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It's so unbelievably compelling though to consider the idea that somewhere out there there's another civilization that may be even more advanced than us. This thought of it is just so attractive. It's incredible. There should be. If civilizations are common, or even slightly common, then there should be civilizations ahead of us. Because there's been so much time. But wouldn't you want to see what that's like? It's so compelling. You imagine the timescales. We've been around... a civilization, let's give it, say, 40,000 years. I don't know how long our civilization has been around, let's say that. The galaxy is pretty much as old as the universe. It's 13 billion years worth of time. The idea that there are no civilizations arose 100 million years ago, 200 million years ago, 1 billion years ago. Imagine what they'd be like if they'd survived. We've had science for, let's say, St. Newton or Copernicus, 500 years at most. Look what we've done. We've gone beyond the solar system with Voyager. We've walked on the moon. We're about to go to Mars, I would think. We're about to begin colonizing our own solar system. We've done that in 500 years. Imagine a million years in the future. It's one of the arguments often used to say there aren't any civilizations out there in the galaxy. It's called the Fermi Paradox. Because if you imagine a civilization that's a million years ahead of us, they should have written their presence across the sky by now. You should see them. You'll see us. If we survive a million years into the future, actually even a few thousand years into the future, we will be exploring the galaxy. We will have spacecraft that are going through other stars. We will be doing it. Our signature will become visible, I'm sure, if we last into the medium term. Would we choose to not do that? Here's my thought on that. It's uncontacted tribes. Do you know about the gentleman who was the missionary who visited North Sentinel Island, who was killed by the natives? North Sentinel Island, which is a really unusual place, because they branched off from Africa 60,000 years ago, and they've been living on this one small island the size of Manhattan. As well as we know, there's only about 39 of them left, somewhere around there. We're not supposed to contact them. We're supposed to leave them alone, and they're a rare tribe. When they find them in the Amazon, the uncontacted tribes, our initial instinct is, back off, back off, leave them alone. Do you think that perhaps the universe, like if there is a civilization that's a million times more advanced than us, and been around here for millions of years of life as opposed to a quarter million, why would they let us know? Would they look at us dropping bombs on each other, and polluting the ocean, sucking all the fish out, and putting clouds into the skies of dirt and particles? Why would they look at these crude monkeys? Look at there. They're so far beyond where they need to be before they could join the galactic civilization network, or whatever. It is true. It's an argument that there is an argument as well that technology so advanced would be difficult for us to detect. We tend to think of, when you say written across the sky, I suppose it's true, I'm thinking of starships and things like Star Wars, big energy things that you can see the signature of. But actually, maybe, the civilization just becomes a nano-civilization, tiny little nanobots, because that's more efficient. It's a better way to do things. So it's possible, I suppose, that there are space probes all over the place that are so small, and it's so efficient, and you sell little energy, that we just don't see them. I suppose that is possible. There's a theory that is actually being tossed about that these people that have this ancient, well, they have this memory of childbirth, right? So all of a sudden you're being born, there's bright lights above you, there's a man or a woman who's the surgeon with a mask that covers their face, so all you see is their eyes, and everything looks bright, and it's terrifying, and clinical, and you're on this table, and everything's cold. Most of these alien abduction experiences that people recount, they take place in some sort of a medical facility. Yeah, and everything is bright and strange and cold, and they think that what this is is, they're saying that we had this idea that children don't have memories, that babies don't have memories. And so they're saying, well, why wouldn't they have memories? That's ridiculous. Of course they have memories. They have brains. They grab your finger, they look you in the eye. They would have a memory of every second that they were born, and it's probably one of the most profound and disturbing memories, because before that, everything is incredibly peaceful. You're inside the mother's womb, you know. And then you're just like taken out. And then you're pulled out, and then there's this bright light above you, you've never experienced any light. So every, and your visual perception, your field of view is all distorted, right? This is the first time you're using your eyes. That's why people have the same... So it's like tapping into this memory, this early memory. That's interesting. This is a theory. It makes sense to me, because if you think about what... It makes more sense than