5 years ago
Do you like the whole point scoring format thing? Do you think it's a good added element? I like it. I like it because, and not necessarily because it changes how people fight. Fighting in this organization, though I believe you're a little more loose. You know what I mean? You show up and you know you have to win. You try to win and you try to win. You don't just try to get the W. There's a lot of fights sometimes when it's like you're on the bubble and it's like you're fighting very cautious. I feel like with this rule set you get to just be yourself out there. You always want to win. So you're always going to fight to win, but you don't necessarily change your style to play the rules. You're just going to fight the way you fight. The only thing that concerns me is that it's a little complicated. Pay attention to all of it. For the fans? The points and all that kind of stuff. I understand why you would say that, but if you're watching the broadcast, you got me, Sean, Randy behind the desk. We're trying to keep people updated with the points and how that works. It's really not that hard. Who's Sean? Sean O'Connell. Oh, so he's doing commentary now. So he's doing commentary now. He was a radio guy, right? Yeah, he was a radio guy for, oh no, it's serious. I got sports radio guy. I think he still has that program. It's crazy. Good for him. Amazing. He's a millionaire. He's a millionaire and he's diversified his portfolio. And he retired. He retired from fighting and now he's in the booth with Randy and I. That's amazing. I think he's a pretty good play-by-play guy, especially as a former fighter. Not a lot of play-by-play guys are former fighters. That's right. It's usually color. He fought well in the UFC too. He's a tough guy. It's weird. I always make fun of him. Like, you fight like Homer Simpson but you fight IQs higher. Why is it fights like Homer Simpson? Because he takes so many shots, man. He just stands in front of you and just trades punches. But he had to use his brain to beat Vinny. You know what I mean? Yeah. Because Vinny takes you down and gets on top. He's going to grind himself through submission. But with Sean, he backed away from the... Because all of his other fights, all season, were the Homer Simpson fights. He got hit sometimes but he just came back and bombed on you and knocked everybody out. He lost every first round that he fought. One of them, he lost the entire fight. But every other fight that he fought, he lost the first round and then came back and just bombed on guys. Even with Vinny, he lost the first round. You know?