The Brawny WOMEN and Other Corporate Leftist Missteps w/Kurt Metzger | Joe Rogan


4 years ago



Kurt Metzger

6 appearances

Kurt Metzger is a stand-up comic, writer, and host of the "Can't Get Right with Kurt Metzger" podcast. His latest special, "30 Minutes with Kurt Metzger," is available on YouTube.


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Think about some jobs like lumberjack. Like a lumberjack you immediately think of a giant man. I think of a paper towel giant. Yes. Yeah. That, that, for that job. He was a lumberjack, right? The paper towel guy? Was he a giant? The brawny guy's not a giant. He maybe is a normal man. Paul Bunyan is not the brawny guy, but I look the same. Was it, was the brawny guy a ripoff of the Paul Bunyan character? Paul Bunyan's like the, the great tail we're going to. But what is, are we imagining the brawny guy incorrectly? I have a feeling he's just a regular sized guy. I think he's just a handsome. He's the kind of guy men and women want to fuck. That's right. He's like a Marlboro man type character. He would be the guy that starts the orgy in the LSD camp. Yeah, it's a regular dude. Oh, he's clean. Now he looks like Teddy from a... It's just a perspective thing. Oh, there's, I remember there's the other guy. Yeah, see? But the other, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, there we go. The other guy with the mustache. The guy with the mustache on the left hand side? Yeah, he's just a regular sized guy with some trees behind him. The guy, no, the, the, on the guy in the top two, is that the same guy or is that different mustache guys? The new guy is, that guy is... He died of HIV sadly. That's why we had this new one. Like how did, I don't understand why they got rid of the old brawny guy and made a totally different guy a brawny guy. This brawny guy looks like he lives in Long Island and... Yeah, he really, he looks like Adam Carole. He owns a travel company. He's got like one of them second market ticket sales companies. Yeah, they had a dang... Strength has no gender. What is that? Is that a brawny commercial? Please don't say that's real. Yeah. Strength has no gender. That's true. I guess... Why are they in the, well it looks really like a lesbian book club of some kind. Like look at the... There are definitely women that are stronger than some men. So I get it, but... I don't know why, I don't, first of all, I don't even know why a paper towel would tell me anything. Well not only that, why is it assuming that I don't think that women are strong? It's assuming it. That's why they have that. It's not Adam. It says strength has no gender. Okay listen to this. It's at women. It's at women. But listen, what if it was us? What if it was a bunch of meathead looking men standing there and said strength has no gender? Because it goes outside. You'd be like, hey, fuck you. Fuck you. We know you're strong. Stop. Stop. Women are strong too. Like okay, I didn't say you weren't. I just said strength has no gender and here's me and my friend. Somebody in marketing, that's like whoever does the marketing, they're like, what do women... Whoever the Don Drapers that go, what do women want? They're white, they're angry, they don't think they're strong. Like that's the purely the... it's like the dumb dad on the sitcom thing. That's just like a thing that's been going on for... I don't know, forever that image that insulting fucking... Yeah, they're teaching you about life. Because every woman is an engineer. But that picture, go back to that picture, I would feel so sold out if I was a guy and I was really into brawny because I kind of look like the brawny guy. And then I go to buy my brawny towels and there's three chicks in a stellar position. If you felt like the brawny guy... But literally it's like pregnant men. Okay, the brawny guy is a goddamn lumberjack. I would assume most lumberjacks are probably big strong men. You don't think he became a gay kind of icon a while? I mean, I understand the way you're saying it. But the idea that they have three female lumberjacks. Three. Well, you gotta do the job of one man. That was a lob for the grand slam. He has to jack the lumber of one full man. This is gonna take three of these strong ladies. It's just... what are the percentages of women that are lumberjacks and what's the likelihood of three of them being on a team? It looks... in that picture he looks like a guy who's about to take a shit a lot. By the way, this is an ignorant question. I'm aware. If you're a female lumberjack and you're mad at me right now, I'm sorry. I don't know anybody that's a female lumberjack. I'm just asking questions. I mean, they're wearing lumberjack clothes. That's what a lumberjack wears, I'm assuming. Are you posing? What is this? Is this stolen valor? Is this stolen valor? Are you pretending you're out there carrying trees? You wearing a lumberjack shirt is stolen valor. Stolen valor. These aren't lumberjacks. These are models. These are hot chicks with nice nails. They're not out there carrying trees and shit. You know, they could... by the way, they're not... I'll tell you what, the women that do that job, I promise they're not gonna put on the paper towels. They all look like you. Just fucking put a wig on the guy. Look at that one lady with her sleeves rolled up. Are you about to go to work? Look at her. Go to that picture. Click on that. She's got this really thin body, these really thin arms, and she's got her sleeves rolled up with her flannel shirt on in front of a bunch of trees. Are you about to chop trees down, ma'am? Because you weigh 90 pounds. You better get the fuck out of the way of those trees. I think the idea is to make you think that you feel like a lumberjack while you're wiping your counter down is what they're trying to convey. I think we need to be more respectful about what the fuck it means to be a lumberjack. I would think... you