the abduction. Well it does, because people don't really go anywhere. See, the thing about the abduction thing is they put cameras in people's rooms, and they say they have these alien abduction experiences, but they don't go anywhere. So what they're doing is they're dreaming. The mind is amazing, and it's so powerful. And we know so little still about it. It's kind of duh, because they all happen while you're sleeping. Like 90 plus percent. And you're right, they tend to be medical. Yeah. It's very medical in nature, right? You're being examined, and then there's also going back to childbirth, there's also a lot of people that have these experiences that they are being told that either they're taking their baby away from them, or they're studying their baby, or that they had a baby inside of them that they didn't know about, and that the aliens have put it there, and they're taking it out. That's right, yeah. Yeah, I mean, it even goes back to the virgin birth, right? It's all very weird. But this memory that people have from childhood is most likely probably a pretty intense, powerful memory that's always there. Yeah, and affecting... Your first memory. Yeah, and some people can tap into it, and some people can't, clearly. Yeah, sure, yeah. Mainline historical books about SS castles where they go, the aliens want blood, so they kill like 20 kids, and the aliens are like, phew, come in the building. Why are the aliens bringing blood? They bring them in like sharks, and then they give them technology. They go, this is how it works, you build the atomic weapons this way, you build it, and they would like show them bombers, and the aliens are like telepathic. I don't even believe this, this is what the Nazis believe. And the aliens with mind meld and give them the technology. They're bad aliens. Are you surprised the Nazis were influenced by demons? No, if demons are real, I would definitely think they'd be on the side of the Nazis. But Joe, what I'm telling you is, there'll be no media that's going to attack this. I'm giving you... I want to know where I can read it. Where can I read those statements, that they were in contact with the aliens? Obviously, your podcast is giant. Pick up a Nazi Viril Society, V-R-I-L Society. If you let me put a group of chicks, aliens, right up there with them, doing ritual. I'm going to come up with three hours. I can fly here with a report, I'll send it all to you, with mainline books, I'll mail the books with the tabs in them, and I'll mail documents. Okay, cool. Yeah. Listen, I think that they were absolutely obsessed with the occult. That's been pretty well documented. They made flying saucers? Yeah, and I think... Hey, did you talk about that alien craft that came into our... What happened? We talked about... Into our galaxy? It did. The one with the Hawaiian name? Oh, so it's over. You didn't hear about that one? The one that looks like a joint? Yeah, or a big piece of poo. Yeah, that's just a rock, right? The big duty copter? It's just a weird rock. I think. No, they said that some legit people said that it changed speed and went in different directions. Oh, legit people? Legit people, scientists... Oh, them guys. ...said that it was... it could be something. Could be. What does Neil deGrasse say about it? He's not talking right now. Yeah, he's in a little bit of a kerfuffle. Kerfuffle? What's this, Jamie? This thing right here? Yeah. Harvard scientists say aliens may explain bizarre interstellar object. Yeah, I saw that and then I saw someone refuting that they would... Harvard scientists! Harvard! Nobody wants to believe more than me, bro. Come on, Joe. It's real. Well, if I was going to mask my spaceship to fly through the galaxy, I would definitely make it look like a big rock. Yeah, like a big asteroid. Right. Why wouldn't you? Driving through space. Maybe if they were like, look, if we just make this thing drive by them and don't change speeds, they'll have no idea. Just think we're in an asteroid and they'll be psyched that we missed them. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah, good call, good call. And the guy's like, left turn! Someone just hits the gas. I'm tired. I don't want it... It's fucking taking too long. What'd you do, Dave? What? You got it. The fucking cops are behind us, Dave! Shit! God damn it, Dave. You're not supposed to just take off. I told you. 65, you fuck. Let's start throwing this weed out the window. Why would it be so hard to believe? A space rock. Traveling through space. That would be the move, right? I mean, if they're so advanced that they can travel through galaxies, they can make the shit look like anything they want it to. Yeah. Why wouldn't you doll it up? Sounds good, doesn't it? God, I want to believe. So hard. Well, I hope you do, because there's going to be a lot of stuff on my move. Well, I want to know what you've seen, though. So you've seen this piece of metal. What else have you seen? I've seen many, many documents on the studies of these things, and I've seen a lot of the science associated with what the technology is and what it does. Like, I could show you, if I fold up pieces of paper and stuff, what's going on with it, but basically, these craft, when you travel in a straight line, but they're folding spacetime. Like in Event Horizon, where they explain it by folding a piece of paper and punching a