3 years ago
20 appearances
Shane Gillis is the co-host of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast" with Matt McCusker and one half of the sketch comedy duo "Gilly and Keeves" with John McKeever. Watch his new comedy series, "Tires," and special, "Beautiful Dogs" on Netflix.www.shanemgillis.com
18 appearances
Mark Normand is the co-host of the podcasts "Tuesdays with Stories" with Joe List and "We Might Be Drunk" with Sam Morril. Watch his latest stand-up special, "Soup to Nuts," on Netflix.www.marknormandcomedy.com
70 appearances
Ari Shaffir is the host of "The Skeptic Tank" and "You Be Trippin'" podcasts. His latest comedy special, "Ari Shaffir: Jew," is available now via YouTube. www.arishaffir.com
3 years ago
How was Logan Paul as a wrestler? Dude, it was so good. Yeah, he's gonna be a wrestler Oh, he should be like he's gonna he's a star His podcast is actually really good. Yeah, really the Dana White. I get on there something Well, no the Dana White episode. I listen to the whole thing. I listen to a clip hit then on yeah, and it's great It's an amazing pod episode. Give it a give it a little he's done a lot of shit, man I mean you got to give the guys props. He's not lazy. He fought Floyd Mayweather in a boxing match I don't care if he's 50 pounds heavier than for me. It's still Floyd fucking me. That's crazy Look at that. Yeah, dude. Whoo. He was doing splits and shit. That's pretty impressive Yeah, he was a real lucha Libre thing or is that just in yeah, yeah, it's like Mexico I had no idea he was that flexible. That's crazy Wow good for him. You ever see Delia. Oh, yeah with him Makeup. Yeah, because him and Delia used to go at it and he's like hey, whatever I said before the guys a star forget it Oh, wow What did Delia used to say about him? He's just like fuck this idiot fuck this kid who's like a Influencer yeah To do though. I know I was wrong. This guy's awesome him and his brother fucking animals I mean what they've been able to do is incredible his brother knocked out Tyron Woodley How are you with one punch? That's crazy. No, bro. You see great like a vicious vicious Striker a wrestler who's a striker? Well, he was a wrestler Oh, he was just a lot of power But but the fact that he knocked out one of the greatest welterweight champions of all time with one punch is fucking bonkers And it was really that all watch this watch this. Oh, I did see that. Okay Jake That sucks being sponsored by dude. What's come the fuck? When you get knocked out first all of a sudden the sponsors are when you've got a bear and you're showing that sponsorship Couldn't you fall backwards face plant with dude wipes in your butt? See he's got the power out of two of them like Logan Logan is a really good athlete, but he's not as good of a boxer, but Jake Paul on top of being a better boxer He's got like legit power Tyrant took it on like just a few weeks notice and there's no way he was conditioned for that fight So when you're not like fully camp conditioned you take breaks Like in you're in the fight like there's times you maybe should move and you go I'm just gonna take a fucking break here And you do like trying to like gather up your energy and you manage it over the course of the three minutes You can't just go out like when you see like if you see a fighter like Manny Pacquiao when he's in his prime and he's Fucking supremely conditioned. There's no Thought about conserving energy man He's just thinking about how to fuck you up just thinking about how to fuck you up because his conditioning is off the charts I mean, he's not going he's not sprinting He's conserving some energy, but that's not his primary concern It's probably concern is just like hitting you when a guy gets to a point where you know Most likely he's not training every day hard when he doesn't have a fight scheduled then he gets a fight scheduled It's only two weeks notice You can kind of get in shape in two weeks, but not not like the kind of shape you need to be able to yeah So he was taking a break because he also must have thought like it's not an MMA guy. It's a Paul. He already fought him He lost but there were moments in that first fight where he's pulling Tyron would turn it on He's he the better for dominator He would have been a different fight if Tyron had the time to prepare I guarantee you a guarantee Because he would have more conditioning more confidence to hit the gas like when you don't have condition if you don't have a full camp You you still are in shape you're a fucking professional athlete He's have still a fucking stud of a man But he doesn't have the the kind of conditioning that you need to go a hard fight when you you know you you Condition your body three minutes read through its hard work one minute rest three minutes hard work woman arrest world work Pliometrics you get conditioned. He's not there's no way he was conditioned Yeah, but that's part of their attack is I think people underestimate and that's how they can Yeah, tell you about Brandon. Fondress everybody the wrestler guy the real wrestler whatever his name is we got knocked out Ascarin ask green yeah, all these guys like whatever you're not guys actually working hard actually I actually think Ascarin didn't give a fuck right I actually yeah, he's really I do Do well listen the Askin had a hip replacement He took a fight after hip replacement and not that long after hip replacement There's no way he was in shape for that fight and Ascarin. I don't pay he lost and he was like so Did tyron? Aspirin is a very awesome. He's funny very very funny It's how I really make more in those two fights than his whole UFC career supposedly most like wow Yeah, I don't know what the number is say I like those pugs. It's kind of like the YouTube comics Yeah, I've read he offered Chris Rock and Will Smith 40 million dollars who did all Jake Paul did Well not well even if he did yes ruggas very small. It's not fair right The difference is like 60 pound never trained to play the greatest boxer of all time right Put up Will Smith as Muhammad Ali dude will see is a fucking athlete Be when he was playing Muhammad Ali it was one of those rare moments It's like a few guys that have pulled it off Daniel Day Lewis did a grade in the boxer Mark Wahlberg did a grade of the fighter when he played Mickey Ward Job but show the video of him moving around because there's video from the fight and He was fucking good man. He's crazy that picture of him taking the robe off. Yeah, really he got like the Kind of still baby fat, but Jack like Ali exactly like Ali He's a fantastic job as Ali and that's him against Sonny Liston. It's an photographer. Yeah, but he's a good athlete man It's a Michael. That's why this is so not fair like this This to have a boxing match between this man and Chris Rock is crazy. Yeah