B-Real Performed for 380,000 People!! | Joe Rogan


6 years ago



B- Real

3 appearances

B-Real is a rapper and actor. He is the lead rapper in the hip hop group Cypress Hill and one of two rappers in the rap rock supergroup Prophets of Rage. Also check out his show "The Smoke Box" on BReal.tv & YouTube. http://breal.tv/


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What's the biggest crowd you guys ever performed in front of? I think the biggest was Woodstock 94 I think it was 93 94 and that was like 380 some odd thousand people. That's so crazy! Oh my god! We've done some big ones. That's a country! That's a small European country. We've done some like you know like at you know hundred thousand people and hundred fifty thousand people. Is there a video of that Jamie? Oh my god I gotta see this. That's fucking insane! That is insane! And I had just cut my hair right there I was like you know. Whoo! Oh my god! See the little guy next to Muggs? He was our our our our uh our miniature knockout guy. He knew Jiu-Jitsu Taekwondo Shotokan. He trained with with my boy Kenji and he was like uh he was like our unofficial security. Oh that's hilarious because unassuming right? Yeah he's a little guy. I mean he even did uh he even did a few MMA fights some years back. Look at the size of that fucking crowd! That is insane! I almost lost my shit right here because you know seeing 300 and some odd thousand people jumping around to your shit. God! You know it could give you some equilibrium problems. I wouldn't imagine. Because it looks like waves crashing into each other when it's that big. I mean that's got to be one of the biggest concerts ever. Yes. Can anybody's ever performed in front of it? In North America for sure. I mean in all of human history. Yeah it was one of the biggest. How the fuck I mean wouldn't how do you get it more than 380,000 people together? Yeah it's crazy. That's probably only happened a few times. It's crazy. I mean every band they had on this particular bill was huge at the time. You know so it was yeah it was it was pretty crazy trying to just get there. We like some of us had to get in through boat. Some of us had to get in through helicopter. Why? Because there's too many people? Because they had started parking on the roads like the old school Woodstock and they jammed up the highways and stuff like that. They parked like they pretty much shut the shit down. And I went in through helicopter and some of the other guys went in through the boat. Helicopter? That's when you know you're on top of the world. Flying into a show in a fucking helicopter on top of Sagura. That's when you realize why you can never get away from the cops when they're in the helicopter. If I can see everything. Well that's a funny thing man when you watch those dudes that are trying to escape from the cops on the ground and then you watch the cops in the helicopter and the spotlight just stay in the car the entire time. Look at that aerial. And that's just the piece of it right there. And they had a rotating stage. This is insane. What are you doing when you have to take a shit? Like how long does it take to get from the front row to the back? I'll tell you we walked around in that shit right there and it was super muddy and crazy and people were like butt naked with mud smeared all over their fucking bodies. It was like people went primal. I swear to God. There they are right there. They were having mud slied parties. That's hilarious. Oh man that looks awesome. People made babies that day in their tent. I'm sure they did. For sure they did. I'm sure there's a lot of people out there right now. It was fucking crazy man. I gotta tell you there was people out there totally hippied out. Like straight up butt naked. And there was a good portion of them. I mean not in terms of the whole concert. There was a small percentage but you've seen just naked people walking around free out there. It was crazy as fuck. We were like is this really happening? Shit man. And then the mud was so thick man it was the type where if you walked through it with your shoes and your shoes weren't tight or you weren't wearing boots. It was sucking the shoe right off of your foot. It happened to me a number of times. Hell in that show I jumped into the crowd because normally I would jump into the crowd and just be floating. Stage dive style but I would still be doing the song. And on that particular show they took my shoes and socks. I got back on stage with no shoes and socks. And you know about 15 years later I had one guy with one shoe come to the show and fucking have me sign it. And then the other shoe some chick had it and had me sign it some years later. So I caught up with both shoes. What about the socks? Didn't catch up with the socks. Didn't catch up with the socks. But the shoes yeah caught up with them. Do they have a limited amount of tickets for Woodstock? I mean what the fuck do they do when you get that many people? I think they probably started with some sort of limit and then it became chaos. You know like something they couldn't handle. Imagine if you lived there and that shit descended upon yourself. They were pissed off. I know they were pissed off. They had a break for like fucking 25 years. They had a break. They sold 164,000 tickets but the crowd estimated size was 550,000. Okay well shit that was too short. 200,000 is short. Because the rest rushed the gate. They took the fence and took it down and they just fucking rolled on the hip. I would imagine yeah. Because when it's an event that everybody wants to get to they're going to find a way to it. And it's outside. And it's outside. And with those numbers man? You can't stop that now. No. And it's a great part of their history because I mean that one was a good one where no one got hurt and there was no crazy shit happening like the next one after that. What happened to the next one? Well shit they had a bunch of women say that they had gotten raped or molested at the one the following year. And. There was fires and shit at the end. Yeah and then there was fires. There was a whole bunch of people lost their fucking mind at that one. And they had some great bands too so you know. They don't do that anymore right? Woodstock's done. No they're doing it enough. They're doing it enough. What are you doing you fucking idiots? Move sell your house. Yeah do something. Do something. It's crazy though because. This is a fire. Holy shit man. Yeah. They had bonfires. Yeah I believe when limp biscuit or corn went on it was either limp biscuit or corn and the fires just fucking started. People were pissed too because they were charging so much for water and like they couldn't get to the bathrooms like you were asking like they didn't have the facilities set up as well. Yeah they didn't have adequate facilities for what the fuck was popping to me you know. Jesus Christ look at the fucking what it looks like after it's over. Listen a thousand Andy gums for 500,000 people is not going to do it. You imagine you need like 