4 years ago
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Tim Pool is a journalist, political commentator, and host of the "Timcast" podcast and Youtube program.
4 years ago
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You know my favorite, I don't want to call it a conspiracy theory, but one of my favorite stories is, humanity emerged on Venus and that we destroyed the planet with a greenhouse effect. So, we created the Ark Project and took the DNA of two of every animal and loaded up on the last vessel, the Ark, and went to terraform Earth. That's the dumbest idea ever. It's hilarious though. The DNA of two of each animal and then how many copies of those things do you make before they eat each other? They got anti-grav tech. They just started seeding the planet and what people do, again, I'm not saying I think it's a fun story. They argue that the Bible was like stories being told and re-translated over hundreds of years to a lost civilization that had only one ship escape the destruction of their planet. And I'm not saying it's true. I'm saying it's a fun story. I love that story. Yeah, it's fun. It would be a fun sci-fi movie. And then you end up with lost tech being discovered thousands of years on. There are so many people like Elon that say we have to get off of Earth. There's so many people that say we have to escape Earth. We have to sort of colonize the solar system or colonize the galaxy. I agree. And I think if we don't discover a better propulsion, then hard chemical energy, we're not going to do it. So... Yeah. Well, that's why this is so compelling, this idea that they're using some element that apparently is impossible to find here. You can only create it with a particle collider, but maybe in whatever solar system they are coming from, you have a very different environment. And maybe this element was the primary source for fuel. Maybe they figured that out a long time ago. I wonder if... I'd love to talk to an actual physicist about this. Is there something with negative density? What's that mean? So like, you know, things with density create an attraction through gravity because the pressure, like their influence on space time. I'm not an astrophysicist, so I can't explain it to you perfectly, but the larger, the more dense the object, the more pull it has. So a very dense black hole, for instance, sucks you in. Then Mars has slightly less gravity than us because it's less dense. I wonder if there's something... Again, this probably... I'm sure there's some scientists laughing right now. What are more on... But negative density, something that would actually have a push effect in terms of gravity, in which case you could have some kind of object where you can control, expand and contract density so that you're pushing and pulling. I don't know. Bob Lazar's perspective is if we showed a nuclear reactor to a civilization from the 1400s, they would think we're doing witchcraft. The Ark of the Covenant. Yeah. They would think it is absolutely the craziest thing that anyone has ever seen or heard. They would try to tamper with it. They'd all get radiation poisoning and die. They'd never be able to figure it out in a million years. If you just left it with them, if you left some sort of a nuclear reactor with them... And he said this is really how far advanced he believes these aliens or whatever you want to call them are, that they're science, they're technologies indistinguishable from magic because they're so far ahead of us. Do you think they'd want to be involved with us beyond just testing us? Of course they would. Why wouldn't you? We study butterflies. We study mice. We study bugs on the other side of the planet. We send people on scientific journeys to go and look at frogs. Sure, sure. They're not even sure or real anymore. Are we giving guns to chimps? Are we building forts for them and teaching them to use stone? We've seen now, there's more videos coming out showing... I can't remember which primate species, but using more tools. Yeah. Well, they believe that primate chimps have entered the stone age. Yeah. They're using them on a regular basis. Are we going to go and teach them agriculture? I mean, do we care? Well, dude, we teach chimps things all the time. We teach chimps... But in close environments where we can't... Yeah, but that's the only way you can study them. We teach... I mean, if they had a civilization you can go to, you knew they lived in an apartment and you could study them that way. But you don't think that they would study if they found a planet. Let's imagine if we found a planet, okay? We found a planet and it's all just filled with octopus. And these octopus are changing colors and just jacking fish and eating lobsters. We would be fascinated. Totally. It would be fascinating. Yeah, absolutely. Well, all innovation happens because people are trying to improve on initial designs. Now, why do they try to improve on initial designs? They try to make