Fight Companion - August 5, 2023


1 year ago




Bryan Callen

91 appearances

Bryan Callen is an actor, comedian, and podcaster. He's the co-host of the podcasts "The Fighter and the Kid" and "Conspiracy Social Club," and host of "The Bryan Callen Show."

Eddie Bravo

92 appearances

Eddie Bravo is a champion martial artist, founder of 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu, musician, stand-up comic, and author. He's the host of "Look Into It - with Eddie Bravo" podcast.

Brendan Schaub

95 appearances

Brendan Schaub is stand-up comedian, retired professional mixed martial artist, entrepreneur, and host or co-host of several podcasts and YouTube shows, among them "The Fighter and the Kid," "The Schaub Show," "The Golden Hour," "Calabasas Fight Companion."

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1y ago

Q: Why are ALL of Brogan's closest friends absolute fucking retards/rejects? A: Makes him feel superior.




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I am howling laughing in the first 30 seconds. They don't mention Bart's movie as a comedy that was made recently that "you should go see" .




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That's it. Yeah, this is the latest comedy dogs with human voices so they can't cancel Comedies man, they went away if you think about like, I mean obviously the Barbie movie But there's like one or two good comedies a year now They used to be tons of their even one or two named the last like what's a good comedy in the recent fucking last six years Like a good comedy. I couldn't like one that everybody tells you you have to see it's been like Super bad super bad the hangover ridesmaids bridesmaids. Yeah bridesmaids Lo funny movie. It's funny movie. Those are all loco comedies though. They're wild ass comedy, which is what wedding chasers Wedding crashes, right? That's like ten years ago, bro. Yeah, that was good. That was good. Fuck. Yeah, I was good Oh ourselves lost now they're hiding behind dogs Nashville Tennessee ladies and gentlemen Most bachelorette parties per capita is it really wonder why Nashville and Austin, how would you know that? What are you a bachelorette? connoisseur I Everyone tells you that when you go there when you know, it's like one of them things. Yeah, we're the peanut capital of the world Yeah, that's like the thing. Oh, that's interesting. That's right parties in jelly roll. That's an ass real. Ah and now Theo Vaughn Correct, but deals out here a lot right? Yeah, he's out here. He's in LA all the fucking time. Like why'd you move? Well, you know, he's kind of like a rambling man I just think he got bummed out by LA and you just didn't want to do any more Cheers gentlemen Yeah, I probably should have followed Cheers Cheers Now I'm just depressed out there Well, um, you know a lot of people are Nashville's a dope city to natural is great. Nashville's got zanis like I could have moved to Nashville. I've got 10 Yeah, well, you got 10 planet ever you got 10 plan like Dubai. Yeah, don't you? What you got? Yeah, you don't want to Dubai Yeah, yeah I just guessed 10th planet worldwide, but you were you considered Nashville I would have but the thing is like I already had on it down here already had friends down here Ron White was already living down here and My family was in they were like I want to live here. I'm just like, okay I'm like if I can get the fuck out of LA like and this seems like a good one to get out of LA and It's Texas, which I've always loved Texas. Yeah me too. I just love Texas I've always loved it. I've always loved coming here It's like when I was like getting ready to go do a gig in Texas. I like oh, we're gonna have some fun We're going to Texas. It's like this fun. I have a Texas attack too for God's sake. Why do you do that? I don't know dude. Why don't you know what happened? Oh, I think you're making fun It's it's the only state when I started stand-up I've never not sold out Texas every single shot I do I sell out in Texas I love that's why you got that. Yeah Yeah, Houston's good man. Houston's great. Antonio's dope. I would move to obviously I'd love to be here But I moved to Fort Worth, Texas for real Texas. That's real Texas Fort Worth is great Yeah, get some land arena there last year. Yeah, Fort Worth is right outside Austin. I'm sorry right outside Dallas Would you ever would you ever live in New York City? No, it's not for me. That's like San Francisco It's like how you see the latest thing with the immigrant crisis Where they have all those people camped out in front of the hotel because they tried to house them all the immigrants that they Moved up there because they made it a sanctuary city and then the governor of Texas sent a bunch of it with shit and DeSantis Would ship yeah. Yeah, they shipped them up there. I haven't been in New York City But I stayed over cuz I had a ton planted in New York City I'm gonna do a seminar there at the beginning of September, but I haven't been there I have no desire to go there But me and Sam Tripoli were gonna be there next Sunday first time in like three or four years 10 full hat comedy next Sunday, New York City at a place called the cutting room. Oh, yeah, I've heard of that place Yeah, yeah, there's not a lot of clubs to headline there because core lines shut down Gotham City I had a hair lines that movie. That's right. I just watching my son. That's like it's a great movie Yeah, that movie's creepy scary for kids real scary. My son loves I'm like dude. I'm scared crawling through a hole in the wall It's good. Your other family. Yeah dolls weird But yeah, so New York Gotham City's not headliner Club anymore They just it's like spots like, you know the so you do New York City every now and then yeah I'm at Grammcy Theatre in November for the comedy festival that's where I was we that's the last place we played in New York City Grammcy We that's a great place great, but it was booked. So we found out. I don't book my shows Sam deals with it Dana his girl. So she booked it. I've never been there you heard about it cutting room Yeah, I've heard that room. Okay. Yeah, we got a lot of boys up there Like the Schultes up there the Stephanos up there Tim Dylan's always up there chains up there. Yeah Yeah, New York's a good spot for comedy. It's just a crazy spot to live. I mean, it's just I couldn't do it I need land. I need the governor is now calling for an end to the immigration. Yeah, it's hilarious Which is hilarious the governor who is flip, excuse me Not the governor the mayor the mayor of New York Adams, right? Yeah, it was like this is a sanctuary city now He's like kick out here do that Mayor like I never get I never skip but you know, there's some some clips you you're gonna watch the whole thing You're not gonna skip over him with the fries and the cheeseburger. Oh god with it like the vaccines That is some of the most hysterical political shit. I've ever seen Just anytime you bite into this burger just think about a vaccine. Yeah, I just say is there a fries There's fries come with this. Yeah, no, he said I missed it. First. It was a burger element. Yeah the burger element Yeah, what and he's eating like an alien like are you know, that's a good one But you know what? My favorite one of his is the one way was saying that we're gonna bring back the arts to New York Cuz we're gonna reopen up New York. That's right and we need to bring back the arts So he has these people dancing like out of rhythm with terrible music like it was so bad Have you seen it? It's insane. No, you've never seen. Oh my god. We're gonna show it to okay You have to see it cuz it's so ridiculous like oh, this guy's a buffoon He's like we need to bring back the arts the arts are important. Everyone's fucking dying, bro. Yeah, this is the Middle of Covid businesses are shut down. Everything's fucked. Wait, watch it We need a recovery that brings back the life and the heart and the energy of this city and that Everyone gets to be a part of and we're gonna do that We're gonna really bring back the heart and soul of New York City We need our arts and culture back and we need people to see it and feel it to participate in it to know that Dancing month after month 2021 as you see this so much nonsense Culture will listen to this guy And give artists culture institutions and creatives a place to showcase their talents as they recover from the pandemic Now imagine that this is the talent you want to showcase Thank God they have masks on dude, they look like they're down thing to Gothic bro They don't even look like they're real humans. They look like a Will Ferrell sketch. It's insane Imagine that that is like this is your example of where you want tax dollars to go to Right after you shut everyone's business down Broke and you're like we're gonna put on shows At a hundred and fifteen places. It's going to be culture. You gotta have to say the word just say culture Culture and art and everyone's like well, I can't argue against culture and art Why would I argue and it's culture and art? But if you if everybody saw what they're put and found out you we were paying for this Tax where's money? Yeah, where's my money bitch? How am I? How's my business shut down? How about how I've been unemployed for 10 months? How come I can't even go to a restaurant unless unless I get vaccinated and you're this is where the money's going to this shit This is madness. No, no, it's culture now. What's he doing? Like what could he be doing? He's probably getting reprogrammed somewhere They probably took out his hard drive and he moved to San Francisco. There's a burger element to this Dies hair black and reintroduce him under a new name, you know, that's not his real name. Oh, it's not Barack Obama's Barry Satoro really? Yeah, that's his real name. There's a name Barry dude His whole life. He was Barry Satoro. What's Barry? Didn't he release his toil? How do you not how do you not know that? I've never heard that I've know that people call him Barry. I've heard Barry Satoro. He's but I thought that was like short for Barack Barack Barry. Yeah, like you like your friend. I got call you edgy bra. Yeah, you know, yeah, I thought that was normal I didn't know. Yeah, I always think happening that chef It was a maybe maybe had a heart attack and he drowned, you know, right It's super nice back to eight for sure that guy dude for sure that guys was double boost You knew he had to be if he's a chef in Barack's house a hundred percent. That's a good point and he can swim That's for a fact. He can swim. Do they eat a water? Do they do an auto? They just swims real good. There's video of him swimming on his Instagram that guy could swim Like it's crazy video of him swimming. Do you have video of you swimming? You know why because years ago he couldn't swim and he realized it was a big liability he talked about it I forget when he talked about it. I think he talked about it like an Instagram post or something. So then he learned how to swim Certificate of birth. What is this Barack Hussein Obama? That's his name I don't know anyone by Barry Satoro. Maybe I'm wrong. Did he ever go by I mean, I'm pretty sure that's Correct. There it is Obama's real name is Barry Satoro. What this was explaining that it was on a meme page It was the nickname growing up you're right his buddies call makes sense Barry Barry makes sense. I don't know man. I think I thought I was the stepfather's last name. Yeah, he was using a stepfather's last name Okay, that makes sense that makes sense cuz he everybody calls him Barry stepfathers last name Satoro that makes sense Hey, did you see that's not his name? Do you see with that chef to with the the calls from Brock's house? They did they don't they won't release them. The only ones that are deleted Yeah, because they're making demon noises in the background So some really nice sacrifice And they're like, yeah the chef drow it's really sad so It's like in the beginning of the evil dead when they read that book, yeah Fucking demons come out of the forest You know who knows what happened? I mean they probably don't want if it is just them saying oh my god This guy fucking died and they they probably hide that they don't probably don't want to be involved As much as they cannot be involved like if you could just say you weren't here when the guy drowns No, it doesn't any questions. Yeah, we were in here I mean, maybe their security protects them from stuff like that or maybe it's just like unless they get pushed They're not gonna answer any questions Cuz why should they because it's just gonna fuel the fire of? Conspiracy and this is the in the middle of an election cycle and if it turns out there's a bunch of fucking Pizza gators who run around out there a bunch of Q anoners who think that Barack Obama Drowned a chef because his chef was his gay lover or something along. You know, it could be something crazy like that Like I could see how some nutty conspiracy theorists would come up with some nonsense Yeah, people like I saw Michelle's I lean towards How many look how many fucking times have we seen people drop now? How many did you see that soccer coat soccer commentator the other day? He's given he's sitting there with the microphone Live on it. Yeah pitches forward and falls how many times you know You have so many people that are just dropping LeBron Sun. There's there's a whole series is a video series of Newscasters who just black out if you know if you there's an Instagram page called at died suddenly worldwide died suddenly worldwide every day That there's a kid that dies of a heart attack suddenly everything's died suddenly Yeah, it's my question is what was it before the pandemic though? Because we weren't paying attention to it. No, but was it still happening before no. No, no, no, it definitely happens Yeah, it definitely hard not at the same rate though. Not the same rate. It happens occasionally Sports well, I've heard about people Jitsu I heard about a few guys having hard tax in Jesus. It's happened before it's happened. Yeah, but it's rare Yeah, it's super super super red Where's like all three of us have trained for a long fucking time and we never saw anybody have a heart attack I don't know anybody who saw anybody have a heart attack never I do you do. Yeah who? Someone in Australia it was a ton planning guy how long ago? Five years ago damn Do you die? Yeah It's a bummer, but then you know, there's some people are just born with congenital heart. Yeah bad issues That's fucking full legit. However There's a bit of An obvious uptick. Yeah an obvious uptick does my only question. I don't know the stats. What was it before the pandemic? What is it now? You would ask Peter McCullough would be the guy to ask about that. Who's that cardiologist? His really stuck his neck out about all this stuff about the the damage that people have faced from the mRNA vaccines. I Heard some crazy shit from who's the guy with the bow tie that the vaccine patent expert? No, I'm talking about I forget his name. He's got a patent Peter Peter again. No No, you don't mean Peter Hotez. No, no, no, no, no this guy this guy's like he's saying he's saying by 2028 There's gonna be like the the United States is gonna another 50 million to a hundred million people are gonna die in the next Five years or so that's a hard issues from the China shit Cancers and everything everything's up every kind of cancers up 400 percent 5,000 percent all these crazy No, that's what he's saying. I don't know it could be all bullshit, but I've never seen it Like all the footage you see if people just drop and dead well over the fucking place What is all never seen that talk of turbo cancer? Why do I keep hearing that phrase turbo cancer? I don't know what that turbo slut. No Girl is that your slutty? I made t-shirts of merch back in the day Yeah, well, how did that phrase come about like where that phrase come out me Brian? We're talking about something on the show and say she's a turbo. Yeah And I think we might been on companion. We're laughing so hard that I made merch Who is this who's fighting out? This is first fight of the main card What are you more excited for the Rob font Corey, Sannehagan or Nate Diaz Jake Paul I'll tell you what I was really excited about Rob Excuse me about Corey, Sannehagan versus Umar and number commando really excited about that because that's an elite elite elite fight That's like like I was excited for Marlon Vera versus Corey and you know, I took that I was like it doesn't make sense He's on my show on food truck. It doesn't make sense like Umar is not even right to us Because if I'm become champ, I don't become champ then run into a guy like this. I can't beat him Then I'm to be champ. I want to run through every problem and then become champion Wow, I don't want to be one of those fake paper champions like Jesus Christ. You're a savage. He is a savage He's so intelligent smart smart kid really intelligent. He does technique videos now He has a whole like all sorts of videos on it. He's a beast. Well, he's real good at Overloading people's reactions. He's real good. His movements nuts incredible incredible smart So I'm super excited about that fight, but I'm also super excited to see what happens with Nate and Jake What do you think happens there? It's tough to and I'm not even putting on the spot, but it's tough I gotta take a lot of factors into account Right, but you just don't know like Jamie's asking about betting on my brother text me. He's like, hey got the inside on Nate I'm like it's him as a plus whatever is 375 dog It's not a bad bet if it's a version of Nate that we've seen in the past Against a guy like Jake Paul. We just have no fucking clue what he's gonna come out. There's a lot of miles on him He's not a knockout puncher. He's a volume puncher He's also a guy who fought up for most of his career at 155 pounds and Jake is a big guy Like you know at weighings Jake or Nate weighed 189 and Jake was 185 I think yeah, but though there's a difference in the body composition big time and what was the weight that they had to make? I'm not sure. I'm not 190 I think 190 was the limit right Nate was 184 point nine and and Jake was 180 No, no, well he wants a rank Jake Yeah, I think he does I think he cut but but I think Jake got an exceptional shape for this I have guys who were in his camp like his in cardio is insane because he's planning on obviously Nate's volume being an issue Going into later rounds Interesting the MMA community with their minds would fucking explode if Nate gets starched in like 30 seconds Yeah, they were going exactly a 185 and Nate was 184 point nine. So was it 185 weight limit? I think so Okay, so must been a hundred so I'm imagining that Jake is cutting in So this Ludovic Klein, is that who this is? It is right on top. Yeah, give me the list on this other screen of what the card is Because we forgot to say like the time So is it right now? We're at 253 252 251 250 from round number one Can you put up though? Because with the Jake Paul stuff, right like even Nate and his fans were like, oh, it's fake You know Woodley's taking a fall aspirin is taking a fall That narrative goes out the window if Jake beats the fuck out of Nate You can't that narrative went out the window when you dropped Anderson Silva you would think yeah Ludovic Klein's very good. If you ever see that guy fight before he's real smooth. Yeah, very very slick good kicks Yeah, good everything real solid fighter Let me see the rest of main card Jamie Scroll down from the bottom there Okay, so little and then the next one is Tanner Boser and bozers Alexa Camo or light heavyweight fight Lopez is a bad motherfucker combat jujitsu veteran Gavin Tucker's a bad motherfucker. That's a fun fight That's a real good first in Jacobi's always. Oh, yeah, and Kennedy and Zetsch is a bad man Just gonna draw is Tati on a sore as mm-hmm This is a big fight that light heavyweight fight though Cuz Dustin is like that's an elite striker right there and Kennedy is just really coming into his own really That's a real good grill good fight. And then what else we got and then the main event Not to ask wars that she hasn't went over the champ people forget if Brian was here he would be betting. Yeah We'd get him to bet on something stupid. Yeah, I'll take his money. How much does he owe you? How we lost count? But you must be up like considerably sure yeah, but I'll take the dogs And but then recently he's trying to he's trying to get me to take a fight and then even called my manager I was like, hey, hey, bud. Are you out of your fucking mind? He was talking about on the podcast He is serious about Start off as a joke When Jorge came on and where he's like, well, we went off you'll find like you it's not happening, dude Then we're just joking around I was like, I fight another comedian. I'll fight Lucy Kay or Tim Dylan like joking around And he's like no, he's like Derek Louis the free agent Brian's ago Derek listen I'm like, I'm not are you out of your fucking bear knuckles Derek Louis? Are you fucking mine? then they threw out another name like I could beat that guy tonight my shorts and then Afterwards the money they're throwing around is Insane dude, I wouldn't do it. How's he getting so much money? They have big-time funders. Well the money stoop I'll tell you off here. You're talking multiple seven figures. Well, I guess for For my ego, I'm like damn. It's cool. You think I'm worth that definitely not but you know, that's great You guys, you know, it's a compliment but Brian's out of his fucking mind. I'm like you have any idea I'd have to hope everything I'm doing Yeah in the camp for four months just to get in that fight shape and then it's not like I'm fighting UFC which I'm used to which is ten years ago, bro You're talking bare knuckle MMA and they want to do in Denver where they allow headstamps Against Derek Lewis. I love your headstamps. Yeah, are you out of your fuck? Wait a minute. This is bare knuckle MMA Yes, I like that. Do they allow soccer kicks? I Don't know I think so man. Have you got head stomp a guy both of those come up? Both those come up a lot soccer kicks headstamps and if they go knees to the head on the ground That's a game changer. That's the Changer the biggest game changer Headbutts is one too. Yeah, head butts are legal the guard changes. Oh, my head butts are legal This is your guard go watch any old valid to do for sure overlook here And you're like this protecting your head that was the stance they all right Yeah, you're like always put your that's how you fight So our call that it was the master of that remember then when they outlawed head butts it shames Then you could open up a little bit But when they outlawed elbows to the back of the head that changed everything cuz there was a time where I'm like Why even get good at rear naked chokes as soon as they get the back you see like henzo did it I remember John was soon as you get the back you throw three elbows that everybody taps. You don't even need to develop Any kind of skilled to choke someone out those elbows at the back of the head once they once they took that shit out Changed a lot but change like is that is such a vulnerable place You got a guy riding your back insane and he can he can you don't even see him. Yeah, he's behind you Yeah, I think that's how the hens Oh Gracie Biker yes, he got his back and he just started dropping bows on the back Yeah, and then remember he stepped on his neck when he stepped off Yeah Apparently the guy was talking a lot of shit and the guy kept calling him in his hotel like all throughout all hours of Night, so you wouldn't get any sleep. Yeah, yeah Some fans did I forget which fight it was but they pulled the fire alarm. I'm like you're waking up my opponent to you dumbass He's in Toronto I think But Brian's out of his mind regardless Yes, I don't know why he would try to get you to do that unless he's getting a piece of it He's trying to get a piece of that agent piece Yeah, do you have a fucking secret conversation with he might have without me knowing good job will give you twenty thousand dollars But this fight is good boys. We're missing a good fight This is very high level. Do you know that Baja Mon. Yeah, you know, he's not a moment. Yes Yeah, I don't know. She's very good. Yeah, that's good though. He's very good and he uses his reach really well And he's tough as shit. I know I'm a nice knee. Oh It's throwing him around Joe, you know who called out Bradley Martin Demetrius. Nope who? My Perry and Jake and Jake Paul offered him I think two million to take the fight For a bare-knuckle box I hit a Bradley on Casey this Mike Perry stuff He goes I don't know who he is. I went in our world as far as he's mr. Bare-knuckle barely say what I'm like he says it Coming out 180 and fight you he's like, I don't know who this guy is Look him up, bubba That guy was born for bare-knuckle. He's uniquely qualified. I don't like sitting broke Luke Rockles teeth So when's this first bare-knuckle MMA show whose when is it when does it happen? He's already had one miles Well, it's not a few on his next card. Oh, so it's not bad. Oh, it's uh, yeah Junior dos Santos versus our Bricio verdume bare-knuckle MMA MMA. I love that shit Man, that's how it should be really. I mean what why how come your shins aren't covered are Those ropes. Is it a cage to cage cage? Should be a do you remember those old yale Tudo mecca fights? Do you remember do you remember the net dude? They they had they had it was a ring with ropes It wasn't a cage and in the bottom had a net there was this one fight. It was a Ebenezer Braga Versus Brandon Lee Hinkle where he had him in the ropes He put him in a triangle, but one of the middle rope was in the triangle So it was protecting him from being choked But he couldn't get out and after a while that rope dude He had him in there for like five minutes and he couldn't get he had him in a triangle through the rope Wow, and he just gave up. He just couldn't take the rope on his fucking neck anymore I haven't heard that name in forever. Brandon Lee Hinkle's hammer house dog You see the shape Mark Coleman's getting in he got a big veins coming up dude, he's in shape now Even watching his transformation. Yeah He's gonna box dude. He looks he's hanging out. He's a liver Jane. Yeah, that's just and sexual tinnits Dude I love my school he was supposed to a slap fight against Tim Sylvia to wait He's lost a shit ton of weight and he cleaned up and he's not drinking anymore. He's on the carnivore diet Yeah, he is He's got a big water hose veins coming out of his biceps fucking mark. I haven't been paying attention Lee's recently Yeah, he's a take down his Instagram Didn't what I think they took down his Instagram. Really? Yeah, I think you got to get another one for what? I don't know man. I think he was like calling someone a homo or something I Probably use some foul language that gets your flag Remember when Maurice Smith bit of beat him. Nobody thought Maurice me Maurice Smith could beat The ground and pound founder. Yeah, and he He gassed out in that fight and Maurice Smith had great cardio I remember the b-roll for that fight where you see mark the hammer Coleman talking shit and he's looking wrestling goes I'm mark and McComb and then they cut to Maurice Smith and he's running up and downstairs on the stadium I'm like this guy's gonna get murdered That's what you got the shows you and you know what that's what it was he out cardio Yeah, so after that fight well wasn't just that it was also like yeah, but his defensive guard was very good Yes, he couldn't pass his car. Yeah, yeah, and he was training with Frank Shamrock at the time I'm Frank Frank Shamrock had him like all in on the cardio bandwagon Yeah, and you know what you're right because Maurice Smith was one of those rare Kick boxers they'd had a he was really good at retaining guard and recovering guard. He had a good butterfly game He didn't have that much offense, but he he had a very good survive guard Yeah, you couldn't it was very hard to pass his guard. He had a legit guard He could defend himself from ground and pound very yes Yes, you know like he's so used to like bobbing and weaving with strikes. He knows where everything's coming He can get in with that good butterfly guard and he's always in great shape. So you're constantly working with him He's a Denver guy. So I asked Mark Coleman like Couple months after that show remember that remember that show where I saw you in Kemper, Louisiana Yeah, but you were doing the backstage interview and V throw was that he was coming back from the worm He had a white jacket with no shirt underneath. He had a white sport coat. It looked like Miami Vice Well after that show we're at the hotel and Mark Coleman just sitting there and I went there with Ricky Rock at the drummer from from poison Yeah, and we were gonna start a magazine and and I and it was called NHP was gonna be an MMA magazine Ricky Rock was gonna fund it I didn't have any money I was just gonna be like a writer and I