would think that that would be romantic until you did that job eight hours a day, five days a week, and your fucking body's broken down because you're carrying logs on your shoulder and shit, and you're chopping at trees. Oh my god. Was your father a lumberjack? Because that is very... No, this is what I feel. You can't pretend you're a goddamn lumberjack. You can't take a hot model and cover her face with a little bit of coal powder and pretend she's a coal miner in West Virginia getting black lung. You can't because she's not. That sounds like a great point. Yes, I believe you. You're not a lumberjack, lady. And that guy... Okay, Bronnie. What if that was for Similac and he was breastfeeding? Dude, that would be fucking hilarious. Just as likely as that lady being a lumberjack. Just as likely that the Bronnie guy is breastfeeding. Yeah, I think. Yes. Just as likely. Lumberjack is a brutal physical... if a woman's doing it, that woman's gonna be jacked. She's gonna be strong as fuck. What's the one that... Jean's shirt. I just left it with that. Dude, what's the one that kicked off the whole, like... oh, the Gillette one. Like the one that kicked off the whole, like, fuck men advertising strategy. What was that one? You know, the fucking Gillette. I don't know. It was a while ago. Did I miss it? Did I miss it? Did I miss some outrage? Yeah, we talked about it. I'm sure. You must have talked about it. Which one was it? It was about, uh... It was like, Gillette best a man can get. Is this the best a man can get? And then they would... And it was like, the Me Too movement. Time's up. Fucking... the guy's looking in the mirror at himself and then it cuts. Dude, you don't remember this. Oh, now I remember it. Now I remember it, yeah. It was preposterous. I am pretty high, so... No, no, no. I remember it now. I blocked it out, like a childhood molestation. Well, then there was, like, a fake debate. All these people were like, I'm never buying Gillette. You know, people are tweeting. They're throwing out their fucking Gillette razors. And somebody told me, like, it's brilliant because it's to the women who are buying their razors. But here's the thing. The women that are buying, right, they're not into that either. A woman that's buying razors for a man is also not into the fucking Gillette ad. So whoever's in charge of the marketing, it's their entire, like... What do you think that is? Do you think that's, like, someone who decides they're gonna cash in on movement and they just say, maybe there's an opportunity here to make some money and... Oh, dude. Wait, will you... Okay, I totally forgot. What? What? Do you remember... Look at this. The guy... Men with their fucking sitcom... Now, did you see what they just showed? The guy put his hand on her shoulder. No, it was a fucking sitcom where a white guy grabs his black maid's ass and it's all men in the audience going, ha ha ha! What fucking show was that? The guy would just fucking grab his maid's ass and everyone's like, yay! Is there a show like that? Maybe married with children? No. No. Look at that. No, even then. Let me see it again. That's fake, but... That's so fake. That's weird. That's such a bizarre dynamic. That's weird because... You're right. You're dead right because it's a recreation of something that didn't really happen. What is that supposed to be an example of? That's not even like a mashup of anything I've ever seen. But it's like they made a fake TV show? Yeah, it's like... Here's an example of the type of shows you're like, no one was watching that. But that's not even a show, right? That's why it's so weird. So it's like a straw man show. The whole thing is a fucking straw man. Right, but I mean that... That's a weird way of doing it. Is that what they were depicting? Were they depicting a fake sitcom? Yeah, a fake sitcom. It seemed like it, right? Which... It seemed like it was... Yeah, yeah. How weird is it they don't have a real example? How weird is that? This is like on a fake set right there. There he is. Yeah, how weird is that? Not even a puppet did shit like that on one of the puppet sitcoms from the 90s. And that's weird too. That guy put his hand on that girl's shoulder and she had this weird look in her face like, oh my God. I know, that's the craziest... Like if a woman put her hand... I thought it was a Joe Biden campaign. If you were working with a woman and she put her hand on your shoulder like that, it would be nothing. Right? Yeah, well it's not a good... That's a super... It's not a good example to put in your ad. Look, in a real situation, like, hey, I felt this weird thing. I'm sure there could be a situation that someone puts their hand on your shoulder and it's weird, right? Oh yeah. Not automatically. Or that they insulted you and then they put their hand on your shoulder. Why are you putting this... The whole point that I can't get past is why the fuck is Joe... Why are you talking about this? Why aren't you... Tell me how great your razors are, you fucks. You should be begging me to buy your fucking ring, you fucking moron. What are you doing? They think it causes... Is it teaching people? No, because then you talk about it, like, on a podcast, right? And then they're like, see, you've got engagement. That doesn't mean people are going to buy this shit. I'm not going to not buy it. I just think some marketing person fucked up. I don't think it's representative of the whole company. And some marketing person, they just... They decided they were going to, like... Yeah, right. ...hatch or hitch a ride onto the back of this movement. A bunch of things did. Yeah. A ton of things. Isn't that weird when they do that? You think I'm so stupid, I'm not going to know what you're doing? Because statistically you are that stupid. They have some kind of research where they're like, yes, you are statistically. It's like the letter from Nigeria to...