Remi Warren's Amazing Story About Rescuing His Wife


2 years ago



Remi Warren

5 appearances

Remi Warren is a hunting guide, writer, television personality, and host of the "Live Wild with Remi Warren" podcast.


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I don't know if I told you the story, but actually, my wife was lost one time. That's actually... And I actually didn't think that I was going to find her alive. So that was actually probably one of the worst outdoor experiences that ended up turning out good. Saved your life. But it wasn't for my own sake. How you met her? No, it wasn't how I met her. So you'd already met her and then... Yeah, I'd met her. We dated. She's younger than me. I'm traveling. She had moved away. And we just kind of went apart. And we were going to get back together. This was a couple years after. So we were not actually dating at the time. But I was on a trip in Alaska. I just got back. And then her sister called me. And was like, Danielle's missing. And we... And it's like, you know, one of those like, nobody can find her. And like, maybe I have the skill set to go help out in some way. And so I like, literally, I just, I was unpacking all this. I was doing a film thing in Alaska. I just got in, maybe five minutes into my house. I just left all my shit. I called my brother and my friend. And I was like, Danielle's missing. We're going to go. So we gathered up our stuff and drove. She was in central Nevada. She was visiting her dad and like, just gone out on a trail and never came back. And so it was like, it was, it's like the high desert. Mid summer. So it was, you know, like pretty hot in the daytime, really cold at night, really high elevation kind of thing. And I think she'd been missing for, this would be going on her third day. Oh shit. Yeah. And so I was like, oh shit. And there was a, so we got there and there had been like a Facebook group and they had the Black Hawk helicopters out looking, couldn't find her, search and rescue. They did the dog thing, everything. And so I got there, it was like probably 5 p.m. It was still daylight when I got there. And we get there and kind of talk to search and rescue. And I'm like, one of the guys kind of recognized me, knew I was and what I did. And I had my whole pack, like, I was ready to glass. Like we were going to just, normally on search and rescue things, like they want people out of the area, but they knew that I knew what I was doing. So they let us in to help. And so kind of met with them, talked to them. There was a Facebook group thing of like what they'd seen. And there was this report of a vehicle with like Mexico plates leaving the area. And I don't know like how, you know, she started like people start saying like, okay, I saw her last wearing this. So she, the last she'd been seen, she was just wearing like running stuff, didn't have any equipment with her. She'd gone up and then the search and rescue dogs, like they went up the canyon and then they came back and they do that multiple times. So the theory was like she went up, came back and then people were, they were actually had kind of thought since they put in a search effort that she was gone, like taken. So, you know, that kind of shits in your mind too, right? Right. So you're like, okay. They saw a Mexico plate. Yeah. And I'm like, I don't know why, you know, why that would, but. Kidnapping. Yeah, something, right. Right. Because they had the, you know, they were working under the assumption that she wasn't there, like out there. Right. So, you know, they kind of asked like, they do like a little interview, like, you know, how far do you think she'd gone? I was like, well, she trains for marathons. Like she could be 20 miles from this point. We don't really know, you know, we don't know what happened either. Like she could have fallen broke. Like we just don't know what happened. Yeah. So they showed us where the dogs were, had gone and where they'd inspected and everything. And I, I thought, I was like, you know, my initial, like the way that I think was like, well, whatever you guys have done didn't work. Right. So I'm just going to kind of take the things that you've said and just, and look at it through a lens of like that didn't work. So I got it. We've got to just try something different. So I loaded up my pack and I had like all my optics, everything. And I was just like, I, my thought was I'm just going to go out there. And part of it too, I was kind of like a wreck in some ways where like, I'm not just going to sit around and do nothing. Right. So it's starting to get dark at this point. And my thought was like, I'm not coming back until I find something. So I just loaded up my pack, like I'm going on a back country hunt with all my shit and just go after, go back there and see what I can do. And I wanted to be, it was good in nighttime. So I wanted to be like ready first thing in the morning, thinking when that before that light gets harsh and she's in the shade. Like if you're