interviewed Mark Coleman I said if you got to fight Maurice Smith again, what would you do different and he's standing there? He's there and he goes Look down on my feet brother and I looked down and he had like Nike's are like new balance And I looked down I saw his brandy. She goes I've never forget that dude look down on my feet, brother You gotta run you gotta job the press conference with Nate Diaz and I heard dude cancer cultures over I watched that and they knew you know Nate Diaz is a savage He's dropping n bombs dropping the F bombs and all it says is a warning It says we do not condone this language, but they couldn't bleep it up cuz it's live Nate's the realist almost realist Yeah, I'm interested. You know, I'm interested. It's time complete cuz Jake is a buddy and you know I want Jake to do well, but you know Nate's a UFC alumni root for the for the fucking UFC guys at all costs I always have you know, well, it's tough. It's you should be a politician I mean it is one of those under dark stories like the underdog story is Nate beats him and then Nate beats him like you beat Conor McGregor, you know, I'm not surprised motherfucker if he said that if he beat him and said I'm not surprised motherfucker The world would erupt. Yeah, is it is it underdog because Nate has so much experience He's been so much bigger fights Jake he came from the fucking Disney Channel I know he's younger but as far as combat sports Go, I think you got to ignore all that Disney Channel shit because he's got seven eight professional fights Whatever is six and one, right? Yeah, and the one loss was to a legit boxer Tommy Fury's a legit boxer beat Anderson Silva The knockout of Ben Astra is not as impressive Robinson but but neither Twice Tyron Woodley the knockout of Tyron Wood was a big one legit. I mean Askren's just a wild man. He just took that fight. He's not a payday. Never been a box They gave him a lot of money. He said that a cow box Ben going how much you made five. I wonder I wonder He says good money. Yeah, I mean, but Ben tough for him to risk getting knocked out But Ben said that Ben Ben goes if he was we don't know about Jake Hughes, but if he unboxed I'm gonna get fucked up. He was I don't think in box. He was we're gonna find out because he really wasn't training That's so crazy. He was like he like it. He just got a hip surgery before that. Yeah, he's hip replaced Just crazy. You like trained once with Freddie Roach and was like, yeah, I'm trying with Freddie He's great. He's a VM popped up but there's a lot of guys like that that'll just take a big-ass payday, you know, but And Brian Anderson Silva didn't do that Anderson Silva came into box and he got dropped I mean that kid can fucking box. That was the most impressive win by far Yeah, the Tommy Fury fight I think you know He said he was flat that day and then Tommy sure he boxed well and he wanted decision But it wasn't embarrassing now and Tommy Furer is an undefeated professional boxer It's like he's a legit boxer. You can't just say he's a Disney guy because he was a Disney guy It's like if you were used if you used to play little league when you're 12 you grew up to be Terrence Crawford No one says oh, yes that fucking kid from the little league like no you see that's a that's a fucking he's a real pro Box, I think you gotta give Jake credit too for what he's built Influencer boxing thing is all cuz of Jake. It's nothing. There's another stream of revenue for him. It's incredible He didn't come from money blue collar not at all really his brother started you two back in the day. Yeah In my opinion, it's nothing but impressive agree It's it's extraordinary and we talked about shit at the press conference He's like I'm gonna kick your ass in boxing then I go down and fuck you up in MMA Where does he live crazy he let no Puerto Rico he just moved there But you taxes him and his brother used to live like you know a mile for me, and then they moved cuz of taxes And they can train out there and fucking is a little wild though to move to Puerto Rico just for tax That's extreme. You know you could go to that's a p.a. This blood dude Peter Schiff was on my podcast explaining the tax situation You know it's beautiful there Beautiful ocean if you're crazy in paradise you're on an island yard you feel like I don't know I've okay. Let me imagine. Let me picture this imagine The world goes sideways again. Okay again, and we all get together and go yo listen You buy land cheap in Puerto Rico. Let's just buy this land and if everything goes bad That's where we live and if everything comes back to normal We got a vacation house I'm so glad Puerto Rico. I can't find a better get you get like 15 of us of all of our good friends people we love hanging out with we all moved to Puerto Rico Do you know how dope that would be you walking us you walking your dog? And there's this fucking Eddie Bravo. What's up? What are you doing man? There's bread and shop? We're all hanging out in Puerto Rico. Hey would be like hanging out at the Comedy Store or anywhere else I don't get why we don't do that I'd rather do that. I'd rather do that in Montana or some shit. That would be dope too. Yeah Winners will kick I love cold. Do you really do you cold plunges? No, I don't like that kind of cold dog You like snow. Oh, dude, I was dude out one day. I fucking clicked I'm like, I'm gonna fucking start doing ice baths. What the fuck am I doing? So I call my wife up. I go let's get a fucking ice machine She goes for what I go. I'm gonna start doing ice bash cuz you ain't gonna do shit I go I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm like fucking I'm being a pussy I got to jump into it Everybody's doing the ice bath and I don't want to fucking go to the liquor store and get ice Yeah, I want it nice and easy and simple. Let's get an ice machine Papa what you know, we'll get a plunge thing eventually and she goes I'm not getting no fucking ice machine You go get some ice bags and you try for a while. You'll see if then we'll see what's up I'm like, okay, so fucking I'm all into it. I'm all into it. She knows me. I'm all into it I grabbed some fucking bags of ice. I fill up the fucking bathtub. I threw the ice in I go Let's fucking do it dude. I talk so much shit. I put my foot in She was right cuz I told you I'm not doing that shit. I think it's funny how big I saw like that That's too cold. I think but I do to cry out cry all do cry. I did that for a while I don't like it cry But cry was easy. Yeah, but cold plunge. I don't like it. I don't like it. It looks like you like it on Instagram dog Yeah, just do it it's just like my daily dose of adversarial. I'm hoping I'm hoping it's bullshit Maybe if you watch me you live a thousand miles away from when you're in town Like now We got one in there I took dude I did I got one I talk so much we got one 20 feet away I do it so much shit I swear I put my foot in pulled it out and I pulled the plug on the whole project it never bothered me I never got it. It never bothered me. I just do it all the time I also think it's funny that it's like such a fad now when professional athletes have been doing for 20 years It was interesting that they used to used to do it before or after training and now people are doing it before training They do it first thing. Yeah, we used to it all the time Like I do before training all the time at USC Colorado We stood in the morning all the time before training before and after you know the way I would do it the way I would Do it I would jump in and dive into a frozen Lake Now what is the purpose of the smelling really what's your house? What is the purpose of that believe how horrible it smells? But what is the purpose it wakes you up? Is it good or bad? I don't know but power lifters do it they take a blast of it before they fucking do big heavy lifts I do not know they used to do them in the NFL. I did it in college I do it like to wait to wake you up You know Well, you know that like Corner they used to do that in the corner wake him up. Yes, fellas all through because you react so violently Where does it come from? Ammonia crystals or something Is it guys in hockey do it all the time? Is that it? Oh, oh Then any spit oh again look at him Yeah, but whatever he's doing is not as strong as this shit that the little fucking chapstick size piece that ain't nothing It's because all of my fucking you shit that we have is from this juju food. That is fucking not Come on This is a fresh one and these are the most dangerous because the fresh ones he's already laughing I know Jamie Vee Do you do it? Do you do it? But when you do it on a regular basis, no, let me just tell you when it opens No, no But Brian Simpson did throw his headphones off and ran out of the room when he did cuz it burns Yes, he got too deep. He went too deep, but then you know, do it that hard then feel kept doing it Yeah, feel like cuz there's no damage Also the one that he got was not as potent correct the one that we got with Brian is insanely potent and they're very Okay, but he's a bag. Yes the same company. Yeah, but this is the thing you want to get them right when you open That's the most potent Look at Jamie with the evil girl over there. Why are we doing this? Why not? It's like an open package with not even open yet and it's already hurting me Look, this thing's fully sealed and in the battle strong. Oh my god Smell that Oh, that's just the back. Oh, that's just the bag. There's nothing in there now prepare It will come on over there. I'm just getting ready You're doing it to Jamie. Yeah, you are dude Wait, you just smell the bottle that's all we do you just smell the bottle I told you promise no joke. Oh Oh God my eyes. Thank you Joe. I appreciate that You know, I wouldn't do that to you dog. You can't even do a nice bath. Yeah I know you I can't even get on velociraptor. I was I was at the Universal Studios and the last time we went I didn't even get in line for the velociraptor I just let my wife and my son get in line and I didn't even bother but this time I didn't want to be a pussy John this time I said I'm gonna fucking I'm gonna get in line because the air can it's all air-conditioned inside and Then I'm gonna bail right at the end. I always bail. I did that an incredible Hulk I've been lying with them and right when we get to I just bail go. Sorry my my son's like you fucking pussy Yeah, your son calls you a pussy because in so many words, he's getting abused Cuz my son he's 11 and he'll get on any God he wants to scary we go to Orlando He don't want to go to Disney World. He thinks that's for pussies He wants the most hardcore and dude have you ever been to velociraptor? Yeah, fuck that dude when I first looked at that shit I'm like I'm not doing that one like I'm too old for that shit Hey, can I think fuck you up like if you kid if you do it too much? Dudes are doing it now at the mothership like we got Kurt medska was texting me last night about he's doing hits of smelling salts before he went on stage I it makes sense. I'm pretty it. It's like wait you Go now. I don't know how it would make you stronger like what? I don't I would have to talk to a power. I feel like it fires up your nervous system. Like I feel yes I feel Right it increases some shit. Maybe if you did that and all of a sudden you get a spike of testosterone or something, right? Yeah, right. Like maybe your body's in danger Some studies was like nicotine for your brain whiskey same thing It calms you down and it gives you courage, you know what I mean? It's like nicotine like guys that take a you know smoke before they go on stage and then they team gives you that rush That's a little like that. But I think that there's something extraordinary about whatever the fuck those smelling I freaked out Yeah, it gets deep in your nostril. I feel it still Have you ever Not smoked weed all day and then right when you get introduced to go on stage take a hit of a pen and walk on stage That's your first high as you walk on stage over done that I've gotten on stage high every way Conceivably possible, you know what I'm talking about. Yeah, like yeah as you would do to me. That's the formula That's the formula. Oh my for me that I once I figured that cuz at first I was smoked weed like all day and then go on stage and I would forget my bits and then I go You know what? I can't smoke weed anymore on stage. So there I go. I'm not gonna smoke weed I'm gonna go on stage Not high and then I would remember everything and I would see my bits. I'm like it's better not high But then I would have like just like dull sets and shit and I'd like, you know what? Fuck it. Let me try smoking as they introduce me Mmm, I've been doing it ever since like the last 20 shows. Oh, man, that's that's for me That's it suck for you during the day not getting high. No, no, it's all good if you feel like you're forgetting your material because you're too high just Generally that means to me that I didn't prepare during the day So I didn't go over my material during the day Because when I go over my material during the day, that's really like a part of my brain You never fuck up. Do you have a big show? Yeah, but I think about I work at it Like if I have a big show and I'm gonna go do a big show I always go over my material during the day and I used to not oh really what I do is even doing arenas and yeah My my ritual always on the way to the the wherever I'm going. I'll listen to the last set I did That's very good to the last set So it's fresh in my in my head in my perspective. The best thing is writing out your bits by hand I do complete Counts it depends on no sure yeah Almost as good But the best way is actually writing out on index cards that like cements it in your brain so like flash cards Are you right the full fucking bit? Depends I like bullet points some some of its bullet points some of it is punchlines some of it is depends on how much time I have I really like an hour before a show to sit down with a bunch of index cards Yeah, and write out each individual and I like no distractions. I don't people talk Yeah, they know I usually go in the bathroom and lock myself the only reason I listen to my Last show every time I do a new show is cuz you cuz you always recorded your shows And you would always say you gotta record your shows and listen to your shows and damn It's hard in the beginning when you're trying to get your shit together, dude listening to my shows Thanks a tighter the first fuck in three years is painful because I'd go back and just crayon to go It was very hard very hard just Recently like just like the last six months now I could listen to my shows and and like I'm like like into it It doesn't make me cringe as much anymore if you come up with something new on stage and you don't Record your shows and listen to your shows you'll never you might have a like a closing bit Yeah, it might be your best bit ever. I recall I have every show recorded I only missed like one by accident about every show I've ever done I recorded and those early shows were fucking I can't I'm afraid to go back and listen don't you don't have The more recent ones listen to the more Joe when did you start zen a few months ago? What's then? It's my least favorite it's just not a flavor I like well you were downing like 18 of them I still do like a squirrel Like a squirrel pouch like he's like carrying nuts up into his fucking tree hole I don't do the flavor. I just do the black, but for like the straight pouches. It's like a nicotine tobacco flavor Yeah, it's like a real like is it nicotine. It's nicotine What is that strong it must be stronger? That's why you like no six milligrams. I do feel them Hey, you gotta like like the real actual like yeah taste of others. Yeah, this is like a sack of potatoes So big straight pouch dog Whoa Wow, yeah, daddy welcome there That shit's potent. What is that? What's up? This is black buffalo the straight pouches That's pretty good. Yeah, no is that tobacco. No just make it to make it yeah I Think my friend Steve Ranella advertises this black buffalo. I'm sure so does cowboy Jesus. Yeah, it's pretty good Yeah, I like it tastes like you're swallowing tobacco juice. Hell. Yeah, dude feel like a man, right? Come on, dude when I used to do fear factor one stunt guys He always had dip in his mouth, and he would swallow his dip He learned to swallow his level and I go why he goes well I'm always on the set and a lot of times I can't just have a cup spit in So I just start swallowing my dip like awesome man shit like the real like school tobacco Fuck that guy was taking that dip puttin in her's lip and just swallow All life it can't be good. Yeah, you should be a test RJ Reynolds to say see Look at him. He's fine. You're a pussy That's fine Tanner Boser's good got the hockey mouth. He's missing a tooth Looks in shape or wrestler mouth Yeah, true or just young dude who did a lot of stupid shit. Yeah wild kill Billy mouth. Yeah It does not take much knock your teeth out that was a very telling the reference to it. He does hold it when When fucking Mike Perry knocked out Rockhold's tooth and Rockhold was like Yeah, I'm a bottle I don't need to have my teeth knocked out Like that guy would drag you to hell Perry yeah, he's born for bare knuckle. It's it but he's also good He's good at it. It's not as simple as like he is tough as shit No, definitely tough as shit, but he's fucking clever Lucas tough, too Michael venom page is tough But it's just hit he just his skill set is designed for that He knows how to get away with it and inflict a lot damage and take a lot of damage. There's also a reality of Hitting people with no gloves on it fucking hurts and on on paper on paper and just like common sense boxing without gloves is more Entertaining than boxing with gloves just on paper. No bias. No history. No heritage. No culture So what would you rather watch Floyd Mayweather? Pacquiao their final fucking retirement fight with gloves or without gloves Wow with Boxers Crazy, wouldn't it be insane? It would but would be insane But it is a sport like if you watch Terrence Crawford and Earl Spence Jr That's a great argument for boxing gloves because the the beauty of what Crawford did dispense the fucking movement and the combinations and like That's a beautiful argument about Baron knuckle though Yeah, but that's not the same sport also It's not the same because you can't get away with as much you can't do the same amount you keep the defense is not the same You get hurt your hands more. I see what you're saying because you're talking about You're the culture. No, no, I'm talking about the result as a fan paper yes unbiased on paper like look if Francis and Ghana when Tyson Fury fought bare knuckle that would be insane Imagine that That would be parties every night is I would say that the Furies done Has he done bare knuckle gypsy, but did he do bear? Yeah, how about Mike Tyson Roy Jones jr. Two bare knuckles. Someone's died. Oh my god. That's crazy But Joe would be inside back to the Crawford Spence fight Here's here's my and I'm not taking anything away from Crawford one of the best Performances I've ever seen in any athletic event. Is it a result of Crawford being that goddamn good or as a result of Earl Spence the concussions the eye surgery You know, well, he's not the same his fight before that though against you goes. He looked really good look good Yeah, he looked real good. Yeah, and Ughus is the guy who beat? Beat Manny Pacquiao. Mm-hmm. It was Manny Pacquiao's last fight. I think Crawford's that good I think I think the combination I don't think you can take it away from Crawford I think it's a little bit of a comedy. I think they fought three years too late just as boxing always Well that car accident was fucking crazy. Did you see a car accident? Crawford was until four days ago. No, really? I don't pay attention a box. I don't got time for that Oh my god, I got too many conspiracy videos Like what I want to know with you guys seriously both you guys you guys are fucking in Psycho fucking PDFs not only with not only with MMA but with fucking boxing and kickbox When do you guys watch this shit? Tell me when do you watch it at night? We want to bet before you know what not where when when I'm eating breakfast Breakfast breakfast is your fight time I work out in the morning. Okay, and then what time you're working out? What time do you work out generally? Eight nine. Yeah somewhere around then and I'm done around noon and then work That's what usually when I eat and then what do you eat? I eat in the kitchen here my house at your house and then you have like like an iPad on no my left my phone So I watch when you eat breakfast you want to watch fights. Yes, okay, or I watch pool matches or watch muscle car videos This is the whole idea. Whoa. Keep it stupid. Yeah, totally out of distraction. Yeah, I'm just looking for the art form in the boxing And in pool, I'm looking at how they get out the patterns and muscle cars I'm like, ooh, so at night when you go to sleep, you don't you don't use that for like kickboxing or boxing No, very rarely. What do you do at night? Chill watch watch TV shows like I watch Yellowstone with your wife. Yeah. Yeah, or a watch like I was into succession We finished it. When did when do you do conspiracy theory videos? I mean, there's got to be no Generally those you know, I learned the day people send me things I love what I generally do I don't watch too many videos But generally do I like watch like one or two videos on something and then I start reading about it for me I can't be kept in conspiracy all day I am I use football as a distraction because I know it was created for it to distract people from Figuring out what how the government's fucking you but football is Yeah, all sports are okay So get them to watch sports and they're not paying attention other tax money is being spent but I do pay attention to all That I am part-time captain conspiracy Yeah, but since I do for spend time then I go. Okay now I need the distraction Football and and music documentaries dog football and me. I'm so into the Cleveland Browns dog I'm so into every day. I watch videos. I'm obsessed with the Browns is a Cleveland Browns more than ever more than ever Cleveland Browns fan you're always like this is our year You know, this is our year dog the Shawn Walther about to fucking blow up sure Nick Chubb Amari Cooper you should Elijah more should it's never that's the offensive line in all of NFL In tough come on dog Miles Garrett this area Smith. It's on now Denzel Ward shit My team said my team the Jets now with Rogers. Okay busy watching glory one FC NFL you know watching the other sports tour. I don't watch any other sports Yeah, I watch all those sports and then I then I'm into NFL bit my son super into baseball some balls deep My son is a baseball Dude we two weeks ago. We flew to Kansas City on a Saturday morning Who were the kids know just there in the last place we flew we flew to Kansas City Saturday morning to catch a game at 6 o'clock and Then then then we got a hotel spent the night woke up got a rent a car drove to st Louis on Sunday morning to catch the one o'clock st Louis game and when that shit was over we went right to the airport back to LA we were gone one night I love it. We went to Kansas City and went to say because he's so into the the baseball game on switch Oh, what's it my soul? They have like real so he's seen the Kansas City Stadium CGI show MLB the show the game. Yeah. Yeah He's so into that so is my son. My son is like on a travel team. He's like an amazing. He's 11, right? Dude, he hits 80 miles. He's 11 and he hits 80 mile an hour pitches and cracks him. He's fucking insane. He's insane I saw that's right. It's nice baseball for now. Yeah, so is mine and I'm there With it I'm not paying attention to shit. I'm just getting hammered dog because they so I go we go to we go to Dodger games and shit. I just get hammered there That's a great dad Any once that world series I met College World Series cuz it was in Kansas City every year. No, no, no, no He's cuz his favorite team is Kansas City Royals during last place. Whatever. Oh, yeah, we're in Kansas City You know, I grew up Cleveland Indians fan I was always Cleveland my whole life people thought I was in San Like why do you like Cleveland? Yeah, meanwhile, this is a good fight. His boys are still missing a good fight The other guy looks like Andrew Schultz Jacked and dude how funny is that dude? He's fine. Oh my gosh Someone asked me who's your favorite comedian right now. I like like nowadays Have you seen Shane Gills Tim Dylan? I've seen Shane Gills Andrew Schultz Need to see I love I love Shane. Did you see big job alive? I've seen I've never seen him live live Yeah, but I've seen clips. I think maybe he did a did he ever do like like Sam show and a comedy store. I'm sure The funniest bus I've seen this year is Big J. Oakerson's Big J's a Hard to fuck with Tim Dylan dog Tim Dylan He's the best Rantor of all time far and dude, like I told you earlier best podcast last night's Brian Last night's Brian count set was like like I've seen him a million times. That was his greatest set He's got this doing a lot of stand-up. He's got a Scottish bit where he's a Scottish warrior. Holy fuck This I almost threw up this fight is crazy. We're missing a crazy fight. Brian's crushing right now. These guys are going to war Oh shit Tanner always does though. So he's missing a fuck but they've been trading back and forth I mean, it's been both guys teeing off You have season out some big-ass fights on they have so many oh They have so many fighters. It's insane. Did I tell you about my night watching Dana white gamble? No recently, so We were with Shane Gillis and a bunch of his buddies and We went to watch Dana gamble at Red Rock Why Taylor Lewin who that is that like an event watch Dana gamble? Is that Taylor is one of Dana's buddies and Taylor laugh I no. No. No, he's a football player. No, he's just one of Dan Yeah, they were probably there for slide. But he was just he he lets Dana Gamble for him like he tells Dana tells him what to bet and they're up apparently like 400 grand and Taylor's from bussing with the Bros, so retired fighter. He's hilarious. These guys are hilarious him and Will Compton will Compton tell their best will Compton actually introduce a show When chain went up in the Mirage will Compton actually started the show. It was great wheels. So anyway, we're all after the show They go we're gonna go gamble with Dana. I'm like Jesus Christ. What are you doing? Cuz I know Dana gambles hard big boy. So we go down that he's talking about he's all nervous. We're up We're up like 400 grand. I like well, look if you're up 400 grand and you got that attitude You're always gonna have 400 grand to work with He's there for five minutes. He's down $125,000 and I'm watching this. I'm like, oh my god my anxieties through the roof game with a blackjack Dana's down 600 grand He was down 600 grand when we left which was like 2 in the morning We went to get something to eat at the diner. We ate it like 2 o'clock in the morning. He's still gambling He gambled there to like who knows what what hours of the morning? What was the end result? He won. You got ahead 250 bucks. No, I think he got ahead like 600 grand. Yeah, that's all of us sitting around watching this take place So he's down 140 thousand. What's the game? Blackjack oh shit. Wait, wait Donald Trump was there too. Yeah, Donald Trump was there earlier. What? Yeah Will Compton's hilarious Bro, this is it was so wild to watch money go away so quick You know you think about how hard you work and you think about how long it takes to make 140 grand and then you watch these guys just going hard 60 a hand 120 go all double it up split it but Dana's playing with Taylor's money like Taylor's been like hey, here's money and play for me Yes, Dana's telling Dana. No, oh god. He's telling him what you're doing Taylor bets So Dana leaves his table to come over to Taylor's table He gets him ahead by sick. He got ahead that by 65 grand. He's quick. He's like, that's it So he won 65 thousand. Oh, yeah, but at one point time he's dead. You see he's down 140 at one point so Dana just goes right back to his table and He's you know, 600 grand in the hole and he's fine. He's talking everybody hanging out and I go Do you do this a lot? He goes too much. I go. How often you do this? He's like too much I'm so much every day. I don't know man, but it's one of the reasons why he likes living in Vegas Yeah, he was on vacation in the fucking in Italy in in the like the Amalfi Coast and He hired a casino to come to the fucking yacht Oh, so he's a blackjack table in the back there. He's gambling. He's basically challenging that casino. Come on, man. Yeah Like come on and what about I don't think that's a uncommon thing I think they do stuff like that for high rollers and it's in danger. Most of those guys are junkies Yes gambling junk when you I was watching the anxiety and I was on anxiety I had no