6 years ago
5 appearances
Jimmy Dore is a stand-up comic, political commentator, and host of "The Jimmy Dore Show" on YouTube. Watch his new special, "Covid Lies Are Funny," at jimmydore.com.
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
Fucking crazy, you know We were talking about Alex Jones. Okay, so how's the platform? Yeah, I mean Seems to be like across the board like there it's almost They waited for Apple it seems like and when Apple pulled them from iTunes and then you know YouTube had danced with it right they'd given him some strikes It was really recently like within the last couple of months. Yeah, Facebook had given him some strikes and YouTube Gave him some strikes and people like hey, you know, there was some I felt like almost like unfounded Speculation that they would remove him from the platform like they're never gonna remove him. That's crazy That's too far and then all of a sudden boom everybody in one fell swoop Spotify Spotify remove him they were going to they did right iTunes removed him There's a loophole though that somebody I saw an article today where people like want nothing but less than total destruction I that Apple Attacked Alex Jones and got rid of him But they offered him a safety net in the form of the app that he has on their their app store They're still so they're trying to take that down to like take down his show became instantly way more popular Oh, I'm sure so again the unintended consequences. I try to tell people That you know, I'm not defending Alex Jones. I'm defending, you know, the principle of freedom of speech You know people who are convicted of killers who know on death row They still get their freedom of speech. You're allowed to print articles and they're allowed to have you know I mean, they're still allowed. Well, he's allowed to still I mean he doesn't hasn't write silenced He has his website, but he could put his show out on his website He can he could host it from his website and it can all be fine But these major media companies now, they just decided we've had enough We don't want this on and here's the thing like I don't know what he said That that they would there was a straw that broke the camel's back. It seemed like it's not a recent statement Well, let's just go to the court transcripts and we'll figure out. Oh, there wasn't there wasn't a coat. Oh, there's no hearing or nothing There wasn't a judicial hearing there was no Come on they just what they let some jag off billionaire in the middle of the night on a whim fucking do this Is that what happened? Yes, you think that's what it is that was some billionaire or do you think it's the middle managers and the You know the executives at all these giant tech companies that just decided. I don't know. It's it's definitely The government tells Facebook what to do a lot of times, right? And so they bow to the government all the time because they don't want to be regulated, right? So that's why they just they just started having hearings with that's why they had those hearings should we regulate Facebook? Right, so the hook those hearings by the way were fucking bizarre It was like a guy pretending to be human You know it was like some sort of a robot or an alien the way you would sip water He would take like this and who fucking sips water. It was like a guy spitting dip into a glass. He would go like this There was the weirdest little sips so much to make a compilation of Zuckerberg sips of water Whoever is that guy who makes the compilations of your show he does a good job. He does a funny job on those Me that my Zuckerberg impression Okay No senator no sir there watch this up watch that sip give me another one of those oh there is one they have them Yeah, oh, so there is a drinking water Oh my god watch him sip who fucking sips water like that. It's like he has to think about it hmm Yeah act normal be human humans drink water drink Look how slowly he tilted that glass and him and the guy behind him have the same color tie hmm That's the guy they're gonna shoot in the head keeping eye contact while he's drinking the water. It's kind of weird. Yeah, it's trying to at least I Want to be disrespectful Fantastic that that whole thing was so strange it was so hey What a better guy to us to keep to protect us from fake news and tell us what's real news and and you know? What's has integrity and what doesn't then a guy who made a couple billion dollars off a stolen idea from his friends? I mean, I think that's the perfect guy to say is that the true story is that what he actually did yeah? That's what was in the movie right that was in the movie. That's what I know I didn't see the movie okay Yeah, I know the story though was that he ripped people off that it wasn't his idea But he was the one who figured out a way to wrestle it. Yeah Get rich as fuck, but this is Matt. He wrote an article on the second August 2nd about this and There's been a lot of people being The platform from Facebook that you don't know about like this isn't like Okay, so here's here's what he's They shut down lots of other sites at the behest of the government and Israel like the and the Atlantic Council So pages like black elevation they got shut down a page called mindful being they got shut down Facebook also wiped out no unite the right to which is a page appearing to advertise a counter rally on the upcoming Anniversary of the violence in Charlottesville, so they shut that down too Matt. I you be let me just give you a quick quote from his article He says Facebook was helped in its efforts to wipe out these dangerous memes by the Atlantic Council on whose board you'll find Confidence-inspiring names like Henry Kissinger CIA chief Michael Hayden former acting CIA had had