things that are better, make things that are more efficient, make things that can do tasks that they can't do without these tools. And then their curiosity and their creativity causes them to expand upon these ideas. Well, of course, if something's going to be so far advanced that they didn't accept their current place in the universe, they don't even accept the fact they want to stay on this planet. They want to travel to other places. Do you know how fucking insanely curious you'd have to be to lock you and three of your other three-foot buddies in a giant fucking flying saucer and propel yourself through space? Oh, yeah. You would have to be incredibly curious and incredibly, not just curious, but innovative. They would have to be thinking about things. They would have to be exploring things. And of course, you would want to come to a planet that is filled with people who have hundreds of different languages. They're all full of shit. They lie to each other constantly, send videos through the air. They have weapons that they could blow each other up with. I mean, of course you would be fascinated by that. I think that's the least compelling argument that anybody ever says, why would they mess with us? Why would they care about us? Of course they would care about us. We are fucking interesting, man. Well, I'll put it this way. I think if we saw a group of chimps standing near a water bed and then one chimp fashions some kind of bag and pulls it over its head, jumps in the water and tries to go as low as he can for as long as he can before coming back out, we would look at that like, that is the stupidest attempt at scuba diving I've ever seen. But oh my God, a chimp just tried to scuba dive. So if there are aliens and they're in these amazing technologically advanced ships that can jump, light speed, manipulate gravity, they just watched us strap ourselves to an explosive and fire us off of our atmosphere where we're likely to die. And they're like, this is the stupidest attempt at actually going to space. These guys are trying to go to space. I wouldn't think about that way at all. I would think about, look, there's a fucking space station. It's up there and people live on it. They shoot themselves. They have a very crude form of propulsion, but they have figured it out because they don't have element 115 in their environment naturally. So these dummies have to light things on fire and use the push off the back of it to shove themselves through normal air. And you know why they're not going to give us that tech right now? Why would they give us tech? Why do they say give us tech? Why they wouldn't? I'm saying, you know why? Why would they give us tech? Why would any, that's the weirdest argument ever that they're giving us things. I don't think they're giving us shit. No, I don't think so either. I think they're specifically not doing it and they wouldn't do it even if we wanted them to. I think, I think it's the, it's an inverse. People like, a lot of people talk about how they're like sharing technology with us or something, right? You see that stuff in the conspiracy. Yeah, I've heard those conspiracies. The reason they won't is because we're, we're trust, we're territorial. We fight each other. Oh, for sure. So look, if, if, if they came down and went to Russia and said, here's anti-graph propulsion, what do you think Russia is going to do? All right, our planet now, they're going to immediately expand rapidly. Their population is going to grow exponentially and it's going to cause massive turmoil between nuclear powers, which could destroy themselves. Yeah, for sure. So you're going to use it as a weapon. The smartest thing is to not share at all until we're a one world, you know, society. Well also like look at what they look like, what aliens look like. If you look at the iconic shape of an alien, they have giant heads and genderless bodies. Like maybe that's the key to stopping war. Well, there's the no incentive whatsoever for people to be sexual or attractive. Everybody looks exactly the same. We get over this idea of biological mating. They reproduce through genetic engineering. Why not just be robots? Maybe they are like robots. Maybe that is like a robot. Artificial bodies where you know, have you seen altered carbon? I haven't, but I keep hearing good things about it. I just finished season two. Season one was awesome. But basically they have a thing called a stack. You said you finished season two. Season one is awesome. That means season two sucks. Season two is a C plus. Season one is like an A plus. C plus. Yeah. Like I mean, it's fun. But they have a thing called a stack in the base of their in their in their spinal column right below their head that stores their consciousness and they call their bodies sleeves and they kind of don't care when they die because they just get you know, it's if you're poor you get really crappy sleeves, right? But if you're if you're rich, you get premium