anxiety right now about it. No money. I'm just watching my ah, but that feeling of winning They were like fuck yeah, like you go. Oh, I get it. You guys are drug addicts. Yeah, you're just getting this gambling drug Dopamine but isn't Dana so good at gambling. He can't gamble at some clubs in Vegas. I won't let him in They kicked like the palms get out when you're supposed to be on vacation, but you're a sick fuck Look at him with stacks of cash son. Yeah, it's a son. Look how crazy that is He brought a fucking casino to set up a blackjack table That's like you just to dudes bringing mats on a yacht, you know to do jiu-jitsu and have like a no seminar. That's healthy Do a little rolling on the I'm pretty fucking good though. You brought kettlebells on vacation. I brought kettlebells I don't think there's anything wrong with doing something that's healthy And if you were gonna be on a vacation on a yacht, I mean doing jiu-jitsu would be amazing I don't think if you run with Dana doing it cuz it's not like you can't pay his mortgage It's not like you can't pay his mortgage. He has money. He just keeps coming in. How he just keeps rolling it. However Watching those guys play it's psycho It's really psycho because you know so much money he might lose a million dollars in a night And you might win a million dollars and like how many nights are there? That's why they do it 65 fucking nights in here if everything goes terribly wrong. You could lose 300 He likes living on the edge. My love thrives on it. No, he loves that gambling Rush and I don't like it at all. No, it's not for me. I'm not into it. I don't I thought what when I was um shit like I thought I figured out how to beat the game which game The roulette wheel. Oh, I just said hey listen I'm gonna go in there and not get greedy and win 500 bucks and one I'm gonna win 500 bucks every night I'm gonna go in and just put like I figured out if I put you know 500 bucks on On bread if I lose now I need like, you know what a thousand or you just keep doubling it up And you just got to come with like ten thousand dollars to win five hundred bucks and get out of there with five hundred bucks And then I realized there's a limit you can't do that shit. They already figured that shit out my fuck They won't let you know. No cuz they know in like like if you just want to win 500 bucks And you're good you wouldn't want you want to keep it keep it simple You put 500 bucks on red, right if you lose now you're down 500 bucks Now you got to get that 500 bucks back plus another 500 So, you know, you gotta have a lot of cash So the goal would be you keep going until you win, you know If you you got to just win one out of ten times one out of ten times You'll be up 500 and get the fuck out of there with your 500, but you need to have a lot of cash You do want that you do that you got it. You have a really? Yeah. Yeah, but what's the limit? What do they say the limit is you you can't bet more than like, I don't know a thousand at a time But so then you can't then it doesn't work But that's only certain tables right that have a the ones I went I went the tower and I go I got this shit Figured out I'm gonna I'm gonna win 500 bucks and then I'm gonna quit I'm not gonna be greedy and every night I'm gonna get 500 bucks and it's gonna pay for everything That's but then I realized damn they already figured it out What's weird is that blackjack there's a percentage that goes to the house right it's like 51% It's like there's the odds are in favor of the house Yeah, but when Dana won a shitload of the palm they kicked him out Yeah, they said you can't come back because you won like seven million in a night Don't they love him though? That back then they didn't they told him and so then he pulled the UFC from the palms. Oh, okay Come back. It's like a fuck you Was so good. They banned him from it. Yeah, it's crazy. He was well, he just hits him with big numbers Yeah, he goes hard and but I just can't believe that if you win enough money They say you can't gamble even though they have an advantage Yeah, you think he's cheating. It makes sense gonna be cheating. How do you cheat a blackjack? You can count cards, right? Don't they put like multiple decks together? Yeah, I don't think it's just cameras on you, right? Yeah, I mean but counting cards. Why is that illegal? That seems crazy that you're smart It's crazy that you like you like you strategy. Yeah, you can't you can't remember Okay, no, remember row and do they are throwing Shulcey look like he's losing this one Dana Dana is a man. What a straight shooter that guys So that guy for him, you know to be So pro Donald Trump, you know what I mean? He's like listen, well, he's been friends with Donald forever No, totally and and he's you know, he could UFC is owned, you know by Hollywood you would think that you know Dana would get a little pressure, you know here and there But he don't give a fuck don't give a fuck. I'm sure he's experienced pressure because of that. However He makes them a lot of fucking money and that is the only guy for that job. Okay, that's the only guy that's gonna run The way he runs straight out and like post-fight interviews. Yeah, he said fuck like a million times an interview I love that shit. Well, he's got real fuck you money. Yeah, and he's busy blowing it and he's like fuck He's like fuck you if you want to believe all the propaganda on Trump fuck you. He's coming to my show He's my buddy. He's always been fucking cool to me. He's a fucking so I love that about Dana Yeah, it's like he don't give a fuck. He's gonna do whatever the fuck he wants to do He's not gonna you know fucking do any propaganda bullshit you appreciate cuz not many guys like that who can afford to do that, too Nobody has the courage to talk like great. There's no one in public sports. I respect it. Yeah I mean no one in professional sports. It's public that talks like that at press. He's like I don't give a fuck Like and love him for it in the sport is bigger because of yeah, yeah, cuz he's being authentic Yeah, figure it out you yeah, how about miles? It all says Trump takes him like once a week. That's hilarious. That's badass That is so hilarious he goes I'm Trump's favorite fighter. It's not Kobe, Kelminton. That's hilarious That is the area they got it. They got everybody to think Trump was a fascist dictator They got everybody to believe that I know people to think he's a fascist Dictator his name Brian Kelly No, not him Brian's not Brian. No, but I got friends that believe that shit like he is a Russian Fuck well, they just believe fucking narrative that Russian Yeah, Hillary you would think by now by now you go. Oh shit. They got me Well, what you really think was that would that be that mainstream news would have had to correct the whole Russian collusion narrative That they were peddling days to you. Do you know they still stick with it? Like you talked it like like when they interview Adam Schiff They go now that all the Russian collusion shit is all out and it's all bullshit because what are you talking about? You know that I was a Russian Asian. He goes he was had Russian ties They stick with Donald Trump was a Russian fucking asset. They still go with that It's a smart thing to do a lot of people stick with it Yeah, you gotta stick with it. I think you kind of have to same with a pandemic to like you ever heard news I'm like my bad. We fucked up. No, we did the right thing Down telling you to get that Peter Hotez guy was telling everybody to get boosted before they go see Barbie For crazy for like I see people going out to the movies might be good idea to get boosted genocide Meanwhile, they're gonna say what are you doing? Don't you paying attention? Aren't you on ad died suddenly worldwide on Instagram? He's not I'm sure I don't I get there's every day some kid dies like in their sleep and it's not just kids man. It's adults Dude, have you noticed that like celebrities are dying like a motherfucker lately? You guys noticed that the Jamie Foxx Interesting Jamie Foxx. He hasn't really said what happened. Yeah, and I wish they're not gonna allow him to And he did a weird post today They thought it was anti-semitic but he was talking about someone and he said they and for whatever reason Someone interpreted as Jews someone as they like when right when you trust them. They stabbed their back on you They did it to Jesus. Yeah, they did it to Jesus. Oh So I think they did to you so he thought but what's not the Romans? You're talking the wrong guy when comes religion Who's supposed to you don't you don't believe in Jehovah's Witness? Who was it the Jews it's about like is that really they thought the Jews killed Jesus That's what I've always heard but I could have sworn it was the Roman. No, I don't know the story Bring that shit up Jimmy like who officially but the problem with the Jesus story is the Jesus story It's like there's a book called the God who wasn't or the a documentary called the God who wasn't there That goes over the history of the real life Jesus and like how unlikely it is There was actually a real person, but that's very disputed very Know how do you know about a guy who is from 2,000 years ago? You know, and how do you know when you're dealing with people writing things down and you know on the contacts And the chance a lot of the stories about him were written hundreds of years after his death telephone Most the history. I don't even know what to believe. Who do they think Jamie? Who do they think killed Jesus? Pontius Pilate look at this gambling problem. There's a fucking ad for a gambling. Oh, what's in the Judas? Wait a minute Judas kills Caesar No, Judas turn he turned on Jesus. That's what was Pontius Pilate didn't he stab somebody? Yeah, he did something to we're not Bible scholars Here it goes. Here we go. He says according to gospel accounts Jewish authorities in Roman, Judea Okay, Roman Judea charge Jesus with blasphemy and sought his execution But lacked the authority to have Jesus put to death so they brought Jesus to Pontius Pilate I told you Roman governor of the province who authorized Jesus is executed I just fucking guessed and I nailed right and and so but it was Judas that gave him up, right So, is that what Jamie Foxx are referring to no He was referring to a fake friend, you know and just saying, you know, hey, you know They've killed nice people before they killed Jesus. That's what he was saying like he's nice and then so Seems like that's not even true though, because it seems like the Romans did it Pontius Pilate Had you know got the Romans to kill him then he you know, he kind of But I think I think it's all of Romans I think it was all good and then Jennifer Aniston like this post like Oh Jennifer Anson's anti-Semitic and she came out She's like I do not condone this this anti-Semitic shit and then that's when it blew up So she said it was anti-Semitic when they came after her. Yes after she liked it. Yes, and she was like I didn't like that. It was an accident, you know the Hollywood bullshit. Oh boy Jamie Foxx offers his deepest apologies after being accused of ampere anti-Semitism post. I'm sorry I know no, I chose my choice of choice of words have caused offense the actor wrote in a statement Yeah, but it's he's definitely wasn't saying that he was talking about Jewish people He was just talking about some someone who fucked him. Yeah, and he's saying sorry you guys took it that way Yeah, he meant it in a sense of when you're a good person people fuck Did he mention Jesus in his post? No, no, no, you said they did like they did Jesus Yeah, we was talking about people that were kind To clarify I was betrayed by a fake friend and that's what I mean with they not anything more There you go. He added. I only have love in my heart for everyone I love and support the Jewish community What was the the actual post that he had because he did take it down Because it was misconstrued there goes I killed this dude named Jesus. What do you think they'll do to you? Let's tag fake friends hashtag fake love. Yeah. Yeah, come on. They killed this dude named Jesus. What do you think they'll do to you? Yeah, then God people people need to look at that actual history of it. Maybe he's talking about Romans Mm-hmm. He was talking about people who make good pizza. Maybe his friend was Roman Yeah, maybe is it Italian guy Finally fucking hums. That's fighting man. Yeah, who's he fighting? Paulo Costa. Oh Shit, listen Apollo Costa can get back to the form that he had When you know, he was you know marching his way up to the title. Yeah, that's an it very interesting fight because he's fucking huge You think about the problems that Gilbert gave hums out, right? Hums fucking big now, huh? Five is gonna like a turtle. What if he misses weight at 185? Oh, Dan is gonna kill him imagine Is he missed 170 by 8 pounds which is but but in his defense I think part of that problem was that they did that in New York and there's commissions that are much more sensitive to like fighters cutting weight and like they want to intervene and stop fighters when they're like really weak and then this place is like Vegas like Not listening like they're not going and visiting dudes while they're cutting Just let him show up be fucking at 10 in the morning Yeah, and if he's eight pounds lighter than he is when he looks like death then he makes it That's it because those a lot of guys can make weight correct. They can fucking make it I think with with hums out if it's a version of the Paulo Costa in his last fight the fuck Luke Rockhold He's gonna have a tough fucking night in the office hums out to me, man That motherfuckers so talented he is but we haven't seen him fight elite talent at 185 He knocked out Gerald Mearshot with one punch. So you don't see too much with that other than he can crack Kevin Holland Also is a last-minute fight Three-second notice did not train for hums out. He did not prepare for it Very impressive on the ground very impressive. Look no doubt unquestionably impressive however, you know The Gilbert Burns he's gonna rock him sock him robot fight still won. Don't get a twist. No one fighting stupid got dropped You know and he showed that in wars he's hitable, right? So you never got hit at all for most I showed he's a dog Let's even throw out the game. He's not my focus still be Gilbert burns who's right number what one or two in the world at the time and Never what is that? That's Jay coming in the arena in a tank. He's coming in in a tank. He's a showman Oh my god, Jake Paul is rolling in on a real tank. I want how much that cost What do you think 200,000 to do it to make it happen today to rent a tank You have to have a life maybe no some dude in the Middle East a little borrows tank. Is that where they're at? My friend, yeah, but you know in Dallas and nobody's throwing away or throwing around I should say more money now than the Saudis true They're doing some wild shit. They're taking over golf. They're taking they're taking over some bopping off million dollars crazy Money for soccer and then they're offering they're like I want to see Frank's the singano Yeah, and Tyson Fury. Let me just pay for it You know, it's a big fight remember this guy's last fight remember he got called last minute Diego Lopez. Mm-hmm combat jiu-jitsu veteran Yeah, he's been on three of my shows. You know, they said beast man They say those Saudis next are going after the NBA hear that Jamie Because they're tossing such big money now the NBA guys like should I do that for a year? Really got so much this money all the money so much money They can make wild shit happen I mean if you go to Saudi Arabia or if you go to Dubai and you look at the amount of money that's in those fucking buildings the Construction that they put in there if you look at like the skyline of Abu Dhabi or look at Dubai rather from like 1980 And now it's crazy what they've done So there's a good fight great fight That's why when people are like Oh Francis only getting eight million I'm like you think the Saudis are paying Francis eight million. That's so cute. I wonder what they are paying them What do you think they're paying them if you had a guess 20? 20 is good. It's not they might make that money back to know he's getting 20 And that was a hard kick to the dick That's 20 up five minutes less pay-per-view. I bet he walked out with 30 something Oh He's gonna need like 11 minutes, I think that should be an automatic point deduction. Oh no warning It's so fucking stupid eye gouges fence grab. Yeah shot one point It changes it changes the dynamic of the fight now this kid has a stomach ache Yeah, he's out of it. They fight mentally. Yeah, and they just go don't do that again, right? It's fucking stupid. I feel like all three of those things you just nailed Eyepokes for sure because even if it's an accident if you're doing that I got your fingers that guy's compromised you get a point take correct because you've seen so many guys Go in after they got poked me on get fucked up in fact Tony Ferguson in his last fight You know he was doing well in that fight until he got an iPod I'm not taking anything away from Bobby because Bobby looked awesome. I think Bobby Bobby still beat him, but Bobby slick Yes fast and but he got poked hardcore in this fucking eyeball and then after that it went downhill You could see him shaking house in Mexico for that fight So I missed it cuz we were actually doing a show I thought what's going on What so did they he take like five minutes? Was there a break? What happened took a break? I don't know No one was he was for a while was he like just yeah, he was compromised Yeah, he was he they brought in the doctor the fight was going his way Yeah, but but he had landed some good shots look at that. He got him. Oh shit. That could be a wrap Yeah, that could be a wrap his head Pull that wrist he got a pull it pull pull the rest pull the rest pull the rest also go as posture Oh That's a right that's a right he's gonna get his arm It's over oh that arms bad that was tapping bad. Oh he didn't tap tap tap on the transition he tapped See what happens he had a Yeah, that's what happens when you train for combat jiu-jitsu there you go amazing, that's what it's for Amazing look at him That's gotta be the best feeling the world. Yeah, fuck that dude's arm. Yeah, that was bad Beautiful triangle, huh? Yep, the dude should have escaped immediately That's a problem people stay in there and they try to get part of as soon as you get caught with one arm in one arm Out you gotta fucking pull out you can't wait Everybody waits they hesitate what should I do as soon as you get caught one arm in here you get caught here boom You just gotta go guys. I know that he jumped he jumped to the right here You get it right here you get out right here you limp arm out of there right you don't wait Everybody waited and let him set up and set up he should he could still be out right now because the ankles across right here It's too late. Right here. All you have is a Look how bad it goes Look how bad it goes that thing was so hey stopping credit to him for letting go The dude stop on the other end too in the transition. I miss the time look how nasty you'll see it Right there right there and then right there look right there. He keeps tapping with the other I couldn't see it He was a little bit blocked. Yeah, but goddamn the bend in that elbow was so nasty Holy shit great haircuts Holy Shit now savage he's definitely gonna watch along combat jiu-jitsu on UFC 5 pass Do you fuck a dude up on there pluggy plug? I'm fucked the dude up on your He's Won and he's you know He's never won the whole thing because combat jiu-jitsu is a 60-man tournament There's only one winner everybody loses a 60 man to 16. Oh, six masses every every shows a slap each other the head more than once in a night So the 16 man turn out it's like getting hit in the head and you win a little break Yep, if you win. Oh, yeah, if you win, it's like UFC 2 dog if you win you had a fight four times Thanks, brother. That could be like real bad for you I think Slapped in the head multiple times in a day could suck. It's mostly jiu-jitsu The the the strikes come in when there's no jiu-jitsu when there's like, you know when you watch just regular sub only jiu-jitsu There's a lot of spots where you know, there's not much happening There could be like five minutes not much happening can't pass the guard guy can't sweep you But when you add the strike striking elements and you can't rest there's no rest because at any point you can get fucking crushed We've had knockouts broken orbitals broken noses blood. We had one fight way to knock out. Yeah. Yeah Dude pump strikes are no joke people think people say oh slap. It's jiu-jitsu slap I know slapping dog. This ain't no slam. There are some slaps like if the other guy's back you have a guy's back You're kind of slapping. I'm like this to open up the chokes. That's the only slap But if you're on top they know slapping dog, they're fucking palm. Those are real strike dudes break their noses Oh, yeah, it's it's awesome, dude. Yeah, 60 man tournaments and it's a loophole that you could have multiple fights Old UFC That's what I always say. I always say I always say the difference between MMA and and combat jujitsu is huge MMA got striking they got elbows. They got standing strike. They got standing striking We don't have standing striking. We have one minute of wrestling and we take you down Combat jujitsu is basically just my personal favorite part of the UFC Concentrated are you just a strike knees to the body on the ground? No, just just this pop slaps, but just pump straight But can't you punch the body on the ground? Palm strikes only pumps everything's pops right? Did it used to be you can not know punch never always pump strikes? You know what I mean, but see that's the thing which with The thing that blew the UFC up was UFC to that's 16 man tournament. Nobody knew anybody They don't didn't know any of those guys But by the end of the tournament you fucking knew you knew hoist and Patrick Smith very well You knew their career you knew their last three fights. You just saw it. So it 16-man tournament creates the ultimate superfight. So every time we do a show that's why I do it because of UFC to So it's like a whole Season of sports wrapped into one three how long does it take to go through the 16 fight three hours? So it's a three-hour event It's like a whole season you don't have you don't need to know anything about the competitors going in You don't need to know anything about the history at the end of that night If you pay attention to that first round and then the second round first two rounds like the regular that arm Savage it's so bent backwards man. His arms. Fuck. They should do like an alternate fighter looked out of that Watch this again. Check this out again Watch his other arm Eddie right there Right there. See okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah three times. Yeah. Yeah So what I was saying is the first two rounds of a 16-man tournament is like the regular season and then the third round Those are the playoffs and then the last round that's the fucking Super Bowl all it's a whole season So a 60-man term, you can't do that in MMA. So that's what combat jiu-jitsu has that MMA doesn't yeah We don't have any more time We don't have any boxing but we got 16-man tournaments and we get and we only let guys stand for a minute We don't do a lot of wrestling we fucking get them down after a minute if there's no takedown we bring them down How do you decide who's in guard member of a coin? You remember glory last man standing? They had a kickbox. Yeah, we're Joe Schilling. Oh, yeah Remember Gene Simmons was there Gene Simmons is right there and I went up to him and asked him some I wanted to ask him the most obscure question ever So that he knew I was like super hardcore I said their most Obscure album and their biggest retail failure there the lowest point of their career was the elder music from the elder I love the album and there's a song called under the rose and I love the soul and ace free I always thought ace really played and it was like my one of my favorite ace really souls And then I you know as you find out like damn They had a lot of studio musicians and ace really was fucked up and on coke he was on the outside of the world They were making albums without ace and I asked gene I go did ace play the solo on under the rose anyone like this I Don't want to be embarrassed cuz the first time I met him I got embarrassed Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons were at the FM station a club in Hollywood and I was there to watch a kiss cover band and and I was watching this kiss cover band like oh my god I'm 21 years old and Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley are checking it out, too They're at the bar and everyone's come there all around them taking pictures and share my oh my god Oh my god, I'm gonna wait. I'm not gonna go up I'm gonna wait till everybody's done and I'm gonna go up and I'm gonna show them that I'm the ultimate fan So I go up and it was just Paul Stanley Gene Simmons was like off to the side and I go up to Paul Stanley And I said I just want to let you know that I'm a huge fan and you're like my father And then Paul Stanley was backed up dude he was backed up like the bar and I'm likely and I'm like You're like and and he's looking at and he's like this against the bar and he goes Gene and Gene's passing Simmons from kiss is passing by and he grabbed him he goes save me He said and he walked when I just stood there. I remember this. Oh my god Humiliated by my gods what's going on Jamie? What are you showing me? Is it Nate? What's he doing? I? Can't hear you he says just So the fights next no no Jeremy Stevens is about to go out there And is there one fight after Jeremy Stevens? Female fight so we're about to watch Kennedy and Zechikou and Dustin dude How about Clarissa Shields and Keith Thurman are gonna fight seems kind of crazy But I don't but it's gonna it's crazy if Keith is like I'm gonna knock this bitch out But he's like, you know, I'm just gonna use jabs and it's like hey, he's a World champion like dude if he goes full tilt like you about to realize the difference between man and woman It's not say horrible but close shields I guarantee I can outbox if he okay eats her ass if he beats her down Like if he drops her if he one times her Bro, then all those people arguing for you know transgender man sports. I'm like check, please We're gonna mean I respect her courage. She's a sapphire want to do that. Wait a minute. Wait a minute back up Shields is having four time world champion bission boxing match with Keith Thurman. Is that a man? Oh, yeah He's not a twirl. He's not a trimmer for no where for old champion So a girl's gonna find a guy a dog out the best girl the best the best girl. I was finding an average guy Champ is a world champion savage same weight. No, she's a little bigger than him, right? Yeah, would she fight 54? Yeah, well, that's kind of cool. I want to watch that bro. If she does she have a chance She's a very good boxer. She's a very good boxer, but Keith Keith can knock her block off You should be a buddy. He's in a no win situation So here's her sparring with dudes She did some sparring with dudes not Keith Thurman. You see a spar with cyborg. Yeah, they were cheap fuck side man. She's got cakes Yeah, she's pretty she's good. She's very good. I had her on the podcast She's fun and she's a serious boxer like elite greatest woman of all time. That's what she calls her fourth division champion like like Crawford's the first male four division champion She's like female if the counters are there and Thurman lands like Did she want to do a man man? She has done them a watch fun. It didn't go well for it Yeah, she won one fight and she lost one and she got mounted by a rush. She spent a lot of time at Jackson's She's training at Jackson's. Okay She's a bad woman man. She's a bad woman. How does she but Inter prime in a prime 28 He's a little bit past his prime, but I don't what the odds are. I was Clarissa But Keith Thurman can fucking crack like one punch one knock out a side Side story going on right now. What fun boxing match that just happened in a baseball game. Check out the screen Oh This is going viral right now online the square off right here. Oh, oh shit. Oh The best player on the white Sox he got off a couple punches first to drop you look like he had good hands first Let me see that again. He had a good stance. He looked like Brian Callan Well, the first guy the guy came forward this guy the southpaw and he looked like he knows what he's doing kinda, Oh Oh He won that right hand winged it. Look at this. He gets stiff to bang Yeah It's like why I say baseball. Why don't you let them do that? What was the red let them do it in the right way the Guardians Oh I Can't you know what? I can't fuck with the Guardians that once they change their name I'm like, I'm done with I