Joe Rogan - Scary Spearfishing Stories


6 years ago



Valentine Thomas

2 appearances

Valentine Thomas is a former attorney and financier turned free-diver, spear-fisher, chef, and author.


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I've been lost at sea once which was a pretty shitty day. You got lost at sea? Yeah. What happened? Like two years ago. I was in Mexico and I was with friends. Talk in Mexico. I was so angry. I hated the guy so badly. What happened? So I jump in the water with a friend of mine. I've never speared before and We're in the water and your friend never speared before. No, no, you never do anything He's just like I want to look around and see what are you doing? And then I see the boat. How deep is the water? It's pretty deep. You can't see the bottom and Then the boat the boat start going like further and further and further and further and further and my friend is like, oh what's going on? I'm like nothing nothing and I'm like, okay, we're gonna start swimming from the shore right now for the shore Yeah for the shore. So start swimming. It was like It would have been doable. It was like, I don't know maybe a good like five miles. Maybe the fucking shore was five It was far. It was like I would have done it. It was definitely been after dark when I reach the shore So I'm trying not to panic. My heart is like pounding in my chair. I can't where's the boat? Oh, it's drifting away drifting away for no reason and Was in charge of the boat the captain that we hired that was American actually What do you do? Just start drinking and not paying attention to you? Oh Wait, and then we're stuck. So I told my friend. Okay, let's swim. We swam for about an hour an hour and a half Oh my god, and then a boat passes by So I started screaming and yelling and I had my buoy luckily I was swimming it and it passed next to me and it waved at me like hi I'm like no, no, I'm like help help help I go completely nuts and then a boat stops and they pick us up and I try to explain and my completely nixes in Spanish that we've been straining at sea and So I'm like on the boat is like right there super far away and they drop us to the boat The guy is asking me for money I'm like I'm lost at sea my witsuit I'm carrying the guy who took you to the boat is asking you for money Not a pick me up asking me for money for tip for rescuing me in the middle of the ocean I was like sorry, I don't have tip in my panties right now, but thank you for saving my life and Then you drop us to the boat and then we get to the boat and the guy's like, oh, I didn't put enough gas in the boat Oops I'm like what so he ran out of gas. You ran a gas So you were he would never been able to get you never Holy shit it was so bad and then we managed to the coals guard came and I tried to the boat and he started telling the coals guard to like go screw themself because Because I don't want to pay for this. You're a bunch of assholes. I'm like, can you stop talking right now? Oh My god, and you literally insulted him so badly the coals guard left. Do they take you with them? No, I was on the boat. Oh my friends ever drinking What's going on? Like are you so mad? I'm like just just keep drinking So how'd you get back and then he managed to find full reception He called the cousin of his wife as his neighbor of this and that to come tow him He arrived like about an hour and a half later. I got back to shore and the guy's like, oh, so what time we're going tomorrow I'm like screw you. I'm leaving. I'm never going to see you again going tomorrow What a fucking delusion And then we get I know you almost died and I left you in the ocean and I didn't have any gas And I told the coals card to go fuck off exactly I'm like I've never seen you ever again and we get to the car and my friend is like, oh I give him like $100 and chip. Is that enough? I'm like you did what? And yeah, so it was it was yeah, is that the scariest thing that's ever happened You in the water besides the tiger shark? Yeah, definitely For sure Was there anything else like that that really freaked me out that should freak you out five miles is a long way to swim Especially if you don't swim Distance all the time. Did you have any flotation device or anything? I have one buoy about that big and we were two I was more scared because it was about like 435 so the Sun was getting down really quickly You wouldn't be able to see what the shore is. No, not bad me with the lights. Yes But it's more I was more freaked about like Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck so I had moments and spear fishing that was a little bit freaky. I also had a blackout You know by last year so underwater. Yeah, that's the biggest danger of spear fishing is actually blacking out. It's not sharks It's not getting bitten by water. Yeah, so basically what happens is that you dive down and then When you come to the surface you stay too long your