access military upgrade like high tech, very strong, but their body has just become separate. And you can also transport your consciousness interstellar like to other planets and then you wake up in a body on a different planet. That's how you go places now. Your consciousness travels. So yeah, I mean, maybe aliens do that. Maybe there's there's not. You know, I'm I find the the idea of the various alien life like bodies curious. One of the one of the things I've read about is that it could be humans from the future. Yeah, I've read that too. That makes sense. You think about what we look like as opposed to like what a chimp looks like. Yeah. And then you keep going further with that like, oh, the head will get bigger. The bodies get weaker. Yep. And then look, there's a sort of a trend in this society today to be less masculine, less feminine, more gender neutral. Yeah. Well, so they them pronouns, maybe that's all just part of the programming. This this falls into another one of these conspiracy theories that the goal of the globalists is that in order to get access to alien tech, we have to be a unified planet. Aliens aren't going to give aliens really. You've heard that one. Oh, yeah, it's all over the Internet. That's why they're doing this. So they're going with a one world order in order to get alien tech. Do you think the Galactic Federation is going to let a planet in, which has got numerous governing bodies and nuclear weapons? There's a galactic federal. I'm just I'm just kidding. Right. The point I'm making is there are people online who believe this. They believe that if there is some kind of galactic federation or at least some kind of recognizable, you know, different cultures that have some kind of set rule base. Right. Who do they negotiate with us, Russia or China? And so the argument, well, one of the theories is that interests on the United States who have access to the aliens know that they have to do everything in their power to unify the entire planet under one authority so that we can be entered into whatever alien access would exist. But so long as we are nuclear powered competing territorial factions, they can't do it. Well that makes sense if that was the case. But you add in what you what you were saying about masculinity and gender. And one of the things that I find interesting is that when it comes to this argument about removing masculinity, there's there's kind of overlap with this idea of domestication. You think about proto wolves, proto dogs and dogs. Dogs are effectively wolf cubs perpetually. So wolves are aggressive, territorial, independent. I mean, independent in the sense that like, you're not going to tame them. They're like, I teach wolves. Yeah. Yeah. Like, you're willing to listen to you there. I mean, you can, but it's like, it's it's they agree with you or they don't. You're following, you know, so an adult masculine, tough human is going to be like, I'm independent. I'm in charge. You've got to remove that and domesticate us. So you get a bunch of weak, effeminate, genderless humans who are going to be passive, docile and agreeable. Yeah, like dogs. Right. Yeah. I do. I have a whole bit about what wolves are and what dogs are. Yeah. And what men used to be. Right. And what men are now. I was thinking of this really cool idea for a sci fi film where aliens come to earth and most humanity accepts domestication. And then 300 400 years from now, you've got regular looking 21st century kind of men and human. But then you have these five foot tall super armored jet pack with plasma rifles that love and serve the aliens and we view them as freakish genetic defects. So have you seen like oblivion with Tom Cruise? Yes. The aliens basically genetically engineered a whole bunch of Tom Cruises. I was thinking of that kind of idea, but also with domestication. That's an underrated movie, by the way. That's cool. I love it. Yeah. Very good movie. And most humans agreed. And then over time, the humans that got access to life saving technology, special armor were the ones that were agreeable and less likely to be aggressive. Yeah. They would bitch out just like the wolves bitched out and became a pool. And then you'd have wolves. So I thought of a cool idea for a story. You basically have humans like raiding a chicken coop and the aliens are like, ah, and they call their attack humans who jump out with like armor and crazy future tech from the aliens. But they're like these small dog like versions of humans, you know, like desperately and in love with the aliens, you know, right? Just crying and logs. Yeah. Yeah. Wolves aren't like that. But I wonder if the people would eat those dog like people the way wolves eat dogs. Well, for the sake of a fiction, no, we wouldn't have them do that. What would coyotes be? Coyotes would be like this sneaky smaller. But our coyotes aren't the product of domestication. I mean, they're just a separate canine breed, I guess, or species. Right. And