Michael Morel and former Bush era Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff these people now have their hands on what is essentially a direct lever over nationwide news distribution It's hard to state the potential mischief that lurks behind this union of Internet platforms and would be government sensors Can this read you one more paragraph because this is this is exactly what we're talking about He says it is already a scandal that these de facto private media regulators have secret Algorithmic processes that push down some news organizations in favor of others which they do Witness the complaints by outlets like alternate truth dig and others that big platforms have been De-emphasizing alternative sites in the name of combating fake news But this week's revelation is worse when Facebook works with the government and want to want to be star chamber Organizations like the Atlantic Council to delete sites on national security grounds using secret methodology It opens the door to nightmare possibilities that you'd only find in dystopian novels So he goes on and it's it's awesome what he says, but We would have more comfort if they would I mean there's no like one of the things that they're doing is they use that blanket term hate speech So by the way, so they're trying to put a bill Have you heard about this in Congress to make police a protected class of people? So if you say shit about them now, it's considered hate speech. Did you know that what? Yeah, they're trying to make people Yes, so fuck the police would be considered hate speech so they would just retroactively arrest NWA They could and about ice tea and cop killer, right? And so now if you do have a rally that's against the police that's a hate rally Yeah, and they can take your YouTube channel down if you said hate stuff about the cops and stuff So so that that's where we are hate speech the fuck how come I'm not allowed to hate shit by the way I hate Nazis. Can I say I hate fucking Nazis? I hate the KKK. Can I say I hate them? That's a speech. I you strongly dislike the KKK You can strongly dislike something. I when I was a kid. I hated the fucking Dodgers Oh, I know hate speech because I was a Cubs fan and the Dodgers always kicked our hate speech Yeah hate speech is a strange blanket term almost like drugs You know like drugs is caffeine, but it's also heroin, you know, it's like drugs. What's wrong with that? I don't understand what is there's hate out there. So what so what's wrong? So by the way, I but it's a bad way of expressing things like hate speeches. It's it's not a good descriptive Because I agree when you stop there. What is it entail? Like, you know, I had a conversation with a woman at YouTube about Sam Harris and Douglas Murray in a podcast where they had had a conversation and someone put it on their YouTube channel in their playlist Just put it in their playlist and they got a community guidelines. Oh I asked I asked why and the woman said very cleanly it was hate speech and I said, what are you talking about? I go. Did you listen to it? It was it too intellectual? So you two public intellectuals? discussing immigration and some of the problems that Europe is having right now and you decided that that's hate speech and you don't even know what they said but that but the fact that she's so confidently described in that way sort of It sort of embodies what this problem is is that they have these blanket terms They're out to throw on problems and there's a million other fires to put out So there's no more need to put any more consideration to this this guy's a problem. This is problematic. This is hate speech Shut it down People don't realize how bad it is. Joe you do because you know this story Yeah, but people go all good for Alex Jones. He shouldn't be able to do that stuff what he's doing I'm like do not understand That this is the shot across the bow that if they can do this to Alex Jones that they're coming I've already been trashed by the establishment meeting by the Washington Post by CNN I've already been equated to pedophiles and those kind of things and Conspiracy theorists and I've been in articles with Alex Jones. They've done it to me so because I tell the truth about the war and so The Anodote to bad speech if you really hate what Alex Jones is doing the antidote to bad speech is not censorship The antidote to bad speech is more speech if you think it's speech If you think what Alex Jones is doing needs to be debunked create a Facebook page called debunking Alex Jones and debunk him Right, you know Kyle Kalinsky does that kind of stuff all the time people do that stuff all the time That's how you convert if you're afraid of an idea. You don't shut down the idea you Expose the idea and you debunk it But if you have a private platform and you own this you start a business and your business is Putting up YouTube videos and you decide that someone is putting up something that's hurtful and damaging and racist Then it could be used to attack large groups of people and then you see like All the craziness that's been connected to the alt-right movement and you associate that with this individual Do you have to keep that on your platform? I mean, there's no regulation right now. No, not like that. No public utilities or it should be though That's my point My point is that 70% of the people get their news from Google and Facebook and they're a monopoly, right? So they have monopolistic powers 70% yeah, that's that was a that was a stat I read today So you can't it's like well Hey, they took they took yeah, they took why do you think it's a stretch? It's a lot of it says 45% of the people get our story from Facebook. That means 150 million people are on Facebook every single