pencil through it. Do you ever see that moving? Yeah, it's kind of like that. Great fucking movie. But it's more like, here, I can draw it for you here. Not that this is a... It's kind of like when you have two points, we're used to traveling in a direction like that. And so when we look up, we see a plane that goes straight. But these UFOs fold spacetime like this, and so it looks like, to them, they're going in a straight line. So if you're in the ship, you see that. But if you're on the ground, you see that. That's why you see them blink off and on. A lot of those videos, they're on, they go... It looks like they're jumping. It's just because of this. So they have... They have folding spacetime. Some way of interfacing with space itself that's very different than our idea of traveling in a linear way from point A to point B. Space, the fabric, they call it the fabric of spacetime because it's like a fabric. It's malleable. Now let me ask you this. How often into a conversation do people look at you and think you are fucking crazy when you start talking about this? All the time, yeah. All the time, right? But do you ever get to the point where you're like, I don't want to talk about this? No, because it's... I always tell people, you don't know what I know. No, no, I mean, do you ever get to the point where you're like, I can't do this anymore? No. People think I'm fucking crazy. No, because I'm involved on the most important shit I've ever been in my life. So you think this is the most important thing that you've ever done in your life? Oh, fuck yeah. I have meetings with senators coming up. Do you? Oh, fuck yeah. I do. What senators? I can't tell you. Damn, I can't tell you stuff. I know, because this is some fucking tricky shit. When is all this going to come out? It seems like this is like an imminent, rather disclosure type shit, right? Yeah, that's what my company does. That's what I'll say. What a trip. That's awesome. Yeah. I love when someone is like that. You know? Like your friend that hasn't talked for 22 years. I love shit like that. Yeah, you don't hear about that. No. Or someone that'll stop being in Van Halen to go fuck with swords. Or Tom. Yeah, to go fuck with aliens. Yeah, it goes fucks with aliens. Do you think they're really bringing him to the Pentagon and shit like that? I don't know. Because he said they're like, I have no clue. And I watched a little bit of your podcast where you were like, You sent me a text message. Why are they picking you? And I'm like, you know? But I feel like he's made himself readily available to do that shit, you know? Right. I don't know. I sit and scratch my head and go, I don't know. I don't know either. I just fucking... He's such a talented, talented dude too, man. He's like such a good songwriter. Yeah, he... Well, he certainly is. Certainly a very talented guy. It's just so interesting that that's his main point of focus. I would think that if aliens were real, Trump would have told us. I really do believe that. Yeah. That guy, he's such a fucking loose cannon. He became the president. Like, maybe they hid it from him. Or as fucking chaotic as shit is right now. I don't know. Something would slip, you know? Yeah, I would think that if they told him, if they brought him... There's two things I would want to know. Who killed JFK? Those are two things I'd want to know if I became the president. And are aliens real? What do you got, motherfucker? What do you got? I go to the top generals. I bet, look, I'm going to defer to you guys. I'm not a military expert, okay? I don't want war, but I want you guys to have support. I got full respect. Tell me about the aliens. What do you got? What is this? Trump orders establishment of Space Force. He did that. That's right, the Space Force. But that's because... That's actually a military strategy because they're concerned that as technology improves, Russians are going to be in space and we're going to be in space. Or... Or fight off the aliens. Right? Like Will Smith type shit. Yeah, look at them. Yeah, Mike Pence is behind them going, Jesus, he's going to save us. Yeah, I don't know, man, but if I became president, I never will. But if I did, those are the two things that I'd want to know. Who killed JFK and where the fucking aliens? I got home from the comedy store at like two and then I watched some goofy... I've been on this UFO documentary kick. Watching UFO documentaries? Yeah, I told you it was David. I started talking about it. Yeah, we were talking about that. Did you have something specific that you saw recently? Yeah, two of them. One of them is Area 51, Bob Lazar and Area 51 and Flying Saucers. It's a documentary on this guy who claimed that he worked on these alien ships in Area 51 in the 1980s. Oh, I gave you chills. As time's gone on, more of the things that he said have proven to actually be true. Like what? Including an element that he talked about, element 115 I think it was called. Like an organism from outer space? No, no, no, an element. Like a man created element, you know, like this carbon. Right. So there's an element that they created that he talked about way before it was ever publicized. And he talked about this thing and then it turned out to be true. He talked about these... there's these hand monitors that you would put your hand on this thing and these lines, these metal lines would