7 years ago
2 appearances
Jon Ronson is a writer and documentary filmmaker whose works include the best-selling The Men Who Stare at Goats. Checkout his new special podcast called "The Butterfly Effect with Jon Ronson" on Audible.com.
Hello freak bitches. Got back in with Alex and spent a little bit of time hanging around with him and Roger Stone and so on and got really interested in the kind of dynamics of how Alex and Trump communicate to each other. But I'm wondering, you've seen Alex more recently than I have. Well Alex has been my friend since 1998. Yeah I was at his custody trial not long ago and you were brought up. You were brought up with evidence. He was smoking pot on my show. He was smoking pot. He loved just testing it. See George Soros makes the weed stronger. That's what he said he said that at his custody trial. Yeah that's exactly what he said. He said he tests it once a year. It's weird because he's a lot of times. I'm always there when that happens. I mean come on man. What's really funny is we drank whiskey on the show too. No one gives a shit about that. That's way more destructive. It's the pot. Whatever. The self reflective, you know, paranoid inducing marijuana. It's a real problem. But I now wonder. So he says that Trump called him just after the election to sort of thank him. And I'm inclined to believe that's true because I don't think that's the kind of thing that Alex would lie about. But have you come to any conclusion about whether there is a connection between Alex and Trump now? Because I'm beginning to think maybe the other day isn't anymore. But maybe I could be wrong. That's a good question. I don't know. I mean first of all I don't see how Trump can have a connection with that many people. I feel like the job of being the president has got to be so insanely demanding. The idea that he's taken a few moments out of his day. He's got his feet up on the chair with a laptop and he's on info wars dot com. He's like god damn I gotta call Alex and find out what the fuck is going on with this child slavery thing on Mars. Alex where are these slaves. Tell me where we're on Mars. I think it benefits everyone to think that Alex because it makes it makes Trump look bad. Yeah. So it benefits people on the left to say that Alex is is connected to Trump. Yeah. It kind of benefits Alex I think for people to think it too because it grandizes him. Well it helps him in a way. I mean it's like the people that. There's a bunch of people that enjoy Alex right. So some of them enjoy it for the theater. There's a theater element of it all. You know I mean and it's all doom and gloom and then some of it some people enjoy because like Bohemian Grove occasionally he's correct like Bohemian Grove is a real mind fucked. You see all these super rich people wearing robes. What I was there. Burning and effigy. Yeah. I was in the crowd. Yeah. With all the old men of wealth in Dallas. Did that freak you out. You see those people. One thing freaked me out. Alex came out of our Bohemian Grove night with a with a varying interpretation of what was your interpretation. My interpretation is basically with one caveat. I'm about to caveat this. My interpretation was that it's just like fucking skull and bones or. Yeah I agree. Those are all creepy right. Yeah. And they want to. There is. There does seem to be amongst the American. Ruling elites that does seem to be a preclivity for ritual. Yeah. Maybe and maybe amongst the British elites as well. I'm not sure. But that's in itself psychologically interesting. I think secrets too. Right. So it's like why. So that is interesting. Why even if the ritual at Bohemian Grove. You know and I would contend that contrary to what Alex implied they weren't actually sacrificing a child. No you didn't say they were sacrificing a child. Oh in this video. Yeah. It could be real. Could be real. He probably was so jazzed up that they were actually dressed up like monks with the hoods and they have the Moloch the owl God when he was actually there. I mean that probably ramped up his love of conspiracy. Oh it was three or four hundred percent. It was hilarious. Because you know we went in separately to. Because Alex got it into his head that maybe I was part of the Bohemian Grove. Oh you're like deep deep inside. Yeah like the wicked man that I was like luring him in. And he would be the one sacrificed at the belly of the owl. So he went in separately to me. He went and found the undergrowth. And I went up the drive. I just went up the drive where I gave the security guard a kind of I rule the world wave. And then we went in there. That's all you had to do. Yeah. Yeah. Security guards. Yeah. So often the case. Yeah. So White House. And then we saw Alex and Mike Hansen who was this producer at the time walking towards us. Now it's with this local lawyer who we talked up with. And I was like hey you know Alex Mike how you doing. And they were like keep walking. There's cameras in the trees. There's owls everywhere. Owls. Yes. So he felt like the owls were cameras. They got it into their heads that the owls at Bohemian Grove the owl motifs at Bohemian Grove was indicative of the fact that it was like Moloch the owl god. Yeah. And it was like some sort of satanic. But actually I would say that there is no other all those owls because I saw like stuffed owls in display cabinets and so on. But I think it's like I think it's an owl sanctuary. But anyway but I want to put it stuff them that well. I'll say I presume it died of natural causes. They miss it. Shitty fucking sanctuary if they kill it then stuff it. So it's sort of like Norman Bates mom and psycho stuffer. But what was odd that night was one thing that the oddest moment. And this is where I will. This is where my memory of the night does tally with Alex says is that for whatever reason the people in the crowd were really into this ceremony. Like there was a sort of they were really fired up by it. Let's remember this old guy walked up to me before it started and said your first timer. And I went yeah. Oh you're gonna love it. You're gonna love it. Burn him. Or something along those lines. And it did make me think like and then I looked behind and there was Alex and Mike