day. Yeah, I think that's not accurate No, but I think that's right, but when they get their news we don't that three people in this room art So that's the three people right here that aren't but I get my news from Google Some I have that I have that Google app on my phone and every every day I go to it in the morning when I'm taking a shit and I go over like what's crazy today. What's happened? Oh new Porsche coming out Baron Cohen do one sentence. Well, let's see what they said. I just looked at it's what it said 45% get it from from Facebook but according to is it a Gallup poll? It was according to their stats and I went back to read another Rolling Stone article to find out where we're going So right and it's a bunch of like Facebook article selling advertisements Trying to find the date so even even even if you quibble with those you we can't deny like Alex Jones cannot now go Well, just go to the other YouTube Hey, just go to the other Facebook There is another so we have to recognize that the way we are organized as a society that the town square is now owned by Corporations who that need to be regulated right like it like before if you know when AT&T was the phone carrier for everybody They couldn't go I'm not gonna give Alex Jones a phone service cuz I don't like the shit He's saying okay that so, you know, we you can't deny services somebody all that stuff But that's not really a valid comparison because the phone service wasn't distributed information to people Right the phone service is just a method of communication. It was just a utility with what he's able to do through Info Wars is if you've got them on your platform He's gonna say some things and he's gonna use your platform to say some things that you know Might not be true and might be crazy So you got to decide like when does it become a problem and I think where they drew the line was Sandy Hook So here's what I say Joe We need to treat these as public utilities because they are right Facebook. There is no alternative there is an alternative to YouTube we need to regulate them it's long overdue by the way and They are monopolies with that's obvious to everyone that they're monopolies But you know when you when you invent something called whatsapp and then Facebook buys it for 20 billion dollars There's a monopoly. There's no way there's no way to Compete with these people. So these are monopolies. They need to be regulated and people's need to be protected and it That's how that's where we need to go because right now We're leaving it up to the whims of a billion like you say hey if Alex Jones really did some shit that was wrong and he Should be taken off or his free speech should be a bridge for it. Do it Let's see it go go to a court or go to a thing or good people go Well, he docks his people and he is if doxing is illegal He should be prosecuted if that's what happened, but you shouldn't take away. Did he docks people? That's what they're saying. They're saying he's died. He'd want it. He doxxed people from Newtown or whatever From the school shootings. So that's what they're talked about the individuals that he gave their addresses and their lives That's what they're saying that he docked. Okay, but let's let's find out if he actually did that because that sounds crazy I I'm I don't know if he did but they're not saying what he actually did. This is what's crazy. I keep hearing that he promoted the idea that Sandy Hook was False it was false and that it was a false flag and that these were all actors, right? I don't know if he actually said that I think what he actually said was I don't know if that happened I think that's what he actually said and people are saying well, that's promoting the idea that that it was a hoax So what but I want to know if that's what he really said See, I don't know if that's even the case because I've heard it I've heard it written that he promoted the idea that Sandy Hook was a conspiracy But they're not quoting and when they say that there's no quotes. There's no Sandy Hook was a hoax Those kids were actors those kids are not dead I don't see that anywhere right but they keep attributing that to him without quotations But again, if this if there was some kind of process due process We could go back and look at the transcript not only that not only that if during this whole time where he's being tried He was still able to be on YouTube and have his videos He could show in his videos that he didn't say that he could show what he actually said and tell you what he actually said And show clips he can't do that anymore So now the narrative is completely in the hands of the mainstream media a hundred percent So the Alex Jones narrative is being taken 100% out of his hands and now it's in the mainstream media And now there's Sandy Hook denier Conspiracy theorists right-wing lunatic all these different things which mayor some of it mean Alex Fucking nuts my point is We've had nuts people with they still have that when I was a kid Joe Maybe you remember Johnny Carson used to go ape shit about the National Enquirer. Yes Do you remember that and it was a big deal? He would stop his show and I'm putting my foot down about this Yeah, they still have the national and nobody said take it out of the supermarkets Nobody was like we got to ban that newspaper because we can't handle the ideas from this newspaper They're still right there. You go to Ralph's. They're right there. They're the last thing you see before they leave They're right at the eye level for kids. Yeah, nobody what says take away the national inquiry. I went to Facebook They still have a Facebook page that national acquirer. Yes So does the world news daily and you know what the first news news story was that