The Devastating Effect China's Social Credit System Would Have in America | Joe Rogan


5 years ago



Owen Smith

3 appearances

Owen Smith is a comedian, writer, actor and television producer. Check out his new show "Notebooks" available now on YouTube. @Owen Smith Comedy


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But it's also at night, there's something about the darkness where I'm like, I just, you know, I do a lot of my really fucked up thinking when everyone else in my house is asleep. Yeah. You know? I can relate, yeah. That's when I spark up, that's when I write my best shit too, is when everyone's asleep. So when everyone's asleep, I'm sitting around thinking like, man, what if this keeps going sideways? What if we get a solar for there? What if the grid goes down? What if the earthquake hits? What if the fucking volcano under Yellowstone blows? What if this? What if an asteroid hits? What if a worse disease catches on? What if there's a war between us and China over this bullshit? There's a crazy letter that Germany wrote to China yesterday. Crazy. The head of Germany wrote some letter directly to the head guy in China, talking about the only reason why you're in power is because of surveillance and what have you done to the world? Like, what you guys have done because of your disgusting pride and you've hidden the facts from people, you've tried to distort the reality, and because of that, hundreds of thousands of people are going to die. Like, whoa. It was deep. I was reading this letter. Like, you never read a letter like that where a one world leader is shit, not another world leader. It was the editor of a newspaper, it says. Was it? Oh, it was an incident. No, wasn't there a head guy in... Oh, the head guy in Germany is a woman, right? Yeah, Angela Merkel, right? Who is it? Editor of a prominent German newspaper. Oh, okay. Oh. Well, whoever that person is. Reich... Reich... Say it again? Reich... Reich... Reich... Reich... Reich... Reich... Reich... Reich... Reich... Yeah, okay. There's a T on the end there. Yeah, but whatever. The articles. That's right. That's correct, you know, because they... China never... They don't admit any fault ever. Whenever anything goes wrong, they cover everything up. There's so many people that criticize the government in China, they just wind up getting ghosted. They just disappear. They vanish. Yeah. They'd never hear from them again. No. No one knows what to do. I mean, that's how they run things over there. What scares me is that... And we give into that kind of... Like, they have apps on their phone right now that give them a social score. You know, so like if you jaywalk, you lose points. Oh, yeah, I've heard about that. Oh, yeah, and a guy... Yeah, some guy said his social score was really bad and people... It's almost like Minority Report. Because everyone's like... It's almost like Black Mirror. Yeah. Yeah, like that. It's scary. And if we give into that kind of surveillance over here, there's a real dark end to all that stuff. There's a real dark end. The bright side is you're like, oh, well, maybe everybody will keep their shit together and be nice. Or maybe the government will be watching every goddamn thing you do all day long and hold that over you. And then they'll use that in order to gain more political power. That's just as possible and more likely. Or if your social score is like manipulated or wrong. The downside is a lack of freedom. And that's the whole reason why the United States is so innovative. The whole reason is this... We have this spirit over here, this spirit of freedom. We can do more. We can get more shit done. We can come up with ideas. We celebrate this sort of creative... Sort of creative spirit that we think of when we think of the United States. We think of freedom. We think of creativity. There's so much innovation done over here. The moment you start clamping down on people and taking away freedom, you're also gonna take away that creativity. You're also gonna take away that innovative thought mentality. You're gonna make people scared. And you're gonna do it just so that you can control them. And it's fucked. It's the worst. One of the things about the United States that makes it so great is that we have the ability to criticize our government. We have the ability to talk shit. And that keeps people in check.