still rock the Cleveland Indians Jersey with the original Indian logo on it. Is that illegal now? Do you know what? You know, you know why they were called to Cleveland Indians Because they were from Cleveland and they used Native Americans as their mascot. No, they actually had Indians on their team Really? Isn't that true? Yeah. Yeah, that's why they call me Real Indians on their team It wasn't racist and he was the best player though, right now. It's culture. What is she like Jim Thorpe? Was he on the team? No, no, no And Clarissa shields by the way is 28. Oh, yeah Prime and keys a little bit out of his prime, but don't get I would say Keith is probably 34 He's in a no win situation. Come on. That's like what like you knock her out good for you like You know what? I might stop congratulation 34. Yeah, he's 34 He's taken some so Keith's not over the hill. So what's up with this? No more apex shit. Is that for real? No, they're still next weekend. I thought there was I thought Dana said no more apex Cuz they wanted they wanted audience. No, he loves it there. Oh I Love it there. Oh, I want to fly in to catch fights at the apex. It's amazing I know I've been there. I watched steep a versus Francis at the apex Better with the audience though. It's like watching someone do an acoustic set. It's different. I'm super spoiled I'm so sick set with a big audience is good I'm super spoiled because I get to see these big arenas and I mean at the best shows ever Okay for me when there's no crowd and I get to hear the slap of every strike and I gave they hear the corners Yelling out crystal clear no audience. It's a man Joe for the fire Justin Gates. He fought Tony Ferguson Arena and yeah sucks with players arena in Jacksonville No one there when Tony Ferguson fought Justin Gates. Yeah, there was no one I really it was the it was the first fight that I cornered that I realized cuz usually like every fight that I you know that anybody ever cornered You're yelling at the fighter at the top of your lungs and they could barely hear you most of the time They don't hear you but that one match Tony Ferguson against Justin Gagee Dude, there was nobody and we would yell the same way but then when I damn everybody can hear everybody in the world could hear this shit Yeah, you can't say trying a menari roll. Yeah, like he actually tried it People made fun people made fun. They just don't realize that they it's the third option It's better if you can take someone down with just straight wrestling or judo It's better, but if you can't you know, Justin Gagee is hard to take down He ain't the easiest guy to take down. He wrestled all American And yeah, so if you can't take them down, there is another option You could eminar II do what Ryan Hall does Ryan Hall eminari is and taps people out Oh it happens all the time. So that's that's that was one of the one of the options in the game plan If we can't take them down we can eminari tangle up the legs and drag him to the ground Hey gonna do it from time to time. Mmm. Yeah, Cory will do everything to you. He'll do he'll do and try everything Look at eminari himself. You know how many eminari's eminari through an MMA fights dude like 30 tons Yeah, that's all he did. I'm spiraling. He'll come in and just fucking he's like I got George Kergil Didn't he get him with an eminari roll? But he's done it so much so good. He's done it so much I think he I think he did one on to Mike Brown back in the day to like 2005 How about that Justin Gagee head kick on Dustin Poirier wasn't wild nuts wild? Yeah, why in the fact that it's a direct mirror of the Leon Edwards Kamaro Usman knockout Yeah, a direct mirror just the opposite side. Yeah, same city just different Freaking out But doesn't have to he recognized this company still had his hand up tomorrow didn't have his hand up right, right, right He should have right hand me just right after the right hand the right I love that fight because that fight they could fight a hundred times and Dustin's gonna win 50 and fucking you know Justin's going 50 like that goes back and forth. Maybe you know, it's hard to say But I feel like Justin's a different animal now I felt I felt when the judges and I gave it to Dustin that first Justin was Lighting him up in that first fight lighting his legs up in that first fight But then Dustin caught up with that perfect counter and took him out But it but so you're right having success. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, listen, man. He doesn't get caught with that head kick Who knows what's why I love that. What do you do with Justin now? You think you just wait for the Charles Olivera? Yeah, I'd have winner. I think so Yeah, according to Chelsona and Charles Olivera is not gonna take that fight. What's why and use the uncle Charles pretty spot on Why does he say he's not gonna take that? I know he's not he doesn't release why he just he's like I guarantee Charles Oliver doesn't take that fight. He wants another fight. He keeps calling out Connor. He's calling out somebody else Hmm chill know something When he leaves that's not gonna stop fighting Justin, which is what a bad idea like him Yeah, I know right especially how active Justin is and top of his game right now Who know I mean, it's like who knows what's going on with Connor's leg. I know he's had like real problems with it It's not it's also weird that like he's supposed to fight channel, right? You know what if you follow channel on Instagram He's like working out like hitting it hard and you look at Connor's Instagram. He's like on a yacht I know all right. Well, I don't think he's gonna fight in December No, I think the move the move would be there's a big if if Nate wins the night He's come back to the OC he fights Connor and that's both their last fights well, that's a good fight too because You know Connor doesn't have to throw a lot of kicks correct left leg And he's not like Justin Gage he's a Savile he doesn't do his acting his leg kicked either. Correct. I mean who No one has ever come back from that No one Anderson did but he was not the same never, you know, Weidman is gonna fight in Boston. That'll be his first fight back It's been over two years. Yeah, right Connor. It's been two years. It's like no one comes back from that I just watched a gymnast do it the other day. I watched on Instagram I've seen more people get run over by cars hit by fucking trucks. I see so many fucked up on it It's terrible But I watched this dude do the pommel horse week goes and runs and he hits a thing and springs through the air and flips And his leg snaps around goes to the ground. It was horrible. Here's a good fight great fight 448 447 446 445. I got a feeling this doesn't go to decision Yeah, this is this could be a rock-em-sock-em-romance fight inject and Zajacuk and crack and Jacobi can crack too Yeah, remember he knocked out Carlos Olberg. Remember when Carlos? Oh, yeah, man, and then he had success on the Dana White's contender series. That's how he got back in now He's on a rut fucking run. Yeah, he's very good and he's super dedicated trains out of Colorado You're talking about Dustin. Yeah, I'm Kennedy. Oh gotcha. Yeah Kennedy beat Carlos. Oh Berg There was it was a big fight cuz Oh Berg is He's a beast man. He's really fucking good and he's out of son. Yes training partner He comes from that city kickboxing gym those boys are on fire How about Alex Piaira dude Alex Piaira Yuri that poster if they dude if that and it in McManus said that's the fight. Oh That's a great. So if that fight happens whole take my fucking money take my money take my whatever love that fight But how is Oh Justin cracked him. I missed it. I was watching Eddie He's a glory that's a skilled fucking kickbox. I mean you don't want to play that game with that cat It's true elite striker elite. You called it earlier. You say I've ever see his fight with Pajeta. Yeah Here that motherfucker hit him with that left hook Piers at this guy like a like a like a anvil Anvil giant hands, you know, he doesn't even throw a faster So a caboosh and you drop and was that a I wonder if that was a light heavyweight fighter a middleweight light heavy It was like Oh and glory as he fought both. I mean he was a two division Two. Oh, he did get it good. What a right hand. Yeah beautiful right hand Oh that would have put him into that dreamland right there. You've Jacoby the right fights. He's so exciting. That's all About that kind of a stop. That's a good stoppage. You think so? He was getting fucked up. Yeah, but watch this Okay, let me argue this just pop right. He gets dropped now. Look he posts with his hand. He's covering up. I mean He is He never connected on the ground covered everything right? Yeah, he didn't any shots and Kennedy is posting up boom Look at that right hand beautiful right hand and he's rod watching defense posture. He swings with that right hand He misses that he's throwing all these hammer fists, but Kennedy's covering now look Kennedy rolls. He moves He's not done. Kenny also looks up the reference. What are you doing? Also, you have to cover up while guys dropping here if is you can't know what? Crack the only defense on the stoppage is he was covering up, but he wasn't doing shit Punching these kitten hit with him this I feel like you got to give guys more time. Yeah, you know me dog I'm all about late stoppages. I'm like early stuff. Yeah, you like early stoppages being a fighter you want early stoppages No, man, we pay $75 for the pay for you. I want late stoppage No, I don't want anybody die, but everybody loves Highlights of dudes getting car rack and I want to I want the Friday getting knocked the fuck out That's why we pay $75 now. I get it you know we don't pay to figure out who's gonna win We paid to see violence I just want to see a fair stoppage and in my opinion when I'm looking at that That one was early that was early, but I'd rather stop early than go way too late And it takes years off the guys life. I'd rather go late than way too early. Yeah, I get it What about that late? Oh my way to her way to early insane okay, so late is better than way too early Not too late not too late okay like too late. You're like. What are we doing? Yeah, too late? It's like Oh man the worst fight ever though was the worst one was that Gary Goodridge Paul Herrera in the crucifix So bad. I think that was UFC like six or some shit, but fucking it looked like Like if you put that in a movie today people would go MMA fights to look like that Dude that was fucking When the guys too tough and just keeps eating shots even that Spencer, I know you don't watch that Spencer Crawford fight They could have stopped that after the fifth it was I didn't say it I swear I never even heard of this Crawford kid I thought that return my MMA because people go Oh Crawford's great crime Oh, we got a new UFC star who is this guy and like oh, it's boxing like no wonder I don't know he's the pound for pound of the body by before the UFC. I was a boxing encyclopedia I fucking knew every fighter in every division. I knew all their records I would I bought every boxing magazine never threw him away had him stacked up in my room all about Mexican boxers Yeah, their Caesar Chavez Oscar de la hoya. It was all Mexican when Oscar de la hoya and sullire Julio Caesar Chavez fought It was a fucking dilemma. Who am I gonna go for? You know, I went for Julio Julio because he could be a Mexican because he didn't Speak English. Yeah, and he came out with a mariachi. Yeah, and I love Oscar de la hoya Yeah, I saw his first profile in the LA form. I was down with it, but I'm like, dude your Spanish sucks I'm gonna go with who your Caesar Chiles. Well Oscars like Taco Bell, Mexican. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah So so like boxing is the only sport where it's okay to be racist Because every black guy is gonna go for the black guy every white guy is gonna go for the white guy every fucking Latin Guy is gonna go for the Latin guy. That's true. It's okay. No one cares It's you you go watch a boxing pay-per-view with your black friend and it's a white guy versus a black guy black Guy's gonna go for the black guy white guys gonna go for the white guy in boxing. You could be racist Yeah, all the white guys go for the white guys fighting a black guy every white guy But UFC UFC About Mexican fighters in the UFC. I Care about is how good is your jujitsu if you're Mexican and your jujitsu is great. I like it. That's your favorite I just I just want the best jujitsu guys to win an MMA. Yeah, I love Diego Lobe. He's Brazilian though Is he Brazilian lives in Mexico? Yeah, yeah Yeah from Random right, you know what I do Okay I love jujitsu guys and I love guys that with crazy kicks and kung fu kicks and yari Rodriguez His jujitsu is pretty good too. It's just as good buddies kicks did savage that allish Andre Pantoja brand of a real fight. That was a wild ass Wow wild ass fight Whoo Pantoja beat him three fucking times. How about Pantoja was driving for uber the year before and I said and I saw Get upset about it and like I can't believe this guy's right whatever top five in the world He's driving for uber. Yeah, but he also didn't fight for fucking a year, dude Yeah, like if you if you're if you earn a living playing football, you don't play football for a year You know I can pay if you don't play basketball you're not can pay look Jeremy's fighting. I can pay it Jeremy Stevens is boxing right now Oh Dude how about when Pantoja goes he gets on the mic after wins a world fucking championship goes dad. Are you proud of me now? Oh, that was like oh, this is dark. Look at a Mexican shadow man. Well because his dad abandoned them when he was a kid Oh, that is Charlotte Malley. Yeah, dude. I said that's a Mexican Bro that Sean O'Malley Al germane Sterling fight is going that's an interesting one. It's going to be wild He's a bro, and he's also literally the perfect build for Bantamweight dude. He got some big biceps, dude He's got like a stingray. He's built like I mean he's built like a super athlete who is 135 pounds for about three minutes I don't get the hate on him But it's come back Algermane's jiu-jitsu off the fucking bill How about his wrestling ticked on so who yeah, yeah, I mean come on he dominated the wrestling look at him there Look at biceps, bro. He got some fucking rocks. Do you have those abs bro? He's so fit and then you know he gets down to 135. He's like as big as you can get and Comfortably make 135. It's like the perfect size I know he's probably gonna win this and go to 45 so marab can take over at 35 now Well, I'm sure he's tired of cutting the weight and you know I'm sure big money fights away to man who knows he might fight better at 45 dude Where he doesn't have to spend two months out of his camp just trying to drain also Alge over so fucking Volkonovski take my money Does marab still have sugar Sean's jacket cuz he stole his jacket when Sean took no he got it back Oh, you got it back. Yeah, where I was wearing it. That was so funny Sugar said he got that jacket out of the job It's crazy how they try to intimidate each other, but there's no way anybody can intimidate those guys No, no, you know I mean you're trying to intimidate a guy and that guy's trying to intimidate the other guy That's not like you got they're hyping up the fight. They're selling tickets Yeah, they got a big fight trying to get in their head too. They're trying to get in there Yeah, Connor's a bad lower level MMA lower you gotta work because a lot of guys are there they're even I love it. Don't have that much experience on our album get in their head Connor Aldo He got in his head Connor's the best in his prime. I can't although he asked him. Oh, yeah You could still get in their head. They try to legit get in their head It's hard to sell the fight, but that kid is a good athlete sugar sugar. Fuck. Yeah, he's a really good athlete What when he's on when he fought Peter young yeah, I was like yeah There's a lot of hate on we didn't know the Peter. I'm like this tough matchup. You're like, oh, he's a real dude He's a fucker is legit. He's very did Algemeyn rest on college. Yes. Oh shit. I didn't know that he's such a strong wrestler I mean the fact that he beat up to so who don't took him down like that, bro He I mean TJ Dilla shot granted was fucked up anyway going in that fight He had a bad shoulder, but the Corey San Hagen fight you can't say nothing about that He just strangled him in like a minute, but Sean O'Malley is a fucking sniper on his feet great That kid is so clever so his jitters no punky this people forget his What belt is he he tapped out? No, he taps someone who's a UFC veteran in yeah Yeah, I think it was you know yeah, but his UFC one of those quintet things I think in a submission match I don't remember that yeah, he tapped somebody he tapped someone legit I just feel like my rasp about to be a pro did a sugar Sean O'Malley tap in a jujitsu match I want to say it was cow uno, but I hope I'm not wrong Takanori go me That's interesting that's interesting gomis hard to tap he's not a brown belt gomis not known for his jujitsu, but he's Mostly known for you know big punches big haymakers, and he's a good wrestler It's hard to tap though, so it's impute hard to tap his jujitsu is you know I'm not too sure haven't seen that much jujitsu But remember Nick Diaz go go block at him That was one of those craze insane apparently Nick Diaz was high as a kite during that fight Charts for weed after the fight. I think that was the fight that got him suspended. Oh No, was it no? Because that was like in dreamer pride nose Anderson so was pride in Vegas That fight took place in Vegas. I was there yeah That's why I want to say he popped for weed for that fight too But the one that got him suspended was Anderson right you're right lay down the cage Yeah, it was so that was amazing that fight was amazing Uno was one of the first UFC guys to ever come to the bomb squad Eddie Uno yeah, Kyle Uno came there back in the dizzy Yeah, when you were you know what just recently Oh, I have a lot of stories from those early days where people were dropping through 100% I rolled with them Maybe I was hurt and I didn't work cuz I would have rolled with them I would have remembered maybe I was injured or something and I couldn't roll with them I didn't know you know what you did yeah, and what happened? Yeah, how'd it go do you remember yeah, I remember not supposed to say those things I will say this though. I think that means I had a high-level Japanese guys comes through I don't want to give no names But I have a high level Japanese come through and I and I like fuck them up And I always thought like maybe are they being like respectful because they're super Japanese are super respectful They go to someone else's dojo I think maybe they don't turn it on cuz I'm like I'm fucking this guy up You know what I mean, and and I don't know I'm like is he letting me He turns it on the second time sure but but Joe's right You don't talk about those things if I could talk about the stories I have from training with you I mean some it's just rude world champions the bro. Yeah Fucks me up somebody fucks me up. I'll talk about yeah. Yeah, like Jake Shields fucked me up a lot of guys fuck Yeah, just John Jones beat the shit out of me. Yeah, cara breezy and fucked me up. Yeah a lot of guys fuck Yeah, yeah, yeah, I always talk about my losses, but the the ones where I went well Yeah, I keep my prison got me in a hill hook. He was a savage back in the day, bro He was so strong so good crazy strong. He had a great flyover pass Oh my favorites those judo guys man. There's some about their fucking core strength It's just off the charts when they grab their throw and they're throwing Humans bodies humans since they're three right think about all the shit that people do with like sledgehammers Yeah, sledgehammer doesn't mean nothing. Yeah, they're doing that shit with humans throwing humans dogs 180 pounds human my main trade apart was Satoshi Gold medal with really bro. He was training. He was training back down. He's training out here. You know he's training a beating Yeah, he's always down here Here's what's in Orange County for four years that motherfucker a new heavy would come in and they if you don't know like how to Control his hips that you I'm talking fucking catapulting guys through the fucking air We just all sit back and watch the new guy get fucking tossed We're trying to watch this Jeremy Stevens fight on the sly Stevens You know Stevens at bare knuckle would be pretty savage Yeah But you know the thing is like a lot of these guys by the time they get into boxing or in bare knuckle That come from an MMA background. It's late in their career and you have to factor in how much damage Yeah, so that's the phase one right now when when bare knuckle first Burst onto the scene there was no stars It was just like random fucking dudes off the street and then little by little you get like guys that got cut from the UFC Boom and that's where I'm kind of at now like guys that are no longer with the UFC Which is great better than dudes off the street And then eventually you're gonna get fucking great money's this yeah, dude. I'm telling you that guys throw a lot of money at it I think bear knuckles and they fucking take over boxing. That's what I think I think no I think so I think I know you want it too, but no it just makes sense I don't think this makes that fighters are gonna do it because there's so much of their defense It's already have a lie event catching punches parent the money the injuries can really train When you have a glove on you have all these extra inches That protect your head that you could parry punches with when it's just these bitches Goes and when a guy says the stupid uncle bitch, you know what I mean the stupid I don't know how much Molly molynagy and then you throw money at it because people want to see the bare knuckle Yeah, I would rather student Paulie molynagy did it against Artem Lobo? Champion boxer I used to be way into boxing, but I'm not into remember we went to go see Jenny it's good right now. We went to we were in Vegas and saw who is that Jeremiah? We saw an elite boxing match we had the best seats in the house We didn't even pay attention to the motherfucking thing. It was like eighth round and ninth round They're just like And we're just talking we're like what who's winning and in you know We were really really really remain Taylor. We were super hot. Yeah, it was your main Taylor Jermaine Taylor no, no something like that. We could have been watching apocalypse now Best seats in the house and we were not paying your barbecue though, but boxing right now is pretty fucking good Boxing's pretty fucking good dude. It's better than it's been in a while because now Because I like Ryan Garcia. I like Gervonta Davis. I like to be theory. I like folk and bronze bomber I like folk and Andy we know Shakira Stevenson. No That a guy girl Okay, I don't know Shakira could be a girl dog. That's a hot bitch It could come to the stage if she comes put those hands together for Shakira could yeah Shakur Haney Lee yeah, Devin Haney You know Vasili Loma Cenko fuck no Ryan Garcia. No Loma Cenko Believe you but hold the please I do know Ryan Loma Cenko I like this guy Vasili Loma Cenko is a guy from Ukraine He took two years out of his boxing career his father made him learn Ukrainian dance So that he would develop his footwork for boxing He's one of the best amateur boxers of all time and the guy who's the quickest to win a world title in his professional career I think he might I think was quick. It's a white man for yeah, I might have been four fights Yeah, you crane. That's him back that up so Eddie could see that shit Those are little gloves bro. This guy's so good Well, he went up in weight classes because he wasn't having challenges at his natural weight and now he's fighting guys 130 and he's the guy that just fought Devin Haney and a lot of people thought he should have won the decision Devin Haney got it I thought he should have won, but it was a very very good fight. What about him? Jervont Davis? I know that very good fight. That would be a very good. I think Juman Jervont Davis. I Think that dude for a little dude. He's probably hits the hardest out of him. That's out. He's the best knock-out Incredible but watch this guy's footwork Eddie watch this guy's footwork It's so next level his ability to move in and out and to the side The way he stands in front of guys pops him and then all of a sudden he's to the side of them It's so slick. Oh, yeah, yeah Yeah, you know trained with him when you were talking so much No, it's terrible timing Career that might be his first fight second fight. We lost but I do see what you mean that was he moves he moves beautifully The best yeah, yeah, yeah the best fighter watch for his technical boxing at a high level is oosik They have you it's canelo still in the mix oosik by the way is the same trainer as this guy canelo still high level Yeah, canelo still elite. Oh, yeah elite. He went up. He tried going up too high of a weight class and got beat But okay, so he's trying to fight befall, but that's at 175. What about G? They just fought when his father A year ago. No way to fight again right triple G. You know now that's over. I don't know they fought and what? Can I knock the triple G one arguably won one of those fights the first fight? Yeah, well they were both decisions. Well, they gave it to canal the first one Yes, and what about sent by most people thought second fight was close to know one that one probably yeah Probably first fight you give triple G, but so can I was up to zero but one canelo guys ever watch a chingo bling do canelo Overdubs he's funny dude dude. That's so funny the funniest shit. It's all very funny Yeah, but I think as far as technical box or oosik is the guy right now Hey is sean strickland signed to fight out of sanya is that a done? No no no no and the fights coming up soon So I don't I don't know what's going on. What is happening with that? I heard that Sean's having visa problems Is that what it's something's going on in like less than six weeks? He has to get a visa to go to Australia, and he can't well. I don't know if I get all your wants more criminals He been in prison The wild boy, he's an important sons that allow wild shit. He we had a great podcast. It was a he's That podcast was hilarious. He's hilarious. He's a wise boy life is Crazy when he tells the story of his life. He's just authentic which it which is refreshing He says some wild shit, and maybe you might not agree with it, but at least he's not you know trying to cover up anything But he's a fucking beast too. He's a beast I mean that he's willing to stand and trade with anybody done in his cardio's off Yeah, good head movement and he spars more than anybody. It's all he does probably ever he probably spars more than anybody That's all he does right does any claim that he does a little bit Well just gets a little dice firm when he goes again to guy like Alex Pierre Izzy who when they're that technical and that higher level and you just want to strike and they know you're not gonna take him down Good fucking luck, but then he went and trained with beheada And he said beheada like showed him like hey you're making this mistake and like he showed him his patterns that he had picked Up in well, that's how old did they trade together? How cool is Alex how good the train is with his last fight? He looked fucking great real good for his hands are lethal. Oh shit It's gonna be a good fight the battering that he puts on people fuck dude this Tatiana chick is awesome You know her story right so she was a bronze medal Winner wrestling in the Olympics and then had fucked up neck they do an MRI they find a tumor So she go through chemo then she gets starts doing jujitsu gets the UFC He goes undefeated fucked her neck up again. She beat Alexa Grosso like some big wins, man So she's wrong on their nest disc is yes Yeah, this she got it fixed and then her this is her second fight back in the garage fucking Jessica Andraj dude This fights insane cuz both of them are as high levels you can get get ready for swars She's about to beat the shit out of her so I was your next champion Really? She's a savage dude ten and all Covina's finest But how is her neck now who say they say all good to go now do they stem sell her up? They send her down to CPI Peru. I don't know it's clay CPI to out Scott Nelson, but if her next good dude ain't nobody touching this girl She just she's the she's the kabibah female me people have sent down there and they come back and tell me how great they feel Now really yeah a ton. Oh dude a ton dude. I went down to Tijuana CPI Ed Clay They shot up both my shoulders I've learned surgery. Yeah, it worked. Yeah, both yeah, listen. I've had a shit ton of stem cells I've never been a CPI, but I love what they're doing I just love the fact that they can go so high dose over there. Where is it America? No