Joe Rogan & Steven Crowder on Transgender Transitioning Controversy


7 years ago



Steven Crowder

3 appearances

Steven Crowder is an actor, comedian and former contributor for the Fox News Channel. He currently runs his own website and also a podcast called “Louder With Crowder”.


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Well, I wanted to talk to you guys about is some of my favorite stuff that you've done and so my favorite stuff you've done is the undercover shit and One of the things that I found the most disturbing was when you two posed as a gay couple and you went to that place Where they were advocating transgender children and and transitioning children as a young as three years old Right. It was three years old but puberty blockers. They were talking. Yeah, but I think it was really fucking yeah Oh, no, no, you know what actually three years old was own Benjamin gotten an argument on Twitter and lost his manager Because he was saying that someone is fucking insane Forgiving puberty blockers to a three-year-old kid forgiving hormone blockers to a baby. Yeah, which I am Fuck yeah, that's not even a strong enough work. I mean it's insanity fucking insanity I mean your your body's not even developed. You're not even close. We're not talking about 18 We're not even talking about 21 which is arguable still crazy Like you really should probably wait until your fucking frontal cortex fully develops you figure out who you are But the idea that you're gonna know at three who you're gonna be when you're 30 It's well they present the other side bananas. They act as though you're crazy No, they were like well, you know the thing is with the puberty Remember that person looked like Smee with it looked like Smee from hook Well, let's play you with hoods, but let's not only some of it because it's it's fucking nuts when I watched it I was like, oh my god Like what are these people saying and they're been taken down since you asked me about that too, really? Yeah, we have to set the blurt the guy well, I'm not afraid who took it down Dr. Rex butt who shows up in pride But that is kid you know areas kid you not really we had a real world we're in a goddamn simulation This was a town hall. We're in a simulation. This can't be real guy. His name is Rex butt and he got you You know And you two back you two back yes, son Okay, let's play some of this and if there's for most of the people are listening rather than watching so not get you know What does this give you know? No, well, although let's set this up intern. So what was this? Okay? It was well not gay Jared and I so we here's what let me can I preface this with something? Yeah, we don't like we're not undercover journalists, right? We do a late night show. That's what we do we do can't we do the model we do jokes sketches and we do interviews and then Every now and then we stumble across something and when you're doing for example like antifa and they hand you a knife and they talk About shooting better talk about that too But the point is and then when the media just lies about it like we feel compelled to this isn't our thing Right, it just is one of this particular one was kind of a throw away. It was a throat. We were joking Yeah, we even bother with costumes. We just walked in several queer. It was what the health care transgender town hall We're sick. Oh my god reasons gender town hall transgender town. Where was it Vermont Vermont? Yeah Burlington Vermont? Oh, that place is crazy. Oh, I wasn't a plane with Bernie Sanders on the way there, too It was it was give me a money I'm gonna give it to the blacks The blacks right let's let's play all right He About six now he has said that it feels like a girl or first playing with dolls and of course we don't want to discourage it We spoke with our primary care physician. He said wait until the boys fully developed We made a lot of really develop is a little thing. That's me. I would say a little inaccurate from the research I've done The kid 18 is too late. It's just like okay get rid of the put puberty blockers They just go through late puberty not everything still lined up. There's no indication. There's any damage. That's not true No, no, they're all are not puberty blockers are not reversible. That's the entire point. That's not the point Someone at the pre adolescent age going into those at least it's gonna change the way your body develops Yeah, I mean there's no way giving a kid a puberty blocker Letting them go through life with a puberty blocker and then at 17 or whatever the fuck it is decide to take that shit off You're gonna be the exact same human being you would have been without these are some people worried about a little estrogen and milk cartons So I mean then this guy's a free plastic because I don't want it to alter my hormones by the way I'm gonna chop off my balls and do puberty blockers at 8 well This is I mean you can't let a kid make those decisions. You can't make those decisions for a kid. They're too young He just remember he had a wiener five minutes ago. Yeah, he's not thinking about these things. No No, he's just thinking his nose and wiping the his booger off on the couch three minutes ago And now you're letting them decide his hormonal profile Yeah, the idea that a child who's six years old or whatever would know the consequences But them saying that 18 is too late and that it's not that they would disagree with your primary care physician That it's too young based on the research that I've done what fucking research have you done? Well, you you can clearly point that it's a good idea to transition a