Joe Rogan on Hearing Cosby Rumors, Harvey Weinstein


7 years ago



Christina P

9 appearances

Christina P is a stand-up comic and co-host of the "Your Mom's House" podcast with her husband and fellow comedian Tom Segura. Her new Netflix comedy special, "Mom Genes," is available now.


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#1023 - Christina P


7 years ago


Hello freak bitches. Shit from him. But Cosby, that was a surprise. Was it though? Did you ever hear the rumors? No. See I did. In show business circles because briefly I lived in the actor's world. Right when I was on news radio and I would hear it. I would hear it back then that he would drug people. Really? Yes, yes, yes. Yeah you would hear it. Wow. It was like one of those weird rumors that would go around. Bill Cosby drugs people. Wow dude. Dude it was going on forever. That's why Hannibal talked about it. When Hannibal talked about it on stage and it all blew up. Which is kind of crazy if you know Hannibal. You know, he just happened to be talking about it. And then someone happened to be filming it and then the rest of the world was like is that true? Is that true? Because Bill Cosby is always telling people to not swear. Especially like he was big on telling young black comedians not to swear, not to talk about sex. And he's like, Bill Cosby is always telling that. Well he's telling that, raping people. And everybody's like, what? What did he say? Is he? Wait, what? What? That was like the rumor was always around. Yeah. I had heard some creepy, a little creepiness. But I didn't know but it was that extent. When someone does something like that to people, like that's one of the creepiest fucking things a human can do to another human. And the idea that this guy who was America's father, right? In a lot of ways. He was our black dad. You know, he was the moral authority. He was your black dad. He was Mr. Hux-table. Yeah. You know? And then the fact that that guy, someone described him as the biggest serial rapist in the history of America. Like that really might be the case. Because if he really did drug all these people that he said he did, like how many people have raped more? He might be number one, which is crazy. Insane to think. It's crazy. And the whole time with their hip on the hop and the nonsense. Yeah. And he's the darkest motherfucker ever. Darkest. Just drugging them, watching them plaster. That's fucking... And he's got kids. I know. That's the crazy part when you have children. He's drugging someone else's baby and sticking his dick in them while they're unconscious. It's so evil. It's evil. Now what about Harvey Weinstein? Yeah. Oof. Oof. And he's one everyone knew about too, apparently. Apparently. Yeah. That's the cliche, right? The disgusting boss of the studio that wants you to suck his dick and get a role. I know. It's funny because you do think, well, isn't that kind of why you become like a show business executive? Like to get chicks? Not to rape chicks. Sexual assault is always off the table. But did he rape him? Now it's coming out that there's rape. Last I checked today. I know. And he is not a looker. Like he's definitely not cute. He looks like the type of guy that would be the type of guy he is. Yeah. Which is what's fucked up. Oh, he's so nasty. Suicide threat prompts police response. Whoa. Oh, we're there, huh? I went to a fight with his daughter this morning and they had to... She called the 911. Damn, homie. Because he was going to kill himself? Something. I don't know. Well, he must be so overwhelmed with guilt and fear and remorse and just self-hatred. You know, he sounds like an addict. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that he's also probably a power addict. You know, like he's this guy who's like this gluttonous man. Like if you look at his physical self, right? His face is overflowing on his collar and he's just gluttonous. Like more food. Where's the Coke? Pussy. Pussy money. There's this gluttonous existence. It's not like a measured, thought out, contemplative, introspective existence where he's just trying to enjoy his time here. Like, wow, how lucky I am that I get to do this and make these amazing movies. You guys are all great. That's what I expect from like Steven Spielberg. I expect Steven Spielberg to be like this really like introspective, thoughtful guy. I was just enjoying the process of making amazing movies. Right. This guy. But he's a creative thing. Harvey's an executive guy, right? He's the guy, the money guy, buy everything and then Coke and copy art and suck my dick. You know? It is so nasty. It's so gross. But okay, now on the other hand, on the other hand, I was like, you know, Hollywood is such a labyrinth in terms of like getting shit done and getting deals closed and how does this happen. It would kind of be nice to be like, you want a Netflix special? Just go fucking suck that guy's dick. And then I could be like, oh, that's all I have to do is suck that guy's. Yeah, come over here, you nasty fuck. And then there's your special. Right? Way easier. Would you have to have a conversation with Tommy? Listen, Tommy, this is not sex. Yeah, this is such a funny little job. This is a job. It's work. Right. And then it's like cut and dry and it's an exchange. You know, I was in law school for two weeks and I remember two weeks and I dropped out in contract law. It's an exchange of something for something else. Right. Seems fucking pretty straightforward. Well, that's what prostitution is, right? Which is one of the weirdest things that massage is legal, but prostitution isn't. Isn't that something? It is. It is odd because we do not like genital pleasure. We don't like genital pleasure for cash. Like genital pleasure has to be for love. It has to be love and