came up on a world news dailies was a? British man can only defecate through his mouth. That was the first story that came up the first story I need to have to look for it British man defecates through his mouth. I'm like this is like South Park, right? Yeah, and it's not like you want them to be taken down as well But it's what's interesting is like world nudes daily and Star magazine all those they've sort of been they're a joke Like you know it's not real. You know the inquirer is not real, but we know that but it's not it's it's somebody's buying those Somebody's buying those right, but are they buying are they kind of buying them somebody one in your team? I watch his professional wrestling here goes lawsuit quotes Jones saying yes So Sandy Hook is a synthetic completely fake is is a synthetic Completely fake with actors in my view manufactured Okay, I would show the video January right January 13th 2015 the lawsuit quotes Jones saying yeah, so sandy. Yeah, so sandy hook is a Synthetic completely fake with actors in my view manufactured Yeah Yeah that you actually nailed that impression I spent a lot of time with that dude drunk And there's a he's um like that's a real problem saying something like that. It's crazy But he's he's look he his whole business is saying things That are sometimes right and saying things that are sometimes absolutely wrong you know and and that's and it's all wild and it's all Globalists and you ever see that song that they did where these guys took his actual words and rants But then they have like this like emo song Singing the words no I have fucking genius when we get pulled over off of YouTube if we play that Let's find out if we get yank for this one because it's brilliant because it's it's a parody, but it's so it's so indie folk song Yeah, you said emo sign enough. There's two indie folk emo. It's just you know some low testosterone music Play listen to this listen this That's why we're just out there doing simple things pointing out that we're meant to be in nature It'd be natural and this is where we find the source that God made to transcend the new world order And it's why they want to try to keep us out of it watch this I'm angry But that enough of these people There are holes of Christian murder stone There are giant death factors keeping babies alive What oh you taking the audio off Alex Jones rants as an indie folk song for people that are just listening to this you got a Google this because we removed the sound from YouTube oh, okay Babies we want to eat babies. We love say we want to eat babies. I have the one video That's just what you just said I have really good Oh We both smell like sulfur This is song Literal vampire pot belly goblins Come on oh my god You know I Think there's something there's something about his struggle right now That's representative of the the chaotic world that we live in that that he does have this giant voice Then he does have this giant following and that it is this this his actual words come out and song like that and are so hysterical and that They think that somehow or another Yanking this guy off all these platforms is gonna like remove it Did they understand this try Santa effect because this is just gonna it's there's gonna be another way But what's the dry said effect Barbara Streisand had a house in Malibu this giant ass house They took pictures of it, and she went ape shit And you know complain to all these you know Newspapers and complained to the police and everything that they're taking photos of her house and get the fuck out of here This is I'm Barbara Streisand and because that it became a giant story that Barbara Streisand is pissed if someone's showing her house And they're like well it must be a hell of a house Where is it and then there it is the Streisand effect is a phenomenon. There's the house whereby an attempt to hide remove or censor a piece of information as the unintended consequence of Publicizing the information more wildly usually facilitated by the internet okay. Yeah, they wanna eat babies No, I thought you can Ah But on print again people make the false equator oh you're defending Alex Joe I'm not defending you're defending free speech I'm defending free speech and I understand the argument that hey, it's a private corporation I get that I get that but if you took a look at the bigger picture These should be everyone thinks the internet should be a public utility I mean most people do right and that's what they're upset that they're not treating it like a public utility Obama administration did they decided to at the last minute and so if you think the internet should be a public utility I think YouTube and Facebook should be a public utility also and But there's there's an opening for other people to make their own YouTube like make a version of it if you have a sufficient capital But you don't and there's something that if you do start it They'll just buy you out like that like I just showed you the example of whatsapp with they give you tonight with 19 billion dollars Whatever they paid for some crazy, so that's they just eat up their competition right now We need to Teddy Roosevelt to come along and break up all these monopolies It's never gonna happen the end of the Empire is coming so here's the question like is there a valid? Parallel a valid comparison like are there people that have things that are more hateful that are on YouTube that haven't been Deplatformed is it the influence that he has that that's terrifying is it the fact that? He's a figurehead for this kind of stuff Is that what it is like that? He's the this whole info Wars movement is in some people's mind a figurehead for this Pro Trump thing they're trying to stop and silence like