Best of the Week - April 12, 2020 - Joe Rogan Experience


4 years ago




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We've never been in a time where literally nobody knows. I have a string of text messages from Alex Jones that will change your opinion if you smoke enough weed. And you don't smoke weed. Were you ever a weed smoker? I smoked a lot of weed for a very long time. That's when I discovered Alex Jones when I was 13 when I was smoking weed, listening to him on the GCN network. But when you got clean, it wasn't weed that was a problem, right? No, it was the cocaine and the booze and the pills. Weed was always there. I've never been a cocaine user. I've never used it, but I do love that Buck Cherry song. Oh yeah, it's great. It almost makes you want to do cocaine. It's a great drug. I mean, don't do it if you're having problems. But Alex left. I haven't even gotten to them because I got... I changed my phone number not that long ago and I change it every few months now. It doesn't matter. Do you get random text from just anybody? Oh yeah, random. But this, these are voicemail messages and look at all these videos he sent me to watch and all these websites. He's convinced that it's a weaponized virus that leaked from a lab. Well, there's a lot of people that are saying that in Wuhan, obviously, they have that lab, right? Whether it's a bio defense or bio research laboratory. There's something there. Something's there. Something in Wuhan where the disease is. Somebody's saying it. This is kind of convincing that maybe there were people back door selling the animals that they were experimenting on to wet markets. If you're broke and you were a guard at the Wuhan lab, you're like, hey, I'm just selling bats and dogs for extra money. He sold maybe one of the wrong ones and now we have this issue. Really? Where'd you hear that? I mean, that's on the internet, Joe. Oh, well, as long as it's on the internet. I mean, it's there. But now every theory has as much weight as any other theory. Right now. Right now. Because there's some legit scientists that are actually like one of the things they found out is that the origins of the virus in New York City, it comes directly from Europe. Apparently, they can tell that. Interesting. Somehow. I have no idea. Find out how they can tell. Do they trace it back to like patient zero? No. For the first part, I don't think so. I don't think so. They do some sort of tracing, right? Because that's the new topic of Google and Apple working together to get tracing software. See, that's what scares me. We talked about that the other day. If you have to have everything on your phone, like showing that you're positive and you have to have a phone everywhere. You have to take out your car that you're positive to get into Applebee's. And how are you going to help me? How are you going to help me? Magneto's helmet. Yeah. We're going to start with the helmet and then you're going to take... We're going to sit down and I'm going to give you a reading list. Why are you dressed like a fucking mannequin? You are dressed like a J. Crew mannequin. You shop at J. Fucking Crew like it's 2003. James Purse? I like those shirts. I have one of those. I do too. But look at him. You can't tell us James Purse. They make nice shirts. Do you wear a white Peter underneath? No. Dude, yes you are. You're wearing a fucking white Peter underneath like you're in a play from the 40s. Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? Who wears a white Peter underneath? It keeps me tired. It keeps my torso warm. You've got three layers. It's not cold out. Hold on. What's the temperature? It keeps my 78 degrees. Unbelievable. Have you ever worn a color? Have you ever worn a color besides earth tones? Brian, it's 80 degrees out. Unbelievable. Joe, listen. It keeps my lower back, my mid body warm so if I have to generate torque, I've got to throw a kick, I'm not going to twist my back. So my back stays tight. You should never kick anybody. I saw your kicks. First of all, I want to say this. You're welcome. You're on what, dude? How about this? You're welcome. No. For my special coming out. How many wife beaters you own? Dude, that's why he wears underneath. He wears underneath, dude. My wife won't let me wear tank tops. You know why? Because your wife is fucking smart and fashionable, but you, dude, you look like you, if you take off that fucking shirt, you have a wife beater on, bro. You have an actual wife beater on. You have a real wife beater. You should talk like my wife's like, you already look like a wife beater. Don't wear one. That's what she said to me. That's hilarious. I'm like, that's great. You do look, you have a very hard look. She said you look like a meathead. She goes, you don't want to give people that. Your face, I knew you had a, you looked, your face one time, you were interviewing Randy Couture and you had a wider head than Randy. So that's not true. That shows you he's got a job. What's weird is that you can always bring a conversation around to a man's anatomy. That's what's weird. That's true. That is what's weird. And now, since we get into anatomy, you're getting older. Hey. But why are you, but why? What? When I saw you, when I see old videos of you, you look healthy. And now you don't not look healthy, but you look less. No. Right? You look less. Listen to me. You look like you're wearing a Brian Callum mask. Suck. Don't ever fucking. Listen. No. No, no, no. Hold on. Okay, what? Now, this