The Overreach of theTikTok Bill


1 year ago




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that fucking tick-tock band like what is this actual law that bill has to do a tick-tock? Yeah, yeah, there's nothing to do it. It's all about having power to restrict access to What's the deal with? Like a fucking evil well first of all they nailed it Adam curry doesn't think they are Adam Curry's perspective when I talked to him and Adam Curry's brilliant He said he thinks that they're eating Tech in America's lunch and they're trying to block them out because it's a Chinese owned company and because they're saying that China's scooping up All the data guess what he goes. That's exactly what these other companies are doing. Yeah, they're all scooping up your data Yeah, the idea that your data is going to China is a problem What does that mean it goes to China like because China is represents competition and they developed an app. That's the most addictive app ever I Mtv original VJ. Yeah, that guy's a huge tech guy. He's the fucking original podcaster. He's the pod father. He's number one It's why yeah, he's a couple things. He was a ground level on a super like deep in on the internet man Like that. So yeah, it seems the same seems it's just an app that they're making money off ads But I will say what's I've never seen before because Christine my girlfriend is like She's on a non-stop and I really like that she stops herself now, but the fact that you're in a position where you have to stop yourself and like She wait, she can't wait for me to go to the bathroom whatever so she could just start seeing more of them And I I'm genuinely afraid Of trying but I almost like almost like the same rate I want to try crack once like see what all the hubbub is about I want to go on and be like Is it get him? I'm not into watching bite-sized videos What it does is it finds what you're into and one of the ways I know that is my 12 year old and my 14 year old have fucking completely different feeds They talk about it like my 12 year old is into like weird facts and strange things She'll all kinds of stuff that the 14 year olds not into the 14 year olds into like dress-up videos It's like they're all people are in a different shit and that's what it'll find your thing It's like really good at that, but it's also like super invasive But then the question is how much do we know other than what we found out from Twitter? How much do we know about like what these other companies are doing? You just sign up for someone's app and then like how about when you're talking about something and then you see a Google ad Yeah, like what happened there? Yeah You can turn that off you can turn that that's actually a function if you go into like Facebook your phone You can all of them you put turn microphone off. It's an option So it doesn't do that if you turn the microphone off though the app doesn't do almost anything Just makes you almost keep it on Reason I have it on but it hobbles it. Yeah, it hobbles. That's too far. Listen to you constantly That's too far following shopping habits or something. It's like maybe that's way too far What about like an Alexa helps you solve a crime because it like was recording or so? I hate that didn't know if you know if like this whole Thing with Edward Snowden didn't come down. Mm-hmm We would and that was a long time ago really stop and think about it. We would have no fucking idea That there was a government full-scale surveillance Program that was on the American people like on everybody. Yeah, like they could spy on anybody. They don't have to have warrants anymore They're just they can do whatever they want. They can get all your emails all your voicemails Like that is wild shit and we found out about it because a guy told everybody and then had to hide in Russia Damn, I scrapped 30 billion images from Facebook and other social media sites and gave them to cops. Oh My god, yeah, it's back to a perpetual police lineup. Oh, so no more. They're not in the system They're not in the system. Look at that 30 billion images from Facebook and social media sites and gave them to police So now they have your name and your face So if you have a fake ID if you you know, you get pulled over they know exactly who you are And they can run that through some fucking computer. There's a database Media everything you've ever done that's so much deeper than DNA evidence because they would say that you know If someone didn't have their DNA in yeah, you couldn't find some it was their first time like crime and they weren't now You could be like did you buy a shovel recently? You're in the system if you have a phone Yeah This tick-tock law because people are freaking out about it and that people are telling me that I have to look into it Confusion is calling it the tick-tock law for the restrict act. It's what it's not listed in there, right? I'm sorry, but it's you know, that's like don't say gay build sure never really says don't say gay in any of it Yeah, I was a misleading one. Yeah, it's very misleading But that's also kind of how it's being sold to people as like this is what's gonna stop the bad tick-tock stuff Right. It's like hey tick-tock is not mentioned in here. So right won't do that at all So what does it say? So this is what instead of like just going after tick-tock. They're making this sweeping act the restrict act is described as a systematic framework for addressing technology based threats to the security and safety of Americans that sounds ominous it grants the Secretary of