what is it? I don't know it's very curious that it all happened at the same time right and because of there's a there's a In 1996 there was a law pass that actually Insulates the platforms from being sued Did you know that so like platform so if someone puts up something and select say he puts something up that leads to someone getting Killed right on YouTube can't you can't sue YouTube you can't sue Facebook for that's in that 1996 law So there's that so I get that they're a private company, but again they have to have the protection out of the law They have Congress protecting them so they have a certain that's a certain that's a type of regulation You're regulated from you can't sue them. Yeah, right so I'm looking for this tweet by Glenn Greenwald That really because if we're gonna take down Here I'll find it I'll find it Here it is he says There's been a tactic of censors for centuries They start with someone who is so utterly hated and marginalized that everyone is blinded by their hatred for the first censorship target That they cheer and forget that they're endorsing a principle and power that will then expand Yeah, and so right now they came for the Jews. Yeah right now We're allowing the whim of billionaires in the middle of the night to decide who gets to be on these monopolistic Platforms and who doesn't if there was ten youtubes no one would care, but there isn't there's one YouTube There's one Facebook and they are monopolies and that's the world we live in right now And that's why they're doing whatever the government wants them to because they don't want the government to regulate them That's why he went there and was sipping the water like that and trying to make eye Contact and be nice because he doesn't want them to regulate him. He'll do it for I'll do Julian Assange in 2010 gave a speech Which I saw recently on a plane where he predicted this He was like the corporations are an extension of the government and they will do the censorship in the future And that's exactly what's happening right now So do you think is the government that's censoring Alex Jones because I would think that the government that's in power Currently would want to keep Alex Jones in position because he's a supporter of Trump. He's a supporter of you know Why did so why does why is Trump going after Julian Assange is because he's afraid he'll expose him someday I don't know Why is he allowing the CIA to do that to go after Julian Assange? And you know that just shows you how shitty the journalists in America because not one of them are standing up for Julian Assange And they're all pretending that when Trump says mean things about Jim Acosta that somehow that's this unbelievable Violation of our freedom of peace and our press and he's got you son of a bitch You don't care if you cared about freedom of the press You would say something about Julian Assange and no one is saying what lie has Julian Assange ever printed? Not never never been improved never what did Julian Assange do he? Revealed that our election was being rigged by the Democratic Party not Russia But by the Democratic Party and that is a sin you can't commit you cannot tell the truth about the powerful and that's what's happening right now and you know, he he revealed the CIA in Has all those spying techniques that they can get your TV to listen to you your phone Vault 7 all that stuff. He revealed that's why they want to get him But I and Trump, you know, I just think that Trump is just you know He's not really clued in right? He's let's other he's glad to let the generals do the job and his for underlings He doesn't really want he wants to paint broad strokes and lets everyone you want to kill Julian Assange go ahead I don't give a f that's I think how he feels I don't think it's his plan to do it But everybody else underneath him wants to and certainly the intelligence community and everyone forgets this Chuck Schumer went on Rachel Maddow show like two years ago and right out in public Said that Trump is making a mistake by crossing the intelligence community because when you mess with them They have six ways to Sunday to mess with you back. Holy shit, and nobody cared that he said that So what he's saying is the president should be afraid of unelected spooks Unelected bureaucrats these though they should be he should be afraid of them That is and no one went what what the F could you imagine saying that about Barack Obama? Hey Barack Obama better be nice to the CIA. They're gonna F with him as an elected official. Yeah. Yes Officials saying that almost almost sanctioning it Yes And then we have Eugene Robinson in the Washington Post writing an article begging the deep state to undermine about Trump's foreign policy Did you see that article? No, that's yes Pulitzer Prize winner first They spend all their life denying there is a deep state and then Eugene Robinson writes an article Begging the deep state to defy president president Trump why they're so blinded by ideology that they don't see the consequences of this There's unintended consequences and here they are and but they're coming at they've already come for me They're already coming for the left. This is how this is how this works so Again, that's why I warn all my friends about the Russiagate nonsense Chomsky said if you care about the people meddling in our election Russia would be the last place I would look the first place to look is concentrated capital. That's what Dictates who are gonna be our government. That's why we don't have the things the rest of the world has because we have a Capital has captured our government, which is why we don't have Medicare for all which is why we don't have free college Which is why we don't have an infrastructure