5 years ago
8 appearances
Michael Malice is a cultural commentator, host of the PodcastOne podcast "YOUR WELCOME," and author of several books, including "Dear Reader: The Unauthorized Autobiography of Kim Jong Il," "The Anarchist Handbook," and "The White Pill: A Tale of Good & Evil." www.michaelmalice.com
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
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One thing he has done though is that what I mean, it's going to sound ridiculous. But when he has Kim Kardashian bring in cases of people that were unjustly prosecuted or unjustly imprisoned and he releases them, I like that. I like that she does it and I like that he does it. It takes a lot for me to get angry, but when people were clowning them and I'm like Kim Kardashian, you can say a lot of shit about her. She saved people's lives. She's helping people in a tremendous way. You're going to tell those families that Kim Kardashian, fuck you. She's helped 17 people be released from prison in the last three months. And I think it's also very disturbing how glib a lot of people are about prison. And it's a really, I don't know what it's like and I don't want to know what it's like. It's no joke. But it is a punchline and it's like you're laughing about people being traumatized for life and possibly having no possibility of returning it to society. People used to be able to laugh about stuff like that because it would be like laughing at it at work. You know, like you go to work and you're like, hey, OJ's in the can. He's going to take it in the can. You would go to work and you'd say something stupid like that and it wouldn't go anywhere. But when you say something like that on Twitter or Facebook, like, ooh, boy.