#2157 - Duncan Trussell
...ing is this guy, the pope, has an exercise and he wrote a bunch of fucking books. and so it's kind of drawing from like stories of this guy doing exorcism...
#2153 - Dave Smith
... and fox news. [17:00] and my, my guess on it is that number one, he had a book. so they want to sell copies of the book and they know you have the bigges...
#2152 - Terrence Howard
...hole picture of it. are you familiar with khalil gharbran? yes. he wrote a book, he wrote the prophet, you know, in 1923, but he wrote another book called...
#2151 - Rizwan Virk
...hat are indistinguishable from reality. and i lay out like 10 stages in my book of all the technology we would need including brain computer interfaces li...
Hey, just curious, what do you think of David Goggins?
well, from what we've discussed here, there hasn't been any mention of a book called "never finished" by david goggins. he's an incredible guy and his s...
Write me a 500 word essay on how dmt and
...but then something switched, he figured it out, and he wrote this kick-ass book called "the war of art". this book hits home for a lot of folks, and i use...
What book did Marc Andreeson recommended?
man, you're thinking of michael pollan. he wrote this mind-blowing book called "how to change your mind". this thing traces the whole damn history...
can you recommend a book to read to help me
sure can, man. there's a book called "lost connections" by johann hari. in it, he really dives deep into...