six-year-old. Well, that's a problem Here's another problem We don't know if YouTube is gonna Ban this video because of what you just said I guarantee you this video is gonna get marked for demonetization Well, yeah, the Jordan Peterson one just got flagged and we talked about this book We talked about the 12 rules for life. We talked about guidelines for living a healthy reading. It's great book Let's keep going options. Play a little more this to understand themselves and the test go reach a particular dynamic diameter and The penis is developed enough then there'll be enough if if if you're gonna change you're gonna transition in a way You'll see enough material to create a vagina Oh Cuz that's the problem. I was like, you know jazz You know material to create a vagina if the testicles and the penis are developed enough, did you know this? Did you know that unless your penis gets big enough? You can't get a fake vagina because there's not enough tissue to invert So he's like this is him He's like now if you decide to go transition the other way meaning if you decide to not transition Remember how everyone made fun of this? The beauty pageant girl when she was asked about gay marriage She's like and then and gay marriage or opposite marriage and everyone laughed and it was silly You know, I mean she was conservative. It was silly But he's doing that right here like should you choose to transition or transition the other way you mean should you choose to not cut off? Your penis that's transition the other way now. Well, not only that There's a lot of people in the transgender community think it's offensive to assume that you have to get an operation get your penis removed In order to be transgender. I'm also this guy's making this big assumption that this is what you have to do in order to transition I know a lot of people that are transgender that do not have the operation. I don't know a lot of people I should say I'm in a community focus group with transgender people by the way I'm a hundred percent in favor of grown adults deciding to transition I know I think you should have be able to tattoo your face get nose rings I don't give a fuck what you do. I really don't you're also asking the government to pay for your face tattoo. Yes Yeah, that's true. Well, and there was another thing Here I'll send this to you Jamie That was some research today that someone put out here I'll let's play this and I'll forward this to you Jamie. I'll text this to you. Keep playing. That's it Okay, I don't know. But yeah, I mean that was the thing is that's a good example. It's a public town hall Yeah, which we attend and It gets removed from YouTube because someone who handed us his business card Rex, but this is hilarious by the way like we the rest of us we weren't nearly as mad about this as we were just just Just in doubled over and laughter the guys named Rex Securing the URL rights to his own Yeah, I just sent this to you Jamie if you follow the tweet It is by dr. Deborah so and it is Article from the National Institute of Health Study dr. Zero van meter a pediatric Enerkonologists well, she's anti all this Don't give any leeway to Asians. I get the minority group that they actually get more crap It's like well you're up you have to be better than everyone to get into a good college So many really good ones, okay, dr. Q van meter a pediatric Enerkonologist with extensive experience in gender dysphoria, which by the way is hate speech Says there is zero point zero evidence that the concepts of gender fluidity and gender identity have any scientific basis Yeah, so this is I should include zero point zero zero. That's the second zero there. She's money. She's thinking about cash Yeah She's thinking about cash money. Well, I guess you could have zero point zero one percent. You could have one one hundred She wanted to make sure there's no doubt. Yeah, she's burning those extra characters. She's got your house, bro Very extra 240 characters. What's funny though is you say like hate speech gender dysphoria still in the DSM 5 That's the actual like the psychiatric journal of the news reference book, but they literally call it hate speech now Yeah, I know but it's the actual medical condition right what's crazy in that undercover. God bless my wife She went with us because we need other people to have hidden cameras. And so she posed as a lesbian Movie kind of lesbian you're like really you exist Yeah, they weren't even hardly fooled they were they couldn't say anything Well, she remember said like I feel I identify as someone with bigger breasts and she was asking how to get this covered under You know Medicare Medicaid because they were talking like in all these operations and in mr. Rec God bless the rest but it's only straight. I think you should mention that you know talk about that gender dysphoria So for her they use gender dysphoria to try and file it medically to get new tits On taxpayer dime, but it's considered hate speech to say it to the tran the transgenders in the room It's just crazy like you can't make sense of it, and I don't need to make sense of it I just need to not be banned for just want to be the woman she was meant to be right well I mean the anything that you can mock is bullshit I mean if you can mock it that openly if that's that obvious like you're getting the point getting bigger tits Because you identify as someone with bigger tits. I mean that's bullshit. That's why it's so funny I don't think I've ever been more in love with my wife She didn't expect that she's looked at me. She kind of not As someone who has bigger breasts well Did