4 years ago
14 appearances
Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
Who goes in there? Well, people I like, Clint Eastwood's gone. He's not really a member. Look, look. Is it fun? Look, it's 2700 acres. It was set up by Mark Twain and it was a liberal deal for like hookers and gay dudes and just everything else. Just a big huge. Would you say gay dudes? What? Gay dudes. Gay, oh, gay dudes. No, I'm saying if you go back to like the 1870s when Mark Twain set up, it was classically liberal. It was their own 27 acres. It was saloons. They brought in female hookers. You know, there was gay guys in there, everything. It was just it was Bohemian Grove. So they called that. The people do whatever they wanted. It was it was it was open and they had like poetry and they had plays the other rest of it. Then by the time Howard Taft became president, the Republicans basically bought it. So the reason it's important is the Republicans go there to like they ship in all these private hookers, all these jets land nearby. But they also have a lot of gay sex, which they use them to basically compromise people into the cult. And so there's a lot of gay sex. How do you know this? It came out in news articles. No one ever got footage of it. I was in there for one day. I snuck in. I looked good back then. They hit on me a lot. I had like people I recognize from TV Walker. Hey, let's go right now. I mean, it's a big gay hookup deal for Republicans. I'm just telling you what it is. And then and then they've got this this ritual that's only the feeder group. So I'm sitting there during the ritual and I'm like, hey, this is pretty cool. Let's do go. Shut up. I'll kill you. And they're all taking it very seriously. I'm saying that some of that goes on. You were saying it was cool and people were getting angry that you were saying. No, I mean, I was just quietly going, oh, this is really interesting. They're like, shut up. This is a very important ritual. And they were taking it very serious. This hearse comes in with the body of a child. It is an effigy. They're not killing. It's just a bundle of sticks. Right. Well, it looks like a kid. No, later others infiltrated later that worked there and got his photos of it. So image of a kid, little kid. Because Mullick in the in biblical is who they sacrificed. It came in. It's a bull, but they do it as an owl. They do it as an owl. Yeah. And that's from the Bible is you would sacrifice a child to Mullick. Give not your children to the fires of Mullick. Right. And so I've given it to experts in religious history. It's not even, you know, from Christian perspective. It's a Faustian deal mixed with Babylonian and religious stuff from Tyre. Yeah. It's quirky. Look at that. Look at that owl God and look at the fire underneath the owl God. And there's Ronald Reagan. I mean, if you saw that, if you were in the woods and you just saw that, you would be terrified. And Richard Nixon says. Richard Nixon on the Richard Nixon tape says it's a gay orgy. Richard Nixon said that you can pull up. Richard Nixon talks about. Yeah. Richard Nixon said something about it where he. It's the most goddamn faggy thing you ever seen. I think it's I think it's just allowing. Nothing against. That's what a thing. I think it's guys that aren't gay that are that are that engage gay acts in the woods and then they have something on each other similar to Epstein's Island. Well, that's it. It's that's what it is. It's a rich. It's like a fraternity doing that. You've got to. So is that poison is. Hold on a second. What is this here? And they don't allow women. No, it says founded 1872 by a group of male. That's the context that YouTube. He talked about Bohemian Grove. This is the title of the video. I told you found 18. Richard Nixon, Bohemian Grove, most faggy, goddamn thing he could ever imagine. Yeah. Yes. Play it. I never said play it. I want to hear the Nixon tapes. Yeah. Let me hear this. Let us look at Northern California. Northern California. San Francisco is gone. It's clear over. I don't know. But it isn't. It isn't just not in the running part of town. But the upper class in the San Francisco is that way. The Bohemian Grove that I attend. One time at a time. The others that come there. But it is the most faggy, goddamn thing you will ever imagine in San Francisco crowd. San Francisco crowd goes in there. It's just terrible. Okay. So weird. The owl and the, it's interesting. I don't know how seriously they take it. I mean, that's a real question, right? Well, yeah. I mean, the whole gay things are side issue. Right. The point is, is that I've talked to people that, I mean, according to Ted Gunderson, first time I ever heard about this was from this former high level FBI agent who was going to be the FBI director, but he wouldn't go along with corruption. So he wasn't. It's on record. Gunderson almost became the FBI director. And he blew up like the things like the Franklin scandal and he's been a, he's a finder's and the finder's club. Finders Club. Which was where the CIA was caught trafficking. You know, the finders is a cult that was caught trafficking children and the CIA squashed the Florida. And then Gunderson got it rated in DC and found a whole CIA facility with a snuff films, everything. TELACS machine. And so he told me about all this and I thought he was crazy. Yeah. Even though he was Ted Gunderson. You told us about it and we actually pulled up one of those stories. And I was correct. Yes, you're