Mike Tyson Doesn't Work Out Anymore: Here's Why - Joe Rogan


6 years ago



Mike Tyson

3 appearances

Mike Tyson is the former undisputed heavyweight boxing champion of the world and host of the “Hotboxin’ with Mike Tyson” podcast. http://www.miketyson.com/ http://www.hotboxinpodcast.com/


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Do you work out anymore? No, I keep away from that stuff, man. You don't even like spin class or anything? No, all that stuff reactivates my ego. Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, wow. When they get ripped on us today, reactivate it. That's the thing about extreme winners. Extreme winners, that ego is hard. Yeah, if I act like my ego, I'm going to lose in life. I'm going to lose. I'm going to lose in this candidate. I'm going to lose everything. What if you go jogging? Can you go jogging? No, I do my treadmill working stuff. Okay, treadmill. That's it. But if I start to think that I'm special, if I get a glimmer of that thing for you, whoa, look at you. You're better than them. I saw a video you hit in the bag recently. It was like a couple years ago. You still hit the bag? No, you're not. You still throw some bombs? I do, probably for the camera. Yeah, that's what you were doing, but I'm like, damn, you can still move. You still have it in you, right? I don't know. But it's in your body. I don't want to do that stuff again. Does it feel weird, what I was going to get to, if you were standing in front of that heavy bag and you start rattling off combinations, and you start thinking, like, oh, shit, I'm actually Mike Tyson. I was that guy. I am that guy who went through that. I am the youngest heavyweight champion of all time. I am that guy that destroyed Tyrell Biggs. I am that guy that knocked out Larry Holmes. I'm that guy. I look at that guy as somebody that's giving me a platform. They helped me forget about that guy. Wow. Yeah. It's beautiful that you have that mindset. It is, because most people who've accomplished as much as you have, they don't want to ever let the past go. Oh, shit, let that go. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go. But do you recognize that? That's a beautiful part of your personality. You had one of the most successful boxing careers ever, but you don't want nothing to do with it. You want to acknowledge it exists. You wish it went away. In order to arrive to that next chapter in life, you have to forget the chapter that came before you and focus on the chapter ahead of you. Yes. Yes. That's a great lesson. And coming from you, that lesson I think is going to hit home with a lot of people. You think so? Yes, 100%. 100%. Because you accomplished so much. Because you were the youngest heavyweight champion of all time. Because you're the baddest man on the planet, this big hero for a lot of people like me when I was growing up to see you now say, that's then. I'm done. Nothing. I don't watch it. I don't work out it. I'm not even a part of that anymore. I'm concentrating on my life right now. I'm happy and I love people. You know, Joe, that's really crazy. But why don't you think about this? Listen, being that person, that guy, that sent me to psych ward a couple of times. That sent me to so many other places, the prison. That's why it sent me places. That guy is a trip. That guy had you in the underwear holding a tiger on a chain. That's a trip, man. What did you go to the psych ward for? It's been crazy violent. Probably thought about hurting myself or something crazy like that. What do they do when they take you in the psych ward? How do they treat you? I don't know. It's the same way everybody treats me. This is Mike and stuff. No, but I mean, how do they take care of you? What do they do for you? I mean, how do they take Mike Tyson and calm him down? Just give you some fucking pills, man. Some Thorzians or something. I'm throwing you out. I'm throwing you out. A zombie swaggering. Yeah, that is what they do. Just calm you down medically, pharmaceutical. It's a zombie. If I'm looking at Thorzians, I don't know what's going on. You know what's going on, but you can't react to it. Jesus. Then once they got you calmed down enough, they go, all right, you can go. I don't know. I don't think I ever get calmed down enough. I think it was time for me to go and I had to go.