limit? There's regulations in America. Oh, yeah, they're very little haters man. It's so annoying man It's a but listen what they have in America fix my fucking knee Fix my shoulder fixed a lot of shit I've had a lot of problems they fixed I'm about to have a heart problem after I drink this fucking energy drink and I did That sniffing test. All right, I think how many milligrams of caffeine is in these this is a CBD one It's not even the ignite one only 20 calories Can you read the caffeine how much caffeine? Zero to use where's this a cafe Oh 25 milligram. Oh, that's a CBD 25 25 milligrams of CBD. Yes Yeah, it doesn't say the fucking caffeine on here. Does it have caffeine at all? It has to right. I should know it's my drink Has green tea extract it has to do Well, the green tea would definitely give us. Oh, no, it says it says caffeine on the say how much no, dude, there's no Sugar Iasen she's got long ass arms and then drati got shorter. She's she's the kabib of female fighters guys Tell let's just watch this fight because I mean I am very interested. She's so tall for this weight class, huh? Yeah, how tall is she five eight six seven? Yeah. No, she's fucking baked for this weight class Yeah, she looks so long for 115. Yeah, you know, it's crazy at 125 You know, it's crazy about what the 115 division when you're drinking flaming. Yeah, this the CBD one how many milligrams caffeine? So it's flaming Joe night has a lot. This is the flaming Joe Do you know what's crazy about the 115 weight category for men that in MMA? It's non-existent but in boxing It's huge. Remember Marco Antonio Barrera Chiquita Gonzalez. That's when I was really into it little tiny fucking There was bigger than that. I think Barrera was 125, right? No, they were one they would got down to 115 dog Check it out. Oh, no Barrera against Chiquita Gonzalez They fought like three times or something. No supposedly the best fire on the planet's 115 pounds that in a while or whatever What was that? Remember Michael Carball? What's we yeah, I was one to ten Who drew that? Oh some guys me on a pineapple So you you think Marco Antonio Barrera wasn't 115 maybe it was just Michael Carball and Chiquita Gonzalez Barrera I want to say he fought Oh He may have been 125 but I know Michael Carball and Chiquita Gonzalez what what do you like? I didn't say anything. Oh, I said yikes. Oh talking as far as take down. Oh, I thought I was Jamie's voice Hey, how might he milligrams of caffeine is in the CBD one doesn't say on the thing, but it has green tea extract in it So it says caffeine on the ingredients to yeah, it didn't say the amount I was trying to find a different way Okay, but what I think the other one has 150 milligrams. Is it like the Logan Paul energy drink? No, they're gonna ban it for that one 125 for the other one. Okay, this is a lot less than that But it has 25 milligrams of CBD tastes good. Yeah, it's good. Yeah, it's working good Always zombie that's offensive. Mmm, that's always like a minus 7,000. Yeah, that's a recipe You know for a cake Oh, she's trying to take her down Look at that. Look at that. There are other things we should be doing that damn. She got her down dog I can't roll. Look at that. She's very kabibic. Okay, she can't she fucking melts girls on the ground her pressure is insane She gonna win this round if she stays here You know what you don't see enough of is those knees to the body on the ground Yeah, they stopped doing them didn't they I don't know why man because they're so effective. I don't know why they're Stronger the knee you throw the more you're gonna step over you have to pull back So there's a big hole to recover. That's what happens if you throw a knee You're gonna recover the way you keep them from recovering is keep the knee at the hip Right as soon as you cock back they recover Dars so dar sit up. Oh shit. She got it dars. She got it. No, that's an anaconda. Oh, yeah She got an anaconda. Oh, no, she doesn't she hasn't seen shit up now She's just gonna she puts her left hand on her right bicep. Yeah, she's just eating Is the DS fight next Jamie another one there's one more one more fighting than DS fight That's what's wrong with boxing. Well, we're gonna have to time this shit. Perfect. I Think we're good. There's only one more UFC fight. Who is fighting next in the boxing thing? Who's that? Amanda Serrano, oh, yeah Oh, yeah David always puts on his cards pays her well There's a dope documentary on Jake on that Netflix bro tatiana has a grip on her, huh? She is Having a hard time getting away and immediately as soon as she gets away Tatiana right back on her leg glue knee to the body could beep style. Yep, she does the body that's sensational oops now what Oh kick to the stomach look at that thick back that wide wide the entourage is no punk man he's talking about talk to you look at that bow dog that looked like Michelle Obama dude Michelle Obama's back is fucking Jack I'm not saying shit after I seen what they do that chef the guy drowned yeah yeah yeah yeah how dare you yeah what do you a conspiracy theorist bro fuck after going to dinner with Alex Jones I'm fully in Alex went off dog I like when he goes off oh he got the info dog he got the info he was just rattling off some interesting to me ooh and Raj land a nice take to the bottom at the buzzer yep that's some wild hair that's one round for Tatiana for sure you any Bud Light Joe yeah the Bud Light thing is the craziest story of our time well while we have this little tiny break shameless plug I just dropped a single el coyote it's available like people bring drugs in across the border it's a song about the border it's a song about the border it's called el coyote smiling when you talk about evil it's a very confusing song it's called el coyote the band's called hook thieves it's on all musical platforms we just dropped it yesterday the album comes out in a month I just I'm kind of you know I'm proud of it and all right thank you very much for the plug shameless plug you worked hard on it who dodgers projects which prime is here so we can make fun of them that dinner dude I wanted to see that's the apex center that's next weekend at the apex those apex fights man I love them and I get it there's it's better for sure to be in an arena if I had to choose between only one forever I would say crowd for sure because I love when people go crazy and enjoy it did I been a million UFC's and the craziest one was the first one back in Jacksonville after the the scam damn it dude how loud what do you remember how fucking much noise insane everybody was celebrating that it was back and everyone's screen and not only that but all the fights were insane every fight was fucking insane insane dude it was like fire like it's almost like the energy from the crowd push the fighters to take it to the 20 to crowd right that's why it was it was crazy it was like like a Brazilian crowd on a soccer game like guys like Connor and his prime they feed off the crowd got it down again early in the round ain't nobody stopping her takedown man obviously on drudges I mean that's so impressive well look at that beautiful that was a good beautiful Oh drag her down look at that she's cinching it up nope nope just controlling her goddamn I'm driving strong there it is no she's going I elbow lost shit he's connect them hands oh she's connected so deep with that arm so deep little by little she's been patient that's your next channel what's your next check out what the team looks gross Oh looks a grass on she's already no no no no Lex cross was one 125 it's Waley John Waley oh shit yeah she's so big for 115 bro she's huge for 115 she used to fight at 125 yeah she's already beat the champ there damn dude she just choked to the fuck out the difference in the height between her well Andraj is basically the same size as young Waley maybe John will be these like an inch taller than Andraj what do you think about a 105 weight class not enough women I don't think there's a lot of Chinese women that Mexicans I mean I wouldn't dismiss it because it's possible that there's a weight class would they call it Adam weight yeah they do Adam Victor I would have to watch fun fights and I'd have to watch some Adam way fights in that women's flyweight is Alexa Grasso that's 25 and then you got John way Lee that's 115 Alexa Grasso is 135 no what she's there twice Alexa Grasso is 125 135 is what that's good that's just women's pound-for-pound women's flyway oh that's that's the oh it's pound-for-pound and flyway yeah pound-for-pound fly damn she's both flyweight yeah it's nice looks across those yeah yeah Nunez left well she beat Valentina Shevchenko she deserves what she wait a minute who's Bantamweight now women's Bantamweight Amanda Nudez just retired so there's no one okay that's right Julie so since Amanda Nunez retired they're gonna do Juliana Pena versus someone it may very well be Raquel Pennington that divisions kind of a mess yeah it's well the problem is Amanda was such a monster she's you know what she said she said she's got nerve damage on her legs from kicking oh really yeah our legs are all fucked up from too much kicking ass I think it's yeah I think it's good when a division has a champ like that and then people pay attention like light heavy right now is a fucking mess it keeps Jamal Hill got injured here he got injured right but it's not for a lack of talent no it's actually now that Alex Pajade is in that division and seeing him beat Jan Bohovitz like holy shit you see Jan Bohovitz afterwards said that they stole the fight from him yeah that seems kind of crazy agree I'm a man who doesn't see herself fighting anytime soon my legs have nerve damage from over the years nor does she wow she has two baby you know girls or two babies in general they go out all the time she's got those calves kicked yep she I cannot kick as much anymore Nunez told Sports Illustrated my legs have nerve damage from over the years so they've been Wow my shoulders need rest my knees even my teeth need work after getting hit in the mouth so many times I don't want to see myself back in the cage anytime soon I'm looking forward to a break my body needs this good for her she deserves it grace of all time no doubt no argument when she knocked out cyborg I was like whole that solidified for me that lady when she fucked up Ronda Rousey I remember that fight they were not paying attention to her at all at all I remember saying this is very disrespectful the way they're talking about the champion she's a champion of the world it just murked Misha Tate and you're just pretending that Ronda is gonna come in and not have any just and Ronda Kaurava lost to Holly yes right knockout loss and didn't do any interviews and that lady hits so hard Amanda hits so hard she's throwing fast balls second femur fighter to bring UFC career with seven straight she's gonna be a problem Derek Lewis opponent can't eat properly after flying these yeah yeah his his all his teeth are loose apparently and count with me do that in bare knuckle fuck you so silly he just he just doesn't know he just wants you to suffer because he's suffering that's what I see suffer he's just suffering when people suffer they want you to suffer too yeah you should fight bare knuckle he just like yeah you should wrestle Bulls he just likes to get ingrained in the fight game he said I'll be in your corner I'm like you're out even though it's gonna do it with the lose just being distracted yes to you me goofing around yelling out instructions why not coming towards your head shut the fuck he's a wild boy da Deanna some serious fucking skill yeah I'm glad she's healthy yeah look at her drag her down like that that front headlock many levels that just controlling some with the front headlock until you're ready to set the choke in whether it's a guillotine Darce Japanese necktie on a Conda 100% whatever you want to set up you you got to have a high level front headlock control because if you don't do to just fucking shut it off yeah but you got to work on it just controlling snapping them down and just making it so fuck I can't get this guy up and tapping out on Josh is no punk man this is a big deal big deal yeah yeah that's a that's a serious serious result because when you look at that division you know now that Andraj is down but this is 115 right yes so Andraj who's gone up to 25 and then she's gone back down talk down I went up to 25 should be at 115 because she's not that tall she's got a staff it's right Andraj yeah and you know at 115 she knocked out Rose when she slammed her remember yeah I came to champion Jean-W\u00e9lie is a motherfucker though that lady is artificially creating a Chinese she's so she's stocky and yo powerful and aggressive and smart and everything technique and the way she trains man her training footage is incredible it's so inspirational you watch that lady hit the pads bang bang just fucking driving those kicks in fair text stamp in one championship that little girl the the kickbox in one stamp stamp stamp fair tax savage is that the chick that throws the the push knees she's the front push me you have to fight the one that's her and she can't remember she came to doing the dance she's all cute that always throws that push me she's got an incredible push me who's that chick now I know you wonder yeah she has some famous for her knee yeah a front push knee I don't know if that's the girl though those are just right oh there it is that's fair text yeah it is stamped then okay well there's another girl though that's just a knee specialist and she stabs you that's the one that's not her no okay so that's a different girl is that it's got to be not Wonder Girl or something look at these knees though these are fantastic goddamn there's some high-level MMA fighters out there that are in one that are now I mean in Bellator offshore but now Bellator is being bought by the PFL is that which I don't know I'm just talking about my ass I should know these things I know but nobody knows because they did make an offer that I heard the negotiations fell out then the PFM on the word was great you buy Bellator they must be blowing I think there's a shit ton of money but if I was going to give some advice to the PFL some unsolicited advice I would say ditch that wacky system that I don't even understand I don't either like there's scores and points a million dollar tournament you get points if this and points if you finish and you're moving up in the leaderboard it's too tough fights it's uncomplicated keep it uncomplicated you have a bunch of weird rules that you have to learn like you're playing craps yeah I don't want what is going on I can't follow it I'm in the sport exactly I don't know what the fuck just fights abandon all that stuff keep the name the names do you like the tournament though tournaments are great yeah okay the wrong with turn the best matchups though tournaments are great I just like fights don't have this wacky point thing that they do where they're talking about it that's six points and this is two points like if you get a talking about stop that you're just adding confusion to a pure sport yeah there's no reason for all that point jazz they're just trying to differentiate themselves from all the other MMA promotions and that's not a good thing they have great athletes over there they should differentiate they have Francis and Donna now they have if not the best heavyweight in the world definitely number two you know if he's not number one if John Jones is number one that guy's number two hundred percent so they've got great talent I mean Francis and God I was some of the fucking greatest knockouts in his highlight reel that have ever occurred in the UFC but outside Francis do they have great talent I do not know else they have there you go I know they have Pettis if good fight they have but I think they've got a few Russian cats now that I really got us is uh Bellator Bellator Sergio Pettis yeah but isn't Anthony Pettis PFO the Anthony Pettis is PFO yeah he's lost most women there right they started pretty sure but they have Pettis and older Pettis but they had yeah he's older he's you know he's definitely at the end of a long glorious career oh there's high altitude when did he be Benson Helio you know he beat Ben to son Benson Henderson for the WEC title and then the UFC beat him for the title like when was that yep I was second ago long time ago I am so hyped on this guy ten years ago this month ten years ten years ago ten years ago was what when he beat Ben Henderson yeah listen man it's not a we they say I mean that's like when you know like when fade or got to Bellator you know like it's not really fade or anymore no it's still fade or it's still amazing to see him fight but it's a version yeah not the best version right yeah I think Pettis was a when Ryan Bader when Ryan Bader knocked him out twice yes you know you're like mittrio knocked him out mittrio knocked him out there was a huge one for mittrio that was fucking huge you know I mean you gotta remember what a savage Dan Henderson is Dan Henderson knocked him out the real thing is still when their doom submitted them oh yeah prime powers like that was it that was it that was the big one that's why I'm downhill for what's the latest with shop caught he was supposed to fight somebody and that guy got hurt who is he gonna fight no you're supposed to fight Kelvin gasolim and gasolim got hurt from a spinning yellow to hear song you don't the guy who Sanhedrin fought like a couple fights about he just got robbed at a gas station at gunpoint in America Sacramento because he's in team alpha male I think yeah that's where he was at yeah he's up there dude I almost got robbed in they set me up do that recently recently like about a year ago did I tell you about that no damn dog in LA right there off the 405 and that Chevron on the 405 in Santa Monica dog I almost got fucking I almost got killed I was I never get gas like late cuz like you're sitting duck at a gas station you're a sitting duck yeah if someone's waiting for you they're gonna get you and I never get gas later tonight it's fucking dangerous especially the last couple years and this is about a year and a half ago or something and I get in my car we're jamming like after class we always jam like the whole front area the whole front of my school we closed during this pandemic we never opened it it's you have to come through the back it's hard to find my school we're a private gym I don't want anybody walking in so the whole front area I got a piano in there we gotta get the ours and we just jammed we were jamming all night now it's fucking like 1230 time to go home I turn on my truck and fucking god damn it you don't want to get gas in downtown in midnight so I'm like how far am I gonna make it so I get on the 10 and I'm going west on the 10 and I'm gonna go up the 405 I'm like am I gonna make it am I gonna make it and then I got north on the 405 the lights on I'm like fuck it let me just get off on Santa Monica got off on Santa Monica and then you make a left and you go under the freeway and there's the Chevron's on the right and I'm pulling up to it the gas station main part is closed but the pumps are still open but you could tell it's closed and I pull up and I and I drive in and I see two dudes with hoodies on holding like bags like 20 yards away from me as I pull in as I'm pulling in and you know you know when you get you know when you when you get a new car it takes you forever to figure out how to lock the door when you come in you're like turn the key and then boom it takes you a while like you hit a rent a car but after you have a car for like five years you know what I mean you're getting right you know I mean but at first it's like you're trying to learn that shit and how to lock it and all that so I always practice when I get in my car I always as soon as I shut the door lock as soon as I shut the door lock but when you have a new car you have it takes a couple seconds until it becomes muscle memory but I had my truck dude I got that shit down so I get I drive up and I'm looking at these two guys facing away from me with a hoodie on and they got they're just them the walking in like the gas station that's closed and away from me I'm like what then I'm like I'm just sitting there and I park I'm like fuck it okay let me put gas I open the door and as soon as I open the door and I walk out this dude pops up boom right in front of my car and starts walking he's got a mask on he comes up right in front of my truck dude I jumped in and went drove away he goes I'm gonna wash your windows man and I'm like fuck you and I drove away dog and dude if they would have just waited until I started because I was keeping I was keeping my eyes on the two guys over there I was keeping my eyes on I was gonna come out and pump and just and then this dude right in front of my truck pops up boom and he comes around dude I jumped in dude boom and drove away and he had a mask on and he said it's gonna wash your windows I'm like where's your fucking squeegee dude and I drove away and I barely made it to another gas station up on like a maraga or whatever like by sunset yeah dude they almost had me doc they almost fucking had me if I would never ever drive at night you know what then I wondered I thought it dude I didn't sleep that night I didn't sleep that night and I'm like and I swear to God I felt like okay I have a purpose in life because I should have been dead right there and fucking God saved me dude or you should not save me yeah you know the crazy thing is though dude I was out they set me up they set me up they probably do with everybody there and and and there's no presence yeah and then check this out make it a slap on the wrist of no no check this out so I was always thinking damn if they would have just waited for me to fucking put my credit card in and put the gas in I wouldn't I had that time right you would have the guy popped up to soon cuz I opened the door and I stepped out and as soon as he popped up right in front of my shit I jumped in with you know to me like a ninja I locked everything and fucking turn my car and I was gone put the keys in everything locked like in half a second so but then I thought maybe they maybe then then I started seeing videos of dudes pumping gas and dudes like trying to rob them and the dude to pull out the gas and spray motherfuckers with the guy yeah and then they run so I think maybe they thought that don't let him get to the pump because then he'll spray us but I wouldn't even have thought of that I wouldn't even have thought of that but now I know if you're pumping gas and anybody comes near you fucking spray them with the gas yeah have you seen those videos yeah that shit works dudes run dog dude they fucking put that one gas all over them fire and if they shoot their gun then they're gonna light on fire yeah yeah man that would for like three days dude I was just like shook I was like damn they almost had me dog they had me if they would have just waited five simply be pulled in there dude I my shit was fucking time time to move to Texas get yourself a gun I got guns doc you don't have them in your car though no no I can I did that for a while during like the height of I still shit but I felt like damn if I get in if I get like pulled over and they could throw me in jail I'll take my chance like I'm doing sets at LA at night I always have it with me in Texas LA at night when I'm in Texas LA Texas dude damn fucking the robberies that are going on crazy and it's unchecked and they're letting more people out of jail you know what's crazy is is more and more people are fighting back like security guards are saying fuck it like you're sitting to start at first dudes are just grab shit and leave you see all the videos on Instagram now they're coming back and like customers are jumping on and now it's slowly turn enough yeah it's like it's like humanity is awake like we're sick of it right yeah do you feel like do you feel the awakening I don't want us to have to do that yes like we have to go do it we have to go I think we have to we have to go to get to the bottom before we move back up to the top I think we have to do this I think all it rock all this all this that we're going through is absolutely necessary we needed the scam Demick we needed the lockdown we needed all this let's pay attention to this you know what I mean attention well one thing it made us aware of is real tyranny the real tyranny does exist yes they will lock you down they don't give a fuck about your business never fuck about your health they'll tell you what you're going to do to get you to comply yeah and if they can get you to do that then they can kind of get you used to doing that they can get you to do that with other shit yeah and if they had gone all the way through with that social credit score system a vaccine passport dude they centralized digital currency they came so close dude they put it dude when I went the one I like forum talks about doing it all the time with you do when I went to the fucking my mall my right there in the valley I'm fucking Riverside I went to my mall and I said you got your papers right there called my wife and like let's go to Florida immediately we went to Tampa started looking at places we almost moved the Tampa we were so close so close we went dude for three days and checked out places why did you decide not to it's too fucking hot dog I go let's just it's too fucking bro you get so used to that's Texas no I don't like bro it gets I was out in the yard for two hours yesterday at 103 degrees shooting my you know what you know what it was you know what it was in Malibu is 72 degrees I don't give a fuck I don't like Malibu I got a giant jug of water with electrolytes I can't I was drenched my jeans were drenched my I wore a long sleeve shirt cuz it's hot as fuck out and I just didn't want to get sawn everywhere I my jeans were drenched my shirt was drenched I was out there for two hours but if you just drink water and if you're acclimated to heat like I am yes I do the sawn every day it's okay yeah it's not as far as like regular shit outside it doesn't bother me at all I like it now I didn't like it I'm in the morning some people like I get out of the morning it's nice and warm I have a cup of coffee but Eddie you're where you're at I mean I'm in the valley six months it's not for six months we can cure these like a month and a half if we could cure these two issues you have with extreme cold extremely you'd be much more flexible and your choices a lot more options yeah man bro I look forward to that cold plunge I look forward to that bitch especially when I get out of the sauna that's the second time I do it in a day so I do it twice I do it before my workout and then I do my workout and then I do the sauna after my workout for 20 minutes at 185 190 degrees whatever it is and then I go into the cold plunge again for another two minutes every day every fucking day I feel great Jamie is Nate Diaz walking out you know what I do almost every day is the leg sleeves the air legs is great did that or the wizard I look forward to waking up I wake up and I have my cup of coffee with my leg things and I put my legs I do it for our dog I do you can watch TV show and just enjoy emails it's good for recovery yeah that is I said I got one of those from that company I sent it to my buddy Cam Haynes who's running like a marathon a day and he's like dude this is amazing out of all the show and you don't have to do nothing it does it for you just lay there just chill that's that's the one thing about that's the one recovery treatment that I'll never flake on because I look forward to it yeah hey let's watch this fight cuz this is a big one that motherfucker right there he is one of my absolute favorite fighters right now because I think he's he's so technical he's so technical and his technique is so he varies things so much he gets so much things to think his patterns so no Rob Fond is an elite boxer though Rob Fine has Rod Fond has a nasty jab and serious power behind his hands you would play somebody yes yeah um are not enough okay he gets taken down the other could be a problem yes could be his cousin yes yes and he's fucking he's a bad motherfucker he fights different though he's a really good strike number 11 San Hagan is no San Hagan he has a mind like Dominic Cruz did he train with these from Colorado you know I'm so smart 15 what so smart real he came into the gym as a basketball player Wow when I talked to him about I fucking love talking to that dude about fighting cuz I'm always fascinated by his approach and his his like what game I'm talking about what's the strategy well you know how he looks at his overall growth and development he's just like everything he does he's doing to try to get better that's why he's willing to take that never good met off fight because like he said like you were talking about it earlier he said if I'm fighting the the best guy if I win the title I want to be the champion