Sam & Colby's First Paranormal Incident on the Queen Mary


1 year ago



Colby Brock

1 appearance

Colby Brock is a YouTuber, alongside fellow Youtuber Sam Golbach, best known to audiences for their explorations of haunted and paranormal locations.

Sam Golbach

1 appearance

Sam Golbach is a YouTuber, alongside fellow Youtuber Colby Brock, best known to audiences for their explorations of haunted and paranormal locations.


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So tell me about the Queen Mary. That's the beginning for you guys. That's the number one origin. You went there to do what? So what was really interesting is we did a lot of the abandoned stuff, but every once in a while we would do like a haunted thing because those creepy stories and you know the lore of everything is really interesting whether or not you believe it or not. At that time we didn't really believe in any of the ghost stuff. We're like, all right, this is gonna be a great video because everyone was telling the stories, but we just got, I don't know what it was, but someone forwarded us something saying that for the first time in 30 years, the Queen Mary in Long Beach, which is like one of the most haunted ships, like New York Times, like top 10 most haunted places in the world. We filmed Fear Factor there once. Really? Yeah. That's crazy. It's a beautiful ship. They do a comedy show there sometimes. No way. Yeah, for a while they had a regular comedy night there on the Queen Mary. Yeah, I didn't realize how like famous it was, but they have that. They have haunted houses. They have a ton of different attractions there, but there's this one room, B340, that hadn't been open for 30 years and allegedly they closed it down because there's multiple unexplained murders and or suicides in that room. And we're like, whoa, this is the first week this is open after 30 years. This is gonna be an amazing story to tell or video film. And so we went in there trying to make something or trying to get something. We obviously didn't really believe that much. So we were like, all right, let's just see if it happens. If there's gonna be a haunted location, it will be this. We toured around, did the whole thing, weren't getting much. And we're kind of frustrated at that point because we're like, all right, this is supposed to be the cream of the crop. This is supposed to be the big big wig. Like why can't we get something to happen? And so it was four o'clock in the morning at this time. We've been trying for hours of just sitting in circles, like asking out. And we didn't have any equipment at this time. This is like the first place we ever went to. So we were just meandering the hallways being like, is anything here? Yeah, just trying to get something to happen on camera. And nothing was happening. And so we're like, fine, I guess, let's do this. Let's just leave. It's fun to tell the story, let's just leave. And so we turn off the camera and start packing up. We start walking towards the door. And as soon as we actually were about to get out of the room, the faucet turns on, full blast for four seconds, and then turns back off. And we all actually freeze and freak out. Two of our roommates that were there at the time just immediately started crying. We ran in. We were like, OK, how was that actually possible at all? Maybe that's a sign of it doesn't want to be filmed, and it doesn't want us to leave. So maybe let's just not film this and try one more time, just for the heck of it. And so that's what we did. But this time it worked. And to the weirdest extent, we just put away all of our cameras. We sat in the most serious tone saying, OK, guys, before this, didn't really believe. So if this is happening, let's have something happen. And so we all sit in the dark together, and we start calling out questions. And we're like, OK, is there anybody here? We hear a knock. And so we're like, OK, maybe that's something. Very faint, though. It was like a tap. Like a tap. And so we're like, OK, let's just run with that. Can you tap more than once? And there was three taps. We're like, OK, this is really weird. And we start asking questions. And how loud are you saying this? Like, is it possible that someone could have heard you from another room? That's what we thought. So we were talking probably like this, but then there was times where we talked really quiet. And we tested everything. But so what we did is we decided, let's ask questions using these taps. So we said, tap once for yes. Tap anything more than once for no. We had a yes or no conversation for 35 minutes with something that we cannot explain. And we did everything because we were skeptical at this point. Did you film any of this? We didn't think so. But apparently, one of our friends, he's like super religious, was like, hey, no matter what the entire night he was keeping an audio recording in his pocket. We had no idea. We had no idea that he was doing that. So nobody talked about it. So if there was something there, it didn't know either. Yeah, we had no idea he had pulled that out. We genuinely were like, OK, no one's filming. We even say in this audio recording, no one's filming, no bullshit, everyone, please be serious about this. And so we had this conversation back and forth, and we tried to trick it. We would ask questions in different manners like, OK, is there more than one of you? Yes. And then we'd say, are you alone? And it would say no. Back and forth, trying to get this thing. The story kept straight the entire time. And we were like, OK, come on, there