Joe Rogan Reacts to the Kevin Spacey Controversy


6 years ago



Jamie Kilstein

3 appearances

Jamie Kilstein is a writer, radio host, and stand up comic.


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Hello freak bitches. But I think the media is slowly but surely becoming irrelevant. And the real media is what's, you know, look, the only reason why the news, let's, we don't even have to name an organization, but in quotes, the news is the news is because they have a long history of disseminating information, right? But people, regular people are doing that now. A lot of people are doing that now through different websites and YouTube channels. And I think that that's the future. And we don't have to be, as long as you're honest and you have a real objective point of view, you don't have to be sanctioned by some gigantic corporation to get the fucking truth out. No, in fact, you you're less likely to get the truth out because of your sponsors. Because of, I mean, MSNBC is owned by GE. MSNBC is the quote unquote liberal network and they're owned by like a company that like fucking profit off a war. Dave Rubin had a post that he did today to go to Dave Rubens Twitter page about why people distrust the media and why the media is garbage today in their coverage of this Kevin Spacey thing. Because all of these different outlets were saying that Kevin Spacey came out as gay. That was the main headline. Wasn't he trying to fuck a kid? Yes, Kevin Spacey came out as gay. Kevin Spacey came out as gay. This was like, let's have a put it up, pull it up. Yeah, that sounds like we should be applauding. Well, this is but but this is it just shows you what it is. Like, look at this media. Why? Scroll up. Why doesn't the public trust us? Because this, look at this actor, Kevin Spacey decides declares he lives as a gay man. Kevin Spacey announced Sunday night that he will live as a gay man. I mean, look at all these different the New York Daily News Reuters, the Daily Beast, they're saying that he's gay, but they're saying he's gay because a kid came out where a man now came out and said Kevin tried to fuck him when he was 14. Jesus. So this is like saying that he declares he lives life as a gay man. God damn it. That's not the store. No, that sounds like a festive thing. We should all be like, congratulations to Kevin Spacey. Not only that, he said this in the statement where he was apologizing for this thing. So like this, this is so crazy. Well, and also that's how they choose. But they choose to frame it that way because someone coming out is going to get a lot of people paying attention. Right. Well, and also I don't the link to link pedophilia always to homosexuality isn't true. Like there are a lot of people who would consider themselves heterosexual, whether it's in the church or whatever who are raping kids because it's a power thing and they're sick or pedophilia is just different. Being attracted to kids is different than being attracted to like, like men. And this is like also really dangerous for to equate like trying to fuck a 14 year old with just like going down to West Hollywood to like, yeah, do some gay shit. You know, I mean, he hasn't admitted that he did it and he said he doesn't recall it at all. But he did say that he had a problem with drinking and you know, if he did do anything, he was very sorry. And we're talking about something that happened at least 30 years ago. Right. So here's also a problem. And this is this needs to be addressed because we really don't know whether or not this guy's memory is accurate because something 30 years ago, the problem with being 14 years old is first of all, 14 years old, you're so goddamn confused. I don't remember shit. You don't remember shit. You are a wash in hormones and confusion and insecurity. And he might have had some weird years of my life too. He yeah, he might have had some weird run in with Kevin Spacey that may or may not have been sexually predatory. I don't know. I don't know what happened. Right. But to decide that he's absolutely telling the truth and Kevin Spacey is absolutely covering this up by coming out as gay and using that sort of diffuse the situation. This is sort of the this is almost the opposite of when Twitter declares you guilty. This is like the news declaring you almost like innocent, right? Where I don't know what happened to letting courts decide and talk about people being accused and whatnot where Twitter can just like be like if they say you're done like you have John Ronson on, right? Yes. Did he talk? Did you read that publicly shame books? So good. Yeah, it's really good. And it's just like, man, these people's lives are done. And I was part of all that. I tweeted about fucking Justine Sacco. Yeah. Straight up. I did. And I read that book. And it's like, yeah, you don't you don't think of that. You know what I mean? Because it's a free shot. I mean, that's the worst example of that is people that are completely anonymous, right? You weren't completely anonymous, which is why you face the blowback. Right. Right. But there's a lot of people that just have a Twitter egg. And they mean, they're completely anonymous. They have a bunch of random letters and numbers as their name, and they fucking attack people. Right. Yeah, it's a common thing on Twitter. Yeah. I mean, we're seeing a new kind of interaction with human beings.