wide eyed looking like they were in the belly of the beast. And then there's all these old preppy men like wide eyed. They were really into it too. I felt like the only sane person in the entire Redwood forest. I was like the only person who was thinking it's just fucking ridiculous. It is ridiculous but but they were into it. It was that moment. It was that moment of revelation actually that led me to write the book that I wrote after that book which was the men is to go. Which is about you know soldiers trying to kill goats just by staring at them because I remember like I remember thinking I was actually I was in Belfast. I was going to talk about my book them which is where I talk about all of that stuff. And somebody said okay so I know what you think of it. This woman in the audience said I know you think I know you think this is ridiculous and I know that Alex Jones thinks it's evil. But what about the people in the crowd. What were they thinking about it. And I thought that's a really good question. So that's what led me to write a book about like a rational thought in powerful places which is what led me to that. Now when you when you're there and you see that there really is this giant stone owl and they really do have this bundle of sticks that they're burning and everyone really is wearing these robes. Like I mean you had a part of you had to be like how many of these fucking things are going on that we haven't infiltrated. Well yeah that's true. Look at that. There's a there's a photo of it there. This is real. I mean they really do have a giant owl and they really do burn some sort of a sacrifice in front of this owl. And there's a speakers there. There there's a there's a one point this is a lesser documented part of the ritual at one point there's a guy in leaf covered later hose and appears in like a stage cut out of the redwood tree and start singing this kind of elegy to nature like oh trees leaves. So that's how it starts. That's before the men in robes turn up. So it's like some weird pagan nature. Yeah. Leech covered later hose and show how much would you give to be in one of those scone bones meeting see if they actually like film each other sucking dicks or something. There's just something that goes on where they have like something over those guys supposedly. That's like the conspiracy theory. That's they make them engage in gay sex. I do believe these things happen for a reason. Like you know scone bones exists for a reason. Well they have something over you. It could be that or it could be just this weird sense. It's weird sort of psychological need that people like Ivy League people feel they need to like have a sense of superiority and want me to do that is to kind of create these secret rituals to give them a sense of like you know grandeur over the people. That's possible now guy like Alex Jones stumbles upon something like that or infiltrates it and finds out it is real. I mean that is justifying to such an enormous enormous level. Yeah. But Alex but here's my my truck with Alex and all of this is that it wasn't like that Alex all the fucking crazy shit that we saw that night wasn't enough like he had to like turn it up to 11. Of course. Yeah. And he applied that we had possibly witnessed an actual human sacrifice. Of course. But that's standard. That's standard. Alex Jones 101. But it shouldn't be stacked. It shouldn't be. But I mean I mean think about all the exaggerations exaggerations that take place in the media whether it's on the left or the right. There's just rampant exaggerations. Well it's funny you should say that. So did you watch Alex being interviewed by Megan Kelly. Yes I did. Yeah. Well that may be. You know they phoned me a couple of days before the broadcast. Megan Kelly's people because they were panicking. Do you remember there was like a lot of criticism they were getting for up for having him on in the first place. Yeah. So they called me up and they basically wanted me to give them as much evidence as I could prove that Alex and Trump were aligned and they were told each other and so on called you. Why? Because you went to Bohemian Grove with them. I want to be in the group. But then I also bought out this little Kindle single last summer called the elephant in the room in which I'm trying to trace like the relationship between Alex Jones and the other people. And I think that's a good thing. The relationship between Alex and Trump. Oh wow. And it's kind of interesting stuff. But so I answered the questions as best as I could. But I don't know that much about exactly how often Trump and Alex talk to each other. Yeah I don't know either. Yeah I don't know. I'm not really that interested in it. It was as odd as it is. Like I have a very fucked up relationship with Alex in that. He's actually my friend. And so when I see him it's like what's up man. What are you doing. I give him a hug. And people are going to go oh he's a monster. How can you be friends with him and this and that. Like I don't know. I just base it on my interactions with him. And does he say fucked up things. The most disturbing thing that I didn't even know when he did the podcast I didn't know that he was a Sandy Hook denier. Right. So apparently he's backed off that since being confronted by the facts and there was a horrible article that I read about a father who was actually a conspiracy theorist until his son was killed in Sandy Hook. And then he got death threats for lying and presumably for men for words. Yeah. And that was so so just so sad. Yeah that's just so horrible. People look for fucking conspiracies in everything. And I don't know what it is. I have friends that have this issue. I don't understand it. Things that could be easily explained they look for a conspiracy. Anything that happens in the news. There's got to be a different story. Like sometimes shit just happens. And when that shit happens. The news has a story. It doesn't always have to be some sort of nefarious plot. But these people also think that the government is filled with idiots. Well I'm sorry but you can't have it both ways. You can't have a bunch of incompetent fuck heads who pull off the perfect fake world where everything you see is some