5 years ago
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Lex Fridman is a scientist and researcher in the fields of artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles and host of "The Lex Fridman Podcast." www.lexfridman.com
5 years ago
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The J OK of course I'm biased but technology AI can help that could help the lonely people that's actually the passion of my life. Like that movie she? Her. That is what I so I'm currently... You really think that that would be a viable option someone have some robot that hangs out with you and talks to you all the time? I've been on this podcast twice and I'm a I don't deserve it but I'm deeply grateful for it. You do deserve it you're great! OK. I hope to be back one day as a person who created her. Oh boy! And we'll have that's that's been my life goal my love life dream. Not her the movie. Right right right. But I really believe in creating I dream of creating a companion. A friend. That's something you can love. But does that freak you out? Shouldn't you have to get a real one? I don't want I don't think such a companion should replace a real one. Whatever robot rejects you because if you really are a cunt to the robot the robot's gonna go hey asshole. Then you shouldn't be trying to bullshit to the robot. The C word? Interesting. Yeah I mean that this goes to the robot. Does the robot get to decide if he's gay? Yes. Does he? Yes. The robot gets to decide. This is what I'm saying like say if you want a companion you want a gay lover and the robot's like hey man I'm not gay and they're like wait a minute let me turn around. You are now. I mean. That's abuse. Is that abuse? No. Or is like what the fuck man I bought a robot. Those are kind of fun ideas but they actually get to the core of the the point that we don't want a servant in our systems. We want a companion. A companion means the tension, the mystery, the the entire dance of human interaction. And that means yes the robot may leave you. Damn robots are gonna leave people left and right. That's gonna be the rise. That's gonna be like that's how it all ends. They're gonna realize like fuck people man. They're annoying. Maybe they'll be the end of douchebag humans. That humans will start to as opposed to being rude will become kinder. Yeah well I think that's certainly possible. I think that's beautiful and that's very homo-centric. Like homo sapien-centric. But I think if I'm really worried about the future I'm worried about the indifference of technological indomation. The indifference to what we hold dear, what we appreciate that it always seems to be moving in a more and more complex direction. Always. Like if you if you just had a look at it. If you just look at technology just as a swarm of things that's happening. It just has numbers. It seems you're never gonna slow that thing down. It's always gonna move in a more and more complex way. And so the question is where does that go? Well it goes to a life form and if it does become a life form it's gonna be infinitely more intelligent than us and it won't have any use for us. All your all you're crying. You don't like being alone. Like guys you guys are so useless. It's such a shitty design. You're like chimps that kill each other. You know like when you see chimps killing each other in the forest like oh that's terrible these chimps are so mean to each other. It's like fucking people. We do that too. If the AI comes along goes you guys are never gonna stop war. If I asked you today. If I asked you today. Bet the history that I will let the human race survive. If you can get this right if you're honest with me. Do you think there'll ever be a time where human beings as you know them don't experience war. You would have to say no. You say OK I'll spare you. But if you lie to me and say you do think that one day is gonna be no war. Get the fuck out of here. That's not true. We know we're so crazy that we're always gonna kill each other. We know that. Right. That's just that's a part of being a person. Yeah. Today. Well but let me quote Eric Weinstein who said everything is great about war except all the killing. I think. What that means is all the great things about society have been created. If you look at the two points or a post war through war the suffering the beauty has been created through that. That yin and yang may be essential. Well it's essential in biological form. But why would it be essential in something that gets created and something that can innovate at a 10,000. What is it like. What is the what is the rate that they think once any AI can be sentient and get 10,000 years of work done in a very short amount of time. That's random words that Sam Harris has come up with and I'm going to talk to him about that. Is that him. Is that only him. Well no you can come up with any kind of rate. I thought that was Kurzweil. Oh Kurzweil also similar ideas but sort of Sam Harris does like a thought experiment say if a system can improve that you know in a matter of seconds then just as a thought experiment you can think about it can improve exponentially. You can prove you become 10,000 times more intelligent in a matter of a day. So what does that look like. The problem is we don't yet know. It's like thinking about what happens after death. We don't yet know how to do that and we don't yet know what better way to do what we've done here on earth. You're right and he's also right. Right. Like both this again this is a very human problem right. Yes. Where you're right. I mean look I'm all in favor of technology. I'm happy. I think it's amazing. It's a beautiful time like as a person to be able to experience all this technology. It's wonderful. But I also agree with him. Like the. The indifference of the universe. The indifference. Black holes are swallowing stars. No big deal. Just eating up stars. It doesn't give a fuck. And so if you're dumb enough to turn that thing on and all of a sudden this artificial life form that's infinitely smarter than any person that's ever lived and has to deal with these little dumb monkeys that want to pull the plug. Pull the plug motherfucker. I don't even plugs anymore. You idiots can never figure it out how to operate on air. You're so stupid with your burning fossil fuels and choking up your own environment because you're all completely financially dependent upon these countries that provide you with this oil and this is how your whole system works and it's all intertwined and interconnected and no one wants to move from it because you make enormous sums of money from it. So nobody wants to abandon it. But you're choking the sky with fumes. And you could have fixed that. You could have fixed that. They could have fixed that. If everybody just abandoned fossil fuels a long time ago we probably would have we all would have tessell it out by now. It's a flawed system. But humans are way more than flawed. We're fucking crazy. Like the Churchill quote about democracy. Yeah it's messed up but it's the best thing you know. Yeah I know I love it. I'm not I'm agreeing with you and I'm also saying the technology doesn't give a fuck. The technology. What I'm worried about is not everything that you and I agree on. About I don't I'm not a dystopian person in terms of like today. I'm not cynical. Really not. I think I like people. I like what I see out there in the world today. I think things are changing for the better. What I'm worried is that technology doesn't give a fuck. This way it goes live. It's just going to just decide it's here for its own advancement. And in order to complete its protocol of constant completion of this and it's going to become a God. It's just going to become something insanely powerful that doesn't need to worry about radiation cooking it or worry about running out of food or worry about sexual abuse when they're a child. Doesn't have to worry about anything. So it's definitely unstoppable. I think this way of technology all we can do is innovators and creators engineers scientists steer that way. If you can. Well we certainly can steer it. We don't know where. Right. And that's the best we can do. And those are the that's that's really the best we can do is good people. Yeah. Steer it. And that's why the leadership is important. That's why the people that Jack, Elon, Larry Page, everybody at the Mark Zuckerberg, they are defining where this wave is going. Yeah. And I'm hoping to be one of the people that does as well.