has to be given free. It's the only thing in civilization that we require to be given away for free. Everything else you can exchange money for. It's so interesting. Exchange money for food, right? It's not prostitution if someone cooks for you. Right. That's normal. It's a total normal thing, but it's a very intimate thing. Feeding someone. Yes. Yes, of course. It's love. You can go to a hair salon, they'll wash your head. Yep. They give you a head massage. That's the best. That's one thing I miss about having hair. I rub my head. Oh. It's the best feeling in the world. Like a head massage. Or foot massage. People love foot massages. I bet there's people out there that like foot massages more than like head. Yeah, for sure. For sure. For sure. Right? But then you put a camera in front of two people fucking. It's totally legal. And now it's legal. You can pay them. So what's- We're retarded. Yeah, that makes no sense. We're babies. Yeah. We're grown up babies. But maybe because you can commodify that, and that's a capitalistic thing, maybe it's more commodifiable as a product. Honestly, I think there's two factors. One is the tax factor. It's very difficult to get taxes from people that are prostitutes. It's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, not that. Where's that money going? Give us our cut. And then the other thing is the sex trafficking, sex slavery aspect. Protecting people that are sex traffickers. Because you could have someone that was sold into sex slavery or in some way bartered their trip to America and had some sort of a sex slave deal. That's where it gets fucked up. But there's been arguments that what makes that exist in the first place is that prostitution is illegal here. Yes. And if prostitution was legal, it would be that stuff would all go away, much like the argument is with illegal drugs. If you made marijuana legal, you wouldn't have as much of the Mexican drug illegal trade, which you are seeing. You are seeing in America. Of course. It's retarded. And wait, Harvey, he was the guy that would give girls the shoulder rubs. He would tell them to massage him. He would massage them. They would massage him. He would do according to these girls. I don't know if it's true, but he'd be the guy that I'll be right back. And he comes back in a bathrobe. He's the bathrobe guy. So here's the thing. I don't mean to make light of anybody's sexual assault or whatever it was or harassment, but other working on the roof again. Wonderful. But here's the thing. How many women said yes, that's probably a fuck load. That was his move. What we're seeing is his missed pitches. Right. Right. He hit a lot of fucking triples and home runs, knocked a lot of balls out of the park, but occasionally he was whiffing. Occasionally he was like, I got this one in the back, boys. And she's like, fuck off, you pig. And he's like, oh, come on, just come back to my room. No, no, no. It's like, shit. What happened, Harvey? Wasn't connecting. I wasn't connecting. But listen, I got all this. There's a girl who wants to be in the next fucking this movie and Avatar 16 and she's willing to do the thing to get the part. And that's kind of OK. Yeah. Then then suck that guy's day can get the part and get your money and get on with it. How many girls read the story when it broke and could still taste the asparagus caviar flavored cum, just the cocaine and the vodka in his loads. I bet he has like a Flemmy like moan when he comes. He's a kind of guy that has the white spittle in the corners of his mouth when he talks to you. Trying to hit on you. He's got a little white spit bubble on his lip. He's nasty. That's a gluttonous man. He's out of control. It's not attractive. It's definitely not. Oh, my favorite too is that he would jerk off into did you hear this that he plants. He's green. He wants to exist off of his loads. But that's such a desperate thing. Like, come over. Can I have it? No. OK, stay here then. Let me you know, like it's so maybe it was hoping they would just dive in the grenade. Thank you. Save a soldier. Thank you. But I also like I was thinking, too, I've I've seen so many dudes jerking off in public like homeless guys. I never got anything for it. Is it? You know, good point. Yeah. Yeah, guys. Look, just come on. Here's the thing about male sex versus female sex. Right. Is the accepting part of female sex versus the giving like trying to get take this. Take it. Yeah. And the other thing is that men take it literally are constantly building come. Yeah. While you're alive. Yeah. Your comm is backing up. Yeah. So if you're if you're not like I just have the bit in my act that was it was really based on advice that I used to give friends when they're like, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, listen, jerk off first and then think about it. Like if you're if you're having a hard time with someone and you don't know what to do and you're going to see them jerk off first and then see them and then you'll be able to deal with them without any sexual lust. You won't be making ice. Excuse me as a as a young man. This is a real issue with me when I was in my twenties because I was so horny. It was like I was a drug addict. So I'd be like I would be like making agreements with myself. Yeah, she's annoying, but she's going to let me have sex with her. So listen, just let's just change our behavior and mold to what she likes and then you'll get the fuckers. That's what you need. Like otherwise you just be beaten off. But I remember one time I was supposed to go out with this girl and she was just so preposterously annoying. It was so frustrating. She just was always negative. And before I went out, before I went to go get her, I jerked off and I was sitting there. I was going, what am I doing? Like