6 years ago
95 appearances
Brendan Schaub is stand-up comedian, retired professional mixed martial artist, entrepreneur, and host or co-host of several podcasts and YouTube shows, among them "The Fighter and the Kid," "The Schaub Show," "The Golden Hour," "Calabasas Fight Companion." www.thicccboy.com
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Yeah, dude who won 2018 Olympia this guy dude his abs are black It looks weird. How come that's okay with blackface isn't they are allowed to wear that stuff that makes your skin look dark So as you can see the muscles better right, but they get to a point where it's literally blackface It's black body and we just accept it Well, not only that like you have to pretend you're one color Yeah, you do either. I accept the fact that you're in chocolate body and chocolate face. What is that? That's not real I think that might be real. He totally didn't go chocolate face Chocolate body They're literally spray tanning this people exactly what they're doing turning that guy black they listen man I get it black eyes look better. You just gonna have to deal with you see the muscle fiber. I agree just be white Why is chocolate body accepted? Why is chocolate body okay and blackface is not that great to be the first one to ever say this? Whoo look at that lady total chocolate face. How dare you dude that is the most chocolate face She's dark chocolate face Damn, dude, that's okay Hold on you telling this bitch is okay She's a fitness competition It's okay, bro. It's a fitness competition. It's alright. I'm doing Olympia next week. I'm just showing you how ripped my face is I Shredded as fuck son. I chew gum all day, bro when I want to stop I don't so my fucking cheeks right here is ripped Face is ripped bro. Look at oh Bro, how many people just want to wear black face cuz they're super racist and they can't so they become bodybuilders Does that happen dude? Yeah, I'm not saying it happens a lot, but has it happened once as one Just a fucking bodybuilder bro. Mami get over it man Over it man. Yeah, get over it. He starts like rapping and shit For all you bodybuilders out there we don't really care no keep doing your chocolate body. Yeah, we really don't get kids hilarious And it makes you look better you're right it's an advantage chocolate it up, bro Yeah, you're right who wants to be more chocolate the only reason why you should go chocolate face is because otherwise it's super distracting All now I don't think you tan I think you're crazy yeah, you're crazy what's going on you have like a suit on