could be someone screwing with us. This is on the news of being haunted place. What's going on? What's crazy about it, too, is all the knocks, they weren't just coming from one section. That would make sense if maybe something outside was tapping. These knocks would be below us, and then above us to our sides. Some would be louder than other ones. We went out to the hallway a couple of times, and we realized that we were the last room, besides this utility room to our left. And obviously, we had basically that whole floor to ourselves as well, since it was super late. And then sometime in the middle, we were like, OK, let's ask a question under our breath. Like, OK, this thing does not want us to leave. And at that moment, the entire floor shook. Boom. We were like, oh my god, what was that? You could feel the vibration in your feet. Crashing on the ship or something was huge. And so we're like, OK, so this thing doesn't want us to leave. Maybe we should just ask questions under our breath for the rest of the time, just so we know it's not some employee, it's not someone screwing with us the entire time. So fast forward to the very end. We were like, OK, we've had a bunch of conversations. At this point, we really believe if this is truly something, I want to know something about something deeper than just yes or no questions, or just something silly of how many people are here. So I decided, let's ask about religion. And I ask out, is there a heaven? And it knocks three times, meaning no. And at that point, our two religious friends that were there immediately jumped up and said, we have to leave right now. We had no idea why. Why? What's going on? I'll tell you in the car, just don't look back. Let's go. Let's leave. And so we walked out, we left. We got all the way to the car without anyone saying anything. And as soon as we got in the car, we're like, what's going on? Why do we have to leave? He's like, well, in the Christian religion, anything demonic or evil is supposed to basically disprove that there is a heaven in order. And so what they're saying is like, we don't think this is some like spirit or something paranormal there. We think it was something that was trying to lead you away from heaven or Christianity. Demonic territory type thing. But that also just depends on what you believe in. Obviously, like our roommates were very, very Christian, very religious. And so when they heard the knocks saying no, they thought it was just kind of like a sign from like a demon to like steer us away from God and saying like, this does not exist. And so they without question ran before we could even, like we kind of were wanting to stay there to ask more things. It was really interesting because this is your first experience for anything paranormal. Well, first very believable one. There has been plenty of times where I hear things or like, you know, things are scary. In like the abandoned places, but they're also decrepit old places that creak and stuff. Yeah, old dark places make you freak out. Exactly. This is the first conversation we should say that we've had. So up until that point, did you believe in ghosts before? And like, what is it? What is the feeling like when you have to sort of process the end of that day? So that was a monumental change, not only like a career, but also like, at least my like thought process in life. Because yes, I had the idea that maybe something else is out there. Like I had grown up a Christian. But at that time, we had gone to so many scary places. We, you know, tackled a bunch of life questions, philosophical questions throughout our time together and we're like, okay, like after asking about it, like for me, I was like losing like faith in something else. I was like, okay, maybe we're just the only things out here. And after that moment, I had like a full on like breakdown the next day. Like I like I was like, everything that I thought was not real, now becomes real. And I had like, pretty much lost any any sort of like faith at that point. But there is even a video of me online, like sitting on a bedroom floor, like crying to cameras saying, I truly didn't believe and now this instance opens up this whole world, like maybe I don't immediately believe 100%. But the question of if there's something else out there is now back in my brain. And I want to chase that. And so after the whole arrest and going to the Honda stuff, that was like, it wasn't necessarily we were like 1000% believers the second we like had this experience. But it was so intriguing, because it was one of those things that we couldn't explain. We told this story so many times. And the audio of this actually happening the Knox is online. So many people don't believe it, because they weren't there. And we wouldn't believe it if we weren't there. And so we understand that people don't believe us when we talk about these things. However, just the idea that it could be real, and the idea that could happen again, is what's so intriguing and is why we got into it. And we're like, okay, if we can just keep doing this and keep getting more and more proof like that feeling of hope of like, okay, there is something else out there. And it is not just, okay, we're just gonna live and die here on the planet. It's so special. No matter what you believe in, no matter what religion you have, it's like, we realized that that experience for us, it taught us that there is something else. It's more spiritual than anything. And we wanted to spread that message as well to as many people as possible. Again, no matter