Joe Rogan | The Origins of Godzilla w/Joey Diaz


5 years ago



Joey Diaz

65 appearances

Joey Diaz is a stand-up comic and New York Times bestselling author. He's the host of the podcast "Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz," co-host of "The Check-In" with Lee Syatt, and author of "Tremendous: The Life of a Comedy Savage."


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A live movie poster from the night And I'd much rather see the old Godzilla's. Godzilla vs. Mothra, got Villas and Mercers, the Smog Monster, Godzilla. Just to see what Japanese people were doing. Yeah. They had the string on them. They would do wide shots, so they would show the Chinese people running, and then they would just have a single shot of Godzilla moving through the air. You see, look at that. They're Japanese. Japanese. Look how dope he looks. Like, even when it's lit up, that is fucking fun, man. That's fun. Look, he's going through the fucking electric. Godzilla doesn't give a fuck. They're shooting him. Fuck you. See, now, they can't show you a behind shot of the Japanese shooting Godzilla, because there's really no guy. They just shoot into a wall. It's completely separate. This is like a real clay model. If you look at it, he's really not 60 feet. It's maybe fucking eight inches or something. No, this is not a model. These are men in suits. This is the difference between King Kong and Godzilla. No shit. Yes. These are men in suits. And it was really complicated. And these guys had to be really strong, because they're carrying around this gigantic rubber suit, and it's heavy as fuck, and hot as fuck. So the reason why it moves so fluid, what the Japanese did that was brilliant, was they had men, and they put men in these monster suits. Look at the fucking smoke coming out of his mouth. Yeah, go and Google the men who wore the Godzilla suit. It's actually pretty fucking cool. It's not easy to do. These guys had to walk around, and have these fight scenes, and shit, in these big giant suits. That wasn't animation. That's a dude in there. Isn't that crazy? And that's what it really looked like in terms of height-wise. It was like the size of a person. See, that guy go back a bit. You see that guy getting out of it? Right there. That's what the dude looked like, who was inside of it. I know we started, it was like a clay model. No, no, no. King Kong is a clay model. King Kong was Claymation from Ray Harryhugen. That's how I got onto the subject with them. I was telling them about, they love that Monsters, Inc. show. And Harryhugen is one of the characters, or something about Harryhugen is in the movie. I said, huh, I go, do you guys know who that is? And they go, no. I said, that is the guy who, of course they didn't know who it is. What the fuck am I talking about? But I said, that's the guy who was one of the original monster animators for movies, like King Kong. He did all that Claymation stuff. And back then, I mean, that was the state of the art. You got to think, it's a 1930-something. I was like, King Kong was what, 33? 33. 33. 33 was Godzilla. That was later. That was post-World War II. Yeah. So you got it? I'm sorry. 54. 54. Jesus. Post-World War II was Godzilla. Godzilla was after we, we. I shouldn't say we. Somebody from the United States dropped bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki when they used nuclear weapons. The idea was that and all the nuclear tests that they had done in the water, there was no real understanding of what the fuck was going to happen. And so the science fiction version of that would be that all that radiation would create some super monster. Fucking brilliant. Yeah, man, the Japanese work. Brilliant. No, no, I got to give it to them. They were dealing with radiation poisoning and death on unbelievable, on an unbelievable scale. I mean, hundreds of thousands of people wiped out instantly from atomic bombs. I mean, and so just the sheer force of the power of those things, you couldn't even imagine that there could be anything that could do that. Just one thing that falls out of an airplane that can do that. Well, what else can it do? You know, what happens if it gets in the water? What is it? How's this shit going to affect fish? How's it going to affect, you know, who knows? So the science fiction version was always awesome. It was like a Godzilla would come. That's what the new one's about too, right? The new one is the same kind of thing, like a dinosaur got zapped and... No, I believe the new one was all the other dinosaurs came back and they had to reawaken Godzilla because he is the only thing that can fight him. Oh, God. Oh, God. So it's a superhero monster movie? He's a superhero? Godzilla's a superhero now? They'd bring him back. He's a good guy in this one. Oh, no, he's not a good guy. At the end of the last one, everyone complained because there's like this weird winky scene where Godzilla and the main guy looked at each other in the eye and were like, same team, bro. You know the real Godzilla is, man? The real Godzilla is Cersei's... Not Cersei. What the fuck's her name? The dragon. The mother of dragons dragon in the Game of Thrones that fucked up that city at the end. That's a real horrific idea of a fire-breathing lizard. But Godzilla was always adorable. Didn't really go after people. In the early Superman's, the first like six episodes, you could see the string. Really? Check it out. That's hilarious. The black and white, the pilot, maybe the pilot in the first three episodes, they figured out how he could do it. You could see his string. It's a weird, the Godzilla story is a weird story, right? Because it's not like Godzilla goes on a killing spree. He just goes through Tokyo and just starts lighting every building on fire. He doesn't do that. He's almost like a good guy lizard. And in the new movie, it's more accentuated then. So he has to help us. And Mothra was the fucking bird. Mothra was a moth. Mothra was a moth. Yeah. And what was the smog monster? The guy, Rodan. He was also an awesome. Is that Rodan? Rodan was the awesome. Rodan was awesome. Yes. What does Rodan look like? I'm trying to remember. Like wings and shit, right? Didn't Rodan have wings? You gotta get high and watch all these. Yeah, you gotta get high and watch these guys. This is crazy, this shit. Oh, that's right. Rodan could fly. Look at that one with the blue sky below him. Oh, there's a three headed one? But this is new monsters, right? Oh, these are the new ones. These are the new ones. Get the fuck out of here with this new shit. Give me the blue sky right there. Yeah, right there. That's kind of a TV show-ish. Was a smart monster had laser beams coming out of his fucking eyes like Medusa. Yes, he did. Yes, he did. One of them had fucking laser beams. Did he really? Oh my God, the three headed things. What was that called again? It's right here. I forgot about that three headed thing. King Ghidorah. I don't know how to say that. Oh, Ghidorah. Motrot Rodan. It was Ghidorah, right? Ghidorah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Ghidorah. Ghidorah. Yeah. Pull up a video of Godzilla versus Ghidorah. It was so silly, but man, when we were little kids and this shit was on a Saturday night. Lose your fucking mind. Yeah. Lose your mind. I used to love this shit. It was the best. When you found out Godzilla was going to be on TV, you were so pumped. This is from the actual new movie. Oh, there's a new movie with Ghidorah? This movie's out right now. It is? The Godzilla King of the Monsters. Yeah, that's why he brought it up. You brought it up? You brought it up? Yeah, all three of these are. Let me see these bitches. Whoa. Special effects today is a lot better. Not today. Not today. Holy shit. This is amazing. Yeah, this is crazy. Oh, my God. Dude, the special effects they can do today are insane. So we're looking at, it says King G-H-I-D-O-R-A-H. King Ghidorah. Oh, my God. Dude. The fucking special effects are insane. There's Mothra? Wow. Is this supposed to be a good movie, though? The thing with these movies is, and I really hate to say this, how come they can't do both? How come they can't have an amazing special of 40% on Rotten Tomatoes? How come they can't have amazing special effects and a fucking killer story? No. How come they can't they do that? That's one of the last of the great ones. 2009 is 10 years ago. Yeah. Which one was that one? Avatar. Avatar was a great story with great special effects.