like I don't want these guys sneaking up on me I want to know that I deserve it's no question about it that he's the baddest on the planet and when he beat Marlon Vera I was super impressed who is he lost him he lost Aljamaine Aljamaine choked him that's the algerman second round that was the highlight reel of Aljamaine that we're naked choke it's one of his greatest victories because it was flawed and that's that's his one loss he's nice to pure to yawn he lost a decision yeah last-minute fight oh yeah he took a short short notice look at his takedown very nice how's his jits very good very good very good jiu-jitsu trained by Christian now here's a guillotine see what's happening here I don't know how good Rob fonts guillotine is do you know Rob's not known for his jitsu that's why I'm not known for it but yeah he had a hundred percent but he might have it oh oh shit might have so shit no dude he has it if he wants it oh shit put him in the truck right here too bro this looks pretty deep nah it's a sneaky spot man the way his heads on the side like that's a fool we get that leg over the top if he figure for his arms dude he's fucked and if he gets that leg arm was trapped in there should have hundred percent right there just trying to take the back trying to take the back not gonna get it you got a kamora just see if he could turn that into something he only has the wrist grab now he's got the full lock does he yeah oh now he does now what his legs and his hips are gonna do with that interest is he gonna swing around he's doing a good defensive good stand up very nice very nice he wanted the back but he used to stand up at least Oh beautiful left hand hey the way he's better at striking Sannegan's great everything he's good at everything is he black belt yes and what the thing that I love about him is he fights just as good southpaw as Orthodox and he's constantly switching yeah he's so he gives you so many look at this he's gives you so many different looks does he have knockout power yes he does but not like Rob Fawn not Frankie Edgar into the fucking Oh yeah but but Rob Fawn has better hands or beautiful take any Russell in high school or what no no I think it's all MMA man yes he's one of those young kids that started straight-up MMA oh look at that the only not gonna Cory be wrestling that's why the Marab areas right there in front yeah the run and Rob fights a problem yeah if he could sprawl Marab's a problem for everybody every I don't care who Rob's gas tank is fucking preposterous those dudes come from that's hard Scrabble world and they make it into MMA they're just tougher dudes coming from Georgia the country that's all I'd look at that I'd love to see Marab versus take us back look at that oh maybe not Mount half guard yeah Cory does everything exceptionally well the only knock would be his wrestling well you know how Jermaine has a big advantage on the ground I mean and he showed that in that fight maybe Cory's tighten up some of that holes but the way Algemaine was there to slice through him and get his back and then sink in that choke but I think for Aljo too he realized where your superpower lies and that's when he gets your back now he knows that it's a fucking problem I think he's the best back specialist in the sport agree 100% with you he holds the back to he's so good at maintaining that position and if he gets that fucking arm under your chin your dunsville but this is good one of five five rounds to a two-week notice for Rob font Rob fonts got balls and this is a 140 right catch weight yeah catch weight at 140 cuz two week notice yeah those that is when cartel is they're all savage there cater Oh Rob has a nice jab oh man his boxing hey I give him the advantage in the box in but Cory overall well Cory he doesn't just box you ever he throws leg kicks his knees are savage yeah everything everything and you know he's timing you and setting you up and looking for things also gas tank off the charts he can keep this kind of crazy frenetic pace he can keep that for five rounds look at that that we does that it's switching the stances and while mopping that jab out yeah good defense there too Rob Fawn has real power though Adrian Yanez Yaka knockout was there I'm such an Adrian fan it's just too much too soon little too soon little too soon but you find out agree that's how you drop on Brazilian now Mexican I think he's Cuban Oh Puerto Rican oh yeah oh Oh big shot did he land that no he did right there 100% boom it would have been over he had full guard 100% you don't escape that I hate when Cory gives up his back he did that in the TJ fight you remember well you would think after the Sterling fight oh nice knee to the body there's that knee to the body DJ kid he can't get back to easily right there but maybe he's thinking that Rob Fawn to own it's late too okay so he probably knew it was like I'm telling you it's a thing he does he didn't the TJ fight over and over and I'm like what the fuck are you doing he lost the fight yeah lost the fight would teach you had a blown-out knee yeah that's right that's a fight he lost to that was a good performance by TJ shoot chosen you know TJ just his body just didn't hold up man I trained too hard also his shoulders were fucked up a long time big time he had torn super spinatas and both of his shoulders way back then but he was doing all this band work and everything to strengthen it but it's like eventually all that shit just breaks down I can't hold on then your your fucking shoulder just dislocated you've also I've never seen buddy with my own I've never seen somebody trained so hard in my life TJ most savage in in training I've ever seen savage just beating his body up man yeah you shredded his fuck watching him work out with Dwayne was fascinating the other grade Dwayne is such a wizard Dwayne Ludwig without a doubt one of the best striking coaches in the sport hands down and his system is so comprehensive but you showed me all these notebooks and shit all this stuff he's right writes on all these combinations and how they flow into other combinations and all these drills that he does Dwayne and Mark Henry and never they were training in my garage yeah never they came down yeah that's right that was awesome that was awesome watching him do that that's a lot ago brother bro that was a long that was more than ten years right do you have way more look at this round two oh look at that shot man that's timing goddamn is timing is incredible and you know for now Rob is always gonna be thinking that when he's throwing shots yeah that's the beauty of this San Hagans style it's just there's so much going on there's so much to think about and he adapts so well got an arm tromgo right there if you wanted right I control stuff I might need to I don't even matter you take that from half guard and then pass later go right the chopping block we got that smelling salt we're gonna watch the DS fight yeah how far is the DS fight away we're still in this they just finished rounds six of ten six or seven yeah they must be timing it perfectly smart yeah but they have to because this is a free fight so this is on ESPN it's free is this on regular ESPN or ESPN plus both but both and this pay-per-view Zaniya yeah so if this is yeah so if this this fight is free and you know this division is so hot right now this this is division is so talent stacked so who doe sugar Sean Pialder young cool Corey San Hagen I mean you know Cheeto fuck man what a division what a fucking division that's what makes UFC great it's every divisions fucking stack look at light heavyweight now the pay it is in it I loved that's why I'm like a mad off just we don't need to see him get it to the top as much I hate to say it because there's so many fun striking matchups who Marmin no my command off Oh light heavyweight yeah magma man and Kalia was I yeah take a break there because there's Johnny Walker Johnny Walker Alex Piaira Anthony Smith you got year you got rackets get the fuck out take my money Johnny Walker's a big fella Johnny Walker and Pierre you know fun that would be don't you think Johnny Walker would like I would think you'd try to get that fight to the ground his wrestling is not great though good luck out appear look pretty fucking yeah man his defense was much improved Johnny Walker's fighting uh magma mad off next Oh tough fight for Johnny Johnny Walker could put anybody's lights out for sure Rob font trying real hard to get back up his feet and courage keeps taking him down Oh good elbow and this is fucking exhausting we're only in two rounds of five and Rob took this on super short notice I hope he was training already did he have a fight he's always in there I don't think so because he came off that an S-fight right which was only a few months ago right Oh Kimora Kimora again Oh 25 minutes a long time to fucking fight another man especially like this this kind of fight just to be on your back just trying with everything you have to get back up to your feet 25 minutes too long for anything and you're getting beat up on the ground exhausting he's constantly hitting you there's big elbow remember when headbutts were legal how many fights ended on cuts and they were just so anticlimactic remember that shit was like another stop fight where it's just like little tiny head butts you know to me and then they would cut the eyes up and then they would stop the fight well that's an argument with bare knuckle boxing to the god they got cut a lot my god they get fucked their faces get sliced open yeah did you ever see when fucking Chris Leiben fought that kid that was in the ultimate fighter I forget what his name is bare knuckle yeah they fought bare knuckle and Chris Leiben it was like you got hit with that look a machete in the face there's a horror movie what guy was it was it the guy let him let me bang down on another guy the guy that did gay porn yeah I can't think of his fucking name wasn't that didn't you gay porn yeah there was a guy yeah it came out did it for the money or something yeah tough tight on and talk but talked about it openly wasn't like hiding it yeah you gotta kind of come out with that that's true right I didn't make that up there when you're talking and watching fights like it's untrue the guys like what the fuck I didn't do gay bro I needed the money I opened up my butt cheek and everything pulled my butt apart and everything what's up from that's Talladega nice time crews use your witchcraft I like to party do when he calls them and he calls will farrow up and ask him how to turn on the fucking radio the stereo with the big screen he took over his house and why is family am I right about Chris Liebman did you Google it who Chris Lee is in the pond and bare knuckle boxing and they people well hoodie fight Dakota cock that's him that's Dakota Cochran yeah now that's a perfect name yes great great gay porn name Google Dakota Cochran clock ring and then gay porn if I apologize profusely if I've made this oh you're right just say it comes I not thankfully no pictures popped up when I googled it but what you were asking for it definitely pops up okay I'm not you no need to repeat amen there you go gotta make a living James you ever use a cock ring no sounds like you hope brother I try to want to keep your dick hard you put a ring you get you get hard you put a ring on and then it keeps the job a problem with it for no this this chick I was getting over to us she's Christ I liked her I liked her but I just sexually it was getting bored flying me but I liked her she was nice Corey's turn to open up here there's a shot again down again team it's like you'd never know when he's gonna shoot there's so many moments where he's opening up with strikes and then we wonder what the game plan is just keep taking them down not entertain the boxing well I mean boxing is a dangerous thing when you're duking it out with font font can crash yeah short notice and I think it's also like throwing all this other stuff at him like hitting him with everything you got including the takedowns and if he can get on top of him like he's been doing for these rounds I mean here we are in the third he's done it every round and he could also while he's back on his feet use the threat of the takedown to land some shots standing yeah you know the guy's like hesitating and then boom you crack him that's where the name clearly he is scoring damage on the ground it's not like this is just takedown so he's winning these rounds big time and also it once they're back on their feet if he's down like three rounds he's gonna take more chances standing open himself up to hmm yes so it's everything is just like right perfect game plan just grind them out I'm sure Cory was doing a ton of wrestling get ready for Umar yes for sure I mean his wrestling look good very good I would think okay this guy wrestled at least in high school Rob's not known for his right he's just like a right there another arm trunks right over everything he just does everything right there I'm trying there he goes he's going for it he should you got a force that he still got an underjack he should have went right to chopping block he had it he was thinking about it but he's also draining them right beating him up and he's winning the role big elbow he's training them look at that train on two-week notice so it's smart trying to get him out there the fourth or fifth round and then Cory be in line for a title shot after this nice to use the body there yeah I mean he has to be in line for a shot especially if sugar Sean wins yeah he beat Cheeto now he's beat Rob Fond hmm well hasn't beat him yet true weird shit happens true he landed on his left forearm I think you could give core the sterling fight if sterling if sterling wanted to stay at this weight class at 35 got a step over that you could you can give him that rematch try to redeem himself yeah there's a lot of arguments for him at this weight class oh now what is going on with Henry Henry has a blown out shoulder yeah because you're supposed to fight Cheeto now Cheetos fighting Pedro Munoz on that aljo sterling that's right that's a good fight too I'd like to see him try to pass more he's got the underhook on the right side he could easily take that right knee go over the stomach and slice to dudes right side easily right there because he got that underhook with the right arm boom but he feels comfortable right here he feels like I'm winning why even take a chance and he's landing shots yeah he's slowly breaking down and he must be feeling Rob get exhausted I mean Rob is that has to be the game plan then get him out on the feet me just a big-ass deep breath this is a fucking exhaust arm trying to right there again bone he's got a kimura pulled it out this time yeah sweaty now damn damn nasty elbow just wearing him out he looks good smart you find a guy in short notice yes very you've been training at a high level for Umar racing your ass off in Colorado yeah and this is it shows another level of his game mm-hmm yeah he's gonna have to win like this oh he got up look at that look at that course you start opening up I bet flying knee what happened there he's gave me thumbs up he must have hit him in the nuts or something court doesn't look tired at all either man no his cardio who got hit in the nuts earlier Diego Lopez and how did he win I forgot Darce do you remember our bar remember bar you haven't seen him tap took that crazy trying to try to learn by that's right so we're going to the fourth yeah this fourth already yeah it's headed into the championship rounds yeah this is timed perfectly we'll go we'll slide right out of this right into Nate Diaz I can't wait perfect perfect because they have to do the walkout shit yes man knows what they're doing something forever yeah the box it takes forever to walk out how about Crawford walking out with Eminem crazy and you know how it happened on fucking Instagram he's a I don't have a way to walk I'd love a big musician to walk out Eminem sees it he's on social media goes dude you're my favorite fighter I'll do it didn't charge him or nothing that's a man walked out with an Eminem bro the eight mile song oh shit was he rapping is a special talent do you have a mic and come out and wreck he introduced him and then they played the eight-mile song over the big speaker I think that's the way to go because really guys rap can't hear shit sounds awful so Eminem was like the best fuck you know on the planet Terrence Crawford and they played a song that's pretty slick yeah it was dope the crowd Nashville fight night do that for a fight night fight night and that's here not a stack like 10,000 people at least did the UFC there's such a brand now they sell out everywhere they announce and even if it's like guys you don't know they're great fights like everybody in the UFC now is a fucking killer like the average guy we saw tonight could crush those first five UFC's oh it's just like that these guys they would there's dominate everybody well a little the little little guys would have trouble but if there's weight classes I even think the little guys would fuck up who look at that early UFC guys UFC too I think these guys are fuck all of them another takedown of course in hanging versus hoist Gracie fuck him up I love boys you know that I love boys he's a legend but he's not taking it's a different era it's a different era it's a different era yeah what's like if Babe Ruth tried hitting a fucking curveball of some fucking Dominican right now I hear there's a new there's a new Babe Ruth and baseball and he's Japanese Oh Tani Oh Tom Jules and hit home runs have you never seen huge I just heard about weeks ago really and you like baseball this month I know my son likes baseball I just I just pretend you know but I catch on to things Oh Tani's a mother fucker I'm trying to get into it though I'm like you know what these guys are fucking throwing a rock around as fast as they can they're trying to hit it they're trying to they're trying to beat I mean you could crack up I'm trying to like it I'm trying not to put pressure my son he has trouts next week and I took the summer off from touring every well does he he's seven okay yes try it like it's a competitive travel ball team yeah dude I have anxiety I'm like dude it's just for fun but real I'm like you know the dumbest thing they ever did with baseball well test for steroids what so true yeah they should have demanded steroids right but you know what's cool that they they should like like the Japanese they don't make oh you want to sign you need a gain weight I don't know get more muscle more muscle they'll tell you you you're 185 like no no I'm actually 172 walk around you're 185 and sin in you a told me in his contract it said we do not test for steroids this year I don't know they started this year but now they have a clock like you can't you got a pitch it makes the game go fast you can't you got a pitch with there's a pitch clock and if you don't pitch within 15 seconds at the ball yeah interesting I like that I like that makes the game so much better let's go 15 seconds a lot of time quick let's go pitch 15 seconds is ready here we go ready go it's making the game and so quick they had to extend how long they were selling alcohol it's fucking great we're like past the seventh inning so what's the average game length now with that two and a half hours that's perfect used to be like four hours yeah you're still on 15 seconds true that's 15 god dang it's a long that's a long I think if someone's on base it's 20 seconds right if someone's on base because you got to look the guy off and all that shit they give you like an extra five sector you know it's crazy about Bud Light last game I was at two I took my kiddos to the pot they love the pod they stay on a pod game and my girl wanted with a beer whatever and they they have that you know you order the alcohol on the list and it was like you know Modella $18 you know cores $18 but like 14 cents dude eight bucks it's half the price and the guy comes over I go hey man just a question have you why don't people order Bud Light have you sold any goes not one not one I go really you just put another can who gives a fuck is I don't know people don't buy isn't that wild it's crazy that is what we've never seen that happen to a brand before ever yeah they want that what do you score that lady with that fucking dumb idea she must be wake up at the middle of the night she's probably living in a tent in Austin yeah she's so doomed like no one's gonna take her on again she's probably opening for Brian Kelly this is hey now here's a good question here's a solid question here do you think Dana hates this fight because I bet he does why because it's just he wants exciting especially especially for Cory like finish doesn't he like to do no I'm with a nice finish someone yeah I'm with Dana this like for listen the core is my boy I'm known for fucking ever but you're gonna fight gun a two-week notice and you're looking for a title shot we can't have you just take the guy down and not look for finishes does not like a pass first he does not like unexciting fights you don't like it like if you've been watching ultimate fighter there's a close fight and Dan was like man hopefully he gets better in the finale cuz this is not what we want if you want to get to the UFC you gotta be exciting yeah that's why Dana white contender series if you're into fighting that's the most exciting fucking fight you're gonna see oh those Tuesday night fighter so good dude fuck off my fighter they don't like contender series those are guys fighting for a possibility of fighting the UFC a lot of them are but they have to be exciting like about the people that came off there Jamal Hill sugar Sean yeah oh nickel yeah like they're savages yeah well now with Jamal you've got a legit world champion it came out of there yeah legit world champion I mean he's injured now which sucks but but kudos to him for giving up his title yeah he's the best you know but that's also when Yuri did it like it's almost like he has to do it Prohaska did it that's how he got the title in the first place and I guess if they all start doing that that is really the right thing to do but you don't hold the division but a lot of guys are not gonna do that there's gonna a lot of fighters are probably like fuck you can kind of understand if you give that up yeah but if you give that up your contract changes right you worked your ass off to get there come back you fight for an interim title like maybe the UFC makes you a deal that you're gonna be fighting for the title and your contract remains when you come back well that's why I make manured said your Yuri verse Alex Pierre is gonna be for the title it's not an interim title there's you know when you left he was the champion so when he fights the titles on the line bro Alex if they do that fight oh good dude so what so I don't know what artists did it forgive me I forget the artist they made a poster where Yuri has his like war paint on Alex has his war paint on dude I was rock hard this shit is fire that fight would be amazing I wonder how hairy shoulder is because they said that was the worst shoulder injury the doctor for the UFC has ever seen because he happened he had a disinclated shoulder and then his guys training and his guys tried to put it back in and they yanked on it they tore it apart some meathead shit damn we did we did a combat jiu-jitsu open tournament in Mexico and like I mean there was six matches going on all combat it was an open dog like a regular jiu-jitsu tournament and this guy popped his shoulder out and this was Mexico we had like you know ambulance there and all that shit they took that guy shoulder in the mid his shoulder popped in the middle of a match and they took his shoulder put fucking foot on the hip and pulled that back back pulled it back in the guy continued the fight and won and then won his next match too oh my god is it well that's the trick in Mexico dude there's a trick there's no regulation stuff like you're like your Mel Gibson off lethal weapon if we would have did that here we would have a bunch of shot for a takedown I don't know about this no that's a bad idea you're down four rounds and shoot for a take that I guess he just thinks he's got to do something to Desperado course you get that neck Cordes Corey's guillotines Darcy's and Anacondas are filthy he has it right here Christian on a lot of Jay he got it right here what else do you want you got a good fun headlock I think he's not willing to take any chances like jumping guard or something like that I think he's just always going to play it safe when he's got a fight where he's four rounds in the bag already god that's not gonna get you the title shot yeah they just don't I well it's Dana right Dana wants everything to be very exciting but as a business owner and your Dana you've got to kind of understand it yeah but as a purist don't you want to see a guy be able to do whatever the fuck he can do correct if you can win like this he wins but why is the UFC the biggest baddest because they're the most entertaining fights but also the best fighters correct it's it's more about finding out who wins it's about entertainment you know we yeah we want to find out who's the better fighter and who's gonna win but we got they got to do it in an entertaining fashion I mean this is this is TV this is and you have to reward ESPN you have to reward it's not just about okay I'm gonna find out who's the better fighter who's gonna win well this is entertainment right this is certainly Corey's best chance for victory Beth path for victory obviously he's dominated every round but it's not you know he's not finishing him I mean maybe if he catches him look at it there it is looking for a dog he went for it he went for let's go kill it right here look he's got it he's got it right here oh that's right he had his left hand he's going for it though look there it is there it is it's over he got him he got him that's deep dog yeah Corey's that's deep he needs to get the light that's deep there he goes oh he's out fuck oh no there it is again he's got to hook that leg he's got to hook the leg Yeah he can't let him keep going he needs to keep the fucking leg oh he still got it he still got it he's still got it he's still got it he's still got it he got some oh he's gonna send you right there he got now right he got his leg why do you let the fuck right boom oh that should be it right there that should be it right there and all that shit we talked would go away if he gets this crawl that you just warm up he warm up he got it he got it he got to go he's losing his grip He's out. He's trying to know he's gone back. Ah At least he went for it he's gonna go again But wouldn't be nice if he did that earlier. He should have in my opinion. He should have went back to a vice grip and just Wore his neck out a little bit more just wear that neck out and then cinch it up later Again, that's triangle dog. This is 23 minutes plus into a fight Right. Yeah, I got in a two-week notice like if you want the title yet a fucking starch these dudes It makes you think like He had a fun had an opportunity to really train for this fight. Mm-hmm. You'd have more of a gas tank He'd have he doesn't look tired though. He doesn't look tired. I think he's just getting outworked He certainly is but I mean you gotta imagine he'd be in better shape if he didn't have a two-week notice I don't know if you'd have an answer for the wrestling but He's Grimace in here. Look at him. He's trying so hard Course try and get them out. He's got to get over that right knee Court like the Rob's doing a good job kind of just sitting in that pocket. Mm-hmm A lot of guys like that half guard to control because I can hang on to that leg. Yeah, you have way more control Yeah, but the mount is the best. He's moving into a man. I to get there I Recovering well man Rob's doing a real good job of getting guard again so greasy right now Oh my god, even throwing up a triangle at this point The grease on the legs agrees on the back and arms and shoulders just like it's hard to do anything because so greasy It's not just get oh look at that. Oh, look at that. Oh keep pulling on that arm. Keep pulling that. Oh It's not just wet. It's actual Vaseline to your face. Yeah, that's the thing that the people don't understand There's no this MMA. There's no need to put the same boxing There's no need to put Vaseline on your face because that shit gets everywhere the Vaseline gets everywhere It doesn't stay on the eyes. It gets all over the place soon as guys start scrapping. Yeah. Yeah There's Vaseline ever like why are you putting Vaseline on their face? It's not boxing and it's smears. Yeah, it's it's so unnecessary Is the crowd booing? Are they booing? Mm-hmm. Oh, that was the you know what he went for a dude he went for it In the final round yeah, yeah And look if you just want to secure the victory he definitely did the best path to stay can you damage? All right, let's switch over. Yeah, let's