Joe Rogan - Jason Statham Has Legit Striking Skills!!


5 years ago



Joey Diaz

65 appearances

Joey Diaz is a stand-up comic and New York Times bestselling author. He's the host of the podcast "Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz," co-host of "The Check-In" with Lee Syatt, and author of "Tremendous: The Life of a Comedy Savage."


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Speaking of my commitment, who about Max Holloway spinning the little fucking cap off the bottle? Isn't that cute? And then they got the guitar player did it? Yeah. What's his name? John Mayer. John Mayer. He did it too. So did Max Holloway invented it? I don't know how, I just saw it on. Is he the first person? The first one I saw. That's amazing. Everybody's trying to do it now. That's amazing. Max Holloway's the... He's such a fucking cool guy. I love that guy. When plays the show, he's a champion. He'll come back. Yeah man, who the fuck loses better than him? The way he lost to Dustin Poirier. His zero excuses, all love, all happiness. He's amazing. Jason Statham, what's he doing? He did it too. No, let me see. He's a real karate guy. Jason Statham has real striking skills. You could tell even the way he's standing here. The way he's moving. No, no, no. He's going to spin. But even the way he's doing it, this guy's got real skill. Look at that. Kapow. He achieved a very high level of skill in karate. I don't know exactly what it was. But from people that I know that have done martial arts with him and trained with him, I said, that guy's a bad motherfucker. Like a legit badass. Like really knows martial arts. I believe it. Right? You see him? You're like, I believe it. See him in like Snatch, one of those movies. You fuck people up.