sort of an elaborate played out scheme in order to manipulate you and either buying this or voting for that. Like there's a weird inclination that people have to think about. Not just not just some conspiracy theories but almost everything to think everything is some part of some crazy plot. I'm not sure I understand it. What you said about like you know biases and untruths like across the media on the left and right. Remind to be of the Megyn Kelly thing. So you know so they phoned me up obviously in a bit of a panic because they were getting like so much criticism. Right. And then they re-edited the show like frantically just before it went out. Re-edited it. Yeah. What did they change? Well I don't know. But what they did was they said what I do know is like you I saw the final product and the final product was basically Megyn Kelly like looking incredibly poised saying you know you're wrong Alex you're wrong about this and then it would cut to Alex going. And then it would cut back to Megan. So all they did was like edit Alex at his most sweaty and stuttery. And then Megyn Kelly at her most poised and perfect. Did you hear the Alex Jones audio? The leaked audio that he released? Yes. Where they were sort of buttering him up and conning him. Yeah. She was saying. Yeah. Personally I was saying I'm not here to make a hit piece. I just want to know the real you. Although they did re-edit. So I wonder what the original program would have been like because they felt forced to basically. By him. Yeah. Well they felt forced by like the people pushing back against them doing it. Bomp by him. Yeah. To then put out this shitty you know 10 minutes. I wish. I was in Megan Kelly's corner. I would have told her first of all don't ever go to NBC. Listen here's the deal. Like you made your bones as an ice princess on this conservative network. And do you think they're just going to accept you at NBC? People are going to resent you. They're going to hate you. Like you're the lady that chastised people for saying that Santa Claus potentially wasn't white. Remember that? I don't remember that. Oh my God. It was some thing where they were saying there was people talking about Santa Claus being black. And I'll never forget it. She was on TV going you know Santa Claus is white. Like I'm like what the fuck are you talking about? Santa Claus isn't real you crazy bitch. You can't say Santa Claus is white more than you can say Cat in the Hat is red. They're not real things. You know you can decide that you know like the Cat in the Hat in the book is always white. Okay. Yeah you're right. Good point. But is he black? Is he white? What is a Cat in the Hat? He's got a hat that's red and white. What color is he though? Hmm. I think he's black. Right? Is he? Okay. It's not important. But what's important is that like her whole thing was being this spokesperson, this ultra hot spokesperson for the conservative movement but also being someone who's ruthlessly smart and articulate and capable of shutting down these stammering liberals that dare go and question her narrative. Right. And then all of a sudden she's on NBC. Like you can't do that. That's a terrible move. They're not going to accept you. This is not going to work. And the ratings have been horrendous. And now she's now they pulled the show. They pulled the show early. But it just goes to show like you know we rightly attack people like Infowars for spreading you know outright lies. Yes. But we on the left like Megyn Kelly editing that segment to make it look like she was poised and perfect and all Alex does is stammer and sweat. What's a very hard very hard sell saying that Megyn Kelly's on the left. She's on the left now. Well I mean like the mainstream and the main series like NBC. So the mainstream has its own tricks. It's like it's not an outright lie like Alex would do. But that you know panicky selective editing is of its own. Well I would I would have imagined that like during the interview between Alex and Megyn Kelly Alex would have said some things that were you know eloquent or sentence without a stammer and a sweat. I'm sure. It's a lie of its own. Well here's also the problem. Having any sort of a conversation about any sort of difficult subject and stuffing it into seven minutes or whatever it is is ridiculous. Yeah. It's an ancient way of communicating. And now that we have the Internet and Alex is shown with his own show you know that he can go and rant about something and you know for 15 minutes or whatever it is like with no limitations or restrictions like that. It's it's a better way to communicate. And one of the things that I wanted to do when I had Alex on the podcast is I wanted people to see the Alex that I know because there's no other way to see him like that. I wanted to get him drunk. I wanted to get him high and I wanted to have him talk. And my friend Eddie who's just so into conspiracies he kind of fucked some of it because he's just so into chemtrails and proving that chemtrails are real. But it was good overall because it's like he was Alex is so crazy that even Eddie was like what? There was a couple of moments where Eddie turned to look at Alex and goes what the fuck? Like what he's talking about interdimensional chime molesters and it's I wanted people to see him the way I see him. He's a fun guy that I like hanging out with. Do I think that he has a lot of influence? Yeah. Do I think he says things that he definitely shouldn't say? Of course. Especially the Sandy Hook stuff. I mean I think this inclination to always look towards conspiracy is dangerous. It's harmful. Yeah. Yeah. It's dangerous in that people are easily led. And if you get people thinking that everything is a conspiracy the real problem is they don't know what the fuck a conspiracy actually is when it's in front of them and it's real. And there's a ton of them that are real. So when you caught you're crying wolf around every corner and then all of a sudden you turn a corner like holy shit that's a real wolf. No one is listening. Sure. I agree. That's my frustration with Alex too is that he has a conspiracy template and whatever real world event happens he had shoe horns into this kind of simplistic template. Yeah.