6 years ago
65 appearances
Joey Diaz is a stand-up comic and New York Times bestselling author. He's the host of the podcast "Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz," co-host of "The Check-In" with Lee Syatt, and author of "Tremendous: The Life of a Comedy Savage." www.joeydiaz.net
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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Oh because I know I don't want to jump into a car with a fucking man listen to me I just leave fucking and leave Aspen I owe like $80,000 I got eight people looking for me the cops are looking for me I go from Aspen to Boulder I need a job so I take a job making Joe I'm not kidding you 160 a week 60 hours Wow as a fucking shag which I'm the guy that takes a car from you in the body shop when you pull up on the head takes it and I wash it and then they start the body work and then after they've done the body work I'm the guy that washes it if you do that for three or four months then they turn you into a detail and I passed the test and I became a detailer. You're making $160 a week? Oh it was fucking garbage I was starving starving but I was good and I became a detailer but the detailer was commissioned and you made a hundred to a buck fifty a day and you know I was enjoying it but the guy I had as a boss was a dick his name was Dirk Jordan he was just a dick dog he was one of those guys that was one of us but one day he got the manager's job and one night I'm back there washing a fucking car and I see a dead rat and I picked the fucking rat up and he had his jacket hanging by the door I put the dead rat in his pocket right out of his jacket right you don't meet though I go home I get stoned I don't know nothing the next morning he comes in bro and his cat car is fucked up like he hit like a pole he reached in for the rat he went in his pocket to get a cigarette and he pulled the fucking rat out he fucking just went crazy like a pole he came in running I know who did this I'm gonna get to the bottom of this and he can't blame some other guy I'm sitting all the time fucking giggling my fucking ass up Oh bosses fuck man that's one of the worst relationships ever a Boston employee one of the worst relationships some guy gets to tell you what to do he's the fucking he's the head guy at the office you gotta listen to this fuckhead that is one of the worst positions to be in working for a guy who's a dick and that power that someone would have you know if you were you moved on up became the office manager you can control people's future control where they get a raise how much time they get off you can make the decisions whether or not you allowed him to do certain things well it's fucking terrible what was the worst boss you ever had let's come on be clean ball was the first question what was the first guy you looked at and said you know what if I ever see outside of him a fuck yeah I never said that but uh guys in construction they would get a real dick yeah I did one time there was a guy when I was a teenager that was talking a bunch of shit he would hit me with a hammer yeah there was a cuz he got he got aggressive with me and it wasn't wasn't in a way where I deserved it he was just bullying me and I was like 16 17 but I had already had a fuckload of fights by then like you know talk window fights I was like dude I'll kick you in your fucking head like you talk a bunch of crazy shit to me like this like he was talking to me in not just a way like a boss employee he was talking to me in a way where I was gonna have to quit but I never never never said I was gonna do anything to him I didn't like threaten him and say I'll see you after this and I'll fuck you up I said don't talk to me like that cuz I could fuck you up that's basically what I said but there was that's the thing about construction is like there was a lot of like man-to-man type conflict like it wasn't unheard of to hear about street fights between guys who are working together they got pissed and pushed each other and punched each other in the fucking snow you know dudes carrying roofing tiles one guy knocks another guy over or something they start fighting that shit happened all the time there's a lot of the people that were doing labor too were like real dirtbags like there's this one guy that I did labor with I worked with my friend Leroy Rodriguez and his buddy they had some business partner they would take apart old houses and redo him and Leroy was one of the black belts at the the type window Institute he was a bad motherfucker and Leroy got me this gig and I worked with these guys laboring and one of the guys we work with lived in this fucked up abandoned building well not abandoned but stripped out building I mean there was parts of the building where there's no floor was all fucked up half the walls were missing they were redoing the whole building taking things out and fixing things this guy lived there and he had a mountain dew jug filled with malt liquor and he would drink it warm all day and he had the shakes everything he did to do had the shakes