like they they really never got domesticated. Yeah. That's what's interesting. It's like they're I mean, it's their coyote version of humans. Yeah. The North Sentinel Island. Right. You know, North Sentinel is. Yeah. Yeah. The people have never had contact with humans. Well, they've had several bad experiences with other people which are the arrows at helicopters and stuff. Well, that's why they killed that guy. They killed the missionary. They killed the missionary because they were invaded in the 1800s by a guy named Maurice Vidal Portman, who is a pervert slash explorer who, you know, would measure dicks and take detailed descriptions of people's anatomy and genitals. Wow. I mean, was it for legitimate research purposes? No. It's a fucking wacko. Just find people and run tests on them. Yeah. But that would be what we'd worried about with aliens too. Right. What come here? That's why people are worried about them touching their asshole. Well, it's only the pervert aliens. Somebody posted this tweet. They said something about like you need to realize the aliens who would come to Earth aren't the cool nerds who want to like talk science. It's the rich assholes who, you know, rat fucked their planet and are dipping out. That's a silly way to look at it. Well, I mean. That's us. It's one possibility. I understand, but that's us. Right. We always want to look at things through like a human centric filter. Exactly. But if they're genderless things from the future, like what benefit would it be to get richer? You know, they have their giant heads and they could travel the speed of light like this. This is why I really don't like I think it's Hawking's argument that we shouldn't. We shouldn't be excited about aliens because whenever a more powerful civilization approaches a weaker one, they dominate it. And I don't buy that for two seconds in terms of aliens coming to Earth. That makes no sense. What do you what? So the argument by what? Hawking's argument. Oh, you don't? That if aliens came to Earth, they would enslave us to steal our resources. Well, I don't necessarily think they would enslave us to steal our resources, but if we were aware of them, they would become space daddy. Well, what he's what he's saying is like, you know, when when the Europeans came to North America and spread disease and then stole land and started wiping everybody out. When a more advanced civilization meets, you know, you know, I don't think aliens would do that at all. It's like, why not? The way I the way I would view the most devastating approach would be more like a gigantic vessel coming down and just slicing a skyscraper in half and stripping out all the copper and elements while ignoring the people. When we go to a habitat for animals, we're not going to like, ha ha, we'll kill all the squirrels. We're like, we're taking the lumber, squirrels be damned. So we go into habitats where other creatures live, take what we want. And we don't care about the animals. We know we farm, we kill all the mice and all little critters in there. We don't care. So I don't like the I don't think the argument makes sense that a more advanced civilization would come to Earth and be like, ha ha humans. Now you will serve us and it's our land now. They would completely ignore us and just start taking stuff and crushing us and ignoring us. It wouldn't be. But I don't think that's the most likely scenario either. I think any race sufficiently advanced enough to travel the massive size of the universe would have little need for the primitive elements on our planet. And it would actually be substantially easier for them to go to any other empty rock. No, it's not true. We have no idea. No, we have no idea what they need. Like this might be an incredibly rare place. Incredibly rare as far as everything we've been able to observe. They might come here because they found this Goldilocks plant that has liquid water and incredible biodiversity and more life than any other place on Earth or any other place in the solar system or in the known galaxy. You know the Eris planet theory, right? What is that? That's an elliptical orbit for a planet that every 300 years comes in close orbit to Earth that's elliptical around our sun. Yeah, that's planet Nibiru. Nibiru. That's what it is. Yeah. And that they used human slave labor for mining gold. Yes. That's all Zechariah Sitchin. You know what Zechariah Sitchin is? I've heard the name. I've read the stuff on it. He wrote a book called The Twelfth Planet that's a fascinating take on the ancient Sumerian texts and he's widely been criticized by other scholars who understand ancient Sumerian. And there's actually a website called Sitchin is Wrong. See if you can go to it. Sitchiniswrong.com because all the whack jobs like me who love the idea of, you know, oh that's why we're so into gold, man. Because the aliens use these suspended gold particles in their atmosphere to protect their atmosphere from deterioration