6 years ago
1 appearance
Matt Braunger is an actor, writer, and stand-up comedian. His new special "Finally Live in Portland" will be released everywhere on February 5, 2019.
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
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Superhero movies are kind of fundamentally ridiculous and silly. I love comics I grew up on them and stuff, but they never they never take physics into account And it's always like you hit with a gamma ray you get powers, right? It's like why would it choose to give you powers? It would just melt you like that's not how forces in the universe work. They don't you know Generally speaking mystically, you know, no one ever gets enhanced in real life by like nuclear radiation No, I don't think that's ever one person ever happened The best theory would probably like Godzilla like some monster was born of it that came out of the ocean Yeah, there was a time where vice went to Chernobyl and this was back when vice was really vice when Shane Smith was going All these journeys and shit that was nuts. Yeah before vice is sort of vice I mean vice still does some great stuff, but vice is just this huge multimedia corporation now yeah and back then Shane went to Chernobyl and They were hunting like these radioactive wolves. Oh my radioactive wolves in Chernobyl and like, you know They're mutating there's fish in the water that are enormous and they're fucking weird Yeah, and you can never eat them. They're like the fish near the plant in Simpsons like with three eyes, right exactly Yeah, but but it's real like they really do have these animals that live in this highly radiated area and they've managed to survive Hey just I mean The the level the levels that we that we have taken to get energy yeah and affected our environment We ever dropped San Diego. Mm-hmm You know that ride me drive down and you look to the right hand side Oh look a nuclear power plant right could throw a rock and hit it from the highway What in the fuck is that doing there? Yeah, so close to the water Well, I think it needs to be close to the water for cooling. Oh, yeah, that's how they cool the reactor core Okay, I think no side like I know what I'm talking about makes sense Yeah, there's a there's a nuclear physicist right now. Nope. Well, that was the Fukushima thing. Mm-hmm You know, that's that's what's happening over there. Yeah, they still don't have that thing under wraps Well and that that volunteer army of Japanese people older than 70 that were like, I don't have long I'll go work there I'll go clean it up. They're all going back in time. They're all 30 now you go there. It's like a Stephen King movie I mean amazing. I knew Twilight years old. They don't want to tell anybody commission. I didn't know that what good I won on the way to San Diego Broke probably everybody around it's dead. Yeah, cuz everyone was throwing rocks some Joe wishes Maybe they woke up in like 1980 and they go hey guys Maybe this isn't a good place for a fucking nuclear power plant steam generators failed in 2013 Jesus Christ generators there it goes there it is the fuck out of here with that. It's over meanwhile That's still there like the core still there. They can't move it. It's currently in preparation to be decommissioned Jesus Take whatever even even that means man. Yeah go fishing around that fucking thing. Good luck You'll catch some big fish though. I know weird. They'll have human hands. They'll talk to you. Mm-hmm But they talk with thoughts yeah, right they just stare at you enter your mind Fukushima they were doing something where they dug this giant swimming pool and All around this giant swimming pool they dug they put like ice cores They put like some sort of cooling element so they could freeze all the nuclear waste to an insanely cold Temperature Wow didn't work. This is like a strategy that they were developing but apparently it fell apart I don't know what the fuck to do. It's just you just don't you can't do anything I mean I'd like they gotta do something you gotta keep trying to shoot it in a space. I don't know Aliens gonna get mad at us