plan, which is why we're in eight wars Meanwhile people half the country's poor low income 63% of the country can't afford a thousand dollar emergency and a quarter of all kids are in poverty in the richest country in the world Joe, what do you call a system that takes the richest country in the world and renders half of its population poor or low income? That's a failed fucking system and that's what we're living in right now and it's failing worldwide now if you were someone like Google though or Who owns YouTube or if you were iTunes or any of these platforms that have Spotify when you get an overwhelming volume of complaints about someone who's in the news right now because the fact that Alex Jones is being sued by the Sandy Hook parents this is what started this all off because it means right to people This is so egregious these poor parents lost their children and here's yeah, it's horrible saying that it's fake and That they don't want that on their platform. So would you think that they should just delete the episode that has that that says that Should they do that or should they allow that episode? No, they should I so Here's a serious a solution if if there's if he did do something in a video that is illegal Take that video down until it gets adjudicated You don't the platform them a hundred you don't give them the death penalty, right? So, okay. What about like Stormfront? What have you got like some white supremacist group that's calling for violence against people you do you take them down? I think you would again you would have to I would like to see in some kind of adjudication You know again, I the blanket policies of things saying things like hate speech Right again, it's all interpretation and by just a week ago Mark Zuckerberg was defending it He was defending that we have Holocaust deniers on our platform Holocaust deniers Joe and that's not fake news That's not gonna you're not gonna take that down. Like I just told you they have guys defecating out of their mouth. They have this thing They had they have the the the the National Enquirer. They're still cool. Right? So this is a very squiggly line Joe again There's there's no board. There's no adjudication. It's not transparent. It's not transparent. It's not rational either This is not a rational debate Let me just the sheer let me just give you one more thing about what he says when This is Matt Taibbi. He says the sheer market power of these companies over information flow has always been the real threat This is why breaking them up should have long ago become a national priority Instead as was obvious during the Senate hearing with Mark Zuckerberg earlier this year politicians are more interested in Using then curtailing the power of these companies the platform for their part will cave rather than be regulated The endgame here couldn't be clearer. This is how Authoritarian marriages begin and people should be very worried. They should be worried. They should be worried, especially if this does escalate I understand that people who Believe that he's a Sandy Hook denier and they read those words. They don't want him to have a platform They don't want him to be able to spread that hate they understand I understand that they would feel like imagine being one of those parents and you lost your kid and you're you're seeing this guy on TV You're on YouTube saying it's all fake. It's it's outrageous and it's repulsive. I agree. It's offensive and I get that but I think it's it's It's very dangerous It's very dangerous to silence people that may or may not have any other recourse in terms of like He doesn't have the ability to defend himself He doesn't have the ability to make a video about it unless he puts it on his own website And then who's gonna watch it like this the stuff that they're doing with YouTube. It's just It's a slippery slope, you know, and especially when they use these terms like hate speech They're not like when you say like what are they saying? They saying that he violated their terms, correct? Yes, so what what are those terms that he violated and what is a specific violation? Like what are the words that he said where you were like enough is enough if that's the case How did you let him get away with saying all this other shit for years and years? And when when do you draw this line like just that video that we played, you know, they smell like sulfur They eat they want to eat babies. They're screaming. I love Satan and they want to eat babies like whoa Where does the line get drawn I just I don't think I don't think that should be up to Subjectivity I think that should be a very very hard Question that's answered with very clear facts. You should have an adversarial judicial process with an impartial judge or jury Right, and how would you even get someone impartial instead? They have in-house decide decisions Well, you heard that I mean you heard Matt Hey be does delineate the people who are involved in this stuff and by the way Facebook's taken down pages of people who are Palestinians because the Israeli government tells them to what they do it. So you know about that, right? I had heard about yeah Yeah, so there that's them doing the bidding the government says take it down. Can't take it down. Are you they don't get free speech? Okay, cuz I don't want the government to get mad at me because we're making so much goddamn money right now I don't want the government to get mad at us. That's what Facebook and YouTube is doing see if If I would like that if someone you know I'm not saying that no one should be taken down if someone's calling for the death of all black people and like maybe this it's not a good place to give them a platform, but I feel like The problem that I'm