to eye is like, I don't know what you're thinking. You might be challenging. That's when you're like, you're gonna be a hater. Some dogs will do that if you eyeball them. That's why they're so so crazy. I never knew that thing she said, looking in the face. They think you're challenging them for dominance. Like my golden retriever, you met Marshall. We need to see another one. We have pictures of you cuddling with them. They don't. But those are like the sweetest dogs. They don't challenge you ever. So he never really... He looks at me in the eyes just because we've known each other for so long. He knows it's not like a challenging thing. That we're just being sweet to each other. But even a dog like that doesn't like looking you in the eye. They like looking around your eye. You look in your face. You know what's interesting about Big Cat, especially Tiger. If a tiger, if you go... I see my tiger in the caveman. If I go and I see him, he's happy to see me. They run to the gate. I go in, I play with them. I bring him out with me. But if I go there and they're like this... Nah, they'd go in and they'd just look at you like this. When they're looking at you, they're like, hey, I'm going... And then I ask if they're looking at you. No, no, that's not a good day. Oh, no. Don't go in there that day when they're just looking at you. It's crazy that people love to have pets like that. They love it. To live in an apartment and have a tiger like that. Yeah. How much did he have to feed it? Listen. And where's all the shit going? They don't eat much, but they eat all day. Oh. They eat a little all day. Well, they're so big. So he must be just giving it raw meat, right? Yeah, chicken. Yeah, a lot of chicken. I like giving them chicken and I give them horse meat. Like you give them a whole chicken, right? I give them two or three of them, but then I give them the horse meat. This is when it gets fun when you get the whole side of a cow or saw horse. Oh, wow. Like this whole ribbing. You just throw it in there and they slam and boom. Hit it against the fence. They hit it and they grab and they run inside. Wow. Like a joke. Yeah.