4 years ago
12 appearances
Bill Burr is a standup comedian, actor, and host of the Monday Morning Podcast. He's also the voice of Frank Murphy in the Netflix animated sitcom F is for Family, currently in its fourth season.
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
Because as a comedian you have to be on social media I get, I mean I don't know a way not to be and it's just like impossible like tonight I am so fucking ridiculously addicted to my phone like the amount of times that I set it down going like enough with that shit and then I'll just sit there and then five seconds later I'm just picking it up and like you know what it is is it's also like I watch and even when I'm watching TV I'll be like oh look at this old movie I wonder if that guy's still alive. Right and then you start to move up. And I die what do you die of? You know 82. You know it's not bad you know just let's see if someone's talking shit about me. I don't do that I go let's see what these uh I don't know. Social media is bad I mean it's good it's bad right but the bad part is you can get lost in other people's opinions and want to defend yourself and then you know people misrepresent what you said or distort what you said or take it out of context and then you're like hey and then you think well how many people are reading that and thinking the wrong thing about me and oh no it's just I never respond to it I don't either I just flip out I would I do what I call post and ghost when I make a post I make a post and then I put my phone away and I walk out of the room I leave my phone in other rooms I thought you were gonna say you write what you want to say and then you delete it and I'd be like I'd be too nervous you accidentally no no it's send I make a post and then I go away like I don't look at what people are saying about the post I just get the fuck out of there it's just it it never is a good use of time there's so many things that I like to do and that's one thing that saves me is that I have so many obsessions right is that I there's so many things I like to do but but the phone will get me if I'm not if you know what will get me fucking YouTube and watching nothing it'll be an hour I'll watch a video on how they make watches and then I'll watch three or four pool matches and then I'll watch oh 1970 Chevelle oh how'd they make that you know what I hate though about all of those is once you click on one thing then they just give you 40 of the same thing yeah it's like they don't it's almost like they don't want you to progress is like like I have like some of like I watch I think I told the story last time I was on here like on Netflix I watched all of Narcos yeah and then everything became like behind the scenes of San Quentin and blah blah blah blah so I've been trying to watch these French movies right but for some reason it won't because I think I'm here they keep giving me like the English-speaking ones it's like that's not what I'm trying to do here I'm trying to watch their shit like how do I get out of this you kind of keep dragging you back down to well they find what you're interested in the algorithm is pretty simple it's not simple it's complicated but it's as a simple formula in terms of like how it applies whatever you're interested in it's going to show you whatever you're going to spend the most time looking at it's going to show you whether it's things you hate like YouTube or Facebook that accentuates things that give you the it turns out it's really just what you're responding to and spending time on like Ari did an experiment Ari's experiment was he only looked up puppies on YouTube that's it just puppies and then all YouTube was showing them was puppies right and he was trying to tell people look this isn't insidious it's not like the man's trying to keep you angry it's like you're keeping yourself angry if you just go and look at puppies all day that's all it's going to show you I don't know I feel like if I look at one puppy video then they give me a bunch more hmm and it's just like okay maybe I've moved past puppies at this point yeah but that's up to you you yourself you have to search for things that aren't puppy related I know but it's just easier just to click on what they're giving me oh more puppy videos this is my safe space catch new episodes of the Joe Rogan experience for free only on Spotify watch back catalog JRE videos on Spotify including clips easily seamlessly switch between video and audio experience on Spotify you can listen to the JRE in the background while using other apps and can download episodes to save on data cost all for free Spotify is absolutely free you don't have to have a premium account to watch new JRE episodes you just need to search for the JRE on your Spotify app go to Spotify now to get this full episode of the Joe Rogan experience