lungs on your way to the surface gonna expand back and Then your residual volume of air that you have left and your and your lungs becomes really really small So then the present just becomes too low and then you pass out what becomes too low the percentage percentage Oxygen and your lungs become too small and then you just pass out So basically your brains shuts down to make sure that a lack of oxygen is not creating any permanent damages Oh, what a shitty system Kind of smart Not in that time But then that's what happens with people is that when it come back up if your buddy is not watching you and that's why spearfishing Is a team sport if they're not watching you if you pass out in the water What if they pass out to you're gonna sink right down you're both doing at the same time Well, well the good system to dive is one person dives at the bottom. The person is watching the other one Okay, and it's one up one down one up one down and then you you watch each other's back Is that what happened with you? Yeah, I was actually very lucky The guy that was diving with me Lost his brother a few years before to a blackout. So he was actually looking at me Very very closely and I was I was beyond grateful to see space at the surface I knew it and it was going to black out. How'd you know you're gonna black out? Because it was I dove down and I was aiming at a fish. It was pretty deep I was at like 85 feet and I aim for a fish. She was in a pole spear, too Was in a gun and I missed it And I started choosing in the water and then I miss it again I was like god damn it and then I realized I was like well, I'm actually pretty deep and I've been there for quite a while So I start panicking a little bit So when you panic you let air even more which is completely stupid and then I start finning finning finning and then you have You start doing So I'm finning. Yes winning um Finning you when we have you wear fins. Mm-hmm. Oh kicking Kicking to the surface fast. Yeah, exactly and Then what happens first before you black out is you have a loss of motor control So I could start feeling I could feel like my body making like weird movements And I knew that was out of oxygen and then I knew that I would probably most probably going to pass out And then I came back I came back and then I saw that my friend was watching and it was like I really hope you Really watching hope you're really watching and he grabbed me and then he woke me up and it was how far were you from the surface? And you blacked out. I blacked out a surface. Oh at the surface Yes, which is why it's called a shallow water blackout because even if you're in deeper water it most of the time happens at the surface So when you got to the surface, what did he have to do to wake you up? You have to take the mask off You have to keep the head of the water and then you have to blow in the ice because you have a high concentration Of nerves you slap a little bit not too hard And Name and then you don't really wake up pretty pretty fast unless you inhale water What did you was it like you had a dream like if you get choked out like one of the things that happens when you Get choked out as you wake up. It's like you're dreaming like what? Whoa, I was at a disco How was riding my skateboard like it's weird I've never been choked out to the point of passing out I'd imagine some For me But yeah I missed out long in a few a few minutes and I just wasn't sure what's going on and then you just you just done for The day when it happens, but yeah, you have to be done, huh? It's yeah for the the risk of getting another one the same day is actually very high Wow So once you shut off you get shut off again Yeah, so you have to wait at least the following day to get back in the jump back in the next day. I Think I did it was the day after I really want to go back in the water as soon as possible Just to jump back on the horse. Yeah, so at night I was a little bit stressed out and my friend gave me some Kratum and it was fun. Oh That stuff That's I used to think that stuff that Kratum was I didn't think it was a drug. I thought it was a mild stimulant I heard that people take it for pain, but I thought that when they're taking it for pain that you they're not getting high They're just taking it and it alleviates pain like Advil or something like that And then I took I think I took eight of them eight or ten Which is a lot because I know Chris Bell takes like ten. Oh, but it's like it's a pill Yeah, okay. I took in powder mix with like yeah, this is just the powder and pill form and I was high as fuck Okay, now I know why people are nervous about this stuff I mean, do you ever do you get approached by sharks and the Bahamas? Yeah, and the Bahamas they're pretty much always there There's a guy who just got bit in Texas He got bit by a bull shark and now he has flesh-eating bacteria. That's destroying his leg Apparently this flesh-eating bacteria in the