Commerce the authority to review trans-cran Transactions by certain foreign entities who offer information and communications Technologies products and services in order to identify investigate and mitigate Undo and unacceptable risks to the national security of the United States or its citizens This is this includes but not limited to impact the country's critical infrastructure and digital economy sabotage or subversion of ICTs in the United States boy that could be interpreted a lot of way interference and manipulation of federal elections Which could mean you're just skeptical or you're gullible and you bought into some conspiracy theories and you're talking about them And instead of just being able to just talk like a nonsense person you you get jacked So it's like yes, it's subverting the press undermining the democratic process to steer policy and regulatory decisions in favor of the strategic objectives of a foreign Adversary to the detriment of the national security of the United States like man This is all so open to interpretation Like think of those things impact the country's critical infrastructure in digital economy. That's easy to do you can impact it What what if you impact it in a positive way? Like what he's saying impact it the digital economy like how do they what what have you done? Do you promote a certain coin and it blows up? We feel like Yeah, I mean if you if someone like think about like these Bitcoin guys like yeah If Elon posts a dogecoin image Immediately goes dogecoin goes up right doesn't that impact the digital economy for the what does that mean? Yeah, I don't know what if he says the crypto is bullshit because he believes it well doesn't that impact the digital economy? Yeah, they could arrest him And are they talking about the digital economy that exists now or they talking about a centralized digital currency was which is what China does Are they saying that Elon Musk will be illegal for him to I don't know what they're saying the problem is the way that's I mean obviously I'm not a lawyer But the way that's written scroll back down so I could read that the way that's written Yeah impact to the country's critical infrastructure in digital economy The end digital economy is included in there like what does that mean? They don't know I've never made money digitally yeah But look at this so this thing information communications technologies products or services, right so this is this is ICTs sabotage or subversion of ICTs in the United States what's ICTs again, so it's information communications technologies products or services, all right Okay, so in order to identify investigate and mitigate undoing the unacceptable risk to the national security of the United States So if you did something that set so subversion so they're saying magic you said I think these people are full of shit and I think you know what they're trying to do is gain control the United States And I think we should resist that that would fall and there's and they're selling it as tick-tock is doing this Tick-tock is subverting our elections or They're not even selling it that way these countries are The foreign adversaries that may do bad stuff so they're like it's a risk that they're gonna do something bad with this Yeah, like they've listed using a VPN as a way to subvert that which would be what gigantic fine 20 years in prison what to use a VPN here Yeah, you should get a VPN Potentially criminalizing the use of a VPN service or side loading to access services blocked from doing business in the United States under the act Due to the text stating that no person may cause or aid a bet council command induced procure permit or approve of the doing of any act that violates the orders issued under the act what So confused bro. They're trying to gain more power. This is creepy This is not good, and I just gotta hope that people wise up and don't pass this does it seem like this is something They're they're passing. I don't know that it's gotten that far I know it's been proposed you think there's an order to it where it's like first we bill China as going after Hong Kong and Taiwan now we see them as the enemy now a business associated with them We can get rid of that now. Yeah, I don't know man. I mean it's probably like tick-tock zombifies people So like if you take it away, they're gonna revolt. Yeah, they won I don't think you have to take it away. Um But I think that act has nothing to do with tick-tock if people have like legitimate concerns That people are abusing and overusing tick-tock. That's a conversation people should have sure But if this this is not that it's not because of that this is not because everyone's using it to us about what they're getting Do it. Yeah, all that stuff seemed very vague to me obviously I'm an idiot But all that stuff seems very vague when they're reading out like what they can get you for yeah And that last thing about acts that are listed as impermissible under the act or whatever the fuck the wording was like what the fuck is You covering all the bases. It seems like it's so open to interpretation Now imagine if something like that existed during the pandemic. Yeah in the beginning of pandemic where people go You know, I don't know if these fucking masks work, you know, you you would immediately get that's against the public health That's against that. Yeah, that's right. That's exactly the trouble Now we know they don't work so then it was we think that you can still get sick even if you get vaccinated Immediately you would get banned from things