he was just drunk all day on a crazy job site where like you know there's no floor sometimes everything's all fucked up you have to balance when you're going from one room to the other because they're tearing down parts of the wall and this guy somehow or another fucking slid on through drinking the entire time and I remember thinking like these are people that have made questionable decisions it makes you want to go back to college makes you want to get a degree when you're around a lot of these guys like laborers and stuff like you know some of them are just like me they're just young guys who need a gig and they need money and some of them are dudes have been doing it their whole life and they're 50 and they're drunk yeah and they're saying that you feel terrible by yourself yeah I don't know if I want to do this I definitely knew I didn't want to do it I definitely knew I didn't want to do it that well you know to be a carpenter is a different gig you know like a real good carpenter that's a skilled craftsman and an artist you know you're putting together things that's different but the labor gig was not like you didn't really have to know anything you just had to be big enough to listen to them you know big enough to like pick things up can you go get that go get me that bag of cement go dig all right you guys gonna take nails out of these boards now and it was like that kind of shit you just hung out with the weirdest people Matt the worst guy I remember Joe Rogan I was clean from coke I was clean about 90 days I was really trying to turn my life around and I answered an ad for construction carpenters helper and he hired me I went and the first day he had to work for free you worked for free yeah he abused me yeah so I said okay I agreed to it I met how first they work for free I cut the stuff and you have to go get lunch and the whole thing yeah okay I did it I passed and then the guy would say okay meet me at a diner at eight and when I go get paid he'd say what's those hours and I go you told me to me yeah he goes on no and should be a windshield time so let's say the job we didn't get to the job by 10 that's when you start getting paid that's when I started getting paid and I was you know I was that I was really trying I lived with a friend I wanted to give them rent money I was trying to put away some money I forget what he paid me didn't but he'd made me pay for my own lunch then one day he said uh where's your weight belt your you know work belt I don't have one he goes okay I'll pay and you have to pay me the for the materials plus 30% I was like yeah you're a fucking scumbag just to have like a claw a fucking hammer and something else yeah forget what it's to do work for him to work to have your own tools and stuff like that yeah that was always a thing whether you union or non-union you know there was a lot of the work that I did when I was a kid was non-union and a lot of the people didn't want a union they felt with the union guys they had it easier but it was it was too expensive and people didn't want to you know use certain people so it was like a real debate like what's better every amount of union people you have to have a certain amount of non-union is that how it works to balance it out right so everybody makes money but it seems like in some things like auto workers they don't fuck around right now like everybody has to be in just different unions but I'm sorry breaks glory time yeah you know this lists if a job opens up how do we get he got to go on a list Rogan has more minority than Diaz he started nine months before Diaz he gets the job yeah you know it's not about knowing all that shit well that dude I'll never forget that news name and what he did in the scumbag he was to me but on Fridays he would make me feel bad like he goes how many hours did you work and I go 38 he gonna know I'm paying you for 30 and he'd bully me this guy but every Friday he go this Friday I'm going away I'm going here to fuck my wife and the ass and he was always an asshole and then all sudden I got my construct my check I got this check I was waiting for and one Saturday I'm sitting down like I'm sick of this motherfucker I'm gonna rob his house and I jumped the fence and I kicked the back door open and he was a guy that bought hot shit on the side even though I was just a bus sack of shit and he must have had I don't know how many fucking bottles and cases of Dom Perignon so I fucking ran up to the corner call my buddy go meet me at this address and I took every bottle of Dom Perignon that he had and I sold him at liquor stores I took his checkbook I mean I buried this fucking guy just for how bad he treated me with such a fucking scumbag never bought lunch he was always making crazy you know he's always making little fucking remarks well that's what we were talking about earlier what happens when a guy gets in a power that's a piece of shit oh my god he was such a fucking victim to him yeah I remember I had his t-shirt for a long time I used to worry and smile every time JHS or some shit like that fuck him