Love Abby spilling the real situation on the ground. Brings some sanity and sense with all the Hasbara apartheid propaganda from the Israeli terror regime. The regime must be pyt on sanctions by USA. Look up #ussliberty and Dancing Israelis on 911.
3 years ago
9 appearances
Abby Martin is a journalist, host of "The Empire Files" video series, and director of the 2019 documentary "Gaza Fights for Freedom."
Love Abby spilling the real situation on the ground. Brings some sanity and sense with all the Hasbara apartheid propaganda from the Israeli terror regime. The regime must be pyt on sanctions by USA. Look up #ussliberty and Dancing Israelis on 911.
Joe! Can I call you joe? I have been a fly on your wall for so many years I feel I can ask you WTF!? Don't you have a fact checker or something? I really like you joe and I really want to believe you where dopet to believe in the pile of flat lies on the Israeli Palestinian conflict. I believed after last time you will be more responsible and ask here abut this propaganda lies. But joe you dropped the ball again, please be the good guy I believe you to be, and bring a zionist to tell the what is going on on the other side.
Please Joe, I beg of you. Bring Ben Shapiro on your show just so he could talk from the other side of the conflict. I know the conflict well and so much shit she said is just factually wrong. Hate speech 100%. You have a credible show, which now because of this woman, people will believe everything they heard about Israel. Please give Israel a chance to defend herself against alllll these accusations which most are complete fabrications and BS. Invite Ben Shapiro!
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It is fascinating to see a 99.9% bullshit, an epitome of silly one-sided propaganda (Israelis=Nazis, no less!) being received as a some sort of investigating journalism. No doubt Ben Shapiro would have a field day blasting each and every single lie uttered here. I like you a lot, Joe, but this wasn't "another point of view", it was a dictionary definition for hate speech.
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This is real. The Minister of the Interior literally called for the murder of all Palestinian mothers. Well, she was a parliament member when she said it. She got promoted to Minister of the Interior afterward.
Wow, I just cannot believe that you are spreading these lies of "ethnic cleansing and genocide" without even proof checking and/or confronting in real time. Would you also allow your guests to talk about Jews using blood in Pessach dishes and Zionists controlling the media?!
OMG! It was a pile of lies that any child with internet access and common sense could refute. One of the most annoying episodes... What a radical lying B***
Abby Martin, Gaza Fights for Freedom
Barry Sanders, The Green Zone: The Environmental Costs of Militarism
Dr. Shanna Swan, Count Down
James Fox, The Phenomenon
Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media
Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media
Peter Phillips, Giants: The Global Power Elite
Showtime, The Kings
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Updated after each new episode
3 years ago