10,000. Yeah. Imagine being the dude who gets in there after 5000. I mean look at that. They totally took over the fucking highway right there. Crazy. They shut down the fucking highway. They just parked their cars. They made. Yeah they made the highway the parking lot. It's crazy. Look at that. Yeah. At least it was kind of orderly. Well they sort of sort of. They shut down. I'll tell you this though. They were cold blooded. The organizers because. Oh shit. Look at the fucking. That is so crazy. Oh yeah it's like a airplane. These guys had some fucking moxie. I'll tell you that. Hey listen you know after every band was done with their set they expected you to leave right away because the next wave of bands was coming and they were getting your spot. So like if you had a dressing room once your set was done you were expected to get the fuck out. So you had a helicopter out of there. If if yeah it was best if you did because if you didn't take the ride when when it when you were supposed to you were getting stuck there. They couldn't guarantee that they could give you the ride back to your shit after that you know because they had all the other bands to think of and they might not have room for you when they take the other band. So it was like yeah. Look at that fucking picture. Oh my God. Yeah. Oh my God. Yes that's what. Look it looks like. Oh my God. That is like. It's like eating the stage right. That's insane. That picture is insane. Yeah it was that. That's that's the one I'll remember the most. I mean we've we've done some huge gigs but like that one by far you know never have we played for another 500000. You know. What does it sound like. 500000 people scream. Much like that Viking chant. I mean we had a small nation right there. Yeah. That's crazy. Legitimately. Like when you leave there and then you go do a regular gig afterwards does it feel weird. Yeah well it depends but yeah. It takes some adjusting. It does take some adjusting you know especially if the next gig isn't as hype as that you're like fuck we just came from Woodstock. But fortunately the smaller gigs that we have in the world. Fortunately the smaller gigs that we had after that you know in terms of playing festivals they were like you know in between 30000 70000 100000 and we felt that that gave us such an experience that we can handle any fucking stage. So it became easier for us to do festivals after that. And the reaction that we would get at these festivals were smaller versions of what we did there you know and it was it was a great experience because we had we had been doing like a couple of European festivals before that. So it sort of prepared us for that. But we didn't we didn't I mean the fucking numbers we were definitely not prepared for like whoa what the. That's like that transcends reality. Yeah I mean listen we know that that's not our show they're not all there for us you know because it's a mixed bag right bunch of different artists and you're winning over people if anything you're you're you're there playing for your your base of people that might have come to see you. But you're winning everybody else over if you're doing it right and for us it was like a victory because we saw you know half a million people up there jumping up and down to all our shit and they knew the words and they were singing with us and you know it was like a big notch under the belt and a boost for our confidence knowing that we can get in front of anybody play with anyone and get that reaction. I mean because after that you know we were getting booked on metal driven festivals and stuff where we're the only hip hop on it but it's all straight up metal I mean we were playing shows co-headlining under Metallica right Metallica Cypress Hill biohazard death tones fear factory and all that. Wow. You know what I mean and we'd be in that mix playing those festivals with those guys and with hip hop music and you know the boost that it gave us in the confidence it was like fuck that we can play with any of these motherfuckers it doesn't matter who it is and we went to those metal festivals with our hip hop and got metal reaction. Mosh pits stage dives everything what you know and it felt good to be able to hang up there with a Metallica I mean yeah what they do to a crowd is crazy but we realized that if we were playing on the same venue going before them we can in a festival form we can fucking hang with anyone and that's that pretty much put us over the top with doing festivals like yeah we're we're gonna fucking hang with them. And rule this shit people are gonna have to people are gonna have to up their game when we're on that festival with them that's the way we took it. I would imagine you couldn't sleep for days after that the adrenaline was crazy I gotta tell you the adrenaline was crazy and when you're in the helicopter leaving were you like what the fuck just happened yeah we were we were tripping out man I mean we were like totally in awe of of the response that we got and the the you know the enormity of the fucking crowd man I mean it was fucking huge. Just to be a part of something that's that I mean that's like something that no one there is ever gonna forget we took it for granted I gotta tell you when we fucking well they want you to do okay we'll do Woodstock whatever and when we got there that's when we saw just how fucking crazy it was I think this yes. Oh you you know they steal your shoes yeah they're gonna they're gonna start coming watch I have to hold my shirt forward so that I don't get choked out and there goes there goes the first shoot. Oh fuck there goes one shoe there goes a white sock. Yeah there goes the other shoe that is so ridiculous and there is no fucking security that can stop 500,000 people save all that shit you're at the mercy of the fans. Somebody's gonna grab from my sock pretty soon that is so wild that is stealing socks look at it still your pants. Hey listen you know they they tried in big grabby dick now you know they tried to grab the weed in my pocket. Sometimes you know when adrenaline is kicking you're not really thinking you know what's in my pocket and shit like that but yeah you know throughout the I had chicks trying to grab my shit for sure of course for sure yeah that was a little you know. Crazy for me you know but it is what it is if you're gonna stand close you know shit like this happens right yeah man I mean if you're gonna stage dive you gotta assume some weird shit is gonna happen yeah I mean for me you know people were mostly respectful you know but they would go through my pockets to see if I had weed in one one. Grab any of your pockets yeah I did I had some I had like an ounce of weed in one at one show and I jumped in and I totally forgot I had it in my pocket boom if I can took my goddamn. I hope you enjoyed that I bet they did actually did by their role in that joint this is be real weed man I know they did straight from California this is the real shit. Thanks for watching!

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