5 years ago
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Mike Baker is a former CIA covert operations officer and current CEO of Portman Square Group, a global intelligence and security firm. He’s also the host of the "President’s Daily Brief" podcast: a twice daily news report on critical events happening around the globe available on all podcast platforms. www.portmansquaregroup.com
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
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But yeah, if you suddenly we find, you know, that Freivor's right or that there's an, you know, there's this contact, well, suddenly guess what we... That's it. That's a top concern at that point. That's number one. Right, right. Yeah. I mean, the hope is always that if we're about to nuke ourselves into another dimension, that the aliens will come down and go hit dummies. Just like a 1950s movie. Yeah. Okay, you fucking idiots. Stop doing that. The Day the Earth Stood Still. Yeah, remember that one? Yeah. Yeah. Clot 2, but not a Nick 2. Wow. Remember that? Look at you. Yeah. That's pretty impressive actually. The Day the Earth Stood Still is a great fucking movie. It was a great movie. It's weird. It's like a time capsule, right? Because what they thought it would look like and the robot, it's just... Yeah, no, it is. I love the movie. I tried to get my boys to sit and watch it not too long ago. And they were like, really, dad, this is what you spend your time watching? You know, it was interesting. I was like a normal thing that the family took the alien in their house. Yeah. Come on in. Stay with us, strange person from another land. Yeah. Why wouldn't you? Yeah, why wouldn't you? He's talking to the kid. Like, you're not even a little suspicious. You don't think this guy might be a creep? What's your favorite movie? Sort of alien space genre movie? Well, I like... The best one is Alien, the Sigourney Weaver movie. I think... The first one. Yeah. That's most likely what alien life is going to be like. Some horrific, parasitic fucking creature that eats everything it finds. Yeah. That to me seems likely. That seems more likely. I remember sitting in the theater when that movie came out, watching it. And when it popped out of that guy's chest, the entire theater jumped. Yeah. It was just crazy. People, it's hard because you watch that movie today and you're watching it, having seen all the other movies that it's affected and all the other science fiction genre movies and special effects movies. But that movie was special. Yeah. In 1979, when that movie came out, that was a special movie. That was a fucking horrifically scary movie. And it was realistic. Like, there was no cut the shit scenes. Everything seemed legitimate. The creature was completely unique. Weaver was hot. Hot as fuck. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, honestly. Look at the pictures of Liz Hurley. We should be looking at Sigourney Weaver. And that's a great movie where a woman is the hero and you're not flinching. You're not. There's no part where you're going, what? What is she doing? She's kicking everybody's ass. Get the fuck out of here. That's a movie like that's a real hero. Yeah. That's a real hero who rises to the occasion in this horrific situation where this ship has been overtaken by an alien. I think that there's things out there. I don't know if I believe. I want to believe that we've been visited, but I don't know if I believe. I think there's things out there. Yeah. I'm on board with the second part of that as well. I don't know. I find it hard to believe it would be such a secret. And also knowing the U.S. government, look, I mean, you know, it's harder to find out from the network when they're going to start this show than there's getting secrets out of Washington, D.C. So I'm thinking, you know, we would have known for now if it had happened, but I do believe there's other shit out there. I just can't believe we're it. No, I don't think we're it. Maybe we're being hopeful. I can't believe we're it. I mean, but you know. But I'm also fascinated to think that if they did know that something was here, that they would visit it occasionally, drop in on it occasionally, and for a scientific expedition, just see what the fuck we're up to. Yeah. Unless they just got so disgusted the last time, they just thought that's it. I'm done. I don't think so. We don't get disgusted. We don't get disgusted when we go visit baboons, when we study baboons, you know, people, scientists return, you know. Robert Sapolsky, he spent many years going back and forth to Africa studying baboons. And baboons are boring as fuck compared to people. If you weren't a person, if you weren't a person, if you were from some enlightened race, a million years advanced from us, you would be so fascinated to come by and look at people. Yeah. Although they probably look at us like we're a bunch of shit-flinging monkeys. So I think you're probably right. I mean, if we had a time machine, tell me it wouldn't be amazing if there was a time machine, but it could only go back 500,000 years ago to the beginning of man. Like the early, you know, whatever ancient hominid that was that was alive back then. God damn, that would be fascinating. Yeah. It would be a fly on the wall and watch these primitive humanoids try to figure out fire and try to figure out hunting and become what we are today. Yeah. Yeah. There would probably be moments, right? I wouldn't want to sit and watch the whole thing because I think that would be, you know, boring as shit. I mean, come on, just get on with it. You know, chip that rock into a circle. Do something with it. Come on. But I think that, yeah, you're right. I mean, if there's higher life forms out there, and you'd have to assume they are higher life forms if they're traveling, you know, these distances. And again, looking at the issues of propulsion systems for hypersonic flight, etc., you know, would they look at this bunch of, you know, folks down here and think just not interested? I don't know. I think at a certain point in time, it would be unnecessary to physically visit. I feel like maybe- They're watching us through the Samsung TVs. Yeah. See, it all comes- that's the thing about it. It all comes back around full circle.