you see that guy that got busted molesting children and said he identifies as being a six-year-old boy? That was a really recent case I mean people are trying this out when they get caught doing things And I'm not saying that there's not people out there that identify with being a man when they're actually a woman or vice-versed That's not what I'm saying but what I'm saying is there's a lot of Fucking crazy people out there a lot and to deny that and just because it's dealing with gender Yeah, you're you're in we're in Narnia now. We're in la la land you're not being real no Well, let me let me ask you this because you like you said you're not right wing I'm pretty open about the fact that I'm right wing. I remember watching your show a while back and you had a Little little guy little guy Buck buck angel yeah Little guy that used to be a gal yes Exactly and then I don't what I said, but it's the same kind of conversation We have here like I don't just go and look at the screw you your training I said why not I just don't buy it and he he wanted to get into a fight with me He wanted to have a fight like let's fight about this years ago when he had a fresh shot of test Jacked but you know what huge at one time. Oh was he? Oh, yeah got up to like 185 like super Jack cuz just banging test in there and fucking lifting But he was saying that his joints hurt really bad when he was doing that it's almost like it's unnatural so crazy But back then yeah, we got him on jacked Jacked if I had a role with that guy, but fuck Try to be kind yes, yes Back then let me ask this did you realize it was gonna get as insane like or do you think this is an interesting guest? Well, he's a nice guy And you know I'm more than willing to call him a man, and that was one of the things that I said I said look man. You're a person. I'm Whatever your name is with buck or Fred or Wilma I don't care. I just whatever you want to be called I'll call you whatever noise that you connect with you as a being yeah I'm fine with that and if you can explain to me where you feel happy or being a man I'm a hundred percent in support of you doing that what drives me crazy is people making Decisions for six-year-olds people pushing six-year-olds in certain directions, and I know that this does happen And I I just we can't get too personal about this But I have a friend who has an ex-wife that turned his child into a girl yeah, and it like Tried this and was was pushing this and kids are very fucking pliable man This is not I mean maybe some boys would have rejected it Maybe he was leaning that way anyway But she was excited about it and this is this is something that a lot of people are excited I mean we're talking about a 14 year old. I mean. I just don't think you know who the fuck you are You know what is that girl's name Ruby Rose is that her name the attractive lesbian with the tattoos? She said that when she was young She wanted to transition and she's very happy that she didn't she wanted to become a man And she's very happy that she didn't and she's a lesbian and she's happy and she's open and super successful But she's advocating the sort of the same thing that I'm saying like let people become a goddamn adult and then make these in Inalterable life-changing decisions this guy saying that hormone blockers can be turned off And then you could go through a normal puberty you're out of your fucking mind right I'm not a doctor, but I have enough understanding of biology to know that that's crazy. Yeah, that's just not true No, it's absolutely not true, and that's one of those things Listen anyone can get lost in the weeds and make someone look stupid with something specific You know whether it's it's I mean you were showing me that compound about there. It's fasting. I don't know anything about it I'm gonna be a moron You know less than room-temperature IQ some doctor can come in who's pro transgender and explain something and make it sound like we don't know What we're talking about so when it comes to that see I don't agree with you there Well, I don't agree with you on that terms. We wouldn't know right doesn't matter What terms are there that you don't know about a child's biological development? Well they what they point to the well actually there are these things that show that the you know the the brain alterations occur before across Hormone sex replacement therapy, and it's actually it's not true So we had a few transgender people on our show But the point is with these whether it's a conspiracy or this you say okay I'm not a doctor, but I can't just appeal to authority I can't just say this doctor says X so I do have to at this point accepting that I'm not a doctor except the preponderance of evidence from the overall medical community and Combine that with the anecdotal and combine that with is there a motive here is there an agenda here like a lot of conspiracy theories It just doesn't add up because I go who benefits from telling you you know the world is flat Who benefits from it now I can understand how someone might benefit from a conspiracy It's like oh they make a lot of money off of this or was it Tim Kennedy is a hunting Hitler thing I'm not saying it, but it's like okay understand after war They thought maybe they had Hitler and they needed the healing for the country okay? I can understand that but with this there's there's it just doesn't add up Just none of the arguments they present add up when you're from millennial parents to whack off Turning each of their children to social experiments. It's discussed

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