detect the distances in the bones of your fingers, the exact distances and everyone is different. It's like a signature thing. Mm-hmm. And they'd find out if it was you or not you that was trying to go through. So the way they would scan people, the bioscan would literally measure the bones and their fingers. And people said that was horseshit. That's very wild. He talked about this in the 1980s. People said it was horseshit, but then later on it turned out, no, they did have that in Los Alamos. They did have that in Area 51 and that this technology was very, very... Advanced? Not just very advanced, but very not... it was not well known at all. There were a few people did and this guy who was creative with this documentary, it was very difficult for them to get photos of this hand scanner. But this hand scanner did exist and existed exactly as this guy described it. In the 80s, I mean, that's super progressive for that time. There's also people that did approve his top secret clearance to get to this place. They know that he actually worked there. There's people that worked in the same Los Alamos lab with him. They tried to say he never worked there, but his name's on the manifest. It's very strange. They've tried to erase parts of this guy's past because he filmed a bunch of their crafts as they were flying around. He knew what days. This is the thing. That thing right there, you put your hand on that and it actually measures the distance of the size and length of your bones. That looks like something that's inside of an escape room in LA. It does. It's hilarious. It's so true. Doesn't it? I went into this documentary skeptical. As you should. I'm so done with all those things. Listen to this guy talk for a while. After a while, I was like, what if he's telling the truth? What if he is actually telling the truth? Because if he's actually telling the truth, there is some part of the government that had access, at least in the 1980s, to alien technology. You believe in UFOs? Yeah. Oh my God. Really? Yeah. I believe in there's other life forms out there. I don't think they're coming here. They might. Here's the thing. They might. Well, why not think it? Here's one thing I do believe. Most people are full of shit. It comes to most of their stories. It's hard to find a person that could just tell you what happened based on what they really remember. People want to jazz things up. They want to add salt and pepper. Yeah. They just. Have sex with me. Did this, did that. They don't necessarily tell you the truth. They tell you what they think is going to be an engaging story that kind of represents the truth, maybe. Especially when it's a weird thing, like you saw something in the sky. What did you really see? How long did you look at it for? How many seconds was it? Well, I mean, here's the problem I have with UFOs. I believe there are UFOs, but I don't think they're coming here. Why would you say that? Because that means they're tech. First of all, if they're coming here, that means their technology is far way more advanced than ours. So why would they care if people saw them? They would show up if I was an alien and I was that far ahead of us. I would lay in that bitch right in the middle of Times Square and be like, what? We are here. Why would you do that? But why wouldn't I? Why am I hiding in fields where nobody can see us? Are you aware of how we treat uncontacted tribes? Yes, to a point. To a point. But what I'm saying is if you're that far advanced, they know, if they're coming here, they know. They're way smarter than us because they've traveled here. And we don't even know other, from far distances we can't even imagine. And they're here. They don't have to hide. Do you think they do it because they have to hide? Or do you think maybe they do it because we can't handle it? Because we can't handle it. Why would they care if we could handle it or not? Because here's the problem. Whenever any civilization has ever encountered a civilization far superior to them, the results have always been catastrophic every single time. Every time Europeans have invaded North America, every time the Spanish visited the Mexicans, every time that this has happened, it's been a disaster. And this is human beings. If there was something that came down here from another planet and was so unbelievably sophisticated that it could travel through vast distances in space and had insurmountable, impossible technology, that we would look to it for all of our answers, it would become our new daddy. It would completely disrupt all of our governments. It would disrupt all of our religions. It would disrupt every single belief system we have. And people would fall apart. They wouldn't know what to do. Psychologically, it would be devastating. Look, I'm not a doctor. I'm not a psychologist. But I know most people would not be able to handle it. I understand that, but why would they care? That's my whole point. Because they would be affecting our culture. But they wouldn't care. But why wouldn't they care? But why would they care? We care about animals, bro. There's a reason why we have wildlife protection agencies. We have that because we care about animals. And animals don't even know we're a thing. Okay, if you're a deer living in the forest, two years old, you might not have ever even seen a person. You don't even know what the fuck we