How Much Does Joe Rogan Believe in UFO's?


5 years ago



Robert Oberst

1 appearance

Robert Oberst is a professional strongman who competes yearly in The World's Strongest Man competition. He's can also be seen on the History Channel's "The Strongest Man In History" premiering July 10 at 10pm ET.


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Eddie said he was a CIA. Before Eddie was deep, deep, deep, deep, deep into conspiracies. Back then it was like he was barely, he was like in the UFOs and shit. It was barely in the conspiracies. He's way off the deep end. So you got me into UFOs, man. That guy was a goddamn... Well, maybe it is true. I'm scheduled to have a phone call today, this afternoon, with George Knapp. He wants to brief me on all this shit. George Knapp is the guy that broke the Bob Lazar story in the 1990s. And he shares my opinion. He's like, most of this is bullshit. Most of these people are liars. Most of these people are crazy. But there's some real shit out there too. Like a lot of these Air Force pilots, they have eyes on this fucking thing that's going 600 miles away in a second, like dropping down from 60,000 feet to 10 feet in a second. And they're like, I don't know. We don't know what the fuck this is. We have no idea how these things are doing this. And that's not some hillbilly, like just... Talking about Sasquatch. Exactly. Yeah, it's Air Force pilots. People who they're trained to fly jets and have gunfights in the fucking sky. These are exceptional human beings. When they see things like that, you gotta go, they know what the fuck they're seeing. That's so crazy. Yeah. Who knows? The thing is like every day you can go out there and look in the sky and you don't see shit. You go, there's nothing out there because you're not seeing it. But if you go to a fucking lake, you're never going to see a shark. You know what I'm saying? Like it doesn't mean sharks aren't real. It's like you're looking in the wrong spot or you aren't there when they show up. But they're real. So we have enough accumulated data to know that, oh, there are sharks. You know, they are real, but they're not in lakes. They're in the ocean. Here's where they are. This is how you find them. Go to South Africa. Oh, look, there's a shark. Let's go to San Francisco. There's a bunch of them. Oh, yeah. Or fucking Catalina. I've Catalina this. I had shit ton of them. I worked at a Boy Scout camp in Catalina. I'm teaching snorkeling. And that was like the whole time I was shitting myself. Oh my gosh. The nicest water in the world, though. It's so warm and salty. It's you just float. You know, we did Fear Factor out there a couple of times. Really? Yeah, we did a couple of stunts. Nice. A couple of water stunts. It's a cool spot. We stayed on the other side, like the there's the hotels on the one side and everything. We were on the other side of the campsites. It was awesome. Awesome. I was like 13 and I got so roasted. My entire body became one blister. Oh, no. Stupid. I was stupid. No sunscreen? None. None. Out there all day long. So I don't know if, you know, UFOs are real, but it's it's certainly believable enough. It's not like the sky is empty. It's filled with stars. So do you think now after speaking with them, do you think we've had contact? It's hard to tell. Yeah, but you feel an opinion. Not for the listeners, not for anybody else. Just you when you're at home and you're chilling. Do you think I don't know? I really honestly don't know. I couldn't say yes or no. I'm more inclined now to think there's something going on than I was before I met Lazar and watched that documentary because I was on that. Not that I was saying that aliens are not real. I think there I think there's 100 percent life out there. Let's just say that it's too big. Right. It just doesn't make any sense that there isn't. It's a question of whether or not it ever has gotten here before is the weird question. And it's also the problem is that you feel foolish talking about it because so many people who believe in it are foolish and so many people who tell stories, their stories are foolish. So you feel foolish kind of going along with it. But I'm very careful about stuff like that because I'm like just because something makes you feel foolish doesn't mean it's true. You know, doesn't mean it isn't true. So I definitely think there's a very high likelihood that there's life out there and it's entirely possible that something's gotten here before. But as to whether or not something really has made contact with people, I don't know. If I would say like where's my scale, it's like probably 65 percent believe. Yeah. 35 percent going, hmm. Especially after talking like that. Yeah. But he could have experienced something that was an experimental aircraft that they didn't want to tell them. Right. You never know man. I mean I just don't know what the tech, look I'm a moron. Like I don't understand physics at all. I have no knowledge of propulsion systems or mathematics and I don't know what the top of the field in propulsion experts are capable of today. I don't know. There might be some shit that they're working on that they've never really perfected. So they've never actually implemented it in the battlefield or something like that. Right. But they have some sort of a drone that looks like it would be filled with three foot tall people like these aliens that they described. I don't know. And they're not going to fill you in on that. If you think it's aliens, then fine. It's fucking aliens. Exactly. I mean who knows what that was. I mean they're taking this guy who was a physicist from Los Alamos Labs who went to Caltech. And they sent him to these classes at MIT to learn fucking nuclear shit. And then they tried to see if he can figure out how to back engineer something. They tried to say that doesn't mean it comes from another world. It could have been a Russian thing. It could have been something that the Germans figured out. I don't know. But I'm more inclined to believe him than not believe him. Yeah. He didn't seem like he was full of it. Exactly. And just looking at him he also didn't seem like he even wanted to be here. He did. He was just like I'm done with this. He was getting migraines just talking about it before we even got out here. I just kind of tell you I'm getting a migraine. And like Jeremy was trying to talk him into doing it. Like we're going to be fine, George. I mean Bob is important. It's really good to do this. And we're going to be able to really get the story out. But I think more people told me that they got more out of the conversation because it's just him talking. No spooky music. No edits. And you get to see like he's honest about what he knows and doesn't know. And when he would say like what do you think about this? He was like maybe. I don't know. He wasn't a bullshit. He didn't seem rehearsed or full of shit. Nothing. No. What he was saying if he didn't believe in that, at least to himself, what he was saying, I'd be fucking amazed. And his story has not deviated in 30 plus years which you can't, you try to have me tell a story of something that actually really did happen from 30 years ago. And I probably told it a bunch of different times. I don't know what we started the podcast. Exactly. It's hard to remember, especially when you, my memory varies day to day. Some days it's awesome and some days it's dog shit. Yeah. It's crazy how that works, huh? Yeah. You've had a few concussions, right? Oh yeah. Sure. Same hair. Yeah. I have horrible memory.