correct. Yes. Yeah. Thank you. So Ted Gunderson is the reason I know about this. But they get people interested with that ritual. Most there's like 2000 members. They bring about a thousand guests. Not everybody can bring a guest. I want the head of each camp to bring a guest. Most of them are nice. Clint Eastwood goes there. You know, Danny Glover goes there, but it's an all male deal. Who's the other one? Danny Glover. Oh, Danny Glover. I was mentioning who's the weapon. Danny. I saw in there. How the fuck is he in there? They probably like him from the movie. Just a fun guy. I saw him when I was there. I saw Danny Glover. Interesting. I'm starting to believe this is not, I'm starting to believe we can get in. I'm starting to believe it's not that. Well, Joe Rogan, they'd have him in immediately. I mean, not now. Do a podcast in front of the owl. But I just want to say that overall, it started out as a truly artsy liberal thing that I think is good. I think guys deserve to go off the woods like we've done since humans were humans and party and do whatever. Right. And so it's, but the thing is then the weird skull, here's what happened. About 1900 skull and bones that was at Yale in New Haven, Connecticut, that was a German death cult. It took over Bohemian Grove and that's when they set up that as the central deal. So it's this big, inviting, fun party. What happens is skull and bones because that's one of the other rumors about skull and bones. I can tell you, I know. They compromise you. I know. They compromise you so that you're always a part of this organization. Well, before he died, I did multiple interviews with Anthony Sutton, the top congressional advisor to Senator Frank Church. And we only know about Sutton because Charlotte Iserby, whose father was high level skull and bones, gave him all of their internal manuals. And she's been a frequent guy. She's retired now. America's secret establishment and an introduction to the order of skull and bones. Yes. Okay. And so this is a Russell trust, a true Illuminati. Illuminati set up 1776 to counter our revolution by Adam Vysov. It funds the Jacobins. It funds the French Revolution. It's the opposite of a true egalitarian open liberal revolution. It's the leftist always say they're the liberal liberal and leftist are two different deals. Leftist is left hand past Satanism. Liberalism is egalitarian, open society, true liberalism. And so the left hand path set this up and then they wanted, they sent all this opium money they had over in 1831 to Yale to set up a German secret society of the Illuminati, which then has become one of the dominant secret societies. And in there they do actual satanic rituals. They get in coffins. They do simulated human sacrifices. They have gay sex as part of the ritual. They bathe in huge facilities of feces. This was made by Robert De Niro made a movie. Skull and bones are doing that stuff now. Absolutely. I know somebody broke into it, but who's the, how can this be proven? Well Matt Damon made a movie called the Good Shepherd, I think. Yes. Robert De Niro directed it. Okay. And that's super accurate where it's got the sword and the devil and they're in, they're in these big vats of the calmen are. They did leak a Facebook photo album of a bunch of skull and bones kids hand on a deer Island. They kind of look like losers. I know they're not, but they kind of look like losers. I mean, it was kind of like a lot of billionaires look like losers. Yeah. They look like emaciate. You were like, these are the, these are the Illuminati. It was kind of like, no, I totally agree with you. Yeah. Remember ABC news because they wanted to get Bush in trouble right before the 2004 election. Another frat was able to, cause they're all doing this crap, shoot video down into it where they're going devil equals death, Satan. And they had girls. They finally brought into the membership. It was all boys before sacrificing. So of course it's idiotic. It's training wheels for what they do, but inside they go grave rob. They've got Geronimo skull. Yeah. The George H. W. Bush stole, supposedly stole Geronimo skull. Yeah. You got to do things like that. I don't know if that, but that's a legend rumor thing. Yeah. It's been broken into. Yeah. The one time the police went in there, but the point is, is that skull and bones order three to two is the Illuminati Germanic death cult that now set up chapters all over the US and it took over Bohemian Grove around 1900. And so that's why Bohemian Grove is still this artisan, you know, deal of elitist artists, but then it got co-opted by the Republican party and skull and bones and helmet Schmidt, German chancellor wrote men in power as a political retrospective. We retired in the late eighties saying, I love our Illuminati rituals that we have in Germany in our own sacred groves. But I think they've taken it to a new level with skull and bones at Bohemian Grove. I really enjoy the time we have there. So these are just these elite institutions where, and skull and bones, I think they seek to like create a close friends amongst people that may not know each other, create loyalty amongst his group of people. That's why they got to tell them all the things they've done. You got to tell them all the sexual history, all that stuff. They want these people to be loyal to each other. So when they, they're not loyal to the laws of America, they're loyal to this, this oath that they take with each other. And