switch over to the DS fight Let's shit Go let's go I got a p2 Talk about Okay, okay. Okay. What house 9-11? All right Okay, you know what I'll add or I when I come on Jerry I try to keep the conspiracy Hey, he's still minimum. I tried to because you just they're just like I don't know I talk all my shit on my podcast look into it on Rock fin go to rocks and it's also available on Apple podcast First 50 episodes are free. I talked mad shit on my podcast So when I go on other people's podcast like I'll do music podcasts. I won't bring up any conspiracy There's a talk all music the whole way through or jujitsu the whole way through I like the one podcast where I'm not captain fucking conspiracy, but on my part, but on my podcast I mean even on my podcast. I just did an episode the new one that came out Friday with With Scott Kirkland from the crystal method. He's EDM fucking God and all we did was talk about music Do we got because he he came from the metal era and he was a metalhead. I was metalhead He got into EDM. I got into EDM. So I love doing shit like that You know, I mean we could go into fucking what do you want to go into chemtrails? I want to do some chemtrails. What why do you think? Like with the hunter Biden files like all the tape stuff and they suppressed all that right and then you get the submarine Right, they leaked the submarine and they knew they died but leaked it five days out Did anybody did anybody like like the submarine thing was taking from here job We're talking about her body the submarine thing before we do the submarine thing Jamie We do me a favor and show me the picture of Chris Liebens face because I Chris Liebens like a horror movie horrible cut Okay, yeah, I just want to show you this cut cuz it's crazy It's not elbows. This is just knuckles and it's a giant gashed on the middle of his head Did you find it? Okay, here it is. Look at that. Look at that. Yeah Damn dude That is a crazy cut that's a car accident. It's like four inches like it went through a windshield Damn, I like that. That's what I want to well, there's a lot, you know, those guys get a lot of scar tissue Lot of scar tissue Okay, some right. What about the submarine? Uh, I don't really give a fuck about this. I mean, I just thought it was like a total distraction I'm like it's not a distraction. It's a guy who had hubris that they Had 18 different engineers, I think a lot of people but over a course of a long period of time telling him the design is flawed It they that he didn't tell the truth about it being tolerant up to you know However many thousand feet they had to go down that it was only set up for like 1,500 feet They there was a lot about that that was fucked up that was like documented in advance and this guy was making a lot of money Getting people this $250,000 a ticket man to get in that fucking thing and go to the bottom of the ocean Yeah, but when that shit all went down, I'm trying to find the screenshot right now Dude, you know when you turn on your phone your iPhone and you look at the news You know all that shit propaganda like So when you during the height of all that dude ever like here it is Here it is. This is the top stories Okay, Los Angeles Times five aboard Titanic tourists submarine are dead after catastrophic implosion CBS News Want to know about the five passengers who were on the Titanic sub trending Fox News missing Titanic submarine found killed in deep sea Catastrophe Coast Guard says BuzzFeed the man was supposed to be on the missing It was like dude what though every news outlet at once right? This is called, but you know why? Because their business is getting people to pay attention to their website or their show and the best way is what are people interested in? disasters people love a disaster, okay, especially people in a fucking submarine that Decide they want to go to the some crazy remote controlled submarine with a logic tech controller now now did was that the like? Do they do that like every day and they did a hundred times. They've done it a hundred times. Yes, okay So they've done a lot yeah, but it had problems There there would one one problem one time when they lost contact for like two hours With the ship like it has to be the ship has to be right above it. It's sketchy It's it's not attached to a cord if they can't pull it back up. Why wouldn't it be attached to a cord bro It's so many bad design flaws so many of them. There's all these engineers that talk the guys quit because they were like fuck this thing They're like you're you this is a recipe for disaster. There's a dude from the Lem remember. What was his name the guy? The the moon lander the remember that guy put a lemon on Grissom or something like that something gristian yes, he was complaining goes dude this shit's not going anywhere And they go you know we gotta kill this That's okay. He died launching. He was the one complaining about fans like thought that that they killed him Yeah What's Francis talking about? He's talking about the Tyson Fury fight. I'm sure I can't wait dude And that's two weeks before John Jones or steep a do you think he has I mean that term a punches chance Does that even apply as someone who's as skillful as Tyson Fury? I think so I listen I'll say here's a better chance and Connor did beat employed because he has that one Knock one chance knock out power like that. I don't give a fuck who yeah that uppercut lands It's get lights out game over if he does Connor doesn't have real reckless and catches him against the ropes and just wings Hey, and I don't think he sits back and like tries to outbox him no in Tyson's Coaching him you know so I think he goes bald like Tyson go for it I think but yeah the metal like he did against fucking uh what's his fucking Your roses yes, he's like Homer Simpson, huh? And he just head up in the air just swing that's his only chance To be sits back and he's calculating gets in his head. He's gonna get picked apart Well, it's Jake Paul's doing interviews before the fight. That's kind of crazy do that in boxing. I loved up They do in box that seems like a distraction horrible idea I don't like it at all they had me do it with Logan before he fought Floyd I'm like god. I really know the fighter. This is a night now But what I guess he just wants as much hype as possible and also the probably the timeline They want to make sure that's done UFC is over but also Jake and then like they're the this pressure is nothing like they grew up in front of cameras So this is they're used to this shit. Well. He's also had seven pro fights now You know and he's been real fucking successful One loss to Tommy Fury who's a legit pro boxer We kind of have that dick like Brock Lesnar does on his chest on His is way better Brock's Brock that guy was fucking with him. His is like a sword with like what's it in a heart? What is that sword hard to see what's going on a lot a lot happening there? Damn how's it gonna be brought to you by Celsius and his brother has a fucking energy. What is Celsius an energy drink visit Well that I guess his brother didn't come with that prime check son true Celsius brand partner So it's just like a knockoff of f3 the energy drink But yeah, I must came with a check. I'm a kill-click guy It is good veteran. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's the best man. This stuff's the shit This is one that I developed this flamey Joe the spicy pineapple. I worked for like we had like Eight or nine versions of this I think at least seven. I remember definitely seven versions We kept like tweaking it tweaking it. How'd you land on pineapple? I love spicy pineapple Pineapple fan. I'm a pilot. I just thought it would be a cool Unique soda, you know and the other one we came up with me and Cam Haynes came up with one That's a spicy cherry called elk blood. It's delicious. Oh, it's out. Yeah Yeah, no, I want to hear more conspiracies Eddie. Let's go You know what fuck the submarine bags the submarine not in the hunter Biden stuff though What's not the Biden stuff is interesting UFOs UFOs? It's project blue. We used to be all in on you I was a you have a dude. I was the UFO. Is there ice? Those those ball ices are awesome. It's more ice. Yes Mars. We'll get some Mars. I got more whiskey here Do you remember when? You and I first got in his acoriah situation. Oh, yeah Oh, yeah You know, you know I got into it, you know, you know I remember how he got into because remember Gina the girl I used to make music with yes She was like, you know, she was you know at some party and she we were working on some music Because last night this guy told me about there's this guy who who wrote about some Transcripts or some something like that and he said he was telling me that that were created by Aliens to mine gold and I remember like what she goes. Yeah, he was telling me about this go What's his name? His name was like Jody because of my friend Jody was telling me about this guy and I'm like Can you call him call him up and because it made sense to me like I wait a minute We were we were created as slaves to mine gold for this other planet I was all balls deep in the UFOs. So I called this motherfucker. I go Do you remember when you were telling Gina and goes? Yeah, there's this guy named Zacharias sitchin look him up He wrote a book called the 12th planet and I'm like, okay, so boom got into it. I'm like, oh shit I do I believe that shit. They got me hook line and sinker man, but um, yeah, you know And then so Eddie do you think that they do you believe that whistleblower like he's actually seen the I believe a lot of the people that see UFOs really believe they see it and they just get set up I think they're just but they're not seeing UFOs. They're seeing like there's a drone All the grams drones some high-level shit. They're pushing it so hard. It's so obvious. That's so fucking Pushing it. It's so I go mainstream. I'm like what's going on here? And then at the same time the Biden crime family shit's coming out not all that shit where they said really Rudy Giuliani was Fucking crazy. Yeah, he's a crackpot. They do two three years ago They made him look like a fucking crackpot and all he was doing was I got the laptop right here We got it all right here and the scariest part was they got 51 intelligence officers to sign off on it Scary scary scary you had 51 guys bullshit. Yeah. Oh my god. They knew scary They knew that it was legit in 2019 dude scary. That's very sure have you looked up and left with scary is no one is Facing any repercussions zero. He got a slap. What about all those guys? Not just him I'm talking about the people who told everyone that it was Russians. Oh, they suffer no constant You know what they stick with it though cuz they're saying that that the justice system is corrupt by saying that it's not yeah They go all their lines. So it's just a lot of confusion. Thank you Jamie, dude I went to the website where they released all his pictures and shit that boy a wild boy. He looks like a good time I gotta be honest I'll get some more I want the ball too, but I love you and you're talking. I owe you I know you conspiracies best the best in the world. I'm not dude. I Don't give it my mouth shut when 51 intelligence officers Say it's Russian disinformation when it's not in the new it facts scary What kind of country are we living in and all the shit they're throwing at Trump? You're trying to get rid of that motherfucker I'm keeping my mouth shut No, I'm just saying what's already out there Dude, I'm just saying what's already out there dog. You know what I mean? I'm not trying to get fucking killed. I'm good I got him. I got let me get some of that Isn't that crazy dude bow Cole they could do that could have got they could have got Still bourbon, dude, they could have got pen guys to sign off on and that would have been a lot Oh, I they went 50 cuz they know they know if they get 50 It's gonna be no doubt. Everyone's gonna believe that shit, right? And they stick with it even today the mainstream media. They still stick with it Let me ask you this why do they still keep singing the national anthem in a boxing fight cuz that shit takes so much time I'm so glad the UFC doesn't do that. We know where we are. We love America. We gotta be proud Yeah, I used to think you do get I used to be annoyed by you know national anthem and all that but now after all this bullshit We've been through I'm like dude. I'm fuck dude. I'm up there in the baseball The beginning of the night before the first fight one time yeah, yeah before the first fight before the first fight Yeah, get out of the way if you come early you get to be patriotic don't be a piece of shit dog You're wearing it dog. We did it. We did it do it. We're here You were once the fight start keep the fights flow with you have these tough cuz you play all everybody's national anthem If Connors the main event you got a yes, you have to remember Sanito Connors saying yeah, she didn't sing the national anthem But he is he is the rest in peace. Here's the other thing some of those dudes get so crafty Got them with the singing. Oh You see It should be the same guy like Oh, dude, oh that shit Wow didnates 38 Damn this is gonna be crazy dog. This is gonna be crazy Whatever happens it's gonna be crazy the only thing that would suck is if it's a super boring fight and nothing happened Then it goes a decision. It doesn't do that. Oh, he doesn't do easy zit dillian white. They pulled out a fight August 15th It's just it's a two weeks from now dealing white holdout tested positive steroids Who's testing someone? It's Vada Fight D'Anthony Joshua huge fight huge heavyweight fight and now the fights off and that fight is two weeks away You know what boxing's got down they got they know that that's a good move right there You know what I mean the eye candy, you know, they get they get it. They get it Yeah, why don't they girls stand behind Bruce buffer? They do in the wins home during the way and Separate ones only when he's announcing called buffers beauties You what about He comes out so here you're gonna show damn that was the Jake Paul highlight I'm so excited for this for some reason. Hell. Yeah, where's the smell and salt this historic? You like it, you know, I'm a weird here we go Here we go Not putting your house supposed to do more than once a day either. Well, let's go. No, it's gonna happen I've done it multiple times a day Yeah, can't leave you alone Forget it. No, it's so good. I love it. I fucking love it. What does this smell like shit? No, I've yet to describe it freedom smells like freedom smells like fucking freedom Oh Yeah, it smells rotten. Yeah, it's like a like something wrong. Yeah, like a model Watch how much better you are? Oh my god, everything's focused I'm gonna get the name of that. I'm gonna start fucking get Mufus I think it's called Guys like to compare I've got some other brands back here We got some other brands at the studio or at the club brother It's not not nearly strong that guy's shit is insane Insane right you just had a baby sniff dude and Brian Simpson got that shit under his nose They want like this anyway It just took his head set off and ran out of the room. I feel like I could do that. I'm good with it So Jake goes into the ring early. That's interesting. You went to the room ring first Yeah, show respect. Damn. He spots by Travis Scott Jordan. I know you guys don't give a fuck Oh, you got some lit kicks on to the shoe surgeon specialty delivered today That's my boy Dominic See in boxing, you know Vaseline on the face totally makes sense makes all the sense. Yeah Get your tits out of our face. I think that's their job, dude What's fans Lee? Is that a new kind of only fans? It's not new but same thing Oh really? I didn't know about until I saw these lovely ladies the marketing now. I'm intrigued me too. Are they on it? I Would have yeah, if they're not they should they should be yes Do you it seems like little by little? More and more people are figuring out how to make money just on the internet Oh, yeah, and then they're exchanging money on taking out the middleman Internet everything's internet and getting rid of the corporations and the big structure and you go Yeah, just streamline you guys are just sharing money with you're like I'm gonna pay for your service with internet You other people gonna pay for my service. This is interesting with the Diaz highlights He's they're not showing any of his UFC. They can't they can't the rights good But you don't think like Dana would fucking rent out the rights. Give me some money Nah, I Bet Dana was like fuck I guess Don. I mean, it's just him throwing punches and flexing and smoking weed Oh damn is e40 with them e40 look at thick Except full shankos Versace soup Look at him. He's got the full shankos Shane rock that. Yeah, he rocked it the UFC hilarious What that orange sir the Versace suit in the back and over the yellow. Yeah, Shane Gillis. I wouldn't just like it. I Like it it looks like you're on vacation. I like shirt I like a Hawaiian shirt you do looks like I'm on vacation. I like the matching shorts I'm gonna start wearing one shirts. You could pull it off. I think I should I Bought one my wife's like what the fuck is this? You know, it's weird. It's got octopus Dope, it's dope. I like it next match. You're an unnecessary. Yeah, if you go Versace, but you can't go Yeah, you can't you can get some I better get a maid and my flamingo short nice dude next campaign We should all rock them. Yeah, why not? I like a Hawaiian shirt. I'm a star. It's like I'm here drinking my ties and just chillin You're a good time. I'm having a good time. I'm a good time. I'm a vacation Yeah, if you have like a Hawaiian shirt on you're not somber you're not stressed Yeah, yeah fucking vacation, bro. I bet it like elevates your mood a little bit just having a Hawaiian shirt on I'd be happier right now. That's crazy. It's like you see you see him and his brother They're so into cardio and 10 speeding. They got the 10-speed helmet. They're fucking jogging They're swimming but they both have like that that gangster cholo mentality, you know what I mean? Cholos on 10 speeds You guys ever you ever watched that those cholo cartoons called flip landia Dude, they got Sesame Street Everybody's a cholo on Sesame Street big bird is the is a big bajaro That's funny. He's the main motherfucker in prison in these yoke big bird Dude, go do this sess body of sesam. Oh, these guys are cholos dude. It's a group Dude, they're like a 20-part series. It's dude. There's killing there's fucking drive-by drive-by's and it's all Sesame Street Lambia Hilarious I think rampage actually Dude big bajaro dude, yo, all he does is pull up some fucking prison Dude they're killing people there's like drive-by's and everything Rana is a froggy or what's his name Kermit the Frog? Yeah, they fucking ace them and they found him in a fucking dumpster and they're trying to figure out who killed them And then they find out that that Nestle, oh dude, I'm addicted to it. There's like 20 parts. It's amazing cholo Cartoons, dog is the future. That's the future I Mean cholo fit is the ultimate cholo that guy's back cholo fit is the ultimate cholo, but this cartoon is fucking brilliant Gun to your head they're not doing they're not which one. I'll take the guy in the suit. Yeah I Just got your head. They not doing a national anthem They're not doing national anthem beautiful. Yeah, they took two notes. Maybe they already did it look Oh that place is back in Dallas though. You figured they'd do it. Oh Fuck you love Dallas Shane is there actually this is going down, Don. I'll be my like a fantasy fight that actually happening Bro, who was was that Shane with the Versace shoot suit on and Nate's no that's his camera guy. Yeah I thought Shane would be there, but he might have been at the Phillies game tonight. I thought he said he was going I thought he did too Nate might have got mad at him for making jokes about him. Oh, is he making jokes on the impression of Nate? It's a man's Russians are fucking he does an impression of Nate what he was having the press conference of Conor McGregor Do you just try to get great naysh trump is trump is flawless yeah, Jamie Foxx is Trump is probably the best though Yeah, right Jamie Foxx. I don't know Shane's watch is special to and then Shane's fucking Jesse Ventura No, I think that's Will Ferrell or will you or Jean? No, no Shane Gillis does fucking Jesse Ventura does he? Oh my god, you haven't seen that well, I could do Jesse Ventura, dude. He's so good at that's pretty good That's fucking good. You live in Baja Smoke marijuana, that's pretty worry about the government. I Was a navy shield That's really good, but Shane Gillis is a million if I listen to him if I listen to him I could do it perfect Yeah, it's all for me. It's just about whether or not I can make that sound yeah Yeah, because like some sounds like the Trump sound I can't that sound doesn't come out on my mouth a good Obama I've heard you do Obama before it's not that difficult Yeah, that's pretty good thing about Obama It's the pacing. It's a pacing. Yeah, it's the way we talk Yeah, you got the best Joey Diaz though by far. That's for sure. I could do a good Joe Joey Diaz running for president I could do Mike imagine Joey Diaz debating Donald Trump Listen cocksucker Alright, here it is. Here it is boys. Here it is. This is about so intrigued by this man. Oh Oh Shit whoo I feel like there's so much pressure on Nate. What's a lot of pressure on Jake too, man Yeah, if he loses if he gets knocked out it's gonna get tough for opponents He just lost his last fight the KSI fights always there, but as far as getting legit boxers me a lot of pressure on him both guys He doesn't have a belly. So maybe he isn't great shit It's just hard to tell because he's 185, you know what I mean? Yeah, we'll see Nate's never ripped God look what Jake Paul has fucking built man. It's very impressive I mean, he's literally one of the biggest names if not the biggest in boxing right now, which is crazy Because he's clearly not the best boxer is seven bites, but he has a chance man I'm telling you if you didn't know this guy was a youtuber and he saw him starch and all these MMA guys He like this guy's a fucking contender in in like legit boxing Yeah, if you saw him coming up if you didn't know who he was. Yeah, you would say wow this this kid's crazy This tattooed up wild boy. Yeah, he's crazy He knocks out everybody knocks out former UFC champions like Tyron Woodley means very impressive It's just people dismiss him because he's a youtuber because there's a Disney star, but Cardi B. Oh Oh, he's wearing a jam. He's doing shots. He's throwing heat dog damn Damn damn. Oh, he caught on the left foot. I don't like what I'm seeing. Oh, he caught him on another left foot I don't like what I'm seeing damn. He's gone. He's made or Jake's fucking them up. They can take a beating Oh, they can take yeah, but I'm gonna throw something that he's got good movement man. He's moving good You're saying Jake's moving good. Yes. Yes He's moving in and out moving side to side hurt his eye there looks like he's stunned dude He's not doing anything I Think he might be trying to feel him out All the first three rounds if he needs to get by these three Come on Nate boy Jake it but Jake he's never fought like this either and and and the guy, you know Stick around right Nate's a motherfucker and and he is like hitting the gas early big time But he looks in phenomenal shape He's already cut he's already cut over his right eye. I don't like the way Nate's like luncheon in either man. No that right hands there Mm-hmm Nate style of boxing is probably better with little gloves right because he's he doesn't Load up. He looks like he's overextending right now. Oh Shit Jake's just a lot quicker and he hits hard. Yes, but he's a bigger guy man But we're actually bigger guy. Yeah more explosive But what's Jake gonna look like if this go the fourth round right? You gotta ask and can Nate last that long What is that cut on Nate's eye? How bad is I gonna get here comes Nate? Maybe it woke him up Well, the thing is it Nate can fucking fight at this pace forever like literally to the end of time He doesn't get tired, but it's just can he even get Nate's get Jake's respect? Look Jake's going down Yeah, he does look tired Jake slowing down too though It's a big round for Jake Big round. It's weird. Nate's raising his hands But maybe this is the plan Wear them out. Yeah, I mean like let him let him swing How bad is that cut let him get his nut off this first three rounds stick around and take over in the fourth fifth six Cuts on that bad. No, no at all But it's only the first round that shit's gonna swell and it might open up. Yeah, it's got so much scar tissue, man It's just does he have the pop To get some respect, you know Seem like he really landed anything significant And when I did use reaching overextended feet off the ground, he could be pacing himself. Yep. Hopefully that hopefully Yep, or he could be getting overwhelmed and just surviving. I got a dog. She got a fucking wagon Bro, her shorts are camped up there And I mean that with our Tucked away like a fine housekeeper Does your bed Tucked in there. It's crazy. It's like, you know, what's in like yoga pants that actually go up the ass now That's like a new thing. They have to Oh Jake look at that Nate just put his hands up and ran forward Snuckle is so big on Instagram right now. Oh my girls were there they get mad at the gym. Like what are you staring? I know it's not gross. That's such a gross ploy for attention Have you noticed on Instagram the girls that are wearing dresses with no underwear and then they're sitting behind a light and you could see showing that no like dude Motorcycle crash I'm on that motorcycle crash fucking animal attack. It's crazy. Although show up in my my search feed If I look under discover, it's just horrific And He's holding Man is Nate warming up now. Yeah, that's how it looks like. It looks like he's starting to go look good uppercuts He's throwing shit now. Oh Yeah, Jake's not Look at those little short hooks It's sometimes it seems like his arms are so long he can't like oh Shit he's talking shit Yeah, Jake it might have blew his one a little bit too much He definitely emptied the gas tank a little bit in that first round it's turning around that shows his in experience Nate's woken up now. Look at he's he's one eight knew that first round as you come out like a banshee. Oh Look at that. Oh shit Jake's taking big man coming back Oh Good job by Jake's He's so awkward to look his style. He'll just like put his hands up and run at ya Hey Jake Nate Nate like see what he does that he puts his hands up sometimes just charges forward good body shot Oh Yeah, but he's kind of catching a lot of these on the glass. Oh That was hard right there Oh came back with a left hand smiled at him Damn Nate these boys are scrap it's come back. Oh Oh Shit, what is Nate's best punch? His heart looks hooks like right and left But he's a solid puncher man is straight left Lee rock me on Edwards. Remember that? Yeah, it's nasty, but definitely his hooks But it's also a loopy hook patience, you know He can do this a long time and he's gonna do this for time rounds Yeah, and he's not gonna his legs kicked which is a big factor every fight. He's in he's getting leg kicked You'd probably give Nate this round, right? He's on it dude Nate's coming back and he's talking shit. Look. Oh And Jake did not like that. He's got a look at concern. He does. That's a look at concern like oh shit This guy's here. We're in only the second big deep breaths eight more to go and Nate probably just won that round It's one one Yeah, yeah, I think he won that round One punch one solid Nate definitely won that round. Yeah, it's one Nate landed like at least ten good punches I just want to be honest about the fact that we're barely paying attention We're talking about the sheets tucked into a fucking I think it's more snuggle. Yeah, moo snuggle is a wild thing man Dudes don't have an equivalent No girls are talking about the dudes That guy shirt Good-looking so jeans get passed on For some reason they needed like he must be a YouTube influence. Yeah, we're just he looked like Matt Rife. Yeah, here we go See that oh, I got a cup I Jake very good uppercut but that's so awkward that he does that it's very awkward I guarantee Jake didn't see that in camp. Oh Good uppercut by goo But that close distance favors Nate if we're gonna fight at that distance It's Jake's got a white and black glove. That's yeah, that's not normal, right? No, he's being crafty. Oh That's a good right hand over the guard around the guard that folk over the top remember though Nate did knock Anderson down in the Eighth so his power still Jake did Jake. Yeah. Yeah. Oh He's got power man. No doubt But Nate just doesn't stop coming that's the difference Jake hasn't fought someone like this Hmm, why does it look like Jake is frustrated because it looks like