Joe Rogan's Thoughts on Tesla's Cybertruck


5 years ago



Matt Farah

4 appearances

Matt Farah is a car enthusiast and the host of “The Smoking Tire” seen on YouTube and also a podcast available on Spotify.


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For, I, the, the, the, you know, Teslas are, they're, they're such cool cars and they're such, you know, they're such, like you said, serene, you know what I mean? And all, not, I don't want to give that credit exclusively to Tesla because other EVs provide a similar experience too, but the one place they're lacking for the amount of money they're charged, their interiors are a little behind the times. Ask me if I'm getting one of those trucks. Bro, good luck. Fuck yeah! Why you asking? Of course I'm getting one of them trucks. Yeah. Look at that thing. You don't like it? No. You don't like it? No. I don't, I don't like it and I, how dare you? I'm not entirely sure it's, it's real. I mean, I think, I, I think. Come on. I mean, look, my initial reaction to that was that's not a real thing. Me, George Jetson, does it, does it, does it. And my second reaction is I'm pretty sure they couldn't build and sell that in America. Why? That, because I, I just, I just don't think that that will pass the test that it needs to pass. And I, and furthermore, more, more like crash tests, pedestrian safety, stuff like that. Furthermore, it's, it's, it's because, how do I say this without, it's really hard to talk about Tesla because their fans are fucking crazy. They get mad. They get really mad and they don't leave me alone about it. They get crazy. They're coming at you already. At the beginning, I thought that it's complete bullshit and fake and a fraud. I've talked to a few people since in the design space who design cars professionally for living and I have been convinced that it could be possible to build and sell a shape, a vehicle shaped sort of like that, although not exactly like that. Okay. Having said that, I think that the way that it has been marketed is not entirely honest. Also. People, companies show concept cars all the time. Right. There's nothing wrong with showing a concept car. There's nothing wrong with going, here's a, here's a prototype we built and this is going to show the direction of our industry. Right. And if you build electric cars as your business, it's pretty easy to build a concept car that runs and drives because you've got your skateboard and you can just get to put any body on it. Right. So odds are there's like a model X chassis underneath that prototype truck. Right. But there's one, I don't think that accepting reservations is an honest thing to do when you don't know how you're going to build the truck. Don't know. There's no way that trucks on the road next year. No way. Not as I'm supposed to be on the road next year. He did. He said 20. He said next year, 2021, 2021, 23. The full three motor 500 range badass one is like a three year down the line thing. Here's the problem. Building cars and warranting them, repairing them, selling them is like a logistics business. They're operating this company like a tech company where it runs on hype. Like where's the roadster that's supposed to come out this year. When is that coming out? I don't know. I haven't seen anything about it since the moment. Give me a guess. Give me a guess. I don't know. That's the point. They've had these product launches and they build up the hype. It juices the stock. They take the reservations, but then it's like, you have to deliver the product, guys. You're actually a car company. You're not exclusively driven on hype. But they have made some cars. Of course. No, no, no. Of course they made. There's one here. Yeah. No, I'm not saying they don't build and sell cars. They build and sell cars. I'm saying is their business model is not like the regular car companies in that it is so dependent on this hype machine, bringing in new investors, bringing in new reservation cash. When they go, here's this crazy total recall space truck and all it's going to cost you people to buy into my space truck vision is a hundred dollars refundable. And you're not going to find out if that hundred dollars gets you a truck for like two and a half years. Are you going to go after your hundred dollars if he's late or it's your, but I'm not saying you shouldn't buy whatever he sells. Isn't the roaster thing a different deal though? Don't you have to pay all the money or something? There is a reservation process. All I'm saying is the roaster thing was different though. That requires a substantial sum of money, right? But we don't, we haven't seen any roasters either. Not one, but we saw the prototype. Yeah, but it's easy to build a prototype when you're Tesla. Tesla can build a prototype very easily. They've got an electric skateboard. They can put any body on it. It'll look and feel like a mostly running driving car. What's it say here? $45,000, $5,000 credit card payment plus $45,000 wire transfer due in 10 days. So you got to put up $50,000. So you're giving him a zero interest loan of $50,000 until he delivers this product. Which is like a good income for a lot of people for a year. Yeah. And you got to give it up. Correct. And so I'm not saying that they don't build and sell real cars. I'm not saying you shouldn't buy one or lease one. I am saying, and this goes for, let's expand this. This isn't a dig at Elon or Tesla specifically. Let's talk about all cars. Don't pay for something that isn't then handed to you. Good point. Elon's a billionaire. Why do you need to give him a zero interest loan of $50,000 for a roadster? Why do you need to give him a zero interest loan of $100 for a truck that he hasn't demonstrated he could build yet? Why do you think they made the roads to 50 grand and the down payment for the truck only a hundred bucks? Because I will tell you why. Why I believe. I believe. I'm going to put this in I believe. I believe it's so they could go to a bank or a VC because if it's only a hundred dollars, you get, you get so many, what the fuck? Right. What the fuck? 500,000 orders. You go, I've got 250,000 orders. I need a billion dollars. That's why you would do that. Yeah. Look at you, clever boy. Cause look, here's the problem is if, if it's legitimate, okay, if it's all on the up and up, if everything is on the up and up, there's a lot of individual pieces that don't really add up. Right. And the house that's not made of, you know, it's like, imagine the, the, the mortgage crisis in O eight, you took all these bad mortgages and you put them together and all of a sudden it's considered a good investment. Right. So he smashed the fucking window on stage. He quoted a bunch of power and torque figures that are basically made up. He did that dumb video with tug of war, the F one 