is my house. Number one, you're welcome. You're welcome for Joe Rogan, right? No, I know. And now we're closer than you. Yes, we are. We're closer than you. That's impossible. So Joe said to me long time ago, he probably doesn't remember this. He said, he goes, Hey, I go what? You know, and I said, I said, what? He goes, is he a man? And I go, he's all right. And then Joe goes, okay. Oh, so you gave him your blessing. The door open. Now, if I want to shut the door, I want to shut the door. I make a call. I glance at him wrong. I glance at him and you're banned. In a nutshell, Manson believed that there was going to be a race war and he wanted to incite this race war because he had convinced his followers that through messages he received from the Beatles white album, from their lyrics, from biblical Old Testament prophecies, that he had been told that he was going to be the savior of the world. And once the race war started, he would hide his family in a bottomless pit in the desert. And when the race war ended with the blacks winning, the blacks would be framed for murders. The Manson family would emerge and repopulate the planet with their perfect offspring and dominate the blacks. This was Vince Bugliosi's narrative or? There was talk of that. There was a philosophy of helter skelter at the spawn ranch where they lived in 68 and 69 that Manson would discuss. But whether or not it was the motive for the murders is I raised serious questions about that in the book. And Manson would discuss it in that way that there was going to be a race war and that they would emerge and then their offspring. Yeah, yeah, except for the fact that what's question. So the way Bugliosi was able to convict Manson, Manson wasn't at the Tate house when the murders happened. He had in the official story dispatched Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkle, Leslie Kasabian, and Tex Watson to the house, the former house of Terry Melcher. They didn't know who lived there. But just to kill everybody and as Manson allegedly said, leave something witchy. He wanted it to look like blacks had killed these. All he knew was they were wealthy, beautiful whites. And he wanted to ignite the race war because if the Panthers got blamed for these murders, then the police would crack down on them. They'd revolt. The revolution would happen. It would be it would spread across the whole world. And then when it was over and the blacks had prevailed, they were too dumb, Manson believed, to be able to run the world. That's when he would come out with his followers of their hole in the desert and take over the planet. Now, Bouliozzi said in interviews that I didn't have until after he and I stopped speaking, which was when he started threatening me with lawsuits and other things in about 2006, 7, I discovered two or three interviews he gave in the early 70s where he was asked if he believed that Manson really believed this craziness. And Bouliozzi said, I don't think Charlie believed in it. He got his followers too. But he never believed in that. He was too smart. He was a con man. And right there, you know what, Joe, I don't want to feel like I'm CVS or anything right now. But I want to say we all know when it comes to Corona, there's certain things that go before you know if you have Corona or you kind of feel it. Your sense of smell and your sense of test. That's why, Joe, you're not going to believe this. Right. I came up. I came up with a one of a kind. This is a specific to me. It's the Don Air Rawlin show. Okay. I don't know if you familiar with a smell called black ice, black ice. Do you know what black ice is? No. You know what black ice is? I don't know. I wouldn't lie to you. No, you don't really know what the black ice air freshener is. I don't think so. Do you know what it is? You don't know. Okay. You're going to, I bet you you'll know this. I mean, I've all done air freshener. All right. You know the, okay. For like for a car. All right. You know this one. You know the Royal Pine air freshener, right? Yeah. You racist motherfucker. Yo, is there another color? So let me just tell you right off the bat. Oh my God. Listen, I'm a car freak. I hate air fresheners. I don't like them. I want to smell car. I want to smell gasoline and leather and carpet. Is that about your car? Like you've not been into a Cadillac, a black, a black owned Cadillac. You'd never had a ride with Snoop Dogg or any of the hip hop dudes, right? No. That's like in the culture, black culture, black ice. It's just the smell. You always have to have it in your car. If you want to get some pussy back in the day, you know what I'm saying? Your car had a smell right. Yo, yo, Joe, I'm not for sure. So there it is. Oh my God. It's a tree though. Yeah. It's a tree. It's the same thing. It's the same thing as a white man's air freshener. It's the same shape. It's the black last matter of air fresheners, Joe. It is hilarious though. They pretend, look, it's like a tree made out of chemicals. But Joe, it's like the woods. Joe, I don't want to distract you getting back to the candle. This is the Donny Ross candle, right? And I want to, check it out. One of my Whitney, Whitney Cummings has one. Angela Yee had one. You know, check it out. Tell me what you think. Oh, that smells good. Jamie. So you know what? Now let me smell it. See, that's another thing. This is a, this candle helps you doing corona. Like you burn that candle and the minute you don't smell it, nigga, go get a test.