7 years ago
3 appearances
Steven Crowder is an actor, comedian and former contributor for the Fox News Channel. He currently runs his own website and also a podcast called “Louder With Crowder”.
I don't think that there's much truth in today's progressive left. No, I think there's an ideological war going on. And I think, especially with Trump in office, they feel like the gloves are off and all rules are out the window and anything goes. I think people are flabbergasted. And I was telling Jamie before the show, like, I'm not without my criticisms for Trump, but I got to admit, every time stuff just rolls off his back like water on a duck, I start fucking laughing. Like, they were like, this Stormy Daniels thing is going to sink him. I have a friend of mine who's gay and he's the nicest guy in the world, but he's so ridiculous. He's like, that's our Monica Lewinsky. She's our Monica Lewinsky. I go, dude, it's not going to work. I go, no one's going to care. It's going to disappear in a couple of weeks. We're in a 10 hour news cycle. Do you understand this? I go in 10 hours, some new shit comes along, and nobody gives a fuck about Brett Ratner anymore. And nobody gives a fuck about this guy. And there's a new guy. And there's a new thing. And there's a new problem. And there's a new theory. There's a new thing. And you're saying that this porn star thing, this is not 1994. This porn star thing is not going to sink him. He's going to deny it, fake news, fake news. And he's going to keep moving, and there's going to be nothing. Yeah. I don't even know what happened with that exactly. But to me, I was, remember, I just was like, I've got to disconnect for a bit. Because I've been just going, going, going. So I disconnected. And I kind of popped my head in for half a day, just because we're moving to a new studio, kind of like you've been doing. And I popped my head in, and I was like, what's this outrage right now? Do I need to know about Donald Trump? And they said, no, yeah. He called Haiti a shithole. And I just popped my head back. I'm like, of course it is. That's it. No one cares anymore. He's like, of course Haiti is a sh... It doesn't mean you hate Haitians. Well, he said, why do these people from these shithole countries want to come here? That's what he supposedly said. He says he didn't say it. Some people say he did. Other people say he didn't. Who cares? So we're in a weird quagmire. Yeah. If he says that... I'll say he did. Let's say he did. Yeah. It's not the appropriate thing for the president of the United States to say. But does it make sense that Donald Trump would say that? Yes. No, no, no, no, no. You want to know how you know it's a shithole? Because French Canadians are some of the most racist people you will find. Love you, mom. But they create these French laws. I've talked about this before. Pure l'en. It means pure wool. Because they want to get rid of all the anglophones, right? And so then they had a huge Haitian immigration because there's a lot of French. And people from Cameroon... And not a special disease because they've been breeding. And they were furious. So they tried to create laws to keep the Haitians out because it was just a clash of cultures. Here's the thing. Haiti is, whether Donald Trump said it or not, as a country, a shitty place. And I don't think anyone cares anymore if he says, it doesn't mean I hate Haitians. It doesn't mean I'm not empathetic to them. But how is it racist... They're very unfortunate that they're in a bad place. Yeah, but how is it racist if especially you're criticizing a government which comprises of black people who are screwing a black citizenry. They've been doing it for decades. They've never gotten it, right? But Rainn Wilson took a picture from Sandals. Yeah, he took a picture from Club Med. Sandals. Most people don't even know what that is. The resort. Is it so funny? I don't know. I think it is. It's in the Bahamas, I think. Jamaica, a few of those places. I think it's one of those places. Sandals. No locale in Haiti. A couple of the other shitholes. I mean, I just like, it's one of those things where I think if nothing else, Donald Trump has allowed people, and we weren't Trump people. We got so much flack from the alt right because we didn't support Donald Trump. Right. I remember that. And you were more in support of Ted Cruz, right? I liked Carly Fiorina. And Ben Shapiro. I mean, Ben Carson. A little bit, right? I just thought he was hysterical. Well, he's a smart guy. He's adorable. He's adorable. He's also crazy. Yeah, he's like a Jim Henson character. My favorite thing was him with Jesus, the painting. Jesus on his shoulder. And hanging on top. Like, whoa, Ben. It's like, you can be a neurosurgeon. You're an absolute genius in that. But you don't have the sense of like, maybe I shouldn't put Jesus on my shoulder. Like, I'm a cop. Well, Jordan Peterson said something that's very brilliant. He said, there is absolutely no correlation with being smart and being wise. It's true. It's true. There's a lot of people that are really fucking smart at things, but they are not wise in terms of how they behave and how they think and how they conduct their life.