3 years ago
3 appearances
Annie Lederman is a standup comedian, host of the "Meanspiration" podcast, and look for her new merch at AnnieLederman.com
3 years ago
3 years ago
I yeah, no it was really weird cuz I was in the area that I lived That's where Tony lived they burned. Yeah, they burned cop cars like in very near my house He used to love that area. It was so beautiful. It was so nice and now it's all full of tents It was really it was really rough. Do you know that they're spending fucking? Oh, you ready for this Jamie? How about this? I'm gonna send you this Jamie cuz this is fucking crazy But as we're talking shit on Los Angeles, they're still at home. Well, there's a thing It's nothing in comparison. It's a smaller town. What's this? Instagram account. Yeah. Oh, is this someone's Los Angeles? Oh Street people of Los Angeles is good gutter people of Los Angeles is better. That's my favorite. Oh my god You guys this is sad. This is the video I was looking at that when you're talking about this like activist lady is trying to I guess help But there's also a guy with a machete just Jamie when you watched this the first time what part did you come? He comes all the time just comes multiple times Not as much as Tom cigarette, but yeah, not like Tom. I'm gonna send you something Jamie. This is You remember how Cole on the war was on and he was talking about how The reason why the homeless situation never gets fixed is because so many people Are working on the homeless situation and they spend hundreds of millions of dollars LA spent. I thought it was there was no money That's not the case Hundreds of millions of dollars get spent on the homeless and thank you for your contribution to that But you know where it goes to but you know where it goes to goes to salaries of people work on the home So this someone posted all the salaries of all these people look at they're all like six figures and more look at it 254 $263,000 $198,000 $264,000 like they make a shitload of money You would think it is like it is a job you would want to pay people a lot because you want them you want like great Mine, this is a you want results a puzzle like this is a puzzle someone needs to solve But you want results when you get no results you shouldn't get that much exactly and there's too many people there should be like a Committee of five people no no you you need a lot of people to deal with the homeless situation in LA It's a hundred thousand homeless people you have you have Boulder, Colorado in LA In homeless I take the entire population of Boulder and make it homeless and then put it in LA Boulder so the opposite of that Boulder just these gorgeous Fit hikers hikers yeah, they're like they're hot But they're wearing those like toe shoes like Tiva so you wouldn't bang them But you're like I understand they're taking like a yoga mat to the top of they got a yoga mat They're wearing a story. I heard in on the LA news that they had these They bought these things for the homeless shelter Situation and they were just hanging out near a Dodger Stadium unused until someone found them with like a drone one day Fix anything either one of those spend a bunch of money on right but here so then you're gonna get homeless people And they're gonna live in these things they're gonna make it so however the way they want to This guy's talking about they're gonna live however the way they want to on in those hands up There just doing drugs and lighting things on fire, and it's like nice living in LA like it's like the weather is beautiful It's nice. Well. That's why they like to go down the beach. It's very you know it's very maintained Ocean air comes off. I think what they're doing. I know they have beach fun Property they do they're putting decks on I'm like you guys this is crazy you guys are living a better life then This is bananas, but Venice is um I think they did something where they're you can't loiter or litter or something So now the homeless people are like cleaning. It's like cleaner What the fuck or they can arrest them so you can't camp how about that get the fuck out of here? Yeah, and you know what you gotta figure your life out the other day There's people that are not quite homeless yet. That's how you know It's like these are drug addicts like it's like people that are not you see them like leaning into that life or like If they weren't allowed to camp they would probably It's just get their shit together the whole thing is dumb You can't allow but you know just camp on streets in the middle of nowhere You just can't you just can't in the middle of your streets. Yeah put tents up You just can't allow that you know they passed a ban on it here And today's supposed to be the day that the second phase goes no I was gonna say cuz I've been I can't allow my king to tell me there's no homeless people in his no There's homeless people. There's just not a lot. Yes. There are no there's 2,000 Two to three thousand. It's a small place. I see them everywhere. Well. There's a lot I mean in terms of I'm telling you I saw this obese woman Bottomless running across I mean the amount of vaginas. I see in this goddamn business, but she was wearing a mask I was like I was promised no masks and no homeless people and I'm getting a mixture of both Catch new episodes of the Joe Rogan experience for free only on Spotify watch back catalog JRE videos on Spotify including clips easily seamlessly switch between video and audio experience on Spotify You can listen to the JRE in the background while using other apps and can download episodes to save on data cost all for free Spotify is Absolutely free. You don't have to have a premium account to watch new JRE episodes You just need to search for the JRE on your Spotify app go to Spotify now to get this full episode of the Joe Rogan experience