I don't even enjoy her company. Like she's not compatible with me. Like I don't, if you can, if you would just like someone as a person and you like having sex with them, that's a relationship. Yes. But if you only like having sex with them, you have some sort of a weird barter deal and that's a lot of men. A lot of men get in and I'm sure a lot of women probably too, but I can only speak for men. Like men get involved in these relationships where you're really just in a relationship so that you have a continuous supply of sex. Especially when you're young and stupid. When you're 20 years old, you're basically a monkey. You know, you're just like a little eight person just trying to fuck and you're just trying to, well I love her. She's really cool. And why do you love her? Because she smells good because her tits feel good in your mouth. Like what is really going on here? Like do you actually enjoy her company as a human being outside of sex? Doesn't matter. Right. Most of the time you don't. And so if you just jerk off first and then hang out with someone and you actually like them, like then you have a real relationship. Like, oh, I really like you. Like you. Yeah. You clear out the pipes, right? You clear out the testosterone and now you can just think clearly. It's super smart. But I think, I mean, I'm just guessing. I've never been a media mogul, but I would imagine there's a bunch of factors going on. First of all, there's a bunch of people that are constantly kissing his ass and rubbing us. Like I saw a picture of him with Renee Zellweger and Renee Zellweger was like cuddling up with him and she had her hand on him and he had his arm on her and there was like some other celebrity to his right and they were like, yuck, yuck, yuck at it up. But he was like pawing her. He had a hold of her. And I would imagine that there's all these people that recognize that he's this like epicenter of power and success and you want Harvey Weinstein of Miramax to love you and you would get close to him and you have a couple of drinks and you're doing coke together. Yeah. Look at that. She's got her hand on his leg. Oh yeah, dude. And he's got Russell Crowe to his right and Renee Zellweger to his left and she's smiling. They're probably hammered. Everyone's on Zadak's. Next thing you know, he's got his dick in her butt. That's crazy, dude. And she's like, I'm just imagining that happen. Bridget Jones, diary number two. Number six. Great. Fine with me. I don't know if that really happened. No, I don't either. But my point is that it's not just that he was predatory. It was also that he lived, I'm just guessing, okay. I'm not an apologist, folks, but I would imagine that he lived in this world where he was like royalty he was essentially like the king of this empire, right? So he had all these employees. It's one of the articles that I read today, I think it was from the Telegraph, where this guy was saying that he was at a party or one of his friends was at a party and they were having a conversation with this girl who worked for Harvey and Harvey just said her name from across the room and her face went pale and she immediately just ran away from him to run to her. Like didn't say, excuse me, I'll be right back just ran out of fear. Who knows that is obviously it can be interpretation after the fact, right? It could be exaggeration of what the actual circumstances were to fit a narrative. But you got to imagine this guy is just multi multi millionaire, just orgiastic, gluttonous job of the hut motherfucker, just getting us to accept and just we're going to be the biggest, the biggest ever. And then there's also these girls that he can't get. And he's like close to them, close to them. That's the anger, right? Listen, Christina, you got his hand on you. One of the best. Come into my room. Let's talk about this. I've got a proposal. I've got a proposal. You come up to his room and he's in a bathrobe on you. Like what? Just give me a massage. My neck is tense. You like Coke? What about Coke and caviar? Coke and caviar together. So gross. That is, he is unbelievably him. And I have to say, and I know Hugh Hefner was a big mogul and he did a lot of cool shit. Not for me, that would be a tough gig too. Like living in the mansion and being one of the girls like, come over for movie night, you know, and he's in his pajamas and you know that he butt sexed them because he didn't want to get anyone pregnant. So that's what I read. And what is it? Holly, Holly Madison wrote, wrote a book. Is that her fucking name? Dolly Madison's the pastry. I like who the fuck is he butt sexed them so that they didn't have to worry about birth control. That's correct. And then there's a lot of like, he would make the girls make out in front of him and then he would masturbate too. It's also kind of, I think is a way of avoiding possible pregnancies. Wow. So he probably developed a strategy over years of like ducking pregnancies. Wow. That's, that's a weird thing too, right? To like be putting yourself out there as this person with a lot of money who really likes young girls and the young girls go, all I have to do is catch one load. That's all you have to do at the right time. I've heard stories about athletes that girls put holes in the condoms or the girls take the condoms out of the trash and squirt them into their pussy. Imagine how was I born mommy? Well, it's a lovely story. Your mommy, your mommy took a condom like one of them pastry bags and squirted that fucker in there. Well, your mother fished a filthy condom out of the trash. I threw it in the toilet. I pretended to throw it in the toilet, but I had one saved in my mouth. I spit that one in the toilet and that's why you're alive.

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