by their industrial use of chemicals and toxins has destroyed their environment. So Sitchiniswrong.com is an interesting website and I don't know who's right or who's wrong and I think if you want to go over the Anunnaki and the ancient, what's really interesting and not just about Sitchin but about Sumer in general is one thing is they had these tablets, these clay tablets that had a depiction of the galaxy or the depiction of the solar system. Now you're talking about 6000 BC. They have this depiction of the solar system that shows the sun in the center and it shows all of the planets in our known galaxy or known solar system with a proper perspective in terms of the size of the planet and the proper distance. Like they're in the right places. It's not like there's a big one really close to the sun and there's a little one three planets out. Like see if you can find that. It's a weird image. See that's the image. Yeah. Right. Yeah. The take that Zacharias Sitchin had was that they were trying to tell us that they have come from this other planet and they were trying to explain to us what our solar system is. But just the fact that they have this sun in the center and then they have all the planets that we know of circling this sun. And this has been criticized. I was like, oh no, they didn't do it right. They didn't do it. First of all, they did it in clay. Okay. So relax. They're so, it's so goddamn close that you would have to say, man, that might be what that is. And if that is what that is, what are they trying to say with this thing? Because there's also an image from a clay tablet of a very large being that has a very small human like being with a monkey tail on its lap. And this is what Sitchin points to as some sort of a depiction of the genetic engineering that took place to turn primitive primates into human beings. This is the reason why we are so different from every other animal on this planet. And the real thing that when people talk about aliens and alien, what would aliens be doing here? Why would they do? What if human beings are the product of accelerated evolution? Like what if they came down here, they found this incredibly rich planet that's filled with biodiversity and all these different life forms. And then they found these primates and like, oh, we know where these fuckers are going. Like this is us 10 billion years ago or whatever the fuck it is. Let's accelerate this little party. Let's inject some of our super advanced DNA into these primates and let's see. Let's see where it takes itself. So what do you think? You think? Yeah, that's a fun story. That's the story that they told Bob Bazaar. But Bob Bazaar said, I don't know if they told me that to throw us off the trail, if it's disinformation or if it's just some wacky thing that they came up with to just to like have a crazy story that the scientists couldn't tell anybody. So if you do tell people like, what are you working on? I'm working on reverse engineering or propulsion system from an aircraft that came from another planet. And by the way, we are a product of accelerated evolution. They came to us and they injected our DNA. And you know, well, think about that story in the context of ancient religions and a lot of the commonalities, notably like Abrahamic, this idea that we were created, that we were told we shouldn't do certain things. So I think these are all fun stories. But you could look at the idea of someone being the son of God, you know, a hybrid, right? You could look at the stories of regular old Genesis taking the rib of Adam to create Eve. Well, yeah, the genetic matter and then manipulating it. So you know, I get a lot of heat from my more religious friends for pointing that out, that I believe the Bible is more likely and an odds base to be about aliens than about the actual creator of the universe. And I'm talking astronomical odds, like ridiculously astronomical. But I think we actually know some things exist, genetic manipulation, cargo cults, we know how primitive life form reacts to more advanced technologies they don't understand. And that would make more sense to me than, you know, believing in a hard religion about the creator and, you know, carpenters on things like that. Yeah. Well, it's also we're dealing with translations, right, that have gone on for thousands and thousands of years that are a story that was told as an oral tradition for a thousand years before that. Like, boy, the saying hard and fast exactly what they meant in the Bible and what this means and what must have happened for them to write that down to me is just bonkers. I mean, yeah, who who knows? But what we do know is that the older the stories get, the weirder they get. Like, that's one of the weird things about the ancient Sumerian texts is that you're dealing now you're in like the 6000 years ago range, which is really weird. That's a long fucking time. Why? So. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.