water. We don't need to Google that. It's pretty that's a bad day pretty disgusting. I Got pretty bad encounters with sharks. Yeah, what happened? My worst one was in Tampa actually something super easy was in 15 feet of water and That's actually the danger of spit fishing is when you start getting cocky And you say like our water shallow. It's fine. We don't have to watch each other Everybody's doing their own thing, which is really bad. Definitely never do this Yeah, I got my lesson break time and I was I shot a little fish So I clip it to the back of my gun and then this tiger shark come in and I'm like, ooh tiger shark They a little bit they can't be they're aggressive. Yeah, they're not the nicest one You want to you want to show up and then it was a junior juvenile one. It was still a good like seven feet long Seven yeah about seven feet long, but it was young and the youngs and read the one that you don't trust The big old sharks, you know, they're wiser. They know they check you out and things like that But the young ones that want a little bit crazy So they're gonna go more towards you and they're gonna go try to do like curious bites Which is moat what what happens most of the time which are bites is a curious bite and So the shark is in front of me and he's charging me what his mouth open. So with my gun, I'm poking it I'm poking like the eyes. I'm poking the gills. I'm poking the nose I'm trying to poke everything that's gonna hurt him as much as I can and not very strong especially in the water so I'm really trying to like bang this freaking gun as much as hard as I could in his face and He doesn't back down. He keeps like circling and he keeps coming in for me And at some point I'm like, okay like something I'm gonna have a shoot it hoping that that You know, I'm not gonna miss if I miss and it's the only thing between me and a shark And then you're poking it with the tip. Yeah, I'm just putting with a tip and then you roll his eyes back Oh, which is when they bite they ready. They're ready to bite and I'm like, oh shit I'm like, I'm dying and I'm like, okay. Well, whatever, you know, so I'm like I'm like, okay. I'm gonna try to aim and try to see if I can shoot it and then my friend arrived He's like, oh I heard you screaming. What's up. You have a fish. I'm like, uh, there's a tiger shy behind you buddy And he's like, oh crap. He was like a bite from Felix from Montreal. I was like a 17 year old At the time and you've never Rarely spearfish it was first time you're seeing a shark. I promised his parents. I would bring him back in one piece I'm like, I'm like, okay. I'm like don't panic. Everything is fine. How deep blue water like 15 feet of water He was so shallow So I'm like put you back against mine and then cover your half and if he comes too close to spoke it And the shark came in a couple of times and then because we were two he was like, yeah, whatever he just left He didn't like that that he was outnumbered And I'm like wow When I was along with the shark I was screaming in the water and I was like calling my friends for help and then nobody could hear me and Then we went back to the boat you scream under the water. How far away can people hear you? Not not too not not too far 10 feet 15 feet So it depends on the wave again and the winds and everything like that But nobody could definitely hear me then when I get get back on the boat my friend I see my friends swimming towards the boat and he screams tiger shark I'm like no shit dumbass. I've been like screaming for your help for the past half an hour I know you get to the boat and we left and the shryper like circling. It was like, oh That was really scary. But in that situation again, if I had shot the shark To to save myself. It's I would have got the worst publicity ever It's it's I just That's one thing I don't understand when did that happen where sharks became something that are protected in the public eye because Was it the governor of New York that? Killed that shark when he was fishing somewhat with a governor the mayor one of those guys was a was sport fishing caught a shark and Who was it the governor? Cuomo very common in the states shark fishing. Well, they're edible. I've had Mako shark in restaurants before But something happened something changed and I think it was when There was all this awareness about shark fin soup. Yeah, there it is. Andrew Cuomo He caught a hundred fifty four pound thresher shark and everybody freaked the fuck out It's when they realized that the Asians were catching millions a day to make sure to make Yeah, so it became instead of it being something that was just another fish Then it became something that's protected and people with a very shallow understanding of what a shark is We're freaking out about it. Yeah, exactly. It's the Asians we need for everybody else How dare you be careful today? Especially with crazy rich Asians number one in the box office