4 years ago
10 appearances
Whitney Cummings is a stand-up comic, actor, author, and host of the podcast "Good for You." Her new comedy special "Mouthy," will have its exclusive premiere via OFTV on Nov. 15, 2023.https://whitneycummings.com
3 appearances
Annie Lederman is a standup comedian, host of the "Meanspiration" podcast, and look for her new merch at AnnieLederman.com
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
So I was doing, definitely ketamine by the way. Whitney's been date raving herself guys. She's been putting herself in a K-Holes and then getting right in that hole. I do K and masturbate. No, the ketamine is like prescribed though. It's prescribed, yeah. Yeah. It's like a nasal spray. You have it here? It's in my purse somewhere, yeah. What's so funny about it is it's a nasal spray but when I was going to raves and doing it, we also nasally injected. I mean, they're literally just. This is a pretty trace amount. It's not a lot and I only do it like a couple times a week. A couple times a week. But let's do a bunch of ketamine and stab ourselves. Like, dig a plate. That's got his cooties on it. It went through his arm. I don't even think we cleaned it. Good. Did it really go through his arm? Oh, I pushed it through. And then he made you stop for a second? Yeah, I hit a nerve the first time then I had to back out and do it again. I didn't want to do it. Did the frog live? Yeah, yeah, the frog's fine. He shut the frog out? He threw it up in my hand. Do you know that there's a book called Eat That Frog that's about getting your work done in the morning? It's just funny you literally ate the frog. Oh, like eat it, just get it over with. Like get the worst part done. Amy and I have swallowed way weirder things. I know, it's really weird. We swallowed a lot, honestly. Not even a sharp ice pick. Did it make a sound at all? No, it just was like puncturing a steak. And it wasn't, you picked the spot that you stacked. Well, he kind of pointed me towards his arm. Like what area is a better place to go through? But it was bleeding. Do you think it would taste like elk? I don't think so. I think people taste like pigs. Mm. Ooh, that's what it really changes everything. Cannibals call people long pigs. That's literally a nickname. Did you notice that Blaine, whenever he would have you do something, he would first like doubt himself. It's almost like a power of suggestion thing where he'd be like, no, no, it might be fake. Test it out, it might be fake. Remember the frog, it might not be a real frog. Or this might be weighted. So you can see it right there. That's where I'm going through his arm. Whose hand is that? That's his hand. That's his hand. He's like pushing on the skin. That is the darkest hand I've ever seen in my life. He gets tanned, he's got a lot of money. Is there something psychological? It's either you're very poor or you're very rich of your tan. Your face, Joe! Is there something psychological about him doing that? Like touch it, maybe it's fake. Make sure it's not fake. Yeah, I'm sure it does that with cards. And I'm sure, I don't know anything about magic, but I would imagine anything you could do to overload the brain. Like if you're- Distract. Yeah, if you're sparring with someone or fighting, one of the things you're doing is you're trying to overload their brain. So you're moving, you do things, you faint, you fake like you're gonna punch, then you kick them. But what you're doing is you're fucking with their heads. You're giving them too many things to think about. He's kind of doing that too. Check the cards out, and he says things, and he kind of doubts himself, and asks you if you're sure. There's so many techniques involved in it. But he is a master. Amazing. Him doing that shit to a lot. He did a card trick with one guy holding one of his wrists and another guy holding another wrist. Like he couldn't do anything, his sleeves rolled up. And he did a card trick for us. So cool. Someone, I know you're not supposed to say how magic happens, but I don't think that this counts. It's like, but there was this guy that I knew that did- You're afraid you're gonna get in trouble at the Magic Castle. She's like, I'll never go to the Magic Castle again. I'm afraid I'm gonna get canceled by a magician. Jimmy Schubert's gonna be so fucking mad at me. I don't know why a magician's coming for me. But sometimes they carve holes into their hands, like flaps of skin, and that's where they put the coins underneath. Like they actually- What? Yeah, they carve like little divots in their hands and that's how they hold the coins. How the fuck can you carve a- Divid in your skin. And then you let it heal so there's like a- Yes, it's like scar tissue. And that's how they're able to hold the coins. What? Crazy shit. I don't know. Really? Is there really no way to find out how magicians do their tricks? Well, you'd have to become a magician. You have to. Yeah. They let you in, you gotta get in the club. It's amazing. Blaine was telling me that he has a friend that's a card guy that will literally be playing with his cards 13 hours every day. Every time he's on the phone with him he hears brr, brr, brr, brr. They're just shuffling and moving. There are athletes in the way. Yes, that's what I was saying to him. I was like the way you move your hands, it's similar to martial arts because someone's really good at a martial arts move. They have it just, the pathway is just greased and slicked and they're neurons and when they do it, just whoosh, it just goes. And that was kind of him with his hands. I was watching him move the cards around. I was like, whoa. Like someone who plays guitar really good. Like there's something about it. Or piano. Yeah. It was fascinating. Have you seen Kyle Donegan's joke about where he's like, I'm not good at magic but I have good magician hands and he like. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.