yes, did you get the bet through Jamie? You were gonna bet who we gonna bet Nate. I told him it's not a bad bet on Nate. Oh Whoo, we just stung him with a left hand. He's a big underdog. So Here's a plus 375 Is a plus 375 my brother said the better lines were closed like two hours before the line wasn't there anymore. Oh Who Yeah, Nate Jake has to deal with that non-stop onslaught. It's exhausting So she with at his experience level and that cardio which is off the charts. He doesn't fade Matt No, he'll do this for ten rounds, especially when he's just throwing hands and And his pacing it's like he doesn't throw all his power in his punches and even in MMA No one really wanted to take him down, you know It was a guy's guard is so good that they were they were like forced to stand with him and he was like, okay cool It was also I'll be people were clowning Nate his footage from his fight camp. He's fight fit Spar the guys 30 and one like a former champ and one's like Nate looks slow. I'm like, that's not what I see. Oh Yeah, he turned his head away on that one. Yep He does roll good at watches. Yeah Jake doesn't seem to be breathing too hard But the fact that this isn't bothering Nate at all and then he's still on and no matter what Jake does It's got to be discouraging. Yeah, oh We landed four punches right there. He did. They weren't that hard but dude, they add up the yeah Oh and Nate's fucking around. Oh good job I mean these boys are putting on a show though. You got to give it to him Just keeps coming forward but just keeps coming forward dude, boom he never goes back No, it's a lot of he goes back like for a little bit But he just keeps coming forward he Jake needs to land a big shot to get him quit just coming forward He hasn't got his respect yet. That's probably another round for Nate. I don't know about that I think jana punch Jake was landing the bigger shots in that round That was a tough one to score cut didn't get worse Now he's warmed up this is what the fourth round third and now He lost the first Coming up. Yeah fourth coming up with this gets interesting man Because you know he's putting up Jake's putting a lot of volume here and oh, that's a nice uppercut But Nate landed like four punches in a row. They're just not that devastating Boom that was probably the best punch of the night by far and good slip there. Oh if he would have aimed for the head right there And Jake looks alright dancing He was corner told him to just sort of box him a little bit. Yeah, I'm trying to slug it out Yeah, yeah first round he went take some of the pop off just land land shots there. He goes What Nate can't what Nate can't do is stay on his back foot and just back up There you go there you go I Swell up a little now It was nice left hook Jake has to catch him coming in like that big over him right yeah I mean he's just too slow to be in the outside. He's got to get right there I only gets right there. He just starts to try to maul him yep He's Laying shots though man Jake or natives Natives yeah There's just not devastating. I know But 10 this could get very interesting Yeah, I'm curious what Jake's gonna look like in the 7 8 9 oh Oh good check hook by Jake there The crowd standing for who Jamie who has ever fought like Nate Diaz. It's such a strange style with a good right hand ooh Cut it's such an odd style right Mean looping punches coming from weird angles just jumping on top of you yeah and weird Spots where he's throwing the punches like like he gets in and he just he gets in and then backs up and throws Hooks it just stays in the pocket Yeah, Nate is coming man Jake just looked at the clock. That's usually never good both guys landed a good uppercut there Yeah, it's never good when you look at the clock nope who's looking at the clock Jake did damn He just landed three punches right there Dude, he lands is all all those little pitter-pat punches add up and then he throws a powerful Yeah, well mm-hmm. He gets the guy used to it. You know and then boom That was a good flurry for him Little pitter-pat litter pitter pitter patent and boom predates best round Oh He got clipped right there though But that volume is crazy look at this If you're the judge are you scoring on the volume of the punches the power punches? Oh good body shot some nates are power punches to yeah, Jake's moving away from here Yeah, just look at that on the inside. He just does this shit. Yeah, I Want to see why are we showing people in the audience during the middle of a fucking fight the last ten seconds? Yeah, but show us that the round ends. I'll just pull away while they're still swinging. I love people me too Hmm very interesting Yeah, we got very they cut away from the fight for the last 30 seconds now, okay, they're getting ready for this interview, okay I Love the gray hair is in now like fuck yeah fuck yeah But it's only in if it's voluntary And after a while, then it's gonna be like you yeah, you could just admit. It's voluntary you just say just tell people When people start wearing great gray wigs oh my god. I'm Steve Martin does look at that that chicks 19 and It's like storm Yeah, it's very stormy X-men. Yeah here we go Yeah, Nate's in shape man This gets interesting right cuz we're not even Not quite halfway there yet Oh What's so funny Jamie What's Connor say? You know he's just firing off right now trying to get in the middle of it Nate's or Jake's I'm a ton of success now. He's pretending he's tired. Yep. He's being a man I Contweeted fuck this sweetie. What's up? That's funny Okay You thought it was a lot for me. Yeah me too You gotta be there yeah Hmm I love that hardy's on the oh Shit he Could be over though. He's hurt. It could be over non-emacal fast. I don't know about that son He's ever been knocked down before yeah, Josh Thompson. Yeah, but he got rocked. That rock by Leon. He got legitimately rocked there Come on Jake slow down Bubba. Oh Try and get him out of there This work Oh You might get tired oh shit, oh shit. Oh Jake's hurt. I'm sorry. Yeah Nate's hurt Don't stop this shit Early stoppage bullshit. Hey, hold on to him clinch him He's not really bleeding. I think he recovered. I think he's good. Yep Think he's good. Yeah yourself a real cock fight here. Oh, what's he doing? Oh good body shot Jake's being smart for a young fighter not rushing in like a dumbass For only seven fights Joe. Yeah. No, he's smart. Yeah, man. It's impressive good, man He won this round big time ten eight That's an interesting thing about boxing right? Oh, look at that. Look at that. Look at this dude Look, he's always he holding on to him cuz he got clipped a couple times Damn that ref has a ponytail. He might be tired. Look at him throwing all that shit What is he doing fucking rough? He's waiting for the bill. Oh Nature's talking to you. That's a ten eight round I thought he's gonna follow the fucking ring. Yeah, it looks like it. It was done. Yeah, I agree And what that was the sixth round it's impressive by Jake to knock them down six Let's see the replay kids. He's just yeah, where the fuck there goes He's just yeah, where the fuck there goes Boom top of the head there is the left hook to the temple. That's a lot of power. Look at him Almost goes through the ropes Bernard Hopkins style Oh Solid shot great shot. Is it an off-balance thing? No fucked up His equilibrium with that shot to the temple Oh, you almost went through the ropes after he grabbed his hands. See that stumble. Yep, like that only happens if your shit's not working, right? That gave Jake some energy sixth round So that was the fifth yep interesting so we're at the halfway point Oh Damn oh, oh Jake's having success with that left hook Yeah, Jake's significantly better Yeah, he looks crisper. Yeah, he does but that looks good right there. Oh shit Oh Oh Yeah, cuz man I think we're there we do eight rounds before and then Nate was like, let's go 12 And then Jake was alright, let's go 12 and then Nate's like nah do 10 Interesting limit 10 rounds Wonder why he decided to go back down the day. I don't know you think 12 would be his advantage Seems like he's turning it around a little bit. Oh Damn He just hits fucking hard. He's just such a zombie. He keeps marching forward No matter what be a big lunatic experience for Jake if he gets through this Cuz usually when he drops guys they stop Who The uppercuts there Oh That Jake's check left hooks his best shot in this fight That's Nate's coming in and it doesn't seem like Jake Paul's getting tired. It seems like good right hand by Diaz Yeah, I was a great right now Jake seems like you get up maybe I Don't know dude. He looks like he's getting tired. You think so? Yeah, I think a little time I think he looked like that in the second round and I thought he was getting tired He maybe just always looks like he also has some redness on his eye He's in great shape no matter what so even with this pace even if he's breathing heavy He can still go hard. I mean he said he was doing like 15 rounds of sparring in an oven Yeah, so I think they're just cranking up the heat. It's just this is like Nate's fucking style. Yeah This is all Nate does That's interesting because Nate might have won that round Yeah, he lost the what fifth ten eight. Mm-hmm. He's probably done a round or two. Yes. Yeah But what's interesting is that Nate's still there So like how much does Jake have left in the tank? How tired is he now? I'm the only case study we have is when Jake fought in and Silva That was such a different kind of fight for sure for sure. It was more Jake attacking. Yeah And now he's on his back foot this whole fucking fight Jake's been more active this fight way more than Tommy Furry fight Tommy Furry fight was dog shit Yeah, Jake's breathing hard he's rightfully so but I think he's in fucking good shape well, he's definitely in good shape So he'll be able to do this The question is will Nate be able to stay stuck to him. Uh-huh and really keep putting it on him Great forget officials are like, you know how they do the unofficial scorecard. Yeah great Like Hardy's unofficial scorecard I mean Harold Letterman. Yeah. Yeah All right Who doesn't know Dean Thomas for the UFC? Yeah. No, he doesn't do that He doesn't give it on official after you stop doing it. Nobody did it. Oh used to do that Eddie Yeah, he's doing between I like that. I wish I'd go back. Oh, that was a good uppercut there But the problem was the reason it got pulled was when they would show my card and a certain fighter would win And it was like the right fighter and then the the judges had it the other way It looks people were all confused. I wait a minute. It's rigged They said he won like, you know, that was just an unofficial card. So it was confusing to MMA fans Oh good right hand by Jake Nate's eyes pretty closed up I get combo by Nate there. Oh Again success with the left hook I Damn Volume as long extraordinary can they turn this around just like a tidal wave It's just whether or not Jake empties his gas tank Yeah, Jake keeps popping them on the outside and moves away from those inside combinations If Jake drops him again, this one's over as far as on the scorecards. I think nada answer the bell but Oh Entertaining fight though. Yeah people worried it's gonna be a bad product. No, this is interest is fucking good This is this is I thought I think this is best case scenario for when I was hoping from Nate agree He looks if it ends like this like I'm just throwing down on decision just like this. Oh, an MMA fight would be fucking beautiful Yes, it would be I Bet Nate would take it after another another 10 million, you know what it is with Nate He's such a like purist when comes to the fight game. He's gonna get respect, you know He's getting Jake's earned the respect and maybe follow the man Dude, there's some serious combinations Nate is turning on here good check hook again by Jake going live on for ESPN's website has Jake up three rounds That makes that's right fair, but I it takes a little bit of trouble cuz Nate's turn on having a lot of success That nine eight nine intents. Yeah, he's breathing man big time Nate's gonna turn on it. How about his he trained this whole camp turn on late It's just can't Jake Bro, I don't know. I think Nate's winning this round hundred percent Wow Nate won that round Wow, so now Jake's up to two and there's and there's three rounds left Yeah, you can still pull this off and they tell him a lot of success. Well, you kind of get a draw Because one of those rounds is a 10-8, huh? Another one I'm seeing has Jacob Six of the seven rounds. Oh, that's wrong. That's wrong. Well, it gave him the one of them was a ten-year Is that a scorecard from Logan Paul? Yeah That's insane. Have him up seven. Who is Logan Paul fought in boxing? Floyd Mayweather, okay. Okay guys before is he bigger here? What are they showing nice abracad? Look at that bro. Look at that combination. That's great combo. He is bigger than Jake size wise. Okay, he's taller But he's everything's better Jake Jake's like a legit boxer. Yeah. Yeah, Logan does it. He just wants the biggest name wrestling Logan's really good. Wrestle. Yeah, is he's more of a wrestler. He wrestled with Paul Costa. So there's a video of him Look at it both wrestling high school. Look at Nate Look at Nate This is textbook Nate Diaz here. He's fucking tough to put away Jake's never find buddy like this That shell of Nate's man Good combo by Nate constant pressure to Yeah, Jake's in me trouble that power fades His arms are coming slower good combo though. He's landing though for the judges is dancing around though. It doesn't look tired He just looks like everything's a little slower. Yeah, the power is not there which is trouble Oh Yeah, but Nate's got to pick up the pace because so far Jake's winning this round there he goes. Oh Right hand over the top. Oh he stung him with that. Did he? Yeah. Oh look at that and another one Damn, I wouldn't I missed the punch count there Jake's actually up by on the punch and thrown Jesus Christ for the whole fight Yeah, same percentage basically, but he's thrown more and landed more. It was like landed was 122 to 88 Good right hand by Jake right there. Yep, Nate acknowledged it too, but it goes by round So those those the numbers could be deceiving. Yes Correct don't tell the whole thing. Maybe he landed all those punches in one round, you know, he's teeing off in the first fifth He's landing more punches in this round for time and throwing more Yes, this is not good. Oh good right hook one minute to go. Oh Shit dude, dude Nate's going with power now dog Maybe this is like the plan dog now. He's like I think this is the plan. Yeah. Oh Shit Jake better get his respect. Otherwise damn dude, he's going with power. That's the upper. It's a whole different name Yeah, yeah different different feel Yeah, Nate's like a fucking tidal wave right now. Oh Oh nice uppercut and all that hair Dude oh son that jab look is snapping the jab snapping. Yeah, he's going harder now for sure He's on his good combo by Jake These boys are fucking scrapping Oh left hand. Oh shit. Oh He's he's winging him now, oh, oh nake. That's energy Two more rounds right? Yeah. Yeah two more rounds and Nate's He could pull this off. He can yeah, Jake's tired Jake's exhausted He's really he really turned the power up in that round it was like he was pity patent before Yeah, but they're almost seem like we're like Like how come it seems like he's just it's all pitter patter now. He's fucking swing. This was the game plan That was like we didn't see like we didn't see one boom. You know what I mean? He's got two rounds to really put it on him. He probably needs to win What a game plan just right? I might have Jake still might have won that last round though Yeah, it's so much success Yeah, it's so much success early in the yeah, yeah, it was like the last 30 seconds and Nate was going to this combination Jake's land in there man Now the exchange was better than I thought for Jake here we go two more rounds They put to have a chance on the scorecards probably needs to win these two I Do that's hilarious Dude he's gonna start winging him. Oh, you know what he does the first minute of the round He just pressures him. He does with a high guard yep And then then just starts to pour it on as soon as he sees a little bit of fade It's tough to do in boxing though because it's only three minute rounds give away a minute and a half. It's tough Good job. Nice job. Great job. Good. Good body work I'm all before the messing around if you're winning Yeah, it's time to turn it on. Yeah, dude, let's get going you're down on the scorecards You're wasting time and he's he so we're a minute five into and he's definitely losing this round I Think this goes along comes for you call to You know people call them, you know fix fights stuff like that him going toe-to-toe with Nate says a lot about him. Oh for sure That was the last round Huh Oh, look at that little short right goes laughing on bone Could never cut yeah, this is gonna set up an MMA fight beautifully. Oh, look at that. Oh shit Oh, he's digging in now. Yep. He's messing around Jake needs to do something here Jake's tired man, you know Jake's got that big powerful looping over her hand, right? But he's not really throwing that thing, you know, I'm getting smothered dude. Yeah, it's tough He's catching coming in his timing's a little slow and they'd end oh shit. These boys are throwing So far Nate's round right Oh Oh Oh shit Haha, that fate was awesome And it's a showman One more. Holy shit. That's another so that's two rounds in a row for Nate. Yeah What do you think? I Don't know. I think Jake won the majority the beginning of that round Nate came on strong But he came on strong towards the last he fucks around like the first minute and I think he's just trying to put that Pressure on him and make him blow his why huh? And then he's look but if he's up but Jake's landing Yeah some success. So it's weird. Yeah Jakes Jake's doing a very good job boxing but at the end of the rounds Nate when Nate comes on strong He creates real problems, but I think he's gonna come out like a bad out of hell in this round Jake Nate Nate Maybe he's got to I mean if you want to overwhelm him I imagine if he puts it to him and stops him in this round that'd be nuts Because I assume Jake still went in the overall fight Yeah, I would imagine Jake is what nice body shot. So that fifth round And now Jake knows for sure. This is the last round too. So he can empty the gas tank Yeah, he really needs to have a good show in this last round. Otherwise people in bike. This is fucked Nate's really coming forward now. Mm-hmm Jake doesn't look tired at all. He looks the same. I Don't agree with it with Nate doing this man, you're down on the scorecards, but I just being Nate I get it. Oh Good right hand when he shakes his head that means it hurt You go up top, yeah, come on Jake Good combos by Jake man. He looks good in this way does But what's this last minute 30 gonna look like Nate's about to turn it on here he goes Jake's doing a good job of turn to his right. Oh, oh, I don't I don't get the antics man I There's not that much time no and you're down the cards Oh get slipped by Jake there Why the referee separating there Jake looks light years better than that last fight Oh Come on Jake. Oh Oh shit. Yeah, you gotta just let it all hang out. Oh Now he's holding Look at that. I'll let go. Well, they're gonna take a point Jake get the fuck off dude. Oh my god holding. That's crazy He's tired 40 seconds 30 seconds Oh By Jake He's gonna guillotine him but he was a guillotine dude he was gonna fucking ninja. Yeah, you see that His arms up like I would have had him that's hilarious That's it it's over Wow, I'll tell you what that sets up an MMA fight for sure Yeah for sure if they want to do it and make more money that makes it very interesting That sets up an MMA fight for sure you probably give that fight to Jake. Yeah me too Yeah, I'd imagine Jake fucking impressive man. Yeah, that was impressive That was impressive and Diaz poured it on man. He did and a lot of people thought Diaz was gonna get blown out I'm a man survived. Yeah, any any to DS credit. I'd watch him fight again. Fuck. Yeah. Yeah, they were both impressive ESPN whoever's watching it for them had after 9 86 84 Paul Yeah, that's it's a little generous. It's close. Yeah, I had it. But especially with the two-point round. Uh-huh The other one scoring 81 Paul. Oh, wow. Yeah, that's pretty yeah, that's it's somewhere in the middle. Yep I Intertining fight though those boys. Yeah, like shut up fought. That was great Nick smiling Good Nick wearing sunglasses Imagine if Diaz gets this decision You like boxing is so I think Jake Jake mentioned if you lose his fight, he's gonna retire really? Yeah, he mentioned it. That's just talk. Yeah for sure That knockdown is the most significant moment in the fight for sure for sure. That was a big shot. That's a bad knockdown. I Mean Diaz won some rounds for sure, but I think Jake won it Yeah, it'd be tough to give Nate six rounds and You know more important Jake just gets more experience man But I bet he learned the most from this fight of any of his fights. Boom. That was a big shot Whoop get slip boom? Boom There's a little hook It's weird they didn't show the complete knockdown Yeah, weird, right? Yeah, he's landed some shit right there and they're clean shots. Those are clean shots. Yes. Oh There's the robot that everybody wants to see Is that a hologram or is that not so real fucking dude? No way. That's a real fucking looks like a cartoon No, that's some dude grown man paid he's sweating his ass off and down to Texas Like whose idea was that we're gonna get that guy in the robot. That was Jake's idea. That's gonna make the show Hey, let's listen to score can you read? Yeah, I'll read it to you I'm turning up the volume was captioning on we can hear it if you just turn the volume. I can't right to get all the way over There. Oh, it's okay 98 91 Yeah, all 98 91 I think yep 98 91. Yep 91s a little ridiculous. Yeah Yeah, it's a little but there's not an issue with it, but I know anyone the right guy won All right, let's see that show a cartoon Go like part 10. There's so many different parts They're all like that one minute and dude it big bird in jail ordering a hit to kill fucking Kermit the frog. I Mean you can really put it anywhere and Burton Ernie is the better toe and Ernesto And it's called barrio sesame instead of sesame Street barrio sesame Dude, they got fucking What was the piggy girl miss piggy miss piggy's a chola, let's hear this That's big bird is the main boss I Just as to those who have been putting fair yet down on my books She liked to help me with my commissary Go to the bio where you'll find the go fund me link on barrio sesame Oh That we were on our way full I wouldn't doubt it Where do you think you went doesn't put it to have agents in the family? I think we should ask her what do Asians have to do with it? Not Asians Asians Miss picky miss picky's as her family's cops I See you're heading to Mexico Do you have to be Mexican to enjoy this it's total cholo shit Go like to like part go to part one go to the very first one part one Do they're hanging people and everything Jamie are you listening to what Jake saying to? I can't can't do both and now keep going keep going keep going Right there right that right there Okay, okay Oh He's been cool, yeah Be nice So they're just setting up the MMA fight But Nate saying he's not gonna find me PFL did that what he said yeah Jake does have a PFL contract right what school is Logan came over from he competing WWE tonight and came over Dude, look at Logan's outfit. Yes, don't know be ridiculous. I Don't see him fight Tommy Fury, so he wants a Tommy for your rematch He Needs to fight The thing is it's like if he wants to fight Nate in an MMA fight and the PFL comes with that long money Who fucking knows? You know he's saying I want to do that PFL shit. But what does he mean by that? It's an MMA fight Like is he just is he wanting to get back in the UFC? So you'd fight Conor McGregor So he fights Jake and then he fights Connor because if he fights Connor next that kind of still is valid Correct Connor said I want to fight Nate Diaz. Yeah, that's still good That's still good. And I think it would if he signed to do with PFL Dana's gonna be like then you ain't getting that Connor fight son right Yeah, probably You know, I mean, I don't know but it's It's interesting does Logan got something lined up. Yeah Having a fight him and KSA are fighting on the same card. Yeah in October Against him people. Yeah, I was fighting Tommy fear and they haven't announced Logan's kiss I just got gets asked what by Tommy fear KSI is fighting Tommy fear. Who is that? Who's KSI? He's a real famous youtuber massive in England massive and bigger than yeah, he boxes He's got skills, but Tommy fairies on you don't have more skills than Jake and Tommy very pieced up Jake, right? It doesn't make a ton of sense Well, it didn't was not a split decision. You said a piece stop was not a split decision No, I don't think split he just said it was split really think it was split. Yeah, Tom Curie definitely won that fight I thought he won the fight, but it was a good fight. Yeah, it was good solid Yeah, but the the moneymaker is Logan versus Jake and then Jake versus KSI I don't know why he wants to fight Tommy who gives a fuck I think he just wants to get it back for his ego I guess probably he said he said he actually I think well the closed captioning I read said he doesn't want that He said that's on the drawing board. We said he didn't want. Oh good for him. Oh I see that could be a miss misinterpret. Yeah, it's at ReMax instead of rematch. All right boys That was a lot of four hours four hours. There's a lot of fun. Good times dude. How many of these we've done? Dude on the 80s news. We don't like 80 of these no by companion I think because dude when I found out I swear to God the last time I was on if someone had told me how many times Have you done Jerry if I can hang it? I would have said 17 times and they go no, dude 80 fucking one times somebody counted my what I didn't believe that there was no way and it's actually true We've done the fun is like you're number one. You're like 86 and I'm like number two at 82 or something When we crazy Joe's there used to be up the street from there's yeah Well, there's some fucking big like cards coming that I'm not doing this. I'm not doing that Australia card What day is that? No, is he supposed to fight on that? That's Izzy and Sean Strickland Cards going down no matter what and then there's Abu Dhabi card. That's another one The sooner we lock down those dates because I got like seminars and shit coming up and Jamie pull up the UFC events calendar. Oh, they got two Australia cards. Yeah, I'll be oh they got to us very good. Mmm Okay. So here we go doing the sugar sean a malley one. I'm down for that August 19th. Oh No, he's doing that. No, I'm doing that one So which one which one are you available? Okay, let's keep scrolling. Let's keep scrolling There's a lot of these are there and core we know our night is the Australia those three are all the country Yes, three September night, but those are all fight nights. No, there's keep going to two thirty two No, September night is the big UFC pay-per-view, right? But that one is a bit yet, right? Undecided with the main event is because it's supposed to be out of sahanyas is trickling, but it just hasn't been locked in yet Okay October 21st, bro that fight night September 23rd is pretty far. You go to Abu Dhabi physique No, but fazeven gamma Saturday on October 21st. Let's lock that one down Okay, October 21st, okay, so we got October 21st and lock it one before lock it Homes and then before that what did we have? What was the other one the September 9th? September 9th. Yes. I'm gonna be I'm gonna be in Japan for that dude quits head is bad. I can't do September 9th I can't do it was October. Yeah, so the next one will be the October 1 scroll down I would I'll be one Jamie October 21st, right? October 21st is locked October 22 or 21st, let's lock it in. Okay All right, click on that so we could see what the card is. There's some good fights on there Oh shit nasser Dean Ima Bob and iskram Alaskaroff. That's a great fight too, man. Damn They're supposed to be adding some bangers to that too. Oh, yeah, there's some good ones that are on the shelf for that I mean, that's quite a bit in advance October 21st. It's at 1 o'clock to hear. Yeah Nice I like it Nothing in November December November's mass square garden. Yeah, John Jones Okay, October 21st next one we're good. All right, October 21st ladies and gentlemen much love I'm in Phoenix next Friday August 11 Brendan Shaw blog. No thick boy that thick boy calm three three three three C's New York City me and Sam Tripoli next Sunday. No, okay. Thic ccc boy calm. Yep Phoenix Sam Tripoli calm net New York City next Sunday night cutting room. We're gonna go crazy. We're in