having with this is these things like air quotes Hate speech because I told you that they said that about Sam Harris and Douglas Murray now that is fucking crazy So when does it stop being hate speech? Like when when do you draw the line when it's is it mildly offensive? Is that hate speech? Like, where's it go? Where does it go where? People I don't understand why I don't get that do you I'm not being a dick. I honestly Why aren't you allowed to hate things? Right? I don't I understand that calling for action I think is the so a call for action might be I mean, I guess it's a legal term This is not a legal term though That when they blanket things with hate speech like we were saying with like was calling something a drug This is an illegal drug. Well, what if caffeine becomes an illegal drug then is that the same as meth? It's clearly not there's different things So when you say hate speech and you also lump Douglas Murray having an intellectual conversation with Sam Harris about immigration You lump that in well, that's the kind with what I'm talking about And so did you know that right before 4th of July there was a newspaper? I think it was in Texas and so they wanted to for the 4th of July They wanted to post the Declaration of Independence. So they posted the first half of it. Yeah, did you know about this? Yeah, Facebook gave him a strike for hate speech. Yes Hate speech they gave him a strike and so now they're like they were like that was an algorithm though Right that picked up some of the phrase is a phrasing in there about slavery and stuff like that Yeah, and then being animals or something like that. I don't know something like that I'm not sure what it was But and then the newspaper said now we're afraid to post the second half of the declaration Because we'll get a second strike and they might pull our whole page Yeah, so again they released that strike correct so so yeah, so what is this? But what is this idea that I need a nanny state to protect me from ideas? Well, I think they're worried about the power of propaganda And it's just they don't know exactly what the consequences of suppressing that power of propaganda are I think that's that's really the primary issue they're worried that a guy like Alex Jones already has this massive following is What he's done by calling Sandy Hook fake may may be awful I believe it is but is it enough to completely deplatform him? It's not how are they how are they justified even if it was let's say it was let's just say you and I agree that It is okay The shouldn't shouldn't there still be some kind of a process this should be that's what I'm saying It shouldn't be even if we agreed and again. I hate that guy. I hate it as much as you hate it Yeah, I'm with you and that people are gonna I know it's chill last time I was on your show I said I said people are gonna take what I'm saying right now and twist it and that's exactly what they did to me That's right, so I'm sure people did who took it and twisted it. I don't Well, we don't have to name names, but what did they do? They said they twisted what we were so when we're talking about Seth rich They twist and I said you know all I did was cover it on my show until this day people still say I was pushing it I do a new show I covered it But even discussing it and even you can't even discuss like I couldn't cover it couldn't discuss it and that and so that's exactly what happened How many cut me saying that and cut some other stuff and put it together and I was like son of a bitch But you so what are you gonna do right? So what are you gonna do? So? So I just want people to know this is again. I'm just as offended as everybody I'm saying we need to have these things be public utilities for a lot of reasons and that You know exactly what Matt I said what the endgame here is very clear and they want to be able to censor people they want to be able to censor and The first people are gonna come after his left-wing organizations. They're gonna come after black lives matter. They're come after they've already come after left He's like me Joe. Why do you think they're gonna come after black lives matter? What do you mean they're at their hate speech against the police you kid me? They already said they're controlled by the Russians who is they who is they saying that and who's they gonna come after them? What do you mean by that? So well the FBI will infiltrate them. They are sure they already have you know how that works So you know how all that stuff works? So that's how that stuff works and and they discredit them and then they they will commit violence in their name and say oh look Black lives matters are violent. No that was a cop doing it. You know that you know that that's what happened up in dappled You know that's the kind of stuff they do up there and then that age for provocateurs. Yes, exactly Right. So by the way, I learned about that from Alex Jones So that's the problem with Alex Jones. He's right about stuff sometimes and while he was way more right about stuff in the past Alex himself and I've talked to him about this says he's drinks too much and he's getting too crazy He needs to go on a diet and exercise and start getting his life in order and he takes things too far sometimes And he should take those off the rails He goes off the rails like he he and I had a conversation But he got mad at me for saying that I didn't think George Soros was a Nazi And so he had this whole thing we ranted Ray and then he we talked back and forth and he apologized and you know He said I sometimes what take a DM Joe I'm talking to aliens But I think he recognizes that sometimes he's just caught up in that cycle of outrage That cycle of outrage. It's just There's no room