The Time Billy Corben Met Janet Jackson


3 years ago



Billy Corben

3 appearances

Billy Corben is a documentarian and producer. His new series, "Cocaine Cowboys: The Kings of Miami," is now available on Netflix.


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It's kind of the fun thing about this business, like the entertainment. It's like, you know, you don't know who your fans are. Some of them are much cool. Me rest assured, much cooler than I am. I wound up in Janet Jackson's mansion one time in Miami Beach because she like summoned us to the mansion. Summoned? How did she have a horn? To an age? Yes, like the, it's a shofar really. And so we got a call from an agent who was a mutual friend and he said Janet is in town. She's renting a mansion on La Gorse Island. Yeah, that's a lie. La Gorse Island is where Sal Magluta from Coquing Cowboys, the Kings of Miami, rented a mansion as well. So that's how I knew La Gorse. I'm like fucking Sal Magluta's mansion, rental mansion. So she said she's here recording an album. She wants to meet you. She's a huge fan. And I was like, she. Did she think you were the guy from the Smashing Pump? Yeah. Did she? I'm the guy, I'm the one with the hair. Does she know that? I'm like, not Billy Corgan. And who incidentally has at Billy on Twitter? Was he like a fucking investor in Twitter? Like how did he got at Billy? I don't know. Billy's smart. So what happens is when people go want to tweet at him, they go at Billy C O R and my name I guess like auto fills because they go right past at Billy, which he has at Billy. And so I get all kinds of like when they're like upset at how he treated Daisy on wrestling on Sunday or I'm like, what the fuck is going on? Like you're so mean to Daisy. I'm like, what the fuck is happening? Why? Who do you think I am? But like, but like we get so Janet wants to meet you. And so we come to this mansion. We're sitting with her manager at the time was this great big hilarious dude. And we're just chilling on the couch. And all of a sudden he looks up and all of a sudden at the top of the stairway, a vision, Janet Jackson. She's beautiful. Like Moo Moo was like, I don't know. It was just like seeing like a like Nefertiti like like fucking Royalty like Cleopatra appear at that. We're just all just like, I was like, you know, the angels are singing and she's beautiful. And so like, and she like descends the staircase, you know, we're just like, this is incredible. And she sits down and she is just like the sweetest, like most casual down to earth person. And she goes into this story. She's like one morning my phone rings. It's like four o'clock in the morning and it's Jermaine Dupree, not Jackson, her brother. She was dating Jermaine Dupree at the time. And she said, and I said, baby, is everything okay? He says, yes, I'm coming over right now. There's something you need to see. And she goes, okay, it's four o'clock in the morning. Shows up at the door. She's like, are you sure everything's okay? Yes, everything's fine, baby. You've got to watch this. And he hands me a DVD-R written in Sharpie. It says, cocaine cowboys. And I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm with their, my producing partner, Alfred Spellman. I'm just like, what the fuck is happening? What the fuck is happening? And she said, and I watched it twice. She put the DVD, the bootleg into the DVD player at four o'clock in the morning and she watched cocaine cowboys twice. And she's like, you know, when we were growing up, my sister, she was interested in love story and romance novels. She's talking about Latoya right now. We know too much about this family. So she goes, I loved mafia stories, crime stories, Scarface, Crime Incorporated, Al Capone. That was my thing. And so I loved that. And she wanted to talk about Grazelle de Blanco, the godmother. And I'm like, this is batshit crazy. So she says, do you guys like sushi? Alfred hates sushi. He says, yeah, I like sushi. She says, we should go to Nobu and have sushi next week. He's like, absolutely. Love sushi. And we went out with Jana Jackson to Nobu and she's like, we shared. It was surreal. Watch the entire episode for free only on Spotify.