Nikki Glaser Tells Joe Rogan How to Get More Blowjobs


6 years ago



Nikki Glaser

3 appearances

Nikki Glaser is an American stand-up comedian, podcast host, and television host. Look for her podcast "You Up with Nikki Glaser" available on Spotify.


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I've been exploring recently on stage like blowjobs I've been talking through and I think it's the same thing because I'm not like great at them I've never been like wow you're the best at this and and I've never been a girl who's like I love Giving blowjobs and I've always heard girls like there's some girls that say that like I love sucking dick And I've always been like did I say that to you or did I say it's a guys they say it just? Just out there, and I've always called bullshit on it because I just think it's like you're just serving a guy And you there's no way that you can enjoy it like it's not that comfortable of a thing But maybe you get some what's the the comparison where you enjoy someone else's pleasure? Yes, so maybe it's that but now I realize that the difference between me and those girls Is that those girls the first time they gave a blowjob I guarantee or one of the first times the guy was like You're amazing at this You're really good at this because when a girl is told or anyone is told early on the first time they do something that like You have a natural talent at this you go I I do and then you do it again and again because you're like I'm good at this This is my thing and then you get good at it, and you're like it's my thing But no one ever said that to me about blowjobs early on it was always just kind of like a means to an end And I feel like if someone would have just been like lied to me So I am I asked guys now like just lie to every girl if you get a blowjob And it's like mediocre just be like you're the best at this ever like this is the best blowjob I've ever received because she will be so it'll make her feel good What's it gonna hurt that she thinks she's the best at this thing that she's not that great at but she'll do it a lot Because she'll be like I'm great at this and this guy thinks I'm the greatest at it So she'll do it a lot and then by doing a lot she'll get better, and then everyone wins Yeah, maybe or she could just suck a lot of dicks and people will lie to her and then her self-esteem gets shattered If she runs into the one dude said who the fuck told you you're good at this I was great no no you're not good at this at all. It's all teeth and you're choking. This is crazy But maybe maybe even a girl that is really good at them can meet a guy That's like you're terribly because everyone likes different styles, so I think that you run that risk regardless Maybe some guys just like really bad blowjobs right like some guys like Blowjobs from someone who seems like they've never done it before that way they don't feel like they're the 90th in line Oh, that's a really good point Joe like you could be into a blowjob That's kind of apprehensive and like what am I doing because they like a virginal type Situation yeah, she's putting on an axe got pigtails on I just schoolgirl outfit. What am I doing wait? What do you teach? What do you do with this? Are you sure oh my god my friend recently because we've talked a lot of me my friend have talked a lot about how we just are Insecure that we're bad at blowjobs, and we've taken classes at bay bland They give out classes Who's teaching the classes girls or guys I think it was like a gay guy and a woman together gay guy Thinking gay guys should know how to suck a dick cuz he has one I've read everything I've watched tutorials I just it's just not getting through to me I just I haven't I try and I'm not like bad at them like I don't think I'm bad at them But I just I think I always was apprehensive because I think the first thing I heard about blowjobs was that The first complaint I would hear around me was too much teeth And I've always had like really big teeth and so like smile. I have big teeth It's like they're not abnormal, but I always just was like I had buck teeth as a kid So I was people always called me like a beaver I was like that my teeth are gonna get in the in the way of this so I Immediately that was my biggest issue and then you learn that like that's easy to like work around and then So anyway, but my friend said that she learned this new trick where when she's hooking up She'll do a role play of like will you teach me how to do a blowjob? But she's actually like wanting them to teach her and so it's a hot thing Where like she gets to role play but she honestly doesn't know and gets and then the guy tells her exactly what to do And then if she messes up, it's like part of the character as opposed to her being bad at blowjobs So that's my next thing I'm gonna try and think so you the guys invested in the project Yeah, and if you mess up your own you're just that's part of your character. You're just being good at the roleplay Yeah, it's not because you're innately bad at blowjob then when you break up you're like listen asshole I sucked a hundred dicks before you I knew exactly what I was doing I was trying to make you feel better you fucking loser by the way, they were all bigger than yours all of