for for like there's no room to step back and to sort of reset this It's just constant outrage Constantly under attack and then there's these words that get thrown around that sort of lose their meaning like globalists you know and shills and and and you know and this this sort of like attitude that there's this there's this cabal of Evil that is trying to take take over the world and at one point Alex had this idea that they were gonna try to kill off Most people and you remember that I heard about it. There's this idea that they wanted to Youth and I or it was genocide they wanted to they wanted to break it down to what is the word? Would they talk about doing that to talk about reducing the population? there's like some sort of a conspiracy theorist term of reduction of population to a sustainable number of Super-evil geniuses that could live forever and they wanted to get it down to like, you know 500 million people worldwide that can live for a million years or some crazy shit, but I think that that's that whole cycle of like constant outrage and everything's a conspiracy and You get just whack whacked out and caught up in it. If you go back to Alex's earlier videos I met Alex in 98, I believe and Back then Alex was he was going after George W Bush when George W Bush was running for president and he was saying that this guy is He's a puppet and that he's a puppet of the CIA and you know in and he you know He supports genocide and he was showing up at campaign rallies and they were arresting him He was anti right wing. I mean he was he was anti what he thought was this globalist agenda He also infiltrated Bohemian Grove when everybody thought the Bohemian Grove was nonsense. There's nothing really going on He's like no these really rich people are getting together with heads of state and foreign dignitaries and they're dressing up like fucking druids And they have an effigy that they burn in front of the owl god Molech and people like he's crazy Then he releases the video and like oh my god They really do do that like he did some good work the World Trade Organization Pro tests in his his video 9-11 a road to tyranny Right after 9-11 he releases this video that shows that the World Trade Organization Protests were infiltrated by these agent provocateurs who are most likely government agents with government agent boots on by the way shows this in The video they smash windows. They're all wearing masks and light things on fire Then they're all they all hole up in one house. They negotiate with the police and are all eventually released This is all done under me proved all this he showed all how this is going like look at these peaceful protesters Then the consequences of that they established a no protest line at the WTO where you couldn't go by With a pin on if you tried to get through with a pin that said WTO with a red line through it They told you you could not wear that pin. You can't come through here This is a no protest zone and he's like this is the consequences of this kind of censorship And this is how they establish the censorship They make it seem like your organization is violent and dangerous by introducing violent and dangerous elements in the in the form of Undercover police officers or military they smash windows tip over newspaper stands and it was fucking create chaos So that the government has to come in because now we have a violent situation So then the military comes in and arrests protesters and silences the protests So they don't look embarrassing in front of all these people from foreign countries that are coming here to the World Trade Organization I didn't I didn't know he did that but dude he look he's not wrong always and he was more right back Then he was also more sane back then his he was more measured and more calm It wasn't this he didn't have the big moon face back then either and he wasn't drinking as much I don't think in the screaming and spitting and and you know you ask him He'll say well, I'm just overwhelmed by the sheer volume of corruption all the shit that he sees every day Look, do you remember he was crying when Trump bombed? Syria he was crying because he was crying that Trump fucked us. Yeah, you know, I mean he I really genuinely believe Most of the time that he means well The thing is we look for conspiracies everywhere like everything that's a conspiracy You're off track and I don't think there's anyone there that can sit down and go stop. Hold on Let's examine this in a factual way Let's stop cut the hyperbole out and let's look at what the facts are and where are we getting these facts? And why do we think this is happening? Why do you think this is fake because that sounds fucking crazy to me? No one's there to do that if someone was there to do that I think he probably would be stopped and would examine things and would balance out You know like one of the reasons why I wanted to have him on my podcast when I did is because I wanted people to See the Alex that I know because people like how could you know that guy? I'm like look at how he is when I get him high and we get drunk and he's laughing about stuff and talking about Interdimensional child molesters and all that like this is what I wanted everybody to see like this is Alex Jones. He's a fun guy It's just that that is not a good position to be in where you're constantly looking for conspiracies Everywhere you go and you might nail a few But then you might call out a bunch from that are fake which not just negates the ones that you nailed But negates everything you say as soon as you're one of those guys that everything's a conspiracy And then dead kids aren't really dead and everyone's an actor and like everything you say that's good. They're gonna stop