6 years ago
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Jack Dorsey is a computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur who is co-founder and CEO of Twitter, and founder and CEO of Square, a mobile payments company.
1 appearance
Vijaya Gadde serves as the global lead for legal, policy, and trust and safety at Twitter.
4 appearances
Tim Pool is a journalist, political commentator, and host of the "Timcast" podcast and Youtube program.
6 years ago
6 years ago
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but so i think that there's a there's a bigger discussion i think uh... both of you could publish at some important line onto outside of twitter this weaponization of content from platforms is being used to people ban from the banking accounts you know they get their uh... we can talk about patreon for instance and again i'm not this is this might may just be something you could that chime in on patreon banned uh... man in carl benjamin also known as our kind of a card is also banned from twitter and it was what you know i hear from twitter uh... i a can see that's interesting one uh... i do have some some of the details here uh... do you want me to read your please okay uh... looks like it's gonna be gross it's not stuff that i love saying uh... but i will say it much outside uh... shouldn't make it isn't like cursing either uh... let's say i curse more than he does so i guess i should say it uh... first strike uh... fuck white people kill all men die cisgum none of the above qualify as hate speech wicked when it was that uh... i don't have the dates i'm sorry but he's not he's a white guy i mean obviously he's joking around there himself so it might be pulled it also sounds like a point about your goals and how you enforce them not actually possibly will win also exactly what you get kicked off patreon he was it was exactly yeah well i know he also posted a photo of interracial gay porn at some white nationalists to make them angry yes yeah he's funny way it's funny some time i i i can understand how uh... posting that photo is an egregious violation of the rules whether whether not he was trying to insult some people that's a very good point and i want to bring that up is porn a violation the rules porn generally no good really good for you also and why would what would be ends in my feed all the time i i follow couple naughty girls occasionally they they post pictures of them self-engaging intercourse unlike yikes so then what what what what are the other strikes for sargon or carl and let's see uh... there was the use of uh... jewish slur how do you uh... to a person you traitor remainer white genocide supporting islam a file jewish slur lover that should keep you going hashtag hitler was right but but there's a general opinions these are targeted at somebody that that sounds like the case being said like he's making a joke here and in context that it sounds like the other one like in context what he's saying particularly fact that he's a white guy that doesn't sound like a little racial slur at all i mean he's saying fuck white people as it is why in context again these are tied together right i always knew that person was not to be trusted that fucking jewish slur uh... so there's a lot of things about a very specific person targeting is being very trying to be very promising i was i had a specific jewish person i don't know the race of this person i'm sorry and this is not okay but this is not that does not parry this is not joking around we didn't view it that way i'm just not i'm not trying to like reallocating all this i'm just i what they were so you get i knew he had done things that were like a gorgeous violations of the rules because you know plan simple i didn't bring him up to you know go through and try to figure out a feat but that it does sound like at least the first one was meant to be a picture of here so potentially but there are a bunch of others if you want to hear them more than sure that that is again targeted this is how i know one day that i'll be throwing you from a helicopter you're the same kind of malignant cancer don't forget it uh... so there's just it's not one thing or two things or three things is like a bunch of them as a reason for manager managing to throw someone from a helicopter he really want you in that hell but it but it but admittedly uh... and i and i so so he he he's on youtube by the name of sargon of a kind of big account and i've i've criticized him for being overly mean in the past and i think it's definitely gets angry but but he is a very different now and i guess on the reason i brought him up was he's very different now also well a lot of the county makes as much calmer he's he's less likely to insult someone directly he was probably recognizing these are his last straw odia and i was actually picked up a twitter is on youtube is for the minus p's and q's of that and but so uh... the reason i brought him up again but will move on was that activists found a uh... livestream from eight months ago again i i totally forgot why i was bring us up to move so far away from where we were but um... they they pulled us a clip from an hour and a half forever into a two-hour livestream on a small channel that only two thousand views sent to patreon and then patreon said yep that's a violation and banned him out right without warning which again i understand is different from what you guys do you do suspensions first but uh... i guess the the results bring up was talk about a few things uh... why blocking isn't enough why muting isn't enough and if you think that it's driving people off the platform people post my tweets on reddit i blocked them they use a dummy account load up my tweet post it to reddit and then spam me on reddit so you know blocking and even leaving twitter would never do anything short of me shutting up there's nothing you can do to protect me or anyone else look i mean it these are exactly the conversations were having a one the reason why i i don't think blocking and meeting or enough is uh... one i don't think we've made me powerful enough uh... it's spread all over the service uh... you you can use it and then you gotta go find where you actually knew these people are the profile page and that's just uh... it's not a it's a disaster and it just doesn't work in the same way that it should work in the same way that follow works which is just the inverse of them i noticed that now i get a notification says you can't see this week because you meet this person right before i would just see a weird reply and be like right always one of those exactly so there's also all this infrastructure that we have to fix in order to like pass those through in terms of what action you took or what action someone else took to be transparent about but what's happening on the network have that the second uh... the second thing in block is really interesting i think it's uh... my own view is it's holy and unsatisfying because what you're doing is your blocking someone they get notification that you've blocked them uh... which may embolden them even more which causes you know others around and ramifications from from the network but also that person can log out of twitter and then look at your tweets uh... just on the public web because we're republic so exactly it doesn't feel as as rigorous and as durable as something like making you much stronger but i i i guess the challenges no matter what rule you put in place people are gonna harass you if you're if you're engaging in public discourse you know if i go out in the street and and yell out my opinion somebody could get my face if i get off twitter cuz i'm sicket i mean look you know i'm sure you get way more than i do especially as you know that high-profile probably get right now yeah so that we are going to go out i can only have a play but so so the only thing i can do is look we're not on twitter right now run joe rogan's podcast and they're still going to target you on twitter they're still going to its i guarantee we're all over reddit the the the left is probably railing on me the rights really on you guys so it's it's it seems like even if you try everything your power to make twitter healthier and better it's not going to change anything no i'm not sure about that i'm not sure about that because one of things that i do think is that just uh... i'm not in favor of a lot of this heavy-handed banning and a lot of the things that have been going on particularly case like the megan murphy case but but i think that we are doing is were exploring the idea of civil discourse where we're trying to figure out what's acceptable what's not acceptable and you're communicating about this on a very large scale and it's putting that out there and then people are discussing it whether they agree or disagree with a vehemently defend you or there are hate you they're discussing this misses i think this is how these things change and they change over long periods of time think about words that were commonplace just a few years ago that you literally can't say anymore right now and there's a so many of them that were extremely commonplace are not even thought to be offensive ten years ago that now you can get banned off a possible support but that's that's a good point to argue against banning people and to uh... cease enforcing hate speech rules yet i agree with that as well i think it's both things