exactly. And it's like a team America. Look at this. Descendants sue skull and bones over Geronimo's bones. Documents show George W. Bush's grandfather robbed Geronimo's grave members. Members of the secret society allegedly steal valuable things and put them in tomb. Great grandson says Geronimo should be burned buried in accordance with the tradition. Federal law protects native Americans rights to their family members remains. Let's expand on that. What he just said, cause this guy's done his studying. It's like, thank you. It's like a team America. When the head guy goes, suddenly person he's ever said, I'm no, no, no, nobody says he goes, suck my cock Gary. It's not about sex in skull and bones and Bohemian Grove. He, what he says most of these guys are not gay. It's an act of dominance. Like, Oh, you're a Senator. You want to be president, bend over. And like a former president screws you in the ass and that's what they do. I mean, the ritual is I'm in charge, bend over. Well, isn't that a thing with fraternities anyway? Like hazing the jizz on a cracker. Exactly. So it's the next deal. Yeah. But most people have fraternities. I mean, these are the top kids. These are kids that they think are going to occupy leadership positions in the world. And often do. And often do. So even let me give you an example. Even John Ronson saw the photo with me when we snuck in Bohemian Grove. And they had it hanging in. And people say, why don't you get a video? I have a camera hidden right here. It's Henry Kissinger, been over in a woman's dress, sticking his fingers in his ass. Bill Clinton in a blue dress with Jeff in Jeff Epstein's house. Yeah. But that's just an artist rendition. Do you know that that was just an artist made that. Yeah. But maybe this was an artist rendition. We're in a clubhouse. Yeah. Ronson wrote about this. Oh, so it's a photo or a painting? No, it was a look like a photo. But let's just say it's a painting. I don't know. I wasn't. It's ancient memory 20 years ago. OK. 20 plus, you know. But I mean, Ronson's like, look at that. I'm like, is that Kissinger? Yeah. And it's Kissinger. It's all about being improper. And they all go get caught to compromise each other to be in the club. It's a hazing thing so that they can trust each other because they're all doing shady shit. Yes. Even if it's an artist rendition, why is Jeffrey Epstein having in his townhouse a picture of the president in a blue dress? Well, because the president flew in his fucking place. Well, that's what I mean. That's what I mean. He was basically. And by the way, his name Maxwell is now come out in court. It's getting no attention, confirming. OK, Clinton did fly to that island that broke four days ago. It's gotten zero. Yeah, no, they're not pink. They're not paying attention. We haven't heard anything other than those court documents. Listen, I told you, listen, guys, it's not like I'm even that special. My mom's brother was a famous helicopter pilot in Vietnam running black ops into Laos and Cambodia and stuff. And then he I shouldn't tell these stories, but no one's ever heard the stuff. But, you know, I remember growing up and telling me this stuff and it was it was true. Like they were like, I'm not going to do it. Please, please. I just can't do it. What's the danger? You said so much. Well, I mean, let's just say he took the fall for something that was going on. He didn't get in trouble for it. He got promoted. Right. And he was involved in Iran Contra. And that's how people get promoted. They fail upward by taking a lot of times to blame for something. Or this is that's like, yeah, so I grew up. I mean, I grew up not just him, but other family, you know, that was it was like something special, you know, but those Navy SEAL guys got a security done. A bunch of crazy stuff. That's what our military does. It's not what you hear on the news. Right. And and it's just completely out of control stuff. And I mean, my uncle told me, he said, he said, yeah, I know I got out of working for these groups and everything as, you know, an army officer that was sheep dip, you wouldn't know when you wouldn't wear an army uniform. So yeah, right. We were talking high level. Like, yeah, talking running the real stuff like, right. Special ops. Yeah. Well, he was in charge. He liked the command base of Guatemala City, right? Because he was like a top Morse code guy. Of course, they had satellites there, but nobody could read this Morse code coded. So he was sending stuff to the White House Morse code like he was like when he was a kid, he was a champion Morse code. So he wasn't just in command. He was like running all the stuff. And he just said I had to do it because he said it was kids being smuggled out of orphanages by the CIA for sex ops in D.C. Jesus Christ. He told me that he told me that when he was dying of pneumonia. Jesus, fuck. Now, what is it with kids? Why is the way to compromise people? It's the it's the energy to. Yeah. I mean, if somebody will hurt kids and he would. If somebody will hurt kids, what else? They'll do anything. Episodes of the Joe Rogan experience are now free on Spotify. That's right. They're free from September 1st to December 1st. They're going to be available everywhere. But after December 1st, they will only be available on Spotify, but they will be free. That includes the video. The video will also be there. It'll also be free. That's all we're asking. Just go download Spotify. Much love. Bye bye. Bye.