what they believed in. But your roommates thought it was demonic. They took like the Christian route. And that's, again, that's up to whoever is viewing this or experiencing it themselves. But yeah, they took it very, very seriously. How did you feel? Did you feel like it was a demon? Or did you feel like it was a ghost or dead people? What did you think it was? I don't know. At the time, I definitely thought it was like a demon because these two guys are like yelling at me. Like, dude, this is 100% without a shout of a doubt, like a demon. And I'm like, well, I don't know exactly what I believe in. This is already rattling my brain right now. But it was scary. And what was scarier is trying to go back into it and repeating the process. Because we didn't know what we were messing with. If it was a demon, like hell, maybe if it is all real, are we just screwing ourselves over by going in all these places? Right. Are you inviting that thing into your life? How many times did you guys go to the Queen Mary? Three, four times? Yeah, three or four times. So you went back after that? We did. Did you leave the roommates at home? At that point, yeah. We did. Our final stint, which was actually last year, we hadn't gone back in three years, but we wanted to like, the Queen Mary actually shut down, which was sad. Really? When was that? Last year, they lost funding and whatever. What am I opening up now? They're trying to raise money and get it back up. So we thought this was the last time we'd ever see the ship, so we're like, let's go say goodbye to the thing that literally started this whole adventure for us. And so, COVID-19 went back alone to this B340. Same room alone, repeating. Did they rent that room out to anybody? They do now. They do now. But for 30 years they didn't. For 30 years. We were like the first people to get to it. That's so crazy. After 30 years. But again, that's all alleged as well. Like, who knows if it's like a marketing ploy? And again, we were so skeptical that Sam and I, when those knocks first started to happen, we were like looking under things. We were like, this room has to be bugged. See if you can find anything about that room. Find anything about the Queen Mary. Room 340. Yeah, it's a B340. B340. So, they told you that there was multiple murders that took place in that room? Yeah, I mean if you can put pictures. Imagine that you guys were just like an hour away from killing your roommates. Oh my god. Yeah, like if we kept going at it. We kept asking questions. He just turns on us. Bam. Goodbye. And then he decides talking to you. That's what the room looks like. This is the room? Oh god, it gets a chills. What does it say on the wall? So you can scripture? Well, they have literally experiences of each different family. Yeah, there's a ton of- Oh my god. So it's like openly haunted. Yeah, so anytime someone has like a crazy experience that they deem notable, they'll write it on the wall. There's our thumbnail right there. Oh, there's our thumbnail right there. It's the Bloody Mary wall. Yeah, and they have instructions to do Bloody Mary. It's definitely cheesy a little bit. Like they have the Bloody Mary like- Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary. What does that mean? So Bloody Mary is like this challenge that a lot of people used to do like as like children or whatever. You like go in front of a mirror, turn the light off, have one candle, spin around three times while saying Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary. Oh, so it's Candy Man. Exactly. Pretty much. Yeah, so it's the evolution of Candy Man. And so that's like gimmicky obviously, but there's a lot of stories all over the- That's the one that turned on, yeah. And so this room, is there any documentation that people actually died in that room? Yeah, I was gonna say, I'm curious because like when we went there, again, like we were very different than where we're at now. Like we didn't do like super extensive research. What we did is we like would, you know, we'd take the article that it says it is, but obviously we're not going back and fact checking that. And then we'd go and talk to the employees. And so most of our stories were all like firsthand encounters with the employees that were there or things that they would tell us rather than, you know. And the employees seem to believe it. The three employee like we've met pretty much at all these haunted places are true believers. Those are the ones that said like they could see stuff following us. So yeah, people that work there like are super into like the paranormal and stuff. That's what's fucked, right? Because there's only a handful of those people that are there day in, day out. Right, right. Like and you can dismiss that. Or it's like- Or it might be real. Right, right. That's the thing, it's just the thing that gnaws at me, it's like it's so easy to dismiss ghosts. It's like, oh, that's a monster bullshit. But the problem is there are so many people that say they've seen it over so many years, literally hundreds and hundreds of years. It makes you wonder, as if there are multiple dimensions and if life is, if you are a physical body that's carrying around a soul, like where does that thing go? Yeah, if energy doesn't die, where does it all go? What happens if something horrible takes place? Like there's some crazy traumatic moment, gunshots and stab wounds. Like where does that soul go? Is it possible that things get trapped in between worlds and that these people that work in these places or you guys experience? Exactly.