5 years ago
8 appearances
Michael Malice is a cultural commentator, host of the PodcastOne podcast "YOUR WELCOME," and author of several books, including "Dear Reader: The Unauthorized Autobiography of Kim Jong Il," "The Anarchist Handbook," and "The White Pill: A Tale of Good & Evil." www.michaelmalice.com
5 years ago
5 years ago
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What do you think about this whole, you're more informed than me about international issues. I mean, for Christ's sakes, you went to North Korea. I've never been, still. Still. It's the new, and Milan. That's what I heard. What do you think about all this crazy shit that's going on right now with Iran? I have a great book idea, and it's such a great book idea, I'm going to just drop it here in the hopes that if I don't ever do it, someone does it. Okay, so you give it away. Yeah, I'm going to give it away. I hope somebody does this book. A lot of people do it at the same time and sue each other. No, you can't see. It's my idea, bitch. Or some publisher wants to contact my agent and just give me a deal on the spot, I'll do it. Okay. You don't do it. I'll do it. So what's not to tell anybody about it? Well, I don't want to do the proposal. Okay. So if they want to just make me an offer, we're good. Bloodlust, the media's love affair with war. For 100 years, Spanish-American war, we're only around our first, right? The sinking of the Lusitania. We were taught about yellow journalism when we were kids. Back in 1903, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But now, it's not, they love war. They can't get enough war. Trump is only presidential when he's bombing Syria. They just are desperate to push the war drums. And what I love about, again, Tulsi, is she's served and she's like, war, we have to start seeing war as a last resort instead of a first priority and a first response. And I don't know what's going to happen as a consul, because we're on. This guy, as most people know, Soleimani, was a huge deal. He was really revered in Iran and very hated by people elsewhere. But Trump also started killing other people. And Yemeni took somebody out and some other countries, they're going on a killing spree. So I don't think this is going to be World War III at all, because Iran knows they can't win. And I'm sure right now- Yeah, but they're doing exercise right now with Russia and China. Sure. We do exercise with South Korea every year and North Korea freaks out and it's like, it's just flexing your muscles, right? I think very strongly, we're never going to be privy to this, that there's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that we don't know, that people are talking and like, what's going to happen? Mm, I'm sure. Well, there must be. But the idea that he was willing to just do that and that he even has the call, that he can make the call. Like, here's several options, sir. Which one you want to do? Oh, I want to get that guy killed. I think it's amazing that we've gotten to the point where you're blowing up a wedding, right? And you're killing a lot of people and you're killing just him and one other person. Is that what they did? Yeah, they only killed two people. The precision of that is something that's got to be scary to the Iranians. It should be scary to us. It should be scary to us, yeah. It should be scary to everybody, because it's not like that can't come over to here. Oh, what do you mean? That kind of technology can't be used against Americans by another country. Well- It certainly could be. Frankly, if they're going to be terrorists, I'd rather they're taking out one person than 3,000. No, no, for sure. I'm just saying the precision of it. Oh, yeah. The fact that they have that kind of ability. Just the drone ability in general. It's the ability to wage war in countries we don't even occupy. Like all the different drone attacks in Yemen. Oh, yeah. And that are really sketchy in terms of the legality of it. Like, what? It's not really a military strike, but it's definitely a military strike. I mean, I think we've been playing fast and loose with the rules of war for a long time. And I think everyone knows this is nothing particularly insightful, that war and the rules of war are written by the powerful people. I remember when people were talking about how much of a warmonger Obama was because drone strikes went up considerably from Obama, from George Bush to Obama. And I'm like, yeah, you know what else went up? Drone technology. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. It has nothing to do with him. They're just getting better at bombing people. They know how to do it better. And this is something I've argued with people and wonder about. Obama was very anti-war through his campaign. He was a big lefty. He went to all Ivy League schools, blah, blah, blah. We know his culture that he came from. He gets in the White House. He's drone bombing everybody. What do you think that is? The question I have is, do you think, and I'll get my Alex Jones hat on, do you think that they sit you down when you're president and they're like, all right, here's what you can be in charge of, but here's how it's going to be internationally. And I wouldn't be surprised if that's the way it happens. I think there's no way until you get into office you ever really understand what information, what plans that they can reveal that terrorists have, what kind of intelligence they receive that probably scares the fuck out of them. When you stop and think about how many nuclear bombs there are, how many radical terrorists there are, how many different sects, how many people fight over each other. Here's some photographs of a crime scene that we found that ISIS behead all these kids. This is all real stuff that they could show you. And they go, look, we have done our very best to keep everybody safe, but there's only one way to keep doing this. We got a drone bomb. Yeah. And they're like, okay, drone away. I know that many years ago, and I'm not supposed to know this, but I'll be all- I'm going to take something and reveal it. There was a nail bomb in Grand Central that they caught. No one talked about it? No one talked about it. Who found the nail bomb? The authorities, the right people. And they took care of it and nothing happened. But think how many soft targets there are. And overseas. I mean, that's- Who put the nail bomb down? It must have been what at the time Al-Qaeda I'm guessing. I don't know. I don't have any further information. I'm going to question you further. You could question me all you want. Are you going to have to- Michael- Water board. Is that really getting low? Michael, tell me the story again. There's this place, Grand Central, where the sky is backwards. Have you been to Grand Central? Of course. Have you been to the spot where the bomb was left? Probably. How do you know where the bomb was left? I don't know. But ever since I've been throughout Grand Central, I probably was there. Okay. Go ahead, tell me the story again from the beginning. This is how they do it. And they eventually get you to- Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.