7 years ago
2 appearances
Jon Ronson is a writer and documentary filmmaker whose works include the best-selling The Men Who Stare at Goats. Checkout his new special podcast called "The Butterfly Effect with Jon Ronson" on Audible.com.
1 year ago
1 year ago
Hello freak bitches. Right. And I said to her like the last time I saw the two of you, you were like kissing and telling each other how much you loved each other and then like 16 years passes and it's the worst divorce that Texas has ever known. Is it? That's what divorce lawyers were saying like. How's it the worst? Oh, they just... Because it went national? And they just hated each other so much. I mean, they hate each other. So... Like, yeah. And now Alex has got a staff of like 75 people, you know, with like these giant hangers for his supplements, his male vitality supplements. Have you ever seen the video of when Joey Diaz and me are in Alex's studio and Joey realizes that it's on the internet? So because it's on the internet, he could say whatever he wants. So we go live and Alex goes, well, actually from here on out, we're on the internet so you can kind of say whatever you want, but try to keep it clean. And the look of... For Joey Diaz, it was like the cat who saw the canary and realized that the cage was open and so he's telling some story about smuggling weed through the airport. Listen to this. It's time to listen to your bullshit congressman or your bullshit governor or even a bullshit president. This is a political president. He's talking about the same shit that they give you every four fucking years and you still vote for the fucking Momo and then you get mad. Think about me saying the word fuck. With that I'm out of here. I gotta go smoke a cigarette. Oh hell no, we gotta say bye. We're making some very solid points. Don't do that. No, I know. Joey, you get it. I'm with you, but this is just to let the American public know that every four years they buy the same shit they've been buying there before years and the same people with their Harvard articulation and the holiday don't curse and they're Christians and they have a family and these are the same people that shove it up your fucking ass every year. The one thing that you get about me is I'll say fuck, but I will not fucking rob you. If I need some, I'll ask you like a man. Hey, hey, go fuck yourself. Hold on, hold on one second. Take a joke. Take a shuttle. Joey Diaz, Facebook, Twitter, check yourself before you wreck yourself. Big dicks in your ass. Get out of here. You're in trouble. I'm the umpire. This is the, I'm throwing. All right. All right. Listen. Stay black because that's the most important thing. Okay. Okay. He made Alex speechless. He's the funniest man that's ever lived. Do you think Alex regrets all of this? No. I- This is great. I have a good time with Alex. I'm telling you. No, when I say all of this, I mean, do you think Alex regrets the fact that the, you know, that the spotlight is on him in a kind of an unprecedented way? No. Do you think he doesn't? No. You don't think a part of him is like stressed out? What? Honestly, I think so. He's fine. He, I've never met a guy in my life that has more Teflon when it comes to stress. Like, well, I've been kind of stressed out lately, but I go to the gym and feel fine. Had a cheeseburger. Probably shouldn't have that shit. Trying to stick to my diet, but it's hard. He's he doesn't give a fuck, man. Like he, he's a weird guy. Like he's got a very unusual constitution. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.