are. But we're trying to keep those deer alive. We spend billions of dollars every year protecting them. We do that because we care about wildlife. If we cared about a rare monkey that we found in Indonesia for some strange monkey, we would do whatever we could to make sure that monkey's populations thrived. If there was a way to help them. I mean, that's one of the reasons why zoos exist. They take rare animals. They try to breed them in captivity. But we're also sharing the same earth. Well, maybe they look at the universe that way. And maybe they look at nuclear civilizations. Like our civilization? I mean, our civilization's a very dangerous one because we're a bunch of semi-hairless monkeys with nuclear weapons. I mean, we're fucking nuts, bro. Oh, yeah. And we're obsessed with sex. We jack off to our phones. We're taking pills to keep our dick hard. We're all on speed. I mean, we all have ADD. I mean, these are – and we lie. We lie about shit. We lie about things that people did to us. We pretend people did worse things. We pretend that we didn't do things to people. We lie about stealing. We lie about money. We lie about all kinds of things. I mean, people are crazy. So you're thinking aliens are thinking about all that before they come down. Of course they would. When you discuss the cosmos, maybe the single most intriguing possibility to us as human beings is what other intelligent life, if any, is out there. And how interesting is that to you? You spend so much time studying the fundamental particles of the universe itself. How interested are you in the possibility of other intelligent life forms? Or have you just like put that out into the – it's just so ridiculously unlikely or so far away from us that we're probably never going to make contact? Well, you see, it's not so – there's this SETI program where they're looking at to see where they can see signals from distant civilizations. The problem there, from my perspective, is that although they might be out there, they've got to have had a real head start on us before you would see them, obviously might have done. But then, I don't know. You see, actually, Vaihe Guozhajan, who's my Armenian colleague and who looked also for these ring-shaped things and looked at them in a different way from the Polish people. We seem to have seen something there, but we wrote a paper in which we speculated on beings from the previous Eon communicating with us. And the advantage there is that you're looking at the really advanced civilizations, right at the very end, you see. Billions of years ago, their universe disappeared and then had to come back to a big bank state again. The signals could come through, yes. But somehow or another, those signals remain. It's conceivable. I agree it's pretty far-fetched, but who knows what? So Eons, how many billions of years are you talking about? The big bang was 14 billion? Yes. But you see, that's where at the beginning, in a sense, or it's three-quarters of the way through in another sense. It depends how you draw the pictures. In the sense of interestingness or in the conformal picture, we are already three-quarters of the way through. So 14 billion to now, so we have how many billion left? You can't count it as years, you see. The trouble is it's a cheat. The year count is as much as you like. It depends on something else. The mass has to fade out and how you measure time becomes problematic. It's either infinity, you see, which isn't much use, or you might have different definitions of time, which depends on what particle you're using as your clocks and things like that. So are you essentially saying that it's entirely possible that we are the furthest in terms of our technological achievement and our understanding of the universe itself? It's possible that we're at the front of the line, that there might be some other intelligent life forms in the universe, but they might be behind us. Well, there would have been... I'm not saying they got through, you see. Well, maybe they have techniques for getting through, but that's a bit harder to imagine. But maybe information from them could get through and maybe... You mean from the previous eons? Yes, yes. Oh, they might have got through like somehow or another survived. Yes, but it would have to be in the form of photons or something. Yeah, no, you could... It's not... I'm talking about ridiculous speculations. Sure, but encoding information into photons? Yes, yes. Wow. It's believable. Sure. I don't want to say that I see it happening or anything, but it's not out of the question that they could develop some technology which would get information, which might be them in some sense, across in the form of photons. But you're not optimistic about current intelligent life somewhere in the universe? Not too optimistic, just because... Well, maybe it took us a long time to get going because the dinosaurs were there for a while and somebody might have got in there earlier in their different planets and they could have got there quite ahead of us. It's conceivable. I'm not going to rule it out. I'm just not terribly optimistic about it. No, I think it's worth doing. It's worth looking. Yes, but it's not something that you're really curious about. It's not so much... I'd be curious, certainly, but I'm not expecting it, I guess. Thanks for watching. I'll see you next time. Bye. Bye. Bye.