50 that was completely fake. Why is it fake? The F one 50 was in two wheel drive and he was towing it uphill. That's not like, if you get a. Isn't it easier for the car to drive downhill than uphill? It no towing uphill. It would be the weight transfer is, is if you have a two wheel drive pickup truck going downhill, my friend Jason Fenske and engineering explained, did a whole video explaining debunking this. But if you have an all wheel drive, extremely heavy vehicle, cause let's be honest, if they build that truck, that's a 6,500 pound vehicle, steel and batteries, all wheel drive versus a pickup truck that's putting the two wheel drive with no weight in the bed. That's just so it's like all automakers make up silly games to show up their product, right? They tow the space shuttle or whatever bullshit they do. Right. But they make up a game. They know they can win. They don't make up a game and then cheat at it. Like why are you going to do a tug of war video? If you then have to cheat at the video on video to do it, like pick a different game. You know, you can win. What kind of a person makes up a game and then cheats at it? Like that's just, well, you're at Ford wanted to get one of their own. They're like, well, why don't you give us one of your Tesla's? Let's do it. And then somebody up at the top said, don't engage that idiot. What are you doing? I'm not doing this. Yeah. So look again, well, they probably can't look realistically. It can't really compete with it. I think a tug of war test is not, it's not a test of anything. It's a test of weight and tire grip. That's it. Like a truck guy, you got to realize it's a thing they do truck. I'm like, okay, we're going to win. Let's bring that. Let's bring that cyber truck over to a gravel pit and dump two tons of gravel. Did you see any like other renderings of people like camping in the cyber truck? It looks absurd. Well, yeah. And just like, dude, like you want to fucking, you know, you want to buy one, wait till he says this is the one you can buy. I haven't put an order in. Yeah. I just, I don't think. I would, I don't think. $200 bucks. Congratulations. You just bought into the scam. That's, that's, that's, you know what I mean? I understand. I see. Like, I don't think it's like a full on fraud. I just think he's figured out creative ways to, to get the public to bankroll shit that he already said was done, bro, a million robo taxis by 2020. Where's the robo taxis, bro? Is that what he said? Yeah. This cyber truck thing came out of seemingly nowhere, but right kind of at the same time that they figured out that full self-driving is not right around the corner as they said it was. There's a lot of backtracking going on in the full self-driving. Level five is not coming anytime soon. You're not going to be able to send your Tesla out to do errands for you without a driver in it anytime soon. What was the parking with Tesla promises one million robo taxis? Yeah. That was from 2019, four, four 19. I mean technically they have a year and a month left, but they have delivered zero robo taxis. That's a lot of robo taxis. Yeah. A million? He did. He said that shit, man. Yeah. The problem with Tesla is Elon says some shit that then is impossible and then they have to figure out how to do it later and sometimes it doesn't work. Do you know who Kyle Dunnegan is? No, who's that? One of the funniest guys alive. He's got the best Instagram on the planet and he does face swaps. Uh-huh. You, you now that you know, you didn't know. Is it the deep fake guy? No, he does a lot. Well, Dr. Fakenstein. Oh, that's the one. Yeah. Yeah. The faking that's the one. Look at his newest one. Give me some volume on this. Give me some volume on this and go to full screen. Yeah. Oh my God. How creepy. Yeah. Fuck. Fucking shit. Oh, great idea, Lon. Do it again. Same window, same ball. You should go differently. Nope. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fucking shit. You fool. Now, I, Mark Zuckerberg, is officially cooler than you. No, I'm cooler. I make rockets. That's cool. Well, I connect the world through Facebook. I'm cooler. I'm double cooler. Double. But I'm infinity. Oh my God. I'm infinity plus one. That's one more cooler. You can't add anything to infinity. You fool. Only a nerd whose uncool would know that. Ha ha, very uncool. How about this? This is too close, dude. This is too real. I have all the data, and I found this invention you unveiled in high school. So, it senses if you're getting a bono class, and then to prollyse this over you, letting everyone know you don't have a bono. That's pretty cool. Pretty cool. I know I could use this in Ms. Tinsley's class. She's got gray boobs. Gray boobs. Gray boobs. Fucking weird. That smashing of a glass was one of the greatest moments in automotive history. So stupid. I was laying in bed, and my wife was next to me asleep. And I have nowhere. Ah! Oh shit, he did it again! Why did they think that they could do that? I don't know. I don't understand that. There's one of the... I know that the idea was that when they hit the wall or hit the door with the hammer that it broke the glass or... No, first they... He was going to hit the door with a sledgehammer. But except he was using an orange hammer, which is a dead blow hammer, not a sledgehammer. So that's a little disingenuous. Dead blow? Yeah, it's designed to not dent things. It's designed to hit things without touching them. A rubber? Yes. Then he said the windows were bulletproof. Probably, because they're aluminum, but not a thick stainless steel panel. It wouldn't dent a stainless steel panel. And then he goes, the windows are bulletproof or whatever. He throws a fucking steel pole right through it. And then he puts up a video the next day that's like, oh, here was us testing it right before the reveal where it actually worked. They did show that it worked before. Why did it work before? How do you know the video was made before and not after, after they fixed it? There's a shop vac on the floor and a towel over the door as if you had just cleaned up a bunch of broken glass. That's true. Yeah, go look at the video. Shop vac on the floor with a hose laid out like right underneath the door. Look at that. Shop vac. Yeah, that's true. And that towel's over a door kind of maybe if you had just smashed a bunch of glass out of it. That's true. Come on, man. That is a dope looking car. I don't give a fuck what anybody thinks. I don't care. That's cool. I'm glad you don't care who he thinks. If they make that, I will be... And can I just bring up... Is the word cyber cool now? Yes. Cyber was exclusively uncool for the last 15 years. No, no, no. School again? Very cool. Cool. Very cool. Only nerds, only a real nerd would know that cyber is cool. Cool plus one? Fucking hell. It's so silly.