trying to survive in the desert, when it's super cold at night, so you're probably moving around to stay warm. And then in the morning, you'd probably still be moving around. But once it gets daytime, then you're probably in the heat and you're in the shade. So there was the guy, so they had Blackhawk and it had to go back because it timed out, like it needed fuel there at that point. And they were searching in the middle of the day, which I thought, you know, it'd be better to search in the evening after the heat on the rocks cools off a little bit and you can use a FLIR system like thermals because everything in the desert cools down so fast that you might be able to find her at night using a thermal system. So I asked the guy if we could get a thermal FLIR system. And so they were working on getting something. And so I had one of the guys take me into the back. I just said, like, drive me as far. They had like these little Ranger things in the whole, you know, like off-road vehicle, like Polaris. Yeah. Yeah. Or Can Am or whatever. So I was like, just drive me as far back as you can. So drive me back. And now it's starting to get dark and I had a mixed flashlight. And I just like looked at it before it got dark and just looking around. I was like, oh, I'd probably go up here. No trail. I was like, man, we've we've hiked all over the world together. No trails. We never go on trails. So I just thought, I start going here. And now, but at this point it's dark and I just started hiking in the dark up this canyon and it's probably maybe probably close to midnight at this point. And I was thinking about, you know, like a lot of shit's going through my head thinking, man, what's it going to be like if I find her dead? And okay, like am I prepared for this? Or what if I and the thing that really like messed me up was what if I never find her? I just couldn't into these things like kept going through my head. And I'm literally in the dark and there's no moon at all. Just hiking in the dark. I like just stopped and you just I felt very, very, very helpless. And I'm like literally praying for a sign of some kind. And I look down and there's this weird scuff mark. And I'm like, I just keyed in on it. In randomly walking in the dark and there's deer tracks everywhere. And I just start like following this one track and it just didn't look right. But it's not like the kind of ground where you can see tracks, you know, I inspected it. I didn't see shoes and I get up to this like flat bench area. And I just have this weird feeling and I'm like, yeah. And then I saw a light on the top of the mountain. So I thought, oh man, maybe that's somebody had come in, hiked in with like thermals and I can use that to then look for her. And I'll come back to this area. So I call my brother and my buddy on the radio. I'm like, hey, you know, I'm up here and they were around. They were looking around the rocks where the dogs had turned around thinking maybe she went up there, fell into something and got stuck in like places. People normal search and rescue wasn't going to look. So they were looking in kind of those areas. So I hike up to where the light was on the hill and it happened to just be like people that were in the area, like a couple that were just like whatever camping. And, you know, I was like, hey, you know, I talked to him. I was like, hey, here's a picture. Have you seen this person? No, we haven't seen anything. I was like, cool. You know, like the area is kind of closed down right now just so you know, because they're looking for like cool. Keep an eye out. And so now I'm away from that spot. I just like I started to think about it and I was like, I called my brother and buddy and they're like, yeah, you know, we don't we don't see anything around here. Like maybe we'll we'll start first thing in the morning. And I was like, OK, you know, I'm going to stay up here and I'm going to go back to the spot. I'm just going to camp out up here or whatever. But I got to go check this spot first. So I walk back to that like little bench thing and I sit down. I turn off my light and I just yell out. I'm like, hey, Danielle, this is Remy. If you can hear me, I'm not leaving till I find you. I'm just like sitting there and then I hear Remy. And I was like. Oh, shit. And it was so faint. I was thinking to myself, did I just like did I actually hear that? So I had my radio and I called my brother and friend and I said, hey, I just heard her. I'm going to turn my radio off in case that maybe that's like I'm only going to hear one more time. I'm turn my radio off, get somebody up here. So and I just said that over the radio because I don't want the radio going off for some random reason while the next time she said something or whatever. So I flipped the radio off and I just started like moving in that direction where I heard something and I yelled out again and didn't hear anything and then kept moving and yelled out again. And when I before it got dark, I remember it like is this big basin, almost like a amphitheater kind of shape. Right. And on the top side was all these cliffs and everything. So I thought, well, maybe I heard it across the canyon and she fell into one of those cliffs. So I'm like moving in that direction, but I'm trying to move like, you know, when you're chasing an elk and it's like that you've got to you've got to run, but you can't run loud. Right. You're like that stocking running, like trying to be quiet because it was very, very faint and still I'm partially thinking I'm going crazy. And so I get up to that. I keep going and I yell. I'm like, Danielle, can you hear me? And then I hear, Rami, or I shirred her. Yeah, she actually said my name again. I was like, and I flipped on my light and she's like 300 yards below me. I was like, oh shit. So I run to her thinking like, what? This is crazy. So I run up to her and she just was like so confused. She was like, I think she thought she was like hallucinating. And I was like, are you okay? And I was like, do you know who I am? She's like, I think so. Do you know your basic first responder questions? Do you answer some simple questions? Do you know your name? No. She didn't know her name. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. And I'm like, okay. And then so I called the, I flipped my thing on. I called my buddy and I was like, all right, I found like, I've got her. We need paramedics here now. And so my buddy was, they were probably two or three miles from the base camp. My buddy Joe just like takes off, just like sprinting down to the base camp. And then my brother is hiking up to me to help her. And so we tried to, we didn't have service where we were and I had lost, I was, I have a satellite messenger, but I left it in the truck. So my buddy goes down and I think somehow somebody had called whoever, you know, paramedics and the whole deal. And so my buddy Joe, this is the funny part, is my buddy Joe runs down to the search and rescue camp. And he's like, Remy founder, we need to go. And one of the guys that was kind of in charge was like an older guy. He's not a guy that goes in the field or anything. He's like, you know, somebody thought they heard something, but it could have been a mountain lion. So we're just going to save our energy for the morning search. And my buddy Joe's like, he's like, fuck you, I'm commandeering your vehicle. And he just takes the Ranger, the razor thing, and rips off toward town because, you know, like to go meet, get some. What a cunt. Yeah. Like, I mean, like who's ever heard, like we thought we heard something, but it could have been a mountain lion. Like that doesn't even make any sense. You're saying you have her. Right. Yeah. He's like, he's just like, you know, I mean, that's like a scene in a movie where there's this one lazy cop. Yeah, exactly. It was just like I was like, this is this is too crazy. When he told me that story, I couldn't. I was just rolling, laughing and also concerned like, why the fuck would you say it could have been a mountain lion? Dick. So so they go up and we end up he gets meets up with them and they get up to the top. They were able to like kind of get up this ridge and then came down with a stretcher. And my brother and I were able to like, you know, do like a help or get up the mountain. Did you give her water? Did she? Yeah. Oh, yeah. So I gave her water. I'm thinking I'm like here, drink this. And like she like as soon as it hit her lip, she like spit it out. She's like fire like. So she was so dehydrated. So dehydrated. Like it just started like burning like the water was burning. Oh, my God. Yeah. And so we got her. We got her up to the paramedics and then obviously to the hospital and like a pretty extensive rehydration thing. And yeah, and like she she wasn't feeling good when she went out. And I think it was just like, oh, I'm going to go when you're sick or whatever. You're just like not feeling good. You go out to do something to feel better. Probably went beyond capabilities, I think, and woke up and didn't know where she was. So she went out kind of sick and thought she was going to sweat it out. Yeah. Wow. Just went on a run. Yeah. And then probably and then, you know, and then just had no clue. Had no clue like where she I think the good thing is when she didn't know where she was, she didn't go anywhere else. She stayed put, which is definitely. Yeah, because you just like have no clue where you are. You don't like don't know where to start going. They would have never found her if it wasn't for you. I don't think so. Wow. I don't know. Dude, she owes you. Yeah. Well, now we're married. So I got her back. It's a solid way to win an argument. I think we should I definitely think we should go here for dinner. Like, no, I'm not really feeling that. But remember that time I saved your life. Wow. Yeah. Talk about a bond. You guys have a bond for sure. Yeah, it